Chapter 11.

Letting Go, To Hold On

published on ; 25/11/12 . 

(Your POV)
So Mr.David told you to follow him somewhere . Where else could he possibly take you to ? You weren't really expecting anything . You had a few questions , lingering in your mind .

How did he know I'm leaving to Korea ?

What was he going to do ?

How are things going to be like when I'm gone ?

And the one you wonder the most , Will he forget me once I'm gone ?

A/N ; By him , it's your crush . 

"Put this on " Mr.David said while handing me a blindfold . "Hahaha , you can't be serious right ?" You said while giving out a laugh . "_______ , put . it . on " Mr.David said with a serious tone . You quickly snatched the blindfold and put it on .

now I really don't know what's going on . can't I spend the last day of college normally ? I just want to go to class , listen to Mr.David's fun yet boring lecture about photography . Listen to the photography crew's joker making lame jokes everytime Mr.David says something . Go on the recess break with my bestfriend . And have that small study session with him . I just want all of that now .. before I go .

A/N ; when the words are in this colour , it's either your thoughts , or flashback . Just stating just in case anyone gets confused . ^^

So you followed Mr.David around and he spun you around three times ,made you hop five times before you actually reach to the destination .  You definitely have no idea where you are right now . Usually you'd know where you are even with your eyes closed because it's been about a year you've been going to this college , but with all the jumps and spins , you had no idea .

You hear the sound of a door opening and whispers in the room . Though you couldn't tell who was whispering and who was there in the room . When Mr.David closed the door and he told you to take off your blindfold .
when you took it off , the first person you saw was your crush . He was holding a cake written with chocolate icing "you'll miss us . a lot. Stay strong in Korea _________ !" The moment you saw that cake , tears started to fill in your eyes . "What's all this ? "You asked while looking around . The whole room was filled with photos you took with everyone in the photography group . Even your bestfriend was there sitting down holding a red balloon with words written "I'll miss you . <3 " 

One by one , the members of the photography group came to you and handed you a piece of card with a hole on the right corner . Each card had a wish , and a mini photo of them and you . They written their first impression of you and how much it changed when they got to know you . Everyone gave you a card except for your bestfriend , your crush and Mr.David .

Your crush came to you , handing you a card saying  , 

You froze when you saw those words . "Marry you " . Marry.

You didn't know whether he was kidding but then he giggled and walked to the other side of the room once he gave you the card . Then Mr.David came to you , and handed you a card . And you looked at him saying "You too Mr.David ?" 
"Hey , I may be intimidating , but I have a heart" He said while giving a wink . Then you read his card and he wrote "Brat , you leaving me with these idiots here ? K . Have a fun and safe time in Korea . Rock it up " .You smiled and thanked Mr.David for the card . And he gave you a light hug when your bestfriend came and tapped his shoulders . He turned and saw her face and immediately stepped aside .

She handed you a card . Of course , that card is bigger than the rest , and it was decorated with colorful markers . It wasn't really a small card . It was like an A4 sized paper . She pasted so many photos of you and her together . Since you guys were kids up to now . You teared when you saw all those memories , all those photos in one card . You didn't remember it was so hard to leave back when you were a kid . 

Guessed I could leave to Korea so easily as a kid because I had nothing to hold on . Now I have everything to let go of .

She gave you a hug , and then stepped back and went to the other side of the room where everyone else was standing .

They all were standing in a straight line . Slowly they all came closer to you and formed a pack . Then they handed you a box. It wasn't big , but it definitely wasn't small . It was very well wrapped with a ribbon on top . Mr.David was holding the box and he handed it to you and said "This is from all of us . We want you to have it , and take it with you to Korea. Don't ever forget us. Open the box later , when you reach Korea or something . Not now . Promise ?" , Everyone was giving you a puppy face waiting for you to promise not to open it . They knew that you've never broken a promise . Ever . "Alright alright . I won't open it ! Promise !" You said cheerfully , but in your voice they could sense you were also very sad . To leave .

They had a small party , they ate the cake and took photos of everything . Looks like there wasn't any class on that day in the first place . In the whole college there were other students that came to finish up their assignments . Other than them , it was only you with your photography gang having a small party in the room .

After one or two hours , everyone left . They hugged you and wished you luck in Korea , took a few last photos and went on home . You and your bestfriend were going to go shopping for one last time together . Before you left the room , your bestfriend pulled you back and said "wait here . I'll wait for you outside " . What ? Wait here ? . "Why ?" You asked . "You'll see." she said with a smile while leaving me in the room .

Mr.David came back with a camera strap . He then asked you to sit down beside him . He gave you the camera strap saying "here's a camera strap I prepared ." . You saw the and touched the camera strapped . Your name was sewed on the camera strap . "_________ , photography crew's Ace . 2011 - 2012 . " was sewed onto the camera strap.

"You can change the strap for your camera and use this instead. At least whenever you feel down , or feel that you miss us , you can look at  this strap , and maybe find some strength . IT WAS NOT EASY DOING THIS WITH A BUNCH OF IDIOTS .They kept poking their own fingers with the needle , and in the end one person only sewed one word . Which explains why each letter has a different "font" ." Mr.David explained .
"Thank you , for this , for everything "You said while giving him a hug . "Don't worry, I won't forget you . SO YOU MUST NEVER FORGET ME EITHER , thank me on your Award shows or something . " Mr.David joked . "I've got to go somewhere , one person wants to see you before you go " . Mr.David said while leaving the room .

Then you were alone in the room , you kept touching and looking at the camera strap with joy . You never imagine that all this would happen . Suddenly a guy said "I helped with that too" . You turned and you saw your crush sitting beside you giving a smile . "which part did you help with ?" You asked , wondering what did he actually do . "Turn the strap over . as in , turn it inside out ." .

You turned the strap inside out and you saw hearts sewed all over it . "You ? this ? hearts ?" You asked with a shocked expression . "Yeah .. it was nothing ." He said while rubbing the back of his head . "Like it ?" He asked while smiling . 

You : no .
Him : ngaw ..
You : love it .


He gave you a hug and he said , "By the way , here's a string . You know all the cards we gave you ? Tie them together , it's like a mini-booklet for you to read whenever you need strength " , while handing over to you a white string . 

"And also , read the card again , I meant it . " He said while leaving the room .


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alwaysdreamygirl #1
Chapter 83: Nice story u got there miss :) i really enjoyed this story. How does it feel sit at Taeminnie's lap ? How does it feel hug Taeminnie's waist. Awwww i imagine about it. Hahahaha. Btw, i really love you story. Oh ya, other than that i had learned a bit of korean language. Awwww kamsahamnida. Saranghae. ! Aja aja Fighting ! Asssaaaa
Chapter 85: when will you re-write this?
i think it was at least 1 year you said you would lol. xD
JonginWife #3
New readers here..please bear with me xD
Chapter 83: AMAZING!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!
xoxo1499 #5
re read this again and again. the end is just so unexpected, and the drama is not oh-so-dramatic-baby :3
infinite_yara #6
Chapter 83: Omo! This story is so cute!
xShinMinSeulx #9
Chapter 83: i just finished reading it for almost 13 hours ! is it a world record or not? lol kyaaaaa .. i love this story :D i think this one needs a sequel ! XD