Return of the Past Love

Love in Disguise



I notice that Amber is cheerfull today. He is more cheerfull than usual. I think he is really happy that Krystal finally said to him that she is falling inlove with him again. I overheard their conversation last night. The three girls went to the town while Onew and Key decided to go surfing. Me and Amber went to go fishing. I taugh him how to properly used the rod and he easily got it.


"Nuna, can I catch a clown fish, here?"he asked.


"Yes, but it is easier to catch under the sea using a net."I answered.


"Do you have a small net and gogle, Nuna?"


"Yeah, why? You want to catch one?"


"Yeah."he answered then flash his dorky smile.


"Is it for Krystal?"I asked.


"No, it's for Sully. She ask me to catch one for her."he replied.


"Okay." I answered and get the net and the gogles for him.


 I think he is in a very good mood to do everything today.Maybe even if you asked him to catch a shark for you he will do it. I give him the net and the gogles and then went to dive on the water. I watch over him, waiting for him to surface out the water.




I went to the town with Luna and Sully. They bought everything that they wanted. We transfered from one store to the other. I got tired of following them so I decided to wait for them in one place and they agreed. I sit on the bench beside the street. I start to think if what did Amber is doing right now. I hope Tae-unnie is not seducing him. I wonder if he is thinking about me too this time.




I heard a very familar voice calling me. I hesitated to turn to face that person. I was praying that I am wrong. I took a deep breath and gather up all of my courage.


"Oh, Minho-oppa."I said to him as I turn to face him with a smile. A fake smile rather. He looked so surprise.


"Wow, I didn't expect to meet you here."he said.


"Me too."I answered.


He then stared at me and looked deeply into my eyes. I can feel my heart softened upon seeing his eyes. I then looked away.


"So, what's bring you here and how are you?"he asked.


"I'm fine, I am with Luna and Sully, we are having a vacation in one of our friend's beach house."I answered.


"Well, I'm happy to see you again Krys, and I'm sorry about the last time."he said to me. I looked at him and he looked sincere in apologizing.


"It's okay Oppa, let's just forget about it."I said to him.


"Krystal, I still love you. I really regret it on what I did to you. Please, will you give me another chance?"he said.


My eyes widened on what he said. I've got confused of my emotions. I force my mind to think about Amber but I can't. Then I realized that I was longing for this person right in fron of me for a long time.


"Minho-oppa?" I heard Luna's voice. We both turn to them. They looked surprised.


"Hi girls."He greet them with a smile.


"Wow, what a coincidence. You are also here."Sully said then looked at me.


"Yeah, me and my friends is having a vacation here too so our meeting is not impossible though."he answered.


"Oh, Krys, we need to go now."Sully said.


"O--Okay." I replied then stand up. Minho-oppa then grab my hand before I can leave.


"I will wait for your answer and I hope you can comt to my birthday."he said with a smile.


I left him without giving any word. Luna and Sully is just silent. They never utter a word. It is already sunset when we got to the house. Amber is already there with Tae-unni, Key and Onew.


"Lun, Sull."I called the two. They then turn to me. "Please don't tell him that we met Minho-oppa today."I said to them. Their brows furrowed but they nodded.


Sully was so happy when Amber give her a two clown fish in a fish bowl. Amber is so cheerfull right now, I don't want to make him sad or hurt him. Tonight, we both stayed at the terrace. looking on the beautiful view of the beach. I rested my head on his shoulder. I can't get rid the thought of what Minho-oppa had said to me. I close my eyes trying to relax on Amber's shoulder. I didn't realize that I fall asleep and then dream about Minho-oppa.





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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
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