Chapter 41.

Letting Go, To Hold On

A/N : A little rant at the bottom.

published on ; 10/12/12 . 

(Your POV)
You walked back to the SM building and walked to the second floor . You entered the dance practice room and you saw Mike. There was no one else around so you decided to tell him about everything . He was sitting on the floor leaning on the wall , facing the door. You walked up to Mike and sat beside him .

Mike : so what's up kiddo ?
You : Oppa , I'm going to tell you , a lot of things .
Mike : I'm all ears .
You : Kris oppa kissed me on the foreheard , and Taemin oppa kissed me on the cheek . Recently I found out that the reason why they're acting this way is because I remind them of some girl named Haneul . I don't want anything to do with it , but I'm sort of helping them try to move on because this Haneul girl must've been their ex lover or something like that but I don't know anything about . And so now , I'm trying to avoid Taemin and Kris oppa .

The moment you stopped talking you took a deep breath and faced Mike , who was lost for words .
Mike : Okay , let me see if I get this straight . Kris and Taemin showed their affections towards you because you reminded them of their ex-lover which you don't know about but you're trying to help them forget about her by staying away from them ?
You : N-nae ..
Mike : Well , it's going to hurt them , but sooner or later they'll come to their senses .
You : So do you think it's the right thing to do ?
Mike : It's on the the right thing if you feel it's right .
You : Half of me , is telling me to ignore them. And the other half is telling me not to .
Mike : Then you have to make a choice.
You : If you were in my position , what would you do ?
Mike : Honestly ?
You : No , I want you to lie .
Mike : Well then .
You : no no no ! the truth oppa .. nothing but the truth .
Mike : I would actually just be who I am . Sure they can be hurt and whatnot , but keep in mind . They don't know you know anything about it . So just act normal with them. And if they fall for you , then make sure they fall in love for who you are . Not beacuse you remind them of Haneul or whoever she is .

What Mike said , made a lot of sense. Then you decided to just , be normal. And be yourself . Just then the door opened and EXO flooded the room . Even Kris came in ,just then you went up to Baekhyun to continue practicing. A few hours passed by and everyone was packing up to go home . You bid everyone goodbye and you walked out of the dance practice room. Before you could continue walking someone called you. You turned around and see Kris walking towards you . Just , be yourself . 

You : Annyeong !
Kris : oh ? Annyeong .

He looked pretty confused , but you gave him a smile and went on your way. Just then you could feel someone walking beside you . You turned your head and it was Kris . While walking at the sidewalk , he held your wrist and pulled you to the nearest bench. The two of you sat down , and you looked at him .

You : Do you have something to say ?
Kris : Why ?
You : Why what ?
Kris : Why are you acting like this ?
You : And in what way am I acting like ? -grins-
Kris : The kind where , you're so nice to me . You help me with everything but you ignore me. Why ? Did I do something wrong ?
You : No .. I thought I was doing the right thing . -you said while looking at the ground-
Kris : B-bwo  ?
You : Let's just say , I know about this girl Haneul .
Kris : BWO !?
You : And I'm pretty sure that , you mistaken me for her. 
Kris : I-I ca-
You : You can explain ? You don't need to . I know it's hard trying to move on, and I thought I was doing the right thing by ignoring you so you could forget about her even more. But I'm not going to do that anymore oppa. So don't worry.   -smiles- I'll be here if you need me.
Kris : Bu-
You : It's getting dark , let's walk back !

With that being said , you pulled Kris to get up and walk back to the dorm. He didn't say a word during the whole walk back. You guessed he was shocked . When you two reached in front of your dorm , you told him "Oppa, I know it's hard , but you'll get through this. And I'll help you if you need me . Hwaiting !" and after you said that you went in.

(Kris's POV)
After she went in, I was still standing in front of her dorm. When I came to my senses I walked back to my dorm. I entered my room and laid down on my bed. The dorm was empty because everyone went out to eat, except for me. I was just laying on the bed , thinking while staring at the ceiling. What was going on ? She doesn't mind the fact that she reminds me of Haneul and she offers help ? Aish chincha . Wu Yi Fan , get your thoughts straight . What am I thinking ?

(Your POV)
After washing up , you went to the sofa to lay down . Of course SHINee wasn't back yet, so you thought you could try to relax and listen to some music. Before you could , your phone vibrated. It was your bestfriend calling, and you answered the call .

Your bestfriend : YAH !
You : What ?!
Your bestfriend : we , are , coming to Korea tomorrow !
Your bestfriend : We're in the airport right now ! We're taking off in an hour ! Since you said you have a day off on Saturdays , you can come to see us , right ?
You : I guess so !
Your bestfriend : FINALLY , now  I can kill you . -chuckles-
You : Not if I kill you first , I'm the one with experience in Korea here .
Your bestfriend : Shoot , I forgot about that . Anyways ! I'll see you soon ?
You : You bet , have a safe flight !
Your bestfriend : Thanks ! Bye ! MUAH!

After that you hung up. What a weird bestfriend you have. Guess tomorrow you'll be busy . Just as you were about to put your headphones on ,  the main door opened and SHINee entered . You smiled and looked at them as they came in. 

Onew : Kyah ! Tomorrow is a day off !
Key : Where shall we go now ?
Minho : shall we go for a day out again ?
Jonghyun : _______ ! How about it ?
You : Oh ? I can't tomorrow . 
SHINee : Wae ?!
You : I have plans tomorrow 
MInho : Oooh , with who ?
You : My friends back at _______(your country name) are coming for a field trip in Korea . 
Onew : Ah.. is HE going to come ?
SHINee except Onew : YAH ! 
Onew : What ?!
You : It's alright . It's a school trip so I guess he'll be coming along too .

A/N : When Onew said HE , he means your crush :)

Minho : So we can't go out tomorrow ? -pouts-
You : Guess not , sorry oppa !
Key : we'll go out next week !
Jonghyun : Let's go in to our rooms !
Key : Arraso .

Key , Jonghyun and Onew went into their rooms while Minho went to wash up. Taemin looked at you but he looked away the moment you looked at him. "Oppa , come here for a while" you said while patting the space beside you for him to sit . "Oh ? Oh .. " He said while walking towards you and sitting down.

Taemin : D-do you have something to tell me ?
You : I know about Haneul .
Taemin : B-bwo ?

(Taemin's POV)
"I know about Haneul" she said the moment I sat down. How did she know about Haneul ? Did any of the hyungs tell her about it ? The only words I could say is was "Bwo?" even that I was stuttering while trying to speak. 

______ : And , I don't know her relations with you but I can roughly guess about it .
Me : I-I ..
______ : You don't need to say anything oppa -she said while giving out a smile- . I Know it's hard trying to move on and , I would've done what you did to me. So oppa , I'll help you if you need me to help you .
Me : G-gomawo _______-ah .
______ : Oh ? did you change your bandage ?
Me : N-nae . I'm going to back to my room now . 
______ : arraso . annyeong !

After that I got up immediately and went to my room . I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling . I cupped my cheeks and wondered , what just happened . Now , I don't see _______ as Haneul . I don't see her as Haneul at all now. I see ______ , for who she is . Aish chincha . Just when I notice this she finds out about Haneul . 


A/N : So I just want to get something off my chest first. I feel that a bit piece of my fanfic is being used in another fanfic. *This isn't the fanfic that I felt got plagiarised , it's another fanfic. But I want to inform it in this fanfic as well* I don't have proof, but we all have feelings right ?I won't mention who , or mention what fanfic. I just want to express my feelings on how much I hate plagiarism. When I took so much time to think about it and someone just takes it away like that to write in their own fanfic. If you feel offended ? Then you must have plagiarised. Because no one feels guilty unless they did something. I'm not trying to start a war or anything like that. But asking would be nice . I also now edited in ALL my chapters by adding the date I publish it . Before I go on any longer about how much I hate plagiarism and most probably fill the whole page with my rants , enjoy this chapter , yes I know I need to calm down. mianhae -bows- 

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alwaysdreamygirl #1
Chapter 83: Nice story u got there miss :) i really enjoyed this story. How does it feel sit at Taeminnie's lap ? How does it feel hug Taeminnie's waist. Awwww i imagine about it. Hahahaha. Btw, i really love you story. Oh ya, other than that i had learned a bit of korean language. Awwww kamsahamnida. Saranghae. ! Aja aja Fighting ! Asssaaaa
Chapter 85: when will you re-write this?
i think it was at least 1 year you said you would lol. xD
JonginWife #3
New readers here..please bear with me xD
Chapter 83: AMAZING!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!
xoxo1499 #5
re read this again and again. the end is just so unexpected, and the drama is not oh-so-dramatic-baby :3
infinite_yara #6
Chapter 83: Omo! This story is so cute!
xShinMinSeulx #9
Chapter 83: i just finished reading it for almost 13 hours ! is it a world record or not? lol kyaaaaa .. i love this story :D i think this one needs a sequel ! XD