
Love in Disguise



At first, I think Yoona is just denying that she didn't have a boyfriend. I lean closed to her to closely looked into her eyes. From the corner of my eye, I notice that Krystal is looking away. So I leaned back then Yoona then falsh her big smile at me.


"You're lying Yoon."I said to her again then she just giggle.


"Oh Amber, you're making me sad."she said jokingly. She acted like a child whining. I just smile at her, I really find her cute.


We  give Yoona a welcome party after the class. We went into a karaoke bar to sing our heart out load. All of us went, except Vic-unnie since she is now busy studying for her exams. We had a  very long chat,catching up each other's life. Key really love singing because most of the time, he is the one who is holding the mike. The girls all got a good voice, Luna have a powerful voice. I think Onew have fallen inlove with her more.


"Amber, do you like someone today?"Yoona suddenly asked me.


"What do you mean by that like? Like as in romantically like?"I asked her.


"Yeah."she answered with a smile.


"None."I answered quickly.


I look at the others and find Krystal in one side and just quiet. She glance at me when she notice that I am looking at her. When Yoona was busy talking to others I transfer to sit beside Krystal.




I did not expect for Amber to sit beside me. I saw him earlier enjoying while talking to Yoona. I wonder if he is thinking that I got bored because I am not.


"You look scary when you don't smile."he said to me then flash his dorky smile.


I turn to face him. It is been a while since the last time I saw him this close. Our face is just one ruler away from each other. My heart is beating faster, then I look away before I lose control of myself.


"Key, Krystal said she wants to sing too."he suddenly said. I glared at him then he just shrug his shoulder and smile at me.


"Okay, let's have a round of applause for Krystal Jung."Key then said. All of them then clap their hands.


"Oh no. Amber is the one who just said that."I told them.


"Well, let's sing together. Let's have a duet."he said to me then hold my hand to help me stand up.


I glance at Yoona then I see her smiling and then I looked at Amber. I let out a big sigh. "Okay."


We sing together, I enjoyed singing with him. We sometimes look at each other while singing. I look him deeply in his eyes. It feels like we are just the only person in  the room.


"You look more beautiful when you smile so don't frown."he said to me after we sing the song.


"Stupid."I told him then giggled.


"It's my turn with Amber."Yoona said then grab Amber closer to her. I went back to my seat.


"What song should we sing?" Amber asked.


"It's a duet love song and let's share the same mike."Yoona answered.


"Okay."Amber said the flashed his dorky smile.


I put his hand around Yoona shoulders while they sing and I see that he is having more fun singing with her than singing with me. Maybe only Yoona can give him happiness, the feeling that I failed to give to him even before.




I am having so much fun with Amber. He didn't change since the last time I saw him. I notice that Krystal is kinda distant to him. Maybe becuase I am around. I already knew that Amber forget about all the things between them. I felt sad for that but also thankful, because I know that he also forget the pain that Krystal inflicted to him. I observe that Krystal love him, I can see it from the way she look at him. It is different than before. But I already decided not to let her win his heart again and just break it. I already made up my mind to keep Amber from fallinf inlove again to her once more.


"Do you have fun tonight?"Amber asked me from the time we go out from the karaoke bar.


"Super."I answered with a smile.


"Great."he said.


"Amber, let's have a date."I said to him. He look at me. "You should be my boyfriend right now so you should agree."I  pout.


"Okay, let's go on a date this weekend."he answered. 


I then hug him because of happiness. I know Krystal is looking at us


."I don't know why your doing this."he added.


"It's because I love you."I answered. He just giggled.

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