Chapter 18.

Letting Go, To Hold On

published on ; 29/11/12 . 

(Taemin's POV)
It was just a dare Taemin-ah , nothing much . Don't think so much from it . Yes . Don't think about it. 

(Your POV)
I was cooking in the kitchen , when suddenly Minho came behind me and said "Anneyeong" . I got shocked so I shrugged my shoulders and turned behind . I threaten to poke him with the chopsticks but he kept showing me his aegyo . From there he looked pretty cute but from the glass wall you could see Taemin looking at  us smiling . You hit Minho slightly on the shoulders and pointed at Taemin . Minho was waving like a maniac , but when he put his hand down he slightly pushed you and your hand leaned on the cooking pot . You let out a soft scream and Taemin ran towards the kitchen . You could feel your hand burning and Minho quickly pulled you towards the kitchen sink and switched on the tap.

Onew ,Key and Jonghyun rushed to the kitchen to see what happened . They were shocked and asking if you were okay based on looking what happened to your hand . Your hand was red-ish in color and it started to swell a little .

Minho : Aish ! Mianhae ! -bows-
You : It's okay oppa ! It's just , well . Nothing .
Taemin : Doesn't it hurt ?!
You : well it does now , sooner or later it'll be alright -smiles-
Onew : Aigo Minho-ahhh .
Jonghyun : you're so careless !
Minho : I know ..
You : Don't worry oppa ! It's alright . Oh , the ramen is done , anyone hungry ?
Key : oh . you cooked for us ramen ?
You : I was hungry and Taemin helped reach the ramen for me , so I just cooked a lot enough for everyone !
Jonghyun : Ah .. that's nice of you .
You : So , anyone ?
SHINee : NAE !

Everyone helped out by taking the things needed outside . Minho took the bowls , Taemin took the chopsticks and spoons, Jonghyun held the pot , Key took the drinks from the fridge , Onew set the table and chairs properly . You just stood there and asked "What do I do ?" . They looked at you and laughed . "You cooked the ramen !" Jonghyun said while giving you a pat on the head .

Everyone took their seats having a bowl , a pair of chopsticks and a drink each . "I will eat well!" They all said while taking the ramen . Before you could take the ramen on your own , Taemin that was sitting beside you , took your bowl and said "Here , I'll take it for you." He filled your bowl with ramen and some soup.

You : Oh , kamasahamida -bows-
Taemin : Heh , it's nothing -rubs back of his neck-
Minho :Wah .. Taemin ah ..
Jonghyun : I never knew our maknae had it in him .
Onew : Yah , Taemin-ah , do you like her ?

Taemin choked while eating his ramen when Onew said that . You pat him on the back and gave him a tissue .
Taemin : Hyung !
Onew : I'm just messing with you !
Key : But why are you blushing ? -smirks-
Taemin : W-what ? I'm not blushing !
Minho : Aigooooo , I knew he was in love !
You : Oppa !
Minho , Key & Onew : Mianhae -bows- 
You : He is in love !
Taemin : W-what ?
You : With dancing . -smiles-
Jonghyun : Yah .. she really is playful . I'm sure we'll love her company a lot !

While eating , you guys talked and ate ramen . After eating you offered to wash the plates but they told you to just sit down or watch TV or something . 

You went to the sofa and sat down . You took out the box from your luggage and looked through the photos and cards your photography group gave you . Reading the cards halfway , you realized you haven't tied them together . You took the piece of white string and tied all the cards together . Seeing the card your crush wrote for you , you smiled to yourself . Without realizing anything , Jonghyun was sitting right beside you reading the card .

Jonghyun : Wah . Marry ? -he said in english-
You : Nae oppa . Marry(english) is marry.(korean) -you practically just translated the word marry from english to korean for Jonghyun to understand.
Jonghyun : oh .. I understand now . He wants to marry you ?!
Minho : Who wants to marry who ? -He said while sitting beside you on the other side of the sofa-
Jonghyun : The guy that wrote her this card .
Minho : What card ? -raises eyebrow-
You : Nothing ! There isn't any card ! -You said while putting the cards and photos back into the box .
Jonghyun : Yah .. there's this boy , and he wants to marry ________ .
Key : Yah ! CHINCHA !? -He said while sitting by the dining table-
Onew : Aigoo .. I'm sleepy , I'm going to go sleep in my room .
Jonghyun : GOOD NIGHT HYUNG ! 
You : But it's not even night yet . It's only 1.30 p.m.
Key : Our tofu leader always sleeps because he's tired . Since we all have a day off ,he sleeps most of the time .
You : Oh .. so what do you guys roughly do around this time ?
Minho : I usually just go out. 
Taemin : I follow Minho-hyung.
Jonghyun : And I go out with Key .
You : How come you four oppas don't go around TOGETHER ?
Key : Because of our interests . Minho and Taemin just go out and exercise and play sports and me and Jonghyun rather just go out and have fun .
Jonghyun : If you had to choose , sports or fun , which would it be ?
You : I guess sports ?
Jonghyun : Yah , do you hate us ? 
You : N-no I was just answering honestly .
Key : Haha , at least she's honest . Well we're going to get ready and go out . Have fun !
Taemin : Mmm , how bout let's go for a walk ?
You : Is there a nearby park ?
Minho : yep ! There's one close by . Let's go !

The three of you changed into something casual . You wore plain shorts with a white T-shirt , round neck and tied your hair into a ponytail . Taemin wore a blue shirt with white shorts and Minho wore a pink shirt with black shorts. Eitherway they both looked good . You three walked out of the dorm and walked to the park .

Taemin : Hmm .. Do you want ice cream ?
You : Anything's fine !
Taemin : wait here ! Hyung you want some ?
Minho : Sure !

Taemin went to go get ice cream when you were sitting on the bench with Minho at the park . You looked around the park and enjoyed the fresh air . You closed your eyes and leaned back . Minho started to poke you and you opened your eyes .

Minho : _______-ah ..
You : Hmm ?
Minho : Taemin-oppa , do you like him ?
Your eyes widen when he asked that question .
You : Why ?
Minho : I can feel that he likes you , so I want to know if you like him !
You : But we just met and everything .
Minho : Ever heard of love at firs-
You : Sight .
Minho : hah , so you have heard of it before .
You : I've heard of it , but I didn't say I believed it !
Minho : True .. what if Taemin were to ask you out on a date ?
You : Doesn't SM have a strict policy on NO dating ?
Minho : Well yes , but if you do it secretly , it's acceptable .
You : Oh .. 
Minho : so , how about it ?
You : Does Taemin like me ?
Minho : Well , he blushes whenever he's around you .
You : Oppa , even you blush around me , so do you like me ? -you leaned closer to his face-
Minho : Y-yah ! What nonsense is this !
You : I'm just kidding -leans back-
Minho : But really , if he asked you out , would you say yes ?
You : I would give it a try .
Minho : CHINCHA ?!
You : Most probably ? -sticks tongue out-
Minho : SO it's a yes ! 


(Taemin's POV)
I went to get ice cream and when I got back , I saw _______ and Minho happily laughing together . They looked good together . I don't know why but , my heart feels something . It isn't a good feeling . The kind of feeling where , I want to be in Minho hyung's position right now . But what do you call this feeling ? I don't know . I walked closer towards them and I heard _______ saying 

_________ : most probably ? -she stuck her tongue out-
Minho : So it's a yes !
_________ : s-so what if it's a yes ?
Minho : Yah .. you're blushing !
_________ : No i'm not !
Mino : Yes yes yes ! 

Am I listening correctly ? Did Minho asked _______ on a date ? Ah , I'm thinking too much . We just met anyways . It's not possible for me to like her  that fast . I walked up to them and they moved aside for me to sit . I gave ______ and Minho an ice cream packet . Minho took her ice cream packet and opened it for her and gave her a smile . From what it looks .. It looks like Minho hyung likes her . But why do I feel sad ?


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alwaysdreamygirl #1
Chapter 83: Nice story u got there miss :) i really enjoyed this story. How does it feel sit at Taeminnie's lap ? How does it feel hug Taeminnie's waist. Awwww i imagine about it. Hahahaha. Btw, i really love you story. Oh ya, other than that i had learned a bit of korean language. Awwww kamsahamnida. Saranghae. ! Aja aja Fighting ! Asssaaaa
Chapter 85: when will you re-write this?
i think it was at least 1 year you said you would lol. xD
JonginWife #3
New readers here..please bear with me xD
Chapter 83: AMAZING!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!
xoxo1499 #5
re read this again and again. the end is just so unexpected, and the drama is not oh-so-dramatic-baby :3
infinite_yara #6
Chapter 83: Omo! This story is so cute!
xShinMinSeulx #9
Chapter 83: i just finished reading it for almost 13 hours ! is it a world record or not? lol kyaaaaa .. i love this story :D i think this one needs a sequel ! XD