
Me VS F4: Finest Four


The sun rising in the East woke Yoonmei’s senses. She squirmed while stretching her limbs out but still closed her eyes as she wanted to enjoy the comforts of her majestic bed. When the sunlight was too much for her eyes, she pulled the blanket over her head and curled on her side. ‘Must…sleep…some…more’

Just as she was about to drift back into slumber, her brain shook when her phone vibrated. ‘Aish! Who could be this er? Urgh!’

Her hand crept out of the blanket, and reaching to the bedside table. After gripping onto her phone, she slipped her hand back in and squinted at the screen. *Zao shang hao, Yoonmei! – LuLu *

The name alone put an effortless smile on her face. “Morning, Luhan…” she croaked under the sheets. When she was about to reply, another message came in. *I hope you won't get mad… I intended to ask for your number personally but forgot about it, so I asked your friends. Dui bu qi…*

‘Aigooo~ How can a guy be this sweet?’ she continued scribbling in her phone. *It’s okay…  Good morning, by the way!*

After pressing ‘send’, she rolled on her stomach and pressed sunk her face on the pillow. “AAAHHHHH!!!” she squealed and thrashed her legs up and down.

“What’s going on?” her dad walk in.

‘!’ she rolled back and pulled down her blanket. “Ermmm… Hi dad! Hehe!” she grinned.

“Are you drunk or something?” he walked to the foot of her bed.

“Nnnoooo!” she gawked.

“Get ready!” her father demanded. “We’re going to Disneyland!”

She instantly stood and jumped on her bed. “YES! YES! YES! I’m playing with my grandpa! And daddy! And mommy! And…” she suddenly stopped.

“Seriously sis? You’re this excited to go to Disneyland?” Jaejoong interrupted in his pj’s and bed hair. “You’re old for that!”

“Shut up!” she hurled a pillow, hitting him square at the face.

“YAAHHH!!!” he growled and jumped on her bed.

Before she can ran away, her phone buzzed so she grabbed it and read the message. *Any plans for today?*

Jaejoong tackled her just in time for a reply. He locked her with his long legs while circling an arm around her neck. “Jae! Let go of me!!!” she yelled.

“Don’t tell me it’s that guy again?” she giggled while Jaejoong rat her out. “Dad! I caught Yoonmei making out with a guy last night!” he snickered.

“MWOH??? I DID NOT!!!” she elbowed him. “Don’t believe what he says, daddy! He was high on drugs last night!”

“KIM JAEJOONG!!!” their father roared and he suddenly grabbed him out of the bed through his sleeve. “How many times do I have to tell to stay away from those illegal stuff?”

“I DID NOT!!!” he argued.

“Mwehehehe!” she stuck her tongue out to him and went back to her phone. “I was kidding dad! You can let him go!”

Her brother was released but left her a stern warning. “I’ll get you for that, MeiMie!” and he left.

“Yeah! Whatever!” she murmured and sent Luhan a reply. *The whole fam is going to Disneyland! I’m stoked!*

*Cool!  I hope we could see each other before you leave though…*

Yoonmei laid on the bed, grinning like an idiot while exchanging messages with Luhan. *Sure! I’ll find a way… I’ll call you later, okay?*

*Okay! Can’t wait to hear your voice… You guys be careful and have fun!  *

After sending a final goodbye message, she grabbed a pillow and pressed it on her face. “KYAAAAA!!!” she squealed.

Jaejoong came back with a vengeance. “Yo sis! Stop it! You’re creeping me out!” he then went to snatch the pillow and carried her over his shoulder. “Breakfast is ready! Let’s go!”

“I can walk y’know!” she hissed but her brother refused. “Fine…” she sighed.


Back home, the boys of F4 just came back from their Jeju trip. They were fetched by a limousine at the airport and spent the ride home lounging at the back seat.

“Wonder what Yoonmei is doing right now…” Zelo blurted.

“I have no idea…” Daehyun sighed. ‘God! I miss her so much!’

Kai smiled at the mention of her name. Just the thought of her made him float and daydream about anything. He was happy and blissful staring at the window.

The three left him alone and talked.

“Hyung! What did your mom said about your score?” Sehun asked Daehyun.

“She was shocked, but very happy! There’s hope for me after all. Hahahaha!” the latter laughed. “What about you?”

“She said I did a good job, but wants me to do more…” Sehun blurted. “I’ll take her challenge!” he rubbed his palms.

Zelo also spoke. “My dad framed the test paper and hanged it in the living room…”

“Jinjja?” the two guys chorused, maknae nodded. “Uwaaaa~ I should check it out when I go to your house next time…” Sehun added.

“Jongin!” Daehyun nudged him. “What did your mom say?”

Kai turned to them with sigh. “I don’t think she knows yet… Umma is always away remember?” he frowned.

“Right…” Daehyun patted his shoulder. “Don’t worry, man! I’m pretty sure she’ll be proud!”

“Hope so…”

The boys were sent home and Kai was the last one. As soon as he walked out of the car, the butler greeted him with a bow. “Your mother is waiting for you in her office…”

“Oh… Okay…” Kai felt relieved since he can finally tell her the good news. After sprinting to his room and snatching his test paper from the bed, he went straight to see his mother.

He ran through the door, startling the woman who was signing some paper works. “What is it Jongin? I’m busy…”

“Don’t worry, mom! I’ll be quick!” he smiled and lowered the sheet in front of her.

His mother picked it up and read all the contents written on it.

Kai saw her eyes move from side to side and his chest swelled upon seeing her lips curled up. ‘Yeah mom… I did it! Your son did it!’ he thought while waiting for her reaction.

She lowered the paper back on the table and crossed her arms on it. “An A+?”

Kai went closer to her table and exclaimed. “Neh! I did it, mom!”

“You cheated, didn’t you?” she pointed.

Kai literally shut down. He can’t feel anything at that point. He can’t move, can’t say a single a word. He was utterly disgusted with himself.  His lips quivered at every spiteful word she said.

“Do you really expect me to believe this crap? HUH???” she crumpled the paper and hurled it to his chest. “How can someone as dumb as you, get this?”

Then he exploded. He can hear his heartbeat, feel his face turning hot, and getting light headed.

Kai even thought his senses left him. It felt as if another being had taken control his body and emotions. All he felt was pure, blind, seething rage; his hands turn into fists, shaking and trembling on his sides. Any emotions, any restrain was now gone. Only one word existed in every fiber of his being: anger. All those years that he’s been keeping it in, finally broke loose.

“How can those words come out of your mouth, mom?” he slurred when a lump formed in his throat. “I’m appalled but I can't show it!” he choked. “I just can't because you're my mother!” his eyes grew glossy with tears. “I’m your son! How can you say that to me?”

“GET OUT!!!” his mom snarled. “GET THE OUT OF HERE, JONGIN!!!”

With all the hate in his heart, he turned to leave. “FUUUCCKKKK!!!” he swiped an antique vase on the way.

Kai ran back to his room and slammed the door behind him. His anger turned to violence when he started punching the wall. “URGH!!! I HATE YOU!!! HOW COULD YOU???” he repeatedly hit his fist until blood started to drip. He was too caught up to notice the throbbing pain in his hand.

With a vision being blurred by his tears, he turned to his Gundam collection, trashing the whole place. “ YOU!!! I HATE YOU!!!” every memorable piece crashed to the floor not even thinking how precious they were to him. “I HATE YOU!!!” he cried.

Kai totally lost control.  His bloody fist reached up to his chest, pounding the pain away when it felt like being squeezed by a pair of hands. Ear splitting wheezes also filled the space when his lungs were repeatedly stabbed by a knife.

He was alone, crying tears of rage when he has nowhere else to go and when he’s at a loss with his feelings. All he could do was lean against a wall and slid down against it.

His throat has gone dry from all the yelling, and his voice grew hoarse. “Whhhyyyy???” he sobbed and pressed his palms on his temple when his head started to hurt. “Uurrrgghhhh!!!”

Kai lowerd himself until his forehead reached the carpet. “Y-Yoon…M-Mei…” he whispered. “Yoonmei…I need…you…” he sobbed. “Pleeaassseeee…”

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Cool! I won the bid. Hahaha! Enjoy guys! :)


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weird_fellaf #1
Chapter 17: No really am I the only one that thinks this story progresses too fast? Waaaaay too fast?
weird_fellaf #2
Chapter 13: I guess my comments are getting annoying so I'll restrain myself from commenting too much...
weird_fellaf #3
Chapter 12: And how do you find such being cute, I wonder...
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Chapter 11: WHAAAAAAAAAT is it that you find interesting, sleepyboi?
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Chapter 10: I gotta say that's a pretty refreshing crossover, I guess?
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Chapter 7: Well, to put it simply... This girl is brutal. Reeeeeeally.
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Chapter 6: Wu Fan as a nanny... Huh? Yep, I can totally imagine exactly that... -_-
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Chapter 4: "I still have my McLaren! Let her have it!" Man, how I wish someone would say that for my sake... .-.
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Chapter 2: I hope I can earn a private jet by simply making troubles... I could make a millionaire out of me quick if that happens... :'))
weird_fellaf #10
Sorry everyone! I'mma so flooding this with my comments soon, just you watch! Here I come, reading material!