Meeting The Murderer

Love in Disguise



I wonder why Amber is looking nervously at his phone that in fact it is just only Krystal who is calling him. I grab his phone and answer Krystal's call myself. I heard Krystal's voice on the next line.


"Your boyfriend is acting stupid here."I said to her.


"Can you give him the phone,Unnie?"she answered. I felt that there is something wrong in her voice.


"Okay, wait."I said to her then handed Amber back his phone.


When Amber put his phone on his ear I can see that his eyes widened. His hands was shaking.Then his eyes shifted into an intense look. I see his eyes like that before. It is the time when we are attack by a wild bear in the forest. He has that look in his eyes he is ready to kill someone or something. I tap his back lightly and it seems he calm down a little bit.


"What do you want?"he said over the phone. "I understand...just don't hurt her."he said then he put down his phone.


"Who was that?"Yuri ask.


"I don't know, but I'm sure he is one of those who are after me."he answered. "And they got,Krystal."he added.




I need to keep my head cool so that I can save Krystal. My priority now is her safety. The person who got her told me to go to an old warehouse alone. I planned everything that I am going to do. Vic-nuna said that she would like to come too but I don't want to endanger her too. Even I declined Hyung's offer ro help. he still insisted. He hide from my shadow as I went to the warehouse. It is near at the old seaport where the area is isolated. There are two men who lead me inside the warehouse. They both tied my hand. Then, I saw Krystal with this one man. Krystal is blindfolded and they tied her on a chair. I know that she is really scared by looking at her.


"Let her go!"I said to them in a stern voice. I struggle to loosen the tie on my hands.


"Amber, why did you come here? I told you not to. They will kill you!"she said to me.


"Don't worry, I won't die in their hands."I answered to her.


"Don't be so cocky, boy!" the man that standing behind Krystal said. "I may failed to kill you twice but I won't fail now."he said as he walk closer to me and smirk.


When I saw the man's face, all that happened on 13 years ago keep flashing back into my memories. I all remember the faces of those who murder my family. I felt so angry by looking at his face. He is the person who pointed the gun at me and killed me.


"Oh, what kind of look is that,boy? Do you remember me now?"he said then chuckled. "Those eyes is different from that little boy's eyes that I shot on his head."he added then laugh.


"Let her go!"I raised my voice. The two man then hold me as I tried to go near him.




I don't understand what is happening. All I know that Amber is endanger. When I heared their conversation, I felt that I know nothing about him. All I know is that he is the adopted brother of Victoria Song, nothing more nothing less. It didn't hit in my mind to ask him about his real family. When I heard Amber again, I know he is angry now. I felt scared for him, I don't want them to hurt him. Then I heard that there is something fell from above. I heard a clunk of a metal. Then I smell the smell of a gas.


"What is this?"a man's voice said and kinda in panic. Then I heard them coughing, and I started to cough too.


"Who turned off the lights?"One man said sounding annoyed.


"Don't make a sound."I heard Yuri-oppa's voice whispered to my ear and put a mask on me. Then he untie me.


"Oppa, what about Amber?"I asked him.


"Don't worry, he can handle them."Yuri-oppa said with confidence.


He drag me away until we got out the wearhouse. I can see there are man lying on the ground and I don't know if they are still alive or not. I kinda feel worried about Amber. I know he is a good fighter but the situation now is more different. His life is on the line now.


"Oppa, did you kill them?" I asked him.


"No, we are not allowed to kill someone without enough reason."he answered with a smile on his face.



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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
Chapter 76: Its daebak!!!!
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Chapter 74: Shocking!! Hhaha
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