Letting Out

Love in Disguise



My classmates were all excited because we are going to a field trip with the seniors. Well, I'm excited too because I am going with Vic-nuna. But I think she will spend most of the time with Nickhun. My friends are all planning on what they will bring and what they would do when we get to the place.


"I am going to hang-out with Hyuna-nuna!"Key exclaimed.


"Hyuna-nuna doesn't know you so dent get your hopes up high."Onew said to him then chuckled. Luna elbowed him.


"That is not a problem, I'll introduce myself to her."Key answered with a wide grin on his face.


In the middle of our conversation. I notice that Krystal is looking worried. I don't know why but I think she is thinking over something. Our eyes meet, I smiled at her and she smile faintly. I wonder what's wrong.


"Amber, let's hang out together at that trip."Yoona said to me.


"Okay."I answered. "What about you, Krystal?" I asked him.


"We will hang-out together."Sully answered for her. Then she just nod.


My friends are looking at each other. I felt that they are hiding something they know that I didn't. Even Yoona knows what it is so I feel left out. Before I can ask, Krystal excuse herself.


"What's wrong with her?"I asked.


"Ah she just remember that there is something she needed to do."Luna answered with a smile but I know it is a lie.




Thinking about the trip with the seniors made me worry. It is not because I will be able to see Minho-oppa but because I am thinking that he might say something to Amber that will make him remember what I have done to him. Before that could happen, I decided to meet him to talk about it. I felt awkwardness between us, it's been a long time since we last see each other. He is looking still the same. Nothing change.


"What do you want to talk about, Krys?"he asked.


"I just want to ask you not to tell Amber anything about what happened before."I told him. He raised his brows.


"Okay."he answered.


"Really?"I answered enthusiastically.


"Yes. If only.."he cut off.


"Only what?"I asked with my brows furrowed. I don't like this conversation is going.


"You will date me again."he said with a smile.


"No."I asnswered.


"It's your choice Krys, you date me and Amber wouldn't find out, or I will tell him if I will meet him."he said.


I feel upset, I hate myself for not realizing before that Minho is totally a jerk. My eyes become teary, I wanted to slap him but I felt scared what will happen if I am going to do that to him. There are many what if's going on in my head. I look at him and he is waiting for my answer. Before I could speak, I felt an arm cross in fround of me. I smell the scent of Amber and he is now back hugging me.


"What did you said to her that made her upset?"he asked to Minho in a flat tone.


"Nothing."Minho answered with a smirk on his face. "It's your choice Krys."he said to me.




The guy standing before Krystal is ticking me off. I don't know why but I've got this feeling that I want to punch his face. I let go of Krystal, she looked so sad as well as worried. Now, I'm pissed off. I look at Minho. I grab his collar.


"What did you say to her?"I asked him with a stern voice.


"Amber, don't."Krystal said while pulling off my hand to Minho. I looked at her then she looked down.


"What's wrong Krys, why you wouldn't tell me?"I ask her.


"It's none of your business, Amber."she answered.


I looked at Minho, everytime I see his face I can feel my blood is boiling. I let go of him. I really wanted to let them be but there is something that making me to stay with them because I felt that if I left, there's something wrong will happen.


"I know all of you is hiding something from me. I don't know what it is but I feel that it is about between us."I said to her. I can see that her eyes widened. "I guess I will ask Vic-nuna about it, besides she is the only one who will tell me the truth if I ask her. She will tell me everything even if the truth will just hurt me."


After I said it, Krystal's tears began to fall. So what I feel is right. They are really hiding something. I looked at Minho and he is looking annoyed. I grab Krystal's hand and walk away from him, but he stop us. He also grab other Krystal's hand. It looks like we are fighting over her. Because of my annoyance to him I let go Krystal's hand and walk near him and punch his face. He fell on the ground, I don't know why but I feel relieved and happy. Then I drag Krystal away.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
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