Valentine Special: Second Hint

An Unknown Life...

Anabell's Valentine Moment

Anabell arrived at her 4th period. When she arrived she notice that no one was there.

"Hey Anabell." Her teacher said as he looked up.

Anabell made a curious look and right in front of her, that was when she spotted her Geography teacher.

"Hi." Anabell said shyly.

The teacher then looked through his desk and then that was when he took out something for Anabell.

"Someone wanted me to give this to you." The teacher said as he tooked out a stuff penguin.

Anabell made a surprise look at what she saw in front of her. She got the penguin and she started to smile and hug it tightly. When she hugged it, she spotted another note from her "secret admirer".

What do you think of your favorite animal?... :), I'm glad you like it.

Third Hint:
     Head to the gym and open your locker. You will see something surprising.

Anabell made a confuse look as she saw what she was reading. She then shrugged and just walked to the girls' locker room.

Cindy's Valentine Moment

Cindy arrived at the dance studio and she notice how quiet it was. Cindy looked around but, there was nothing noticable. She keep on looking around until that was when she spotted something that caught her eye.

Cindy walked up to it and then that was when she started to smile. Right in front of her was a stereo but, on top of it was a orange rose along with a note.

Cindy was amazed by the color and then she spotted the note. She made a curious look and she started to read the note:

I was trying to be romantic so I got you a rose. The color is pretty and it reminds me of you. Hope you like it!

Third Hint:
     Head to the gym and open your locker. You will see something surprising there waiting for you.

Cindy sighed and she didn't really want to walk to the gym, but...she have to. Since she want to know who this person is. Cindy left the dance studio and then she just head for the gym.

Lucero's Valentine Moment

Lucero arrived at the orchestra room, she looked around but there was nothing. Not until, she spotted a note on the wall.

If you're wondering what it's right near your instrument. :)

Lucero didn't know what it meant, but...she just shrugged and just went to find her instrument. When she was there...she made a surprise look.

"Aww~! It's a panda!" Lucero said happily.

Lucero hugged the panda tightly and then...that was when she spotted a note. Lucero looked at the note with a curious look but, then she started reading:

What do you think of the panda? I hope you like it. reminds me of you.

Third Hint:
      Head to the gym and open your locker. Something surprising will be waiting for you.

Once Lucero finish reading the note she then started to smile really big.

"Ah! I can't wait to see what it is." Lucero said as she walked to the gym.

Gaby's Valentine Moment

Gaby walked out of the front office and she made a curious look. She looked everywhere for directions but there was nothing...Gaby made a confused look until she finally spotted one right in front of her face.

"Oh..." Gaby said.

Gaby spotted the arrow heading straight, so she followed it. It keeps on heading straight until it has stopped at the tables outside of the cafeteria. Gaby looked around and wonder what's going on. From the center of the table, Gaby thought she saw something.

She made a curious look and then she walked up to the center of the table. At the center of the table, that was when she spotted the perfect red rose.

Gaby made a surprise look and she started to gaze at the rose. She spotted another note on the table and she started to give out a curious look. She picked up the note and then she started to read:

What do you think of the rose? You're almost done!

Third Hint:
      Head to the gym and open your locker. You will then see something surprising waiting for you.

"Wow...and the gym is right in front of me." Gaby said as she looked up.

She then started to smile and just walked to the girls' locker room.

Krista's Valentine Moment

Krista arrived at the choir room and it was quiet. Krista was looking around and when she was at the center of the room, once she looked at the chair in front of her, she made a surprise look.

Krista couldn't stop smiling at the small tiger just sitting there. She started to smile and started to hug it tightly. She looked at the chair and spotted a note. Krista grabbed the note and then she started reading:

The tiger actually reminds me of you. You can be stubborn sometimes but, you're actually cute. :)

Third Hint:
      Head to the gym and open your locker. You will see something surprising waiting for you.

Krista made a curious look wondering what is in her pe locker. She then shrugged and just headed to the girls' locker room...

Veronica's Valentine Moment

Veronica arrived at her 5th period class and no one was in the room, which gave Veronica a curious look. Veronica was looking around until she spotted something sitting at her desk. She walked over to the desk and she made a surprise look...but, slowly she started to smile.

Veronica picked up the rose and she started to smile. At her desk, there was note. Veronica picked up the note and then started reading:

Since yellow is such a happy color, it reminds me of you. I hope you like the rose. :)

Third Hint:
      Head to the gym and open your locker. Something surprising is waiting for you there.

"Hm....ok!" Veronica said happily as she headed over to the gym...

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Minwoo and I share the same birthday!!!!
stephanie_17 #2
Chapter 74: Veronica anf kwangngmib
Omg Lucero's birthday is my birthday too!
I hope you'll make a sequel kekekeke :P
me too
Haha, I can see that :P
i know right...... i get it from my friends
#8 much randomness
tvxq:do you know what time it is??
fangirls:YUNHO T-
me:OH YEAH OH YEAH (mblaq *squeal*)
Then, mblaq arrives.........
'tvxq and the fangirls leave slowly (they were mad creeped out and scared of me)'
'tvxq and the fan girls start to run'
mblaq: STOP!!!! *breath* you *breath* are *breath* suffocating *breath* us!!!!!! *choking and coughing*
me still fangirling them and couldn't hear anything.

P.S. the point is that to make a sequel!!!

P.S. P.S. if you don't know why i called mblaq "the body twin brothers (seungho and mir), lee joon ssi lovely (lee joon), mr. mustache (G.O.) and sandara park (thunder), then read "Life is Hard" chapter 22 and 23 (or if you want to read the whole thing) by "roschellllleeee". ( "Life is Hard" is my favorite story, actually i love all of her stories.)
Haha, yes I promise you'll be the first person to see if there's a sequel...Haha I'll tell you about it since you love my stories a lot.