Basketball Drama

Love in Disguise



Most of Minho's team are varsity players and slightly taller than us. In terms of height, they have the advantage. Our class choose me to be their captain since I am the tallest among them. Minho and I came face to face to do the jump ball to start our game. He has a smirk on his face. I think he will really won't go easy on us.


"So, A.J Song is really Amber Joseph Liu."he said.


"Well, A.J Song is my adopted name."I answer to him with a smile.


The referee toss the ball up high. Minho and I jump as high as we can to reach the ball and tap it going to any of our teammates direction. He is the one who get hold of the ball and tap it going to one of his teammate. The crowd get's wild as the game has started. We run in each side of the court, dribbling, passing, stealing and shooting the ball. Minho's team is really tough. They are 10 points ahead of us in the first quarter. Well, they get ahead of us because some of his teammates elbowed us everytime the referee's view is blocked. Even he do it too.




Minho-oppa didn't go easy on Amber's team. I think my boyfriend is really a very competitive person. Luna,Sully, Yoona and Vic-unnie is cheering for our class team while I am cheering alone on Minho-oppa's team. They even isolated me because I am cheering on the opponents team.


"Unnie, does Amber always play basketball? He's stamina is very high. He isn't panting yet unlike the others."Sully asked to Vic-unnie.


"Well,he always play basketball with my dad before. He really love that game."Vic-unnie answered.


My attention was turned to Luna when she elbowed me. "Another personal information about Amber."she whispered to me then chuckled.


"You are talking to the wrong person. You should tell it to the right one" I said to her as I rolled my eyes. I was referring to Yoona.


"I hope Amber's team win."I heard Yoona mumbled as she clasp his hands together. She really do love him.




I keep looking on the score board,our opponent is already 14 points ahead of us. Our game plan seems isn't working. I think for another way to counter their defense and offense and I told my plan to my teammates. Our coach likes my idea so he agreed to me. The second quarter started, and the game once again start to heat up. I signal my team to do our plan. I passed the ball to Onew, when I saw that he is open and he shoot for three points and the ball goes inside the basket. The crowd cheers, we need 11 points more.


"You come up with a better plan, Amber."Minho said to me with a smile while he is dribbling the ball and I was guarding him.


"Well, we aim to win so we need to have a better game strategy."I replied. As when Minho transfered the ball into his other hand, I steal it and I get the ball.


"!" he exclaimed as he run after me.


He was running so fast but I stop outside the line to shoot for three points. I jump up and shoot the ball, before I released the ball Minho come crushing towards me. I fall down and the referee blow his whistle to call for foul but I managed to shoot the ball. The crowd cheered and I can hear Luna's voice clearly cheering my name. I've got one free throw.


"Good job, Am!"Key said to me as he tap me on my shoulder. Onew help me to stand up then tap my head.


I took a deep breath before I shoot the ball, and another point was added into our score. Now, our opponent got only 9 points ahead of us. We continue our game plan until Minho's team is only one point ahead of us. I looked at Krystal, she looks worried about Minho. She is holding her hands together looking at him. I think she's praying for their team to win and it makes me feel kinda sad.




I pray for Minho-oppa's team to win. I admire Amber, Key and Onew on how good they play basketball. My boyfriend will lose confidence to himself if they will be defeated by a non varsity players. I feel worried about him if that will happen. The third quarter ended, and Amber's team is 2 points ahead of Minho-oppa's team. I think Minho-oppa is losing his temper now.


"Wow, I didn't expect this, but I think our class can really win this game."Luna said with a big smile on her face.


"Ofcourse, we have the best basketball players in our class."Sulli said.


"I think, Minho's team is having a hard time now."Vic-unnie said.


"Amber, Key and Onew should really join the basketball varsity team." Yoona said.


Minho-oppa looked disappointed and disheartened about their score. I poked Luna and Sulli and they turned to me. "Help me cheer Minho-oppa." I whispered to them.


Before they refused, I glared at them and they just nodded. The last quarter began, by the time Minho-oppa was the one holding the ball, from the top of my lungs I cheered for him, Luna and Sully cheered to but not as loud as me. My voiced overlap the other girls voice. I think my boyfriend heard me because he turned into my direction and he smiled. Amber turned to looked at me too.




I got distracted frrom the moment Krystal cheered Minho's name loudly. By that, I realize that I was right, she really did wanted for his boyfriend to win the game. Minho pass through me and he go for lay up. Our coach called for a time out. Our scores are tie. I didn't listen to what he is saying. We got back to the game and each team give there best. Only 30 seconds remaining, Minho is holding the ball, then he pass through me again and shoot. Now they are two points ahead of us and only 20 seconds remain. Key was dribbling the ball, our opponent's team defense is tight. Key pass the ball to Onew, he tried to take a three point shot but someone block him. He pass the ball to me when he saw I was open. Minho then guard me. From the corner of my eye, I can see Krystal looking worriedly of his boyfriend.


"I won't let you shoot that ball, Amber."Minho said. I just smiled at him.


I dribble the ball and I pass through him. The crowd goes more wild. I stood to shoot for three point. I can see that my teammates where smiling, but their smile vanish when I only shoot the ball when the buzzer sounded. It goes in the basket but it didn't count anymore.


"Sorry guys, I miscalculated the time." I apologize to them while rubbing the back of my head with my hand while smiling at them.


"Nah, it's okay. We just do our best to get the second place."Onew said and everyone agreed.


I looked at Krystal and I see that she looked relieved. I felt happy when I saw her not worried anymore. Minho's team were so happy that they won. We congratulate them and shake their hands to show sportmanship.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
Chapter 76: Its daebak!!!!
Chapter 75: Like father like son hahaha
Chapter 74: Shocking!! Hhaha
Chapter 73: Congratulations. You are the father!!
Chapter 71: Their first time is pretty gentle... That our ambro!! Nice one!
Chapter 70: My fiance...
Chapter 69: Awww still sweet...
Chapter 68: Yulber to the rescue
Chapter 67: Oh no pls tell me everything's fine!!