Chapter 62.

Letting Go, To Hold On

published on 19/12/12

(Your POV)
You heard noises at the door step, causing you to open your eyes. You removed the cloth on your head and sat up properly. You see a girl dressed up with a pink cocktail dress with a black cardigan. Just then she pushed Taemin aside, so she could come in. The moment she came in she glared at you. Like who the hell she think she is ? And who is she anyways?

She turned back at Taemin and said "Whose the tramp?". You just kept quiet , as you didn't even want to bother who she was. Taemin said, "The girl I'm in love with.".Which made you happy and smile just listening to him say that. "Get out" Taemin said while glaring at her. She didn't care but just stayed there. Taemin rolled his eyes at her to close the door instead. Since he knew she wouldn't go out anyways.

She walked towards Taemin as he closed the door. Taemin kept walking backwards and he stopped as his back met the wall. She leaned closer towards Taemin and just kissed him. He pushed her away ,wiping his lips with the back of his hand and glared at her .

? : We're not over yet .
Taemin : What do you mean we're not over yet ? You ended it years ago !

Just then you knew , that girl . Was Haneul. It was the first time you're meeting her. And honestly she's not leaving you a good impression.

Taemin : Stop kissing me , I'm not yours anymore .
Haneul : but you can be .
Taemin : How did you find out where I live ?
Haneul : I have my ways. But why is that living here ?
Taemin : Don't call her things like that .
Haneul : Make me .

She came towards you and, you didn't know what to do but just sit there. She came in front of you and said "What the hell are you doing here ?"

You : I- I live here .
Haneul : What ?
You : I live here.
Haneul : Don't bull me . 
You : I-I don't think I would lie about this.
Taemin : She lives here .
Haneul : So you're living with her ? You're living with her ?! When we're together you didn't live with me.
Taemin : And you wonder why ?
Haneul : What's that suppose to mean ?
Taemin : Whatever it is, we're over. There's nothing between us. I love her now. Her only .

Haneul turned back to face you , more like glaring at you .

Haneul : So do you like him ?
Suddenly , you weren't really afraid of her. Who is she to just come in here anyways? Plus , you're sick! What kind of a girl is she . Without thinking you snapped "What are you going to do about it if I do?"

Haneul : Just answer the question .
You : You didn't answer mine either .
Haneul : So you're showing me attitude ?

When she said that you just exploded in your mind. You felt like pushing her off a cliff and her landing on a samurai sword. She's the one coming here shouting like a diva all of the sudden. Like she owns the damn place. You didn't hold back and just said whatever you wanted to say .

You : I'M SHOWING ATTITUDE ? You came in here shouting all of the sudden.
Haneul : Answer me , do you like him ? Do you love him ?

At the corner of your eye you could see Taemin also waiting for your answer .

You : I love him . 
Haneul : So you're stealing my man away ?
You : Didn't you end things with him a few years ago ?

Right after that she gave you a hard slap across the face. There was a burning feeling at your cheek as the slap , well it was a HARD slap. You placed your hand on your cheek just feeling the place she slapped you at. Taemin pushed her aside and came beside you while holding onto your other hand, not the one you were placing on your cheek though .

"Does it hurt ?" Taemin asked while lifting your chin up a little to face his. You shook your head and smiled at him. Taemin pulled you up and glared at Haneul .

Taemin : Listen , I love her only. My heart ? It belongs to her. When you crushed my heart, she's the one picking up the pieces slowly , one by one placing it back together. I just met her and everything but things between us are unexplainable. I don't know what happened to you and your boyfriend but you and me ? We're through , we're done. There's nothing to come back for .
Haneul : B-but Taemin-ah.. why are you being like this ?
Taemin : Why .. WHY AM I BEING LIKE THIS? I've changed Haneul . Everyone changes. Just like how you changed into someone I never thought you'd turn into. You slapped an innocent girl , that doesn't even know you!
Hanuel : Bu-
Taemin : No buts , I don't know where you're going to go, or what you're going to do. But please , if you're going to hurt her, don't show up anymore.

Haneul stormed out of the room , slamming the door as she closed it as well. But you felt bad for her. You had no idea why but maybe it's because you knew the feeling of getting rejected. Eventhough she kind of deserves it, you still felt bad for her. Taemin turned around and sat beside you. He cupped your cheeks and said "Are you alright ?". You nodded your head slowly and said "So oppa , I have your heart ?"

Taemin : Well , it depends .
You : Yah .. you just told her I have your heart .
Taemin : Do I have yours ?
You : Hmm .. mollah . 
Taemin : Aish chincha . Go back to sleep . 

You nodded your head and Taemin got up to let you lay down.It was quite easy for you to fall asleep, considering of the condition you were in.

(Taemin's POV)
Just as she lay down she fell asleep. Man , she must be really tired. I'm glad that ,things between me and Haneul, and things between _______ and her ex-crush are over. Now, the only focus is getting her recovered and planning the day tomorrow with hyungs.

There was a knock on the door and I walked towards the door to open it. It was Mike hyung, I open the door so he could come in. The moment he came in he walked towards _______ and place the cloth over her forehead. Just then he saw red marks on _______'s cheek. He turned around immediately and I pulled him towards the dining table to take a seat. I explained to him everything that just happened and Haneul. 

Mike : Woah that chick is crazy.
Me : I know .. she changed .
Mike : So now you love ______ ?
Me : n-nae .. 
Mike : well , you're lucky I like you, so I support the two of you .
Me : chincha ?
Mike : Nae , so now , we need to go grocery shopping for the ingredients. 
Me : And leave her here alone ? What if she needs help ? What if she needs us ? What if-
Mike : I'm sure she'll be fine , just leave a note telling her we'll be back soon. Man you're like her husband.
Me : Heh .. nae .

I went to take a paper and pen to write down a note. I left it on the coffee table in front of the sofa, so she could see it. I took my phone and wallet to leave with Mike hyung to the super market .

(Your POV)
You woke up with the noises of the door closing. You looked around and see that Taemin isn't around. You got up to look around , trying to find Taemin but he wasn't around. You sat back down on the sofa and saw a note. You picked it up and it said,

"______-ah , don't be shocked if you can't find me. Oppa is going to cook for you something tasty for you. Just sleep and wait until I wake you up. Arraso ? -Your future boyfriend "


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alwaysdreamygirl #1
Chapter 83: Nice story u got there miss :) i really enjoyed this story. How does it feel sit at Taeminnie's lap ? How does it feel hug Taeminnie's waist. Awwww i imagine about it. Hahahaha. Btw, i really love you story. Oh ya, other than that i had learned a bit of korean language. Awwww kamsahamnida. Saranghae. ! Aja aja Fighting ! Asssaaaa
Chapter 85: when will you re-write this?
i think it was at least 1 year you said you would lol. xD
JonginWife #3
New readers here..please bear with me xD
Chapter 83: AMAZING!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!
xoxo1499 #5
re read this again and again. the end is just so unexpected, and the drama is not oh-so-dramatic-baby :3
infinite_yara #6
Chapter 83: Omo! This story is so cute!
xShinMinSeulx #9
Chapter 83: i just finished reading it for almost 13 hours ! is it a world record or not? lol kyaaaaa .. i love this story :D i think this one needs a sequel ! XD