Chapter 23 .

Letting Go, To Hold On

published on ; 02/12/12 . 

(Your POV)

SM : I'm sorry ________ , I don't know how to say this to you but..
You : Don't tell me it's over , I have so much to show you . 
SM : We saw potential in the audition clip , but we saw how you performed during the introduction an-
You : I can perform on stage , I can do anything ! Just give me a chance ! I just need one chance !
SM : I , I wish I could give you a chance .
You : Then tell me sir , why can't I have the chance ? I've been waiting , years for this opportunity .
SM : I , I Just .. I really can't .. There will be a plane tomorrow , it's your flight back .
You : W-what ?
SM : We're sending you back .
You : I don't have a say in this ?!
SM : I'-I'm really sorry . You seem like a nice person ________ , but I'm really sorry .
Yeon-Unnie : I'll fetch you tomorrow to the airport .
You : Unnie ?! Please say you can help me !
Yeon-Unnie : I can't .. I tried all I could and they wouldn't listen to me.
You : But Unnie , please ! You have to help me !
Yeon-Unnie : I'm sorry , be ready by 7:30a.m. tomorrow .

No one listens to you . It's happening all over again . Why is this happening ?

Suddenly you woke up with sweat on your forehead and your heart pounding . Then you realized , it was just a nightmare . You touched your cheeks and felt tears streaming down your face . It was just a nightmare , but who wouldn't be afraid of history repeating itself? Just then you see someone walking out of the kitchen . You rubbed your eyes and wiped off the tears and see that it was Jonghyun . There was a stool beside you and he sat on it .He handed you a glass of water . You looked at him in confusion .

JongHyun : I was here the whole time . You had a nightmare didn't you ?
You : nae .. oppa ..
JongHyun : Just drink some water . 
You : g-gomawo , oppa .
JongHyun : What did you dream about ? -he said while tucking strands of my hair behind my ear-
You : I had a dream , that SM kicked me out as a trainee before I even started , and Yeon-Unnie couldn't help me an-

Before I could continue to speak , he hushed me and told me to go to sleep . Because of his presence , you were able to sleep in peace . Not to mention he was also holding your hand for you to sleep . His presence felt warm , he reminded you of your dad that used to do that to you all the time whenever you had a nightmare . Of course , it's your biological dad ,not your step dad . Your step dad has never done anything like this before , though he's a nice man to your mom . If that man didn't make your mom happy , you wouldn't really accept him as a step dad . For the sake of your mom , you just had to accept him .

When you woke up , you see Jonghyun is still beside you , he fell asleep beside you while still holding your hand . You kept looking at him trying not to wake him up . Your phone was in your pocket , you took out your phone and checked the time .

6:40 a.m.

Just then before you could slip your phone back into your pocket , Jonghyun woke up . He lifted his head up and tried to open his eyes . He wasn't shocked when he saw you awake . 

Jonghyun : Are you feeling better ?
You : Nae .. gomawo oppa .
Jonghyun : It's nothing -pats head- my mom used to do this to me all the time whenever I had a nightmare .
You : My dad used to do this to me too .
Jonghyun : but now I can't see her .
You : Me too..

For some reason , you just started to tear . Of course , it's because you miss your father .

Jonghyun : hey hey .. why are you crying ? -he said while wiping off your tears-
You : i-it's just that you remind me so much of my father .
Jonghyun : where is he ?
You : he died in a car accident two years after I got accepted in JYP ..

Just then Jonghyun pulled you in for a hug . Then he whispered into your ears "If you need me I'm here . I'll be your big brother here . How does that sound ?" 
"that would be nice .. oppa " You said while breaking the hug .

Jonghyun : Arraso ! So now , get ready !
You : wae ?
Jonghyun : we're going out !
You : yah oppa . You have a day off , but my training starts today !
Jonghyun : Oh ? Chincha ? Aish .
You : When I get back ?
Jonghyun : by then you'll be tired .
You : Then I guess ..
Jonghyun : your day off is on Saturday , funny . Ours too !
You : Bwo ?!
Jonghyun : You heard me , ________ . 
You : that's great !
Jonghyun : but we may not be around for a while , we have to go promote our album in Japan .-pouts-
You : it's okay oppa , hwaiting !
Jonghyun : yah , don't you think Taemin likes you ?

Your eyes widen when he said that . Why the sudden question ? Why Taemin ? Does he like me ?

You : W-wae oppa ?
Jonghyun : I don't know , I just wanted to see how you feel . -pokes nose-
You : Oppa !
Jonghyun : I just had to !
You : Thank you .
Jonghyun : For what ?
You : Being there when I had a nightmare .
Jonghyun : Aiesh , that's nothing . remember , I'm here as your big brother . That's me , Kim Jong Hyun !
You : You should go back to your room and sleep , Key oppa might be wondering where you are .
Jonghyun : Oh yeah ! Annyeong ! Hwaiting !
You : Gomawo .

Then Jonghyun ran back to his room . You felt warm , like you were just back at home . You were just thankful you had Jonghyun to lean onto . Not to take advantage of it but , it's hard finding someone that could have a connection to you . Not the love kind of connection , but the family kind of connection . You got up , folded the blanket , put the blanket under the pillows , washed the cup and went to wash up in the bathroom .

Roughly after 20 minutes you were ready , but you had to wait for Yeon-Unnie on what the plans were today . You were waiting by the dining table , you checked the time again and it was 7:25 a.m. Suddenly you recalled back the nightmare you had . Then you snapped out of it when you realized Minho was sitting in front of you.
Minho : yah .. are you okay ?
You : Nae..oppa .
Minho : are you sure ? You looked like you had a nightmare .
You : Well .. that's true .
Minho : you did ?
You : yeah but it's nothing . why are you awake ?
Minho : why are YOU awake ?
You : because I have training . and you ?
Minho : I work out in the morning . But everyone is too lazy to join me -pouts-
You : Ah .. I see .

Before Minho could keep the conversation going , which you knew he was because he was about to say something,your phone vibrated and it was a message from Yeon-Unnie .

From : Yeon-Unnie

To : __________ .

" I hope you're wide and awake ! I will be there by 8:00 a.m. get ready by then! Plus , today you're going to meet your vocal teacher . She's nice so don't worry! ^^ -Yeon-Unnie . "

"Aish chincha , you can come now ! I'm ready !" You said while reading her text .
Minho : who was that ? -tries to peek at your phone screen-
You : Yeon-Unnie , she's coming at 8:00 a.m. 

Minho : ah .. Here's a thought , let's go take a walk at the park !
You : Hmm .. sounds good !
Minho : KAJA !
You : wait ! let me reply her message first . 

From : _________ .

To : Yeon-Unnie 

" Arraso Unnie ! I will be down there at 8:00 a.m. Annyeong ! ^^ "

You guys walked to the park you went with Taemin yesterday . He was walking beside you closely , of course you didn't mind because you are used to walking beside boys all the time . Not that you're a flirt , you find socializing with boys is way easier compared to girls . Which explains why you only have one girlfriend . And tons of boyfriends. A boy who is a friend . Not those kind of relationship thing . Throughout the whole walk , a few girls noticed that he was walking with you and they were whispering . You didn't like that feeling , not one bit . You knew how it  felt like , because you experienced it with 2PM yesterday but because of Nichkhun , the fans understood that you guys were just childhood friends .

You : Oppa , don't you feel weird ?
Minho : Hmm.. about ?
You : the fact that girls are whispering and looking at us right now .
Minho : Well , I'm your sunbae and you're my hoobae . nothing wrong about that .
You : I know that , you know that , THEY don't know that .
Minho : Arraso arraso .

Then Minho turned around and walked up to those girls . You didn't know what they were talking about but slowly the face expressions on the girls changed . They seemed really happy . Minho gave some autographs and pat them on the head. Then he turned around and came back beside you . He continued to walk but you were just standing there as though you saw a ghost . He held your hand and pulled you to walk.

You : yah oppa , did you put a spell on them ?
Minho : -chuckles- what do you mean by that ?
You : well .. you just went up to them , said a few words , pat them on the head and they started smiling as though the guy they liked asked them to marry them .
Minho : That's a very detailed explanation .
You : I'm not an ace for nothing !
Minho : you're an ace ?!
You : The best in the photography class .
Minho : I'm an  ace too !
You : In what ? Running man ?
Minho : How did you know ?!
You : It's true ?!
Minho : yep ! undefeatable Minho . Flaming Charisma ! That's me ! -grins-
You : wah .. 
Minho : You're admiring me already aren't you ?
You : No . I just realized what a big boaster you are . -laughs-
Minho : YAH !
You : Oppa ! I think  I have to go now !
Minho : Let's walk you back !

Minho walked you back and waited by the roadside with you for Yeon-Unnie to appear . Just then a black car came up and winded down the window. You see Yeon-Unnie inside . "Get in _____ ! Oh Minho-ah , Annyeong !" Yeon-Unnie said with a bright expression on her face . You got in the car and sat in the front . Just then Minho bent down and said "______ ! HWAITING ! ANNYEONG !" . You smiled and said "Gomawo oppa !" Then Yeon-Unnie drove off .


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alwaysdreamygirl #1
Chapter 83: Nice story u got there miss :) i really enjoyed this story. How does it feel sit at Taeminnie's lap ? How does it feel hug Taeminnie's waist. Awwww i imagine about it. Hahahaha. Btw, i really love you story. Oh ya, other than that i had learned a bit of korean language. Awwww kamsahamnida. Saranghae. ! Aja aja Fighting ! Asssaaaa
Chapter 85: when will you re-write this?
i think it was at least 1 year you said you would lol. xD
JonginWife #3
New readers here..please bear with me xD
Chapter 83: AMAZING!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!
xoxo1499 #5
re read this again and again. the end is just so unexpected, and the drama is not oh-so-dramatic-baby :3
infinite_yara #6
Chapter 83: Omo! This story is so cute!
xShinMinSeulx #9
Chapter 83: i just finished reading it for almost 13 hours ! is it a world record or not? lol kyaaaaa .. i love this story :D i think this one needs a sequel ! XD