Chapter 73.

Letting Go, To Hold On

published on 27/12/12

(Your POV)
Your bestfriend : I can't fly in to watch tomorrow, so I'll be watching back here! Like you guys say,  HWAITING!
You : Hah  , alright. I gotta go now .
Your bestfriend : Take care!

With that being said you hung up and slipped your phone back into your pocket. You slowly put your hand into the fountain. Letting the water flow through the spaces between your fingers. You were still sweaty from the dance practice but slowly it was drying up. Just as you pull back your hand, you felt arms snaking around your waist, and a chin resting on your shoulder. You turned slowly and see Taemin's head on your shoulder with his arms around you , just sitting beside you by the fountain.

Taemin : Thinking about something ?
You : The performance tomorrow. It's been doing so well, the album sales and the music video comments but wha-
Taemin : What if you don't give what the audience expect during your first performance ?
You : How did yo-
Taemin : I was once in your position , so .. I kind of can relate to what you're feeling.

He unwrap his arms from your waist and turned you by your shoulders so you could face him properly. You tried to push him away because you were still sweaty but he pulled you closer, leaning his forehead onto yours.

Taemin : I don't care if you're sweaty , so don't push me away .

You looked down in embarrassment , yet you felt happy listening to him say that. He lifted your chin up with his index finger and said "You'll do amazing. And I'll be cheering for you. Hwaiting! " He gave you a peck on the lips and he left. Since he was still practicing for the concerts in Japan that you have no idea when it was. Just then Kris came and sat beside you. He held onto your hand and looked at you.

Kris : You'll do great .
You : Eh ?
Kris : You think I don't know you're nervous ?
You : Oppa .
Kris : I know the feeling, but sooner or later, it feels great .
You : Ah ..
Kris : Make me proud , arraso ?
You : Ige mwoyaa .

You pulled back your hand and he chuckled. He got up and just before he walked away he said "Oh, SM wants to see you,I don't know for what but. Yeah. Good luck". He walked away right after he said that. Slowly you got up, and walked towards the president's room. Did you do something wrong ?  Millions of thoughts run through your mind. You knocked on the door and you hear him shouting "It's open!".

You opened the door and closed the door as you entered. "Take a seat" He said with the back of his chair facing you. You took a seat in front of him and he turned around.

SM : Do you know why I called you here ?
You : A-ani .
SM : Do you think you're in trouble ?
You : M-mollahyo president. 
SM : I wanted to wish you good luck .
You : Ah ..
SM : As well as your relationship with Taemin .
You : Eh ?
SM : I know all about it , and I approve it. You know that we're planning to let you and Taemin do a duet right?
You : N-nae .
SM : Maybe a few months after your debut. 
You : Nae president. 
SM : you know , I feel like you're going to be really successful with everything ahead of you .
You : Oh ?
SM :  So I expect you to give your all tomorrow. Prove to me that just letting you train for a few months and letting you be on stage was the right thing to do.
You : N-nae .
SM : Arraso , go now. Hwaiting!

You left the room quickly and took deep breaths.

(Your POV)
Today was your debut day. You were already dressed up but no make up on.


Because even the make-up stylists agreed that no make up was good for you. But you were forced to put on some powder and blush but that was it. You were sitting down on the chair, in the waiting room before it was your turn to perform. They had to record it before they air it live. Just then you hear the director shouting "_______. Be here in 15 minutes!"

You were shaking but you tried to calm yourself down. You got up and your phone vibrated on the table. You took your phone and realized it was a call. Answering the call you hear shoutings from people you weren't sure who it was . But the moment one by one started to say a sentence, you knew it was EXO , just not really sure who was who.

"Don't be so nervous!"
"We'll be here supporting when it airs!"
"Which will be soon though."
"HWAITING HWAITING YAH YAH YAH!"-everyone said in unison-

Just then you hear on the other side , it was Kris's voice. 

Kris : Yah , hwaiting!
You : Gomawo oppa!
Kris : Are you up soon ?
You : N-nae .
Kris : remember , you're amazing and you'll do great.

Right after Kris said that cheers and oozings filled the room. He quickly said "HWAITING!" Before he hung up. You put down your phone and walked towards the back of the stage where you will be getting up. Just then one of the workers passed you a note. You opened it and it was written ,

"Look at the front row, on the left. Hwaiting ! Saranghae!"

That's when you knew it was Taemin.  A smile formed on your face but you snapped out of it when you hear the MC saying "Next up ! A DEBUT STAGE! Stealing the spot of #40 on the top K-100 charts within a few days! Album sales rising day by day almost 100,000 copies were sold! Can I hear fans cheering for this new artist?!" Just then you hear the audience cheering loudly. So loud you felt really good. The MC was still talking when the director said "Get on stage, you're almost on".

You nodded your head and got on the stage, with the microphone set up on you. You stood in position , the lights were still not shining on you which means it's not starting yet. The moment the lights shine on you, that's when you'll be performing. Just then the lights shined ..

(Taemin's POV)
I was sitting on the front row, of course fans noticed me but they didn't bother me because they knew who I came for. I didn't come the first half but I only came just to see her perform. Right after this I have a schedule, so I'll be only meeting her for a few minutes before I leave. Just then the MC kept giving out information about her, which was really good .

MC : Arraso! Performing her debut song, "Let it go" , here's _______ sweeping the stage!

Just then everyone cheered. Even I did . Guessed she already have fans rooting for her. Before the performance started I got a call from Mike hyung. It was a video call. I answered it and he asked me if I could sort of broadcast to him the performance with my phone. He's not the only one watching, the rest of EXO were watching as well. I agreed but told them to keep quiet the whole time. When they agreed I turned my phone to face the stage where they could see the stage clearly. Just then a spotlight shined on her and the audience roared even louder. She turned around and my eyes were glued onto her. Her stage presence, was amazing. Even before she started to sing, the audience was already cheering her name in a constant pace. Just then she placed her index finger on her lips and the audience slowly kept quiet. She winked and said "Girls, let me hear you out." then the drum beats came on along with the back up dancers.

I've never heard of the song before, and this is my first time listening to it. Not that I didn't buy the album, I got it even before it was released. Also I made her signed it for me, she signed on the album "To the boy who owns my heart, Lee Taemin. -her signature-" She wanted me to listen to the song on her debut performance, which is today.

The dance routine, everything was great. Her voice sounded great ,everything was in tune. At first I thought it'll be great just dancing beside her for her debut performance. But as a part of SHINee, people might focus on me instead of her. So I told SM to not let me be her dance partner instead let some other guy do it. Plus , I'll probably dance with her anyway if I do a duet with her.

I sat there as the chants from the audience started to get louder as she reached the chorus. I could feel goosebumps all over my body as I just froze listening to the song. It was a little R&B ,mixed with little rap, and a little dance beat with a great chorus. It was very unique and something that catches the audiences attention that makes you want to listen to it again and again. No wonder her song stole the #40th place on the K-100 charts.

Just as she was dancing to the dance break her eyes met mine but her focus was still on the performance. I didn't wave or anything because I didn't want her to get distracted, which was very professional of her to keep her cool and not break character in the song. She ended the song with her sitting on the chair with a male dancer kneeling in front of her. I'm not gonna lie, that was pretty hot. She got off the stage and the audience was still going crazy chanting her name over and over again. I got up from my seat to walk to her dressing room. Just as I opened the door she was sitting on the chair with her head resting on the chair rest just closing her eyes. I tiptoed towards her while the stylists were smiling , trying to keep quiet and not notice anything.

I leaned closer towards her and bent down to give her a peck on her lips. She opened her eyes and said "Oppa!" She stood up and fixed her outfit. I scanned her from head to toe and said "You look amazing, You were AMAZING out there." I pulled her in for a hug and she rested her head on my shoulder while my arms were around her waist, I broke the hug slowly and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

I think she knew I had to leave, "See you for dinner?" I said before leaving. She nodded her head and smiled at me before I left the dressing room.

(Your POV)

Just then your phone vibrated when Taemin left. You picked up the phone and it was a call from Mike.

Mike : YAH! I told you that you'll be amazing!
You :  I didn't knew I had fans !
Mike : Of course you did, do you know there are already reviews on your MV and your album online ?
You : CHINCHA ?!
Mike : Go online and check when you get back !
You : Nae oppa ! Geundae, this will only air later, how did you watch the performance ?
Mike : I had my ways. Not to mention, the rest of EXO watched it as well .
You : EH ? I thought they were waiting for the broa-
Mike : Fat chance, they watched it with me .
You : Aish chincha .
Mike : So when are you going for Inkigayo ?
You : Right about now .
Mike : Hwaiting ! Blow them away!

He hung up and you rushed off to the station where they did the recordings for Inkigayo. Just as you reached the place, there were a group of fans holding up signs with your names. They shouted your name and since you had a few minutes to spare before getting ready you walked up to them. There were guards surrounding you but you assured it would be alright. They moved aside where there was a fence seperating you and the fans. You gave them autographs and they took selcas with you. You gave a few of them hugs before entering the building.

After your performance on Inkigayo , the broadcast for Music Bank aired already, since it airs on 5.00p.m. and now is already 6.30 p.m. The audience in Inkigayo was just the same as Music Bank, which made you really happy. You weren't tired, yet. You went back home , finding that the dorm is empty. Guessed that SHINee was still practicing. You washed up, and wore your sleeping clothes. You weren't hungry , just tired. You laid down on your bed to check your phone, which had so many unread messages with a few missed calls.

Slowly you replied the messages. Most of them were from friends back at ______(your country name) , Mr.David, EXO, Minho ,Key, Jonghyun , Onew , your parents and Joo-Unnie.

You checked the missed calls and they were from your bestfriend, and your ex-crush. Before you could choose to call one of them,there was an incoming call from your ex-crush.

You : Hello ?
Ex-crush : I saw your performance .
You : Ah ..
Ex-crush : You were great .
You : T-thanks .
Ex-crush : So how's things ? How's everything ?
You : So far so good ! You ?
Ex-crush : Ah , same old same old. How's you and Taemin ?
You : It's great !
Ex-crush : Oh , I gotta go now. Best wishes on everything ahead !

After that he hung up. Before you could call back your bestfriend , Max called .

Max : HEY ! 
You : Annyeong !
Max : I saw the performance !
You : chincha ?
Max : IT was great ! Let's meet again ! We never meet since my wedding with Anna !
You : How's life married to her ?
Max : It's amazing ! waking up every morning looking at an angel.
You : You two make a great couple !
Max : It won't be long till its your turn, if you know what I mean -chuckles-
You : Yah !
Max : Alright alright ! Let's meet up sometime , arraso ? I'm hanging up now!

With that , he hung up. Right on cue your bestfriend called you.

You : Hello ?
You : Excuse me ? LANGUAGE!
You : Thanks !
Your bestfriend : I loved the whole concept! I didn't know what you were singing, but I googled it and I loved the meaning! 
Your bestfriend : HELLO~ IT'S ALL OVER GOOGLE NOW. If you search your name, and your song , there's tons of posts about it! Not to mention there were a few posts recently with photos of you and your fans.
You : EH!?
You : But I don't have a laptop !
Your bestfriend : WOMAN, CYBER CAFE!
You : But I'm too lazy!
Your bestfriend : THEN let the suspense kill you ! alright you're probably really tired now so bye!

After that she hung up. You really wanted to check to see what's on the internet but you didn't have a laptop, and cyber cafes are a distance to walk. You stuffed your face onto the pillow, waiting for Taemin to come back home.


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alwaysdreamygirl #1
Chapter 83: Nice story u got there miss :) i really enjoyed this story. How does it feel sit at Taeminnie's lap ? How does it feel hug Taeminnie's waist. Awwww i imagine about it. Hahahaha. Btw, i really love you story. Oh ya, other than that i had learned a bit of korean language. Awwww kamsahamnida. Saranghae. ! Aja aja Fighting ! Asssaaaa
Chapter 85: when will you re-write this?
i think it was at least 1 year you said you would lol. xD
JonginWife #3
New readers here..please bear with me xD
Chapter 83: AMAZING!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!
xoxo1499 #5
re read this again and again. the end is just so unexpected, and the drama is not oh-so-dramatic-baby :3
infinite_yara #6
Chapter 83: Omo! This story is so cute!
xShinMinSeulx #9
Chapter 83: i just finished reading it for almost 13 hours ! is it a world record or not? lol kyaaaaa .. i love this story :D i think this one needs a sequel ! XD