
Love in Disguise



In front of other students, I embrace Krystal Jung. She just stood still. I can feel her warm body against mine. I pull back my head a little to kiss here on her cheek but out of the blue she turn to face me and my lips landed on her's. My eyes are widened just like her too. I feel something strange in my stomach, it feels like there are bugs or insects crawling inside . I don't understand why do I feel like this.




I was in a complete shock when I feel Amber's lips against mine. My heart is racing. His body feels more warmer. When I snapped back into my senses, I pushed him away. I don't know what just happen and how it happened. I covered my lips with the back of my right palm. I noticed that all the other students around us were looking at us and surprised too. I didn't like the situation I'm in right now and most of all, I didn't like what I am feeling inside.


"Stay away from me!" I said to him and run away without looking back. I didn't know why I said that.


He didn't come into our class. Rumors around us starts to circulate in the whole campus. There are different stories spreading around. I explained to Minho-oppa everything, he was upset first and told me not to get closer to Amber anymore. Luna and Sully seems happy about I and Amber's kiss incident, I think these two likes Amber for me. I stay away from Amber and he did stay away from me too. He keeps on skipping classes. Sometimes I saw him hanging with Key and Onew, and with Yoona too.




It's been a month since there is a rumor about Krystal and Amber. There are even students calls Amber as a cheater and told me to break up with him. I really find it hilarious though. I notice that Krystal and Amber are avoiding each other. I sometimes saw Amber spacing out. I see him putting his hand over his chest like feeling his heartbeat.


"It's been a month now, I think you should make up with Krystal." I said to him when we are eating our dinner.


"She said to me to stay away from her, so I am just following what she wanted."he answered.


"Amber, do you like Krystal?"I asked him


"Yes."he answered. I was surprised but then suddenly I realized that  what the "like" I mean is different from the "like"  he understand.


"You should make up withe her, do it!"I said to him.


He looked at me, maybe he saw that I am serious of what I've said so he nodded. He is a perfect and very innocent little brother. Sometimes, I find his innocence somewhat annoying.




One morning, I decided to go to our school garden to get some fresh air. When I reached there, I notice someone is lying on one of the bench. I take a closer look to know who he is, then I recognize, it was Amber. I came closer to him, he woke up and got up.


"Sorry, did I wake you up?" I said to him. I think he is expecting someone because he kinda look disappointed when he saw that it was just me.


"Yeah, but it's okay."he answered then he lie down again and close his eyes.


"You always come here?"I asked.


"Yeah, I didn't like to attend classes so I stay here."he answered.


"Ah yeah, I heard that from others that you are always skipping classes." I said to him and sat on the next bench.


"Are you skipping your class now?" he asked.


"Ah no, I just came here to get a fresh air."I answered.


He keep quiet, I think he already fall asleep. I want to take a closer looked on his face. I want to see that handsome face again, without that thick glasses that he used to hide it. The day when I first met him is the most unforgettable moment of my life. Too bad he didn't remember that day anymore.


"Yoona, please keep my secret."he suddenly said to me. "I don't want people to surround me again."


I was surprised when he said that. I think he did remember our first meeting. It makes me feel really happy.


"Okay, I will." I answered with assurance then I  saw that he smile.


"Thanks."he answered.


'AMBER JOSEPH LIU, my hero and my first love. I hope my love will reach your heart someday'. I looked up the sky, and it is the most beautiful view I've ever seen. I feel light today.







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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
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