Chapter 44.

Letting Go, To Hold On

published on ; 10/12/12

(Your POV)

Right after they left , you realized how much you really miss them. And you weren't hungry at all. So you looked at Taemin and Kris. 

You : So oppa , where to for dinner ?
Kris : Hmm .. anything's fine with me .
Taemin : I eat anything . -grins-
You : Let's try that restaurant over there .

You guys walked across the street to eat in a restaurant. It was vintage yet modern at the same time. They serve Western food and Italian food . You weren't really hungry so you ordered a cold drink. Kris and Taemin ordered something but you didn't really pay attention to what they ordered. When their food came , they looked at you and said "I will well !" . After they took a few bites , you just kept looking at your camera , browsing through the photos you took , when Taemin asked "Yah , you're not eating ?"

You : Oh ? Ani .
Kris : Waeyo ?
You : Hmm .. I'm not hungry .
Taemin : You really miss them , don't you ?
You : Nae .. I never thought I'd miss them this much .
Taemin : You can get through this. I promise -grins-
You : Anyways -you said while pushing aside you camera- how was today ?
Kris : it was fun , I've never done this before .
You : You've never gone out ?
Kris : As in I've never really spent hours outside and never complain about it . -smiles-
Taemin : It was really fun for me . Really took my mind off things .
You : And that's all I wanted to do . -grins-

After they finished eating you went to the counter to pay for the dinner. Then you walked back to the table and see that your things were gone. Even Taemin and Kris wasn't there. You ran out of the restaurant , looked left and right to find Kris and Taemin. Then feel arms around your shoulders. You turned and see Taemin on the left and Kris on the right . You pushed their arms off and shouted "YAH !"
Kris : we thought it'll be fun .
Taemin : now we know you worry about us a lot . -Taemin said while giving a high 5 to Kris-
You : Aish chincha , yah oppa , jugulle ? (you wanna die?)
Kris : Nae , come kill me .
You : Aish . oppa !
Kris : calm down , let's go home.
Taemin : Oh , there's a taxi coming by.

You just stood by the roadside and the taxi stopped . Taemin opened for you the door to the seat beside the driver's seat while Kris got in the backseat . After you got in , Taemin closed the door and went in the backseat . You looked at the driver and it was the exact same driver from just now . 

You : Oh ? It's you again .
Taxi Driver : And so it is ! What's your name ? 
You : ________ . You ?
Taxi Driver : Name's Max . Where to now ?
You : SM Building . 
Taxi Driver : Alright , seatbelts !

This time Taemin already got his seatbelt on , and so did Kris . The drive back was quiet , so you decided to change that. This time , you conversed in Korean .

You : So Max !
Max : Yep-pe-die-do ! 
You : How long have you been a taxi driver ?
Max : Say .. 6 years ?
You : Wow that's long .
Max : You could say that .
You : What made you choose to come to Korea as a taxi driver ?
Max : Well , my girlfriend is a Korean , so I migrated here for her .
You : That's really sweet Max !
Max : You think so ? 
You : I know so . -grins-
Max : You see, I told you were special .
You : hahaha , so how did you learn to speak Korean so well ?
Max : Well , it all started off when I met her . You sure you want to lsiten to my story ?
You : Well , -looks back at Taemin and Kris- , the boys at the back don't seem to be talking . Talk away Max !
Max : We met in a restaurant , she was a waitress there and she took my order. She was a total klutz. She nearly spilled my order , but I found that adorable. From there  I got her number , and I guess our dates came in later on.
Kris : but what about the language barrier ?
Max : Finally the pretty boy talks . To answer your question , it was tough at first . But I tried to take Korean lessons and she tried to take English lessons so we could communicate .
Taemin : The two of you learnt each other's language to communicate with one another ?
Max : And now the other pretty boy talks . Yes , pretty much .
You : Love makes you do things you never thought you'd do .
Max : Exactly young miss ! It sounds tough , but knowing I can understand what she says to me , it's all worth it .
You : So when are you two tying the knot ?
Max : Soon soon ! How about you three come ?
You : What ? No we can-
Max : I insist ! Plus you have my number , give me a text and I'll let you know soon !
You : But we-
Max : I INSIST young miss ! You three could lighten up the mood .-grins- , oh , and we're here .

You took out your purse to pay the taxi fare but he didn't want to accept your money . You got out of the car and he winded down the window. Three of you were standing in front of the car window.

You : Max ! You should accept my money !
Max : No ______ ! We'll be seeing each other soon , I need help with my girlfriend. Will you help me ?
You : if I'm free I would definit-
Max : Then you don't have to pay me ! I'll see you around . Hey the two of you gentleman.
Kris & Taemin : Oh ?
Max : This girl here is special , make sure you take care of her right . got it ?
Kris & Taemin : Oh, nae .
Max : see you around ! 

You three waved him goodbye as he drove off . Then you linked your arms with Kris's and Taemin's arm to drag them back to the apartment . After walking back Kris to his apartment , he bid you and Taemin goodnight and went in to his dorm. You and Taemin walked back to your dorm. 

The moment the Taemin opened the door , Minho shouted "YAH!" . The two of you were startled but before he said anything else, he waited for the two of you to enter the dorm first. Then Taemin closed the door and locked it . The two of you just stood by the door while Minho , Key and Jonghyun came closer to the two of you.

Minho : where did you go ?
Key : And you didn't tell us ?
Jonghyun : Nor inform us ?!
Taemin : Yah ! Minho hyung gave me a call , and the moment I told him I was with ______ he hung up .
Jonghyun : You didn't tell us that !
Minho : well .. 
You : It wasn't only me and Taemin oppa ! 
Key & Jonghyun & Minho : Eh ?
You : Kris oppa was there too .

Minho had an expression like he understood why you dragged Taemin and Kris along. So then he said "Arraso, it's okay then" .

Key : What do you me-
Jonghyun : It's alright ?! what ?! 
Minho : Aish ! Shut up and go to your room ! they must've had a rough day already ! 

Key and Jonghyun gave a slight pout and walked back to their room. Taemin was dumbfounded but after a while he gave you a pat and told you he's going to wash up . You nodded your head and went to the sofa to sit down. Minho came and sit beside you.

Minho : Yah .. you really are helping them to forget about Haneul .
You : I told you , I know how it feels like , so I guess I could help .
Minho : But do you like Kris or Taemin ?
You : B-bwo ?
Minho : C'mon , you have to like either one of them to be this nice .
You : I don't think I like any of them like that .
Minho : it's only a matter of time ~
You : Aish chincha . Oppa .
Minho : Bwo ?
You : What did , Haneul do to Kris and Taemin oppa ?

Minho looked around to make sure Taemin wasn't around .

Minho : You really want to know ?
You : Nae ..
Minho : Alright .. A few years back before Taemin met Haneul , she met Kris first . They two kicked it off the moment they met . They were together for about , 2 years if I remember correctly . Right after that , during their two year anniversary , he planned everything perfectly . He cooked for her , bought her presents ,  100 roses and whatnot. The bad thing is , she didn't even show up for it . And what's worse , she broke up with him through text and told him she never want to see him again.
You : Omo ..
Minho : And after that , she met Taemin. Taemin was about , 16 years old . They got together. I forgot how they met and everything , but they were together for 2 years and 6 months. Taemin thought since her birthday was coming up , he'd prepare something for her . He did everything , and it was set . Just needed to wait for the day to come. This time , she showed up , but she showed up with another boy. She told him that she loved another boy and Taemin was no one to her anymore . Right after that she left , and practically treated Taemin as though times they had together was nothing .
You : how can she be so heartless ?
Minho : She wasn't like this before . She was really nice , but we don't know what came over her to act like this.
You : Is that why they mistaken me for Haneul ?
Minho : I guess so , but you're a lot better than her . trust me . -chuckles-
You : but what happened to Haneul ?
Minho : We have no idea where she is now . But we know she isn't in Korea anymore .
You : I didn't know this happened to the two of them.
Minho : What's worse was  , she told Taemin that she got bored of him half way and found another boy before the break up.
You : Oppa , can we smack this Haneul girl ?
Minho : -chuckles- as much as I'd love to join you with that , we decided not to do anything as Taemin made us promise to not do anything. So I guess we have to respect that .
You : Ah .. arraso oppa .
Minho : you're really understanding you know that ? -pats head- I think you'd better get ready to wash up, Taemin should almost be done by now. I'm going to sleep , jalja .
You : Jalja oppa .

After that , Minho walked to his room and closed the door.

A/N : WOW , I updated 4 times today ! ^-^ :D it's because of your comments , so I thank you all :3

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alwaysdreamygirl #1
Chapter 83: Nice story u got there miss :) i really enjoyed this story. How does it feel sit at Taeminnie's lap ? How does it feel hug Taeminnie's waist. Awwww i imagine about it. Hahahaha. Btw, i really love you story. Oh ya, other than that i had learned a bit of korean language. Awwww kamsahamnida. Saranghae. ! Aja aja Fighting ! Asssaaaa
Chapter 85: when will you re-write this?
i think it was at least 1 year you said you would lol. xD
JonginWife #3
New readers here..please bear with me xD
Chapter 83: AMAZING!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!
xoxo1499 #5
re read this again and again. the end is just so unexpected, and the drama is not oh-so-dramatic-baby :3
infinite_yara #6
Chapter 83: Omo! This story is so cute!
xShinMinSeulx #9
Chapter 83: i just finished reading it for almost 13 hours ! is it a world record or not? lol kyaaaaa .. i love this story :D i think this one needs a sequel ! XD