Chapter 54.

Letting Go, To Hold On

published on 15/12/12

(Your POV)
You woke up with your phone vibrating in your pocket.  Guess it's the alarm again. But somehow you feel weak. Like everything is pulling you down onto the sofa. You pushed yourself hard enough to sit up . And you placed your hand onto your forehead, it was definitely a fever. You had practice today. You're going to practice with Joo-Unnie the vocals today and a few hours of the choregraphy with Mike oppa later. Your debut date is just a few months away , nothing can hold you back now.

And letting anyone know that you're having a fever , especially Taemin , he'll think it's his fault. So you went to wash up. Just as you when you wore your clothes,you stare at the mirror. Your face was pale, you saw a make up palette and you dabbed on some light brown around your face to match your normal skin color . Considering you've never used make up, this time you had to. You looked completely normal and no sign of your paleness anywhere. You smiled at the mirror and gave yourself a little cheer by saying "hwaiting!"

Then you got out of the bathroom bumping into Minho. "Oh mian" He said while picking up your towel. Then you said it's alright and took your towel . You put away your towel and took whatever you needed to go for practice. Before you left Minho held onto your hand and you turned back . Your hand was definitely cold. When you're having a fever , your hands were cold. He let go of your hand the moment he felt how cold it was . He walked closer towards you and placed his hand over your forehead.

Minho : I knew this would happen.
You : Oppa .
Minho : You can't go to practice like this .
You : But I have to
Minho : No , stop . You'll hurt yourself .
You : Oppa..
Minho : Aish chincha .
You : I'll be fine , don't tell anyone . Arraso ?

After a while of staring into Minho's eyes , he nodded slowly and formed a smile on his face. You leaned closer and gave him a peck on the cheek and he smiled. Then he said "Run along, don't be late". You thanked him and walked out the dorm. Halfway walking towards the SM Building , you feel arms around your shoulder. You turned your head to see who was it and it was Nichkhun .

You : OH ?
Nichkhun : Annyeong -grins-
You : It's been so long !
Nichkhun : Exactly ! You forgotten about me -pouts-
You : Ani , you've been really busy with 2PM , I can't possibly bother you .
Nichkhun : the rest of the members misses you like crazy .
You : W-waeyo ?
Nichkhun : They think you're great , they want to hang out again .
You : Hmm .. 
Nichkhun : This saturday ?
You : Oh ?
Nichkhun : how about this Saturday ?

This Saturday ? What if Taemin plans to go out with me on that day ? Which I don't know but I have a feeling he does. "Don't expect anything" I remembered the words Taemin said. Well he did say not to expect anything . So I shouldn't expect a date.  You thought to yourself .

You : Nae , sure !
Nichkhun : O.K. ! So we'll come at 10.00 a.m. ?
You : Nae . I have to go for training now .
Nichkhun  : One more thing .
You : Bwo ? Oppa I'm going to be late !
Nichkhun : Take care of yourself and that fever .
You : O-opp-
Nichkhun : don't think you can hide it from me. Even make up is useless . It can fool anyone else , but me. Arraso ? 
You : N-nae .
Nichkhun : Go ! You're going to be late !

You gave a bow and continue to walk on the way to SM Building . The moment you entered you saw Sulli sitting down alone. You looked down to the ground and walked towards the stairs when suddenly you hear someone calling your name. You turned around and you see Sulli smiling at you , signalling you to go to her. You smiled and walked slowly towards her. She patted the space on the sofa beside her , indicating you to sit beside her. You sat down beside her and she started to talk to you.

Sulli : So how's practice ?
You : Oh ? It's doing great .
Sulli : When is your debut ?
You : In a few months .
Sulli : Remember to tell me arraso ?
You : W-waeyo unnie ?
Sulli : f(x) is going to support you of course ! hwaiting ! -chuckles-
You : Oh , n-nae unnie . gomawo -bows-
Sulli : I think you'd better get going now, training starts soon right ? -she said while giving a pat on your head-

You nodded , got up and bowed to her before walking towards the stairs. You thought maybe walking would make you feel better from the fever. After walking two floors , bad idea. It wasn't a good idea at all. There was a little sweat on your forehead so you just took out a tissue to dab it off. You walked towards the Vocal room and saw Kris . He gave you a sweet smile and you did the same .

Kris : Debuting in a few months right ?
You : N-nae oppa .
Kris : I'll support you , always. You know that right ?
You : Oh  ? Oh .. nae . Gomawo -bows-
Kris : Don't thank me , I'll be thanking you once I get addicted to your songs -grins-
You : Are , you okay oppa ?
Kris : Me ? I'll have to be okay soon. So I might as well be happy , right ? -pats your head- I have dance practice, you're coming along later right ?
You : Nae oppa ! Hwaiting !

Just then he left. Seems like no one seemed to notice you had a fever. The make up was working. Even Sulli or Kris didn't even realize it. Plus Minho only realized it because he touched your hand. You placed your hand on your forehead. The temperature on your forehead wasn't lowering down. It was getting higher. You thought maybe a little singing would make it better.

When you entered the room , you see Joo-Unnie with sheets of music waiting for you to practice. Seems like even she didn't realize anything. You sat down beside her and practiced your debut song over and over again. Trying to make it as perfect as it could be. The time was already 1.30 p.m. , but you weren't hungry at all. Guess that's what fever does to you. All you did was drink water. As much water as possible. Joo-Unnie insisted you ate something but you told her that you were on some diet. Which was a lie of course. Diets ? You hated them . So you two continued to practice singing until it was 3.04 p.m. when Mike came by the vocal room. Joo-Unnie left the moment he came. Before you could get up , he said "You're sick."

You : B-bwo ?
Mike : don't think you can fool me. your eyes . they gave it away .
You : Aish chincha .
Mike : What the hell are you thinking pushing yourself so hard ?
You : It's my last chance , if I don't push myself now , I'll never have the chance to anymore .
Mike : Alright , alright. We're working on your dance today with EXO alright ?
You : Please , don't tell anyone .
Mike : Arraso, but make sure you take care of yourself . Is your temperature lowering down ?

You placed your hand on your forehead. And damn , it wasn't. It kept getting hotter and hotter. But you smiled and said "Of course it is!" He formed a smile on his face and leaded you to the dance practice room. While walking you felt a little dizzy , but you just shook it off. The moment you entered the dance practice room , EXO shouted "WELCOME!" You got startled that you dropped your water bottle and spilled water everywhere. Sehun walked to get the mop behind the door to clean up the mess. You thanked him and he gave you a pat on the head. Just then , Mike told EXO to take an hour break as Mike only wanted you to practice for an hour today. During the first half of the dance practice it was slighty weak. The moves you did wasn't as strong when you were alright. Mike didn't push you as hard because he knew your condition. You felt dizzy and couldn't stand straight but you shook it off and did some warm ups again to keep your mind fresh and alert. You went to drink a whole bottle of water to regain a little strength. Before continuing practice , your phone vibrated. You took out your phone and see it's a message.

To : _______.

From : Taemin Oppa .

" Hi beautiful ! ^-^ How's practice ? Remember our session later ? ;) "

You replied with "Beautiful ?! where ?! Nae . Arraso . :) "

Within seconds you got a reply , " Where ? Take a look in the mirror. :) See you soon ! ^^ "

After the last time practicing to your debut song, EXO applaused while you froze as you were done. Suddenly you couldn't stand straight. Everything was getting dark . You fell down , as you could feel your back touching the icy cold floor. You hear people shouting around you and someone was shaking you vigrously but it was getting so blur , and sooner or later . It was pitch black .

(Kris's POV)
________ was sweating so much. The moment her last dance practice ended , we all clapped as it was simply amazing . Just then she couldn't stand still and she fell down to the ground. I was the first one to run up to her and shook her vigrously . I immediately dialed Taemin's number. It was a while until he answered . The moment he answered I shouted at him "GET OVER HERE NOW"

Taemin : W-waeyo ?
Me : _______ , she fainted !
Taemin : BWO!?
Taemin : arraso, I'll be there !

Just then everyone was surrounding me and _______ that was on my lap. Mike told me to move aside so he could wipe the sweat off ______'s face. Just as he wiped off her sweat, it seems like make up was coming off her face. Mike shouted "SHE WAS WEARING MAKE UP!? AISH CHINCHA!" he immediately took some water , wet the whole cloth and wiped her whole face. Her face was really pale. All of us gasped while Sehun asked "Does she wear make up?" . "Never." Mike hyung said as he placed his hand on her forehead. "Damn it! She lied to me!" he said with full of frustration . He threw the cloth to the floor when Taemin opened the door. He ran towards her and said "What happened?!".

Me : Carry her home .
Taemin : B-bwo ?
Me : You take care of her.

I could hear the rest of the members whispering towards one another. saying

"What's going on?"

"doesn't hyung like her too ?"

"what is he doing?"

Taemin nodded his head and carried ______ away bridal style while holding her things.

Everyone didn't dare to say a word to me. Mike hyung patted my back and whispered "You did good.". I nodded and wiped off the tears in my eyes before anyone could see. Luhan came beside me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back tightly and he said "You'll get through this. "


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alwaysdreamygirl #1
Chapter 83: Nice story u got there miss :) i really enjoyed this story. How does it feel sit at Taeminnie's lap ? How does it feel hug Taeminnie's waist. Awwww i imagine about it. Hahahaha. Btw, i really love you story. Oh ya, other than that i had learned a bit of korean language. Awwww kamsahamnida. Saranghae. ! Aja aja Fighting ! Asssaaaa
Chapter 85: when will you re-write this?
i think it was at least 1 year you said you would lol. xD
JonginWife #3
New readers here..please bear with me xD
Chapter 83: AMAZING!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!
xoxo1499 #5
re read this again and again. the end is just so unexpected, and the drama is not oh-so-dramatic-baby :3
infinite_yara #6
Chapter 83: Omo! This story is so cute!
xShinMinSeulx #9
Chapter 83: i just finished reading it for almost 13 hours ! is it a world record or not? lol kyaaaaa .. i love this story :D i think this one needs a sequel ! XD