Be My Friend

Love in Disguise



I hesitated to turn because I don't want to be disappointed to see that the one who called me is different from the person who is in my mind. Then I heard footsteps coming closer to me. My heart start to beat faster.


"Krystal?"he asked again like he is doubting if he is calling the right person.


I turn to face him. "Mi--Minho-oppa!" I stuttered. My ultimate crush is standing right in front of me. His smile really melts me.


"I haven't seen you around lately, how are you?" he asked.


"I'm super fine!" I answered immidiately. I feel like I am a complete idiot, earlier I was pissed off and now I think I'm floating on the cloads.


"Good, anyway we have a basketball game this Saturday, I will be happy to see you at that time cheering for us."he said then wink at me and show me his smile again.


"I'll be there for sure!" I answered without a second thought.


"Cool. So see you this Saturday then." he said then left. I was waving at him goodbye until I can no longer see him. The next thing I know, the dork is looking at me, and I notice he smirk as he looked away.




That girl is looking idiot as she was talking with the other person. She's really a strange one. I think only Vic-nuna is the normal girl in our school. After lunch break, I went to the rooftop to take a nap in the garden. I found a better place where nobody can easily spot me. I leaned my back against the wall while sitting on the floor. The shade of the wall make the place cooler. I close my eyes and took a nap. I was awaken when someone just flick me at my forehead.


"Ouch!" I groaned in pain. I lift up my head to see who it was.


"Class is starting, you should go to our classroom now, dork."she said.


"Will you stop bugging me."I answered. Then I remember what nuna said to me. "Please, just leave me alone." I said in a gentler voice. I didn't hear her say anything. She was just standing there looking at me,well I think she is surprised.


"Yo--You said,PLEASE?"she said.


"Vic-nuna said to me to treat you well, so I did."I explained. "So can you please go away now? I am trying to take a rest here."




This guy is really pissing me off. But wait, did he just say Vic-nuna? Nobody addresses his girlfriend like an older sister. So it means, they are not dating! I know Vic-unnie wouldn't go out with someone like him. But I think this stupid like her.


"Do you like Vic-unnie?" I asked him.


"Ofcourse, isn't it obvious?"he answered, he is closing his eyes again. This guy is so honest.


"Dork, will you be my friend?" I said to him, he now open his eyes and stared at me, then look away. Maybe I sounded like I am asking him to be my boyfriend. He keeps quiet for a while, it seems like he is thinking. This guy is really unbelievable. If he will say no, I will really kick him and push him off this building.


"I don't know your name."he mumbled.


Again I was stupefied by what he just said. He still doesn't know my name until now!Almost all the students here are always talking about me everyday! Maybe my popularity rate isn't true at all. It was all just a scum. Me being a Campus Princess doesn't feel that I am one around this guy. I felt that I am just an annoying ordinary girl.


"What is your name?"he asked with shyness in his voice.


I'm thankful that he is closing his eyes when he said that. I didn't know why I feel happy when he ask me what is my name. It draws a smile on my face.


"I'm Krystal, Krystal Jung. Remeber that and don't ever forget, got it?"


"Okay."he answered, then for the first time, I saw his dorky smile.


I felt my heart skip a beat again. Strange!



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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
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