Chapter 78.

Letting Go, To Hold On

published on 29/12/12

(Your POV)

After eating the two of you walked back to the beach and took photos with each other. You installed Twitter on your phone and signed up for 3G. You took a selca with him and uploaded it on twitter.

" At the beach with the boyfriend ^^ He says hi! "

Within seconds there were a lot of retweets and replies but you didn't want to reply them now. He looked at your phone and took your phone away. He started to read your tweets and viewed the first selca you uploaded and he smiled just looking at it. You took back your phone and he pouted.

You : Why are you reading my tweets anyway ?
Taemin : I don't know , I feel happy reading them . It's like I can imagine you saying them.
You : Then go to my twitter if you miss me in Japan . 
Taemin : I should, shouldn't I ? Shall we take more photos ?
You : waeyo? 
Taemin : So I can view them every time I miss you .

You nodded your head and the two of you practically took so many photos with each other. It was fun, just capturing memories. You sent the photos you took to Taemin's phone and he set one of them as his wallpaper and you did the same. You just laid down on the sand, looking at the sky with your hands stretched up covering the sunlight from your eyes when Taemin reached for your hand and held it tight. You turned your head to face his and he said "Don't you wish, we could stay like this?"

You smiled and looked back up, "Of course I do, but we know that's not happening." you let go of his hand and got up. He stood up beside you and held onto your hand. "Let's go. " he said while pulling you. " Where?"

"You'll see" he said as you just followed where he was taking you. He placed a blindfold on you along the way. So you had no idea where you were going. You kept walking and walking until you stepped on a hard board surface. Something like a bridge ? You could hear water flowing. Just then Taemin took off your blindfold and you see a white bicycle. You were at the beach town by the ocean. 


Hop on. He said as he got on and signalled you to sit behind him. You sat behind him with your arms around his waist.  He cycled you around the entire beachtown. You passed by fans that took photos of the two of you. Though he didn't really stop to say hello to the fans or anything. You didn't even know where he got the bike. Slowly as he kept riding around, you just rest on his back. The warmth of his back, just makes you feel good. You placed your hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat, it was beating at a normal state. He was calm and so were you. It was getting dark and before he continued the cycle he turned back and put the blind fold on you. "Waeyo~" you said but then he gave you a pat on the head and pulled your hands to wrap his waist again. "Don't take it off." he said as he continued to cycle. You didn't know where he was going, but since he wanted to surprise you, you played along. You just leaned and hugged him from the back as he kept cycling. Just then he stopped and he carried you for a little while and he put you down. He took the blind fold off you and you blinked a few times before looking around . There was a table ,nicely set up with candles lighted up on the sand. Spreaded out everywhere around the table.


"Oppa .. what's al-" he cut you off with a peck on the lips. "Just go along with it. "He said as he pulled you slowly towards the table. You took a seat in front of him, as he helped to pull the chair for you. He walked and sat opposite you. Out of no where a waiter came with a menu. You were too stunned just looking at everything. The candles, the preparations. The flower on the table. Taemin ordered the food instead of you. He held onto your hand on the table. He slipped a ring on your ring finger and you looked at him, pulling back your hand to see the ring. On the ring it was engraved "Taemin's" . You looked at his hand and see that he was also wearing a ring. You reached for his hand and see his ring was engraved with "_______'s ". You smiled and kept looking at the ring, you stopped looking when Taemin said "Stop looking at the ring." . You looked up letting out a slight "oh?"

Taemin : You'll have enough time to stare at the ring, for now, you can focus on me.

After he paid for the dinner, the two of you packed up your things and walked towards the sidewalk. He called a taxi and the two of you went home.

When you reached back home, the rest of SHINee was already asleep. You two went to wash up, wore your sleeping clothes and Taemin went to sleep with you in your room. 

You were using his arm as a pillow , with your arms around his waist and his wrapping around you. Slowly you closed your eyes.

You opened your eyes and find that Taemin is gone. Just then your phone vibrated , it was a call from Mike.

You : W-what ?
You : I do b-
Mike : THEIR FLIGHT LEAVES IN 20 minutes !
You : WHAT ?!
Mike : Didn't Taemin tell you ? 
You : He did-

Your voice trailed off as you saw a note beside the pillow. "AISH ! I'll be there ! Text me which terminal they're at!". You just grabbed the note,your phone,keys and purse and ran out of the dorm. You ran all the way down to the sidewalk and got into a taxi. "To the  Incheon Airport , fast" the taxi driver was literally speeding. The distance wasn't far but there wasn't any time left to spare. You opened the note and started to read.

" Dear _______ , sorry. I know you're probably cursing me right now. When you wake up , I'll be gone, I can't bear to have you see me off. I'll probably cry. Just knowing I'm leaving you for 2 years without seeing your angelic face, listening to you calling my name everytime we meet, your warmth just around me. Your presence, You. I can't bear to leave all of that so I wrote this letter. Please, no tears ? Wait for me, like how I'll be waiting for you. ______ , saranghae"

A tear rolled down your cheek and you wiped it off with the back of your hand as you murmured "Babo ."

You got a text from Mike and it was written "Terminal 2 , hurry! "

You reached the airport and you paid the taxi driver and got out of the car. You ran into the airport, you didn't care the fact that you were still wearing your sleeping clothes. Your hair wasn't in a mess. Luckily it was still presentable. You ran towards the counter and asked "Where is Terminal 2?". "It's on the left en-" before the worker could finish his sentence you shouted "THANK YOU!" while running towards the left end of the airport. As you kept running , the people could notice you were who you are. The new debut artist, but the only thing on your mind was reaching Taemin before it was too late.

(Taemin's POV)
Minho : Taemin-ah .
Me : Nae ?
Minho : we're leaving in a few minutes .
Me : I know . 
Minho : where's .. ?
Me : She's not coming .
SHINee : BWO !?
Me : I can't bear for her to come , I left her a note .
Mike : You're really stupid , you know that ?
Me : I.. I just can't.

Just then across the airport I hear someone shouting "YAH ! LEE TAEMIN!". I turned around and see _______ panting, while walking towards me. The people in the airport was staring , but I was lost for words. W-what was she doing here? She walked closer towards me and she held up the note I left her.

_____ : this .. w-what is this ? 
Me : I can't .. bear to leave you .
______ : And what in your sane mind makes you think , this note .. would make it all better ?
Me : I-
______ : I'd rather have tears , a river of tears if that is possible. To see you one last time before you leave, rather than some writing. I'd rather feel your hug once last time before you leave . 

I pulled her in for a hug and I could feel tears filling my eyes. I felt that she was also tearing up. The people that was staring cheered , but to me, it's like I couldn't hear anything. She broke the hug and cupped my cheeks .

"You listen to me carefully . Take care of yourself. Remember to eat, eventhough you don't feel like eating. Don't go around trying to annoy the other oppas just because you're bored. Drink a lot of water , and don't forget m-"

I cut her off by kissing her on the lips. She was taken by surprise but she joined the kiss seconds after I kissed her. Sure the people were staring, but none of that matters now. She slowly broke the kiss and continued "me .."

I leaned my forehead onto hers and said "Me ? Forget you ? Not in this lifetime."

" Flight to Japan ,flight 2203. Terminal 2 ." 

I glanced back at the rest of SHINee and they signalled me it was time to leave. I turned back at ______ and she wiped off my tears from my cheeks when clearly she was crying more than me. I wiped off her tears and she said "Go , it's your flight " I held onto her hand one last time before leaving and she squeezed it tightly. I pulled her in for a hug, she hugged me tightly  , just her chest pressing onto mine. "Wait for me?" I whispered into her ears. I broke the hug slowly and she whispered "Everyday I'll be waiting".

I kept glancing back at _______ as I walked into the terminal. Before I really went in the door , she shouted "Lee Taemin ! I'll be waiting, arraso? Hwaiting !"


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alwaysdreamygirl #1
Chapter 83: Nice story u got there miss :) i really enjoyed this story. How does it feel sit at Taeminnie's lap ? How does it feel hug Taeminnie's waist. Awwww i imagine about it. Hahahaha. Btw, i really love you story. Oh ya, other than that i had learned a bit of korean language. Awwww kamsahamnida. Saranghae. ! Aja aja Fighting ! Asssaaaa
Chapter 85: when will you re-write this?
i think it was at least 1 year you said you would lol. xD
JonginWife #3
New readers here..please bear with me xD
Chapter 83: AMAZING!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!
xoxo1499 #5
re read this again and again. the end is just so unexpected, and the drama is not oh-so-dramatic-baby :3
infinite_yara #6
Chapter 83: Omo! This story is so cute!
xShinMinSeulx #9
Chapter 83: i just finished reading it for almost 13 hours ! is it a world record or not? lol kyaaaaa .. i love this story :D i think this one needs a sequel ! XD