Girl Bestfriend

Love in Disguise



Our sportfest week had passed, but I can't still forgot what Yoona had told me in the infirmary. She is right, I have already Minho-oppa. I decided to completely forgot what I feel for Amber and start to develop my feelings deeper for my boyfriend. Everyday, I stop myself from thinking of him and learn to treat him just like a friend, not special but just casual friend.


"Krys, what happen between you and Amber?"Luna asked as we were eating lunch in the cafeteria.


"Nothing, why?"I answered.


"Well, we notice that there's something change."Sully said.


"It is just your imagination.Nothing change between us."I answered then chuckled. " We are still friends,right? Just like before and we will always be." I added with flat tone then force myself to smile. The two just look at each other, then shrugged their shoulders.


Time passed and my love for Minho-oppa grows deeper. I only see Amber now only as my friend. I didn't get jealous everytime I see him with Yoona. The two have gotten very close to each other and I will be happy if they end up together.




I always look at Krystal from afar. I can see her so happy everytime when she's with Minho. Even if we are friends, I feel that there is something missing between us, something there before that wasn't here anymore. Yoona and I become a lot more closer, she is so nice to me. I treat her like Vic-nuna.


"It almost winter break, where do you guys plan to spend your holidays?" Onew asked when we are playing at the arcade station.


"We will go visit my mother's mom."Key answered then they looked at me.


"I'll spend it with Vic-nuna and with my Hyung."I answered.


"You have a brother?!"They asked in unison, they both looked surprised.


"Yeah. But not biologically."I answered.


"Vic-nuna's biological brother then?"Key asked.


"No. He is also adopted, just like me."I answered.




I think Krystal take heed of what I have said to her. She somewhat change towards Amber. I always see her spending more time with her boyfriend. Our winter break is fast approaching, then my parents had said something to me which makes me feel very sad.


"What?! Your family is going to migrate abroad?!" Onew and Key said in unison when I told them in the cafeteria. Amber looked surprised too when he heard it.


"When will you leave?" Amber asked me. I sense sadness in his voice.


"Before our winter break."I answered.


"Why is it so sudden?"Vic-unnie asked.


"Because of my father's business."


"Too bad, if you will be going, Amber will be sad."Key said then Onew elbowed him. "Yah!"he faced Onew looking annoyed. We all giggled.




I feel sad when I heard that Yoona is leaving. She is my closest girl friend. I walked her into their classroom after Vic-nuna. We haven't talk when we headed there. When we finally reach the front of their classroom door, she then turn to face me. She smiled at me but her eyes looked sad.


"Am, can you see me off at the airport when I leave?"she asked me.


"Okay." I answered.


"Don't be sad. Your making me sad too."she said like teasing me.


"That's what I feel right now, there is nothing I can do about it." I answered. She giggled.


"You really don't deny your feelings, huh?"she said. Her smile then slowly disappear, she looked into my eyes deeply. "I will miss you!"she said softly. Her eyes become teary.


My chest feels heavy. I pulled her closer to me to hug her. Everyone was looking at us. I don't want my friend to be away from me. My girl bestfriend who is always good to me. Yeah, I am a possessive type of person but I know how and when to let go.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
Chapter 76: Its daebak!!!!
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