Sorting Out and Yuri's Book

Love in Disguise



I have a wonderful winter break. Minho-oppa met my family. Unnie kinda didn't like him. I don't know why. She went back abroad with Yuri-oppa since they are already together after New Year. Our class will start again, and I can't wait to see my friends. I haven't seen them over the holidays. On the first day of school, my parents left because they have business trips. In school I receive a lot of attention but in our house, I am lonely, but I got used to it.


"What did Unnie say when he met Minho-oppa?"Sully asked after I told them about it.


"Well, she never say anaything. But I can feel she doesn't like him. She even talk to Amber a lot when she met him."I told them and the two looked at each other then look at me. They looked surprised.


"She met Amber?"Luna aksed.


"Yeah. Her boyfriend is Amber's brother."I answered. Their jaw drop open. I think they can't believe on what they just have heard.


"What's up ladies, long time no see."Key in. He is with Onew. Our attention was turned to him.


"Hey guys."I greet them both.


"Have you seen Amber?"Onew asked.


"There."Sully pointed Amber that is entering our classroom's door.




When I arrive at our classroom, I saw that all of my friends looking at me. I don't know why, and I greet them. We talk to each other on how we spent our holidays. I didn't got a chance to read the book that Hyung gave me. I went to the school garden after our morning class since Nuna said that she will eat lunch with her friends. Key and Onew decided to come with me. They want to eat their lunch there. and I just bought a bread that will serve as my lunch. I didn't like to eat in the cafeteria though because of the girls that always bother me, they are taking pictures while I'm eating.


"Amber, have you heard anything from Yoona?"Key asked me while munching his food.


"Just recently, we contacted each other last christmas and New Year."I answered.


"Bro, do you love Yoona more than you love Krystal?"Onew asked me. I look at him.


"I love them both. But I know there is a difference between the two."I answered.


"I knew it, you love Yoona more than Krystal!"Key exclaimed.


"Shut up, Key."Onew scold him. "Does your love for Yoona the same from Vic-nuna?"Onew asked.


I think for a while. Then I realize that it is the same. "Yes!" I answered. Key looked disappointed with my answer but Onew looked happy.


"Well that feeling you've got from her my friend is a sisterly love."Onew said. "How about Krystal? Is it the same love you feel to Vic-nuna or Sully and Luna?"he added.


"I've got the same love for Sully and Luna, but different from Yoona and Vic-nuna. My love for Krystal is different from them all."I explained.


"Oh ! Your inlove with Krystal?!"Key said and looked so surprised.


"Dude, that's why he got this Krystal's Love Heart Disease, right?" Onew said then grinned. "Amber Joseph Liu, I now conclude that you love Krystal Jung not a friend but as a man who is loving a woman."


"But the problem is, Krystal is inlove with Minho."Key said.


"Well, I think true love is unconditonal and is not asking for any return, right Amber?"Onew said.


"Onew, you really have a deep knowledge about this subject."I said to him,admiring his philosophy.


Because of what Onew had said, I finally realize my feelings for Krystal. So the feeling I have for her is what they all called eros kind of love. I get the book Hyung give me to read it. It really supports Onew's conclusion since what the guy who claimed to be inlove to the girl in the story felt the same way I do. Everytime they hold their hands, they hug and even when they kissed. Then I reach the pages Yuri pointed out.


"Bro, what are you reading? Your face is tomato red."Key asked.


"No...No..Nothing."I stuttered. They look at me with suspicion and stole the book from my hand.


The two focused on reading that pages. I think they even memorized it. My mind is imagining that the character in the story is me and Krystal and I feel that my body feels weird. Especially on the lower part. Next thing I knew, I've got a nose bleed.



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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
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