How We Met Part 2

Jealousy Overload

Luhan's POV:

When Chinji asked Jinjin a question about her past I was surprised that she even agreed to answer. She had never done that before and any question about her pst, she always found a way to avoid the question. But I know exactly what was coming when she said from best to worst memories. She said she never wanted to talk about it, but here she was, letting it all out. I admit it. I was afraid of what was next. But it was her decision, she can do what ever she wanted with what she knew. I was just afraid she wouldn't be able to last until the final word. I don't even know if  will. She just continued on and on from Xiumin, Chen, and Tao, to Lay, and then Kris. I was last, and I knew it from the start. I didn't know what I was supposed to do, so I just spaced out, hoping this night would just be done and over with. But at this moment, it seemed like every second lasted for hours.

End of POV

Chinji simply asked the next question, not to get an answer, but to see your reaction.

"So Luhan's last?"

You, Kris, Lay, and Luhan all simultaneously stiffened at the question. Chinji squinted at you, now looking for some kind of explanation.

"Uhmmm, well... let's start with Luhan's life story... Luhan?" You looked in his direction but your gaze never met his eyes, you looked somewhere behind him because you knew that behind those doe eyes of his, he was breaking.

"Oh, mmm, alright." He put on a brave face and cleared his throat.

"I was also born in China, but I moved to America when I was young, but I only lived there for a little over a year, and that's where I met Yejin. Even with living there for almost a year, I never really learned English, I can somewhat understand, but it's still hard for me. Uhmm, what else? You know already the story of how I got to Korea. My entire family moved here and for a few years we stayed here, but my parents decided to move back to China, but they knew how much I loved Korea so they left me here."

You knew immediately that Luhan was already lying, but you didn't say anything just in case.

"How about your family?" Chinji smiled

You knew the moment you would drop the bomb was coming quickly and you stiffened at her question. Your breaths were getting shallow, but you felt someone squeeze your hand under the table. It was Kris, he looked terribly worried, so you tried your best to give him the most reassuring smiled you could muster up.

"Well I had a sister, and then there's my parents." Luhan sped up his words, but Chinji caught every word he said.

"Had? You say it like it's past tense!" She chuckled lightly... but she had no idea that what she had said would lead you to a past you tried so hard to erase. There it was.

The incident.


The atmosphere turned tense; you, Luhan, Lay, and Kris awkwardly shifted in your seats. You knew where this conversation would get you. Luhan opened his mouth to talk...

"That's exactly right...... She died 6 years ago."

Chinji's smile quickly faded from giddiness to dread. She had made the fatal mistake of asking, and now there was no turning back.

"Luhan... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... I just... I..." Chinji was stammering, she couldn't even speak or find the words to say, she felt beyond guilty for even asking. The look on Luhan's face crushed her. He was on the brink of tears, and Luhan wasn't a crier. But when Chinji searched the table for your faces, she was horrified. Chen, Xiumin, and Tao look just about ready to start crying too, they wanted to hug Luhan so badly, but they were reluctant to make a move since Luhan looked like he didn't want to even be touched. She looked over at Kris and Lay who just blankly looked down. It was a mix of worry and hurt that was sprawled on their faces. They both turned to you and Chinji followed their gaze. You had your arms wrapped around your legs and you hugged them tight on your chest. Your head was buried in your knees and it grew silent. Luhan began to quiver and you sensed the hurt in him. You lifted your face up and looked directly at Lay and Kris. Your face was streaked with the tears that had already fallen. You wiped them away angrily with the back of your hand and hardened your expression.

"Lay, Kris. Get him out of here."

They both stood up and latched onto Luhan's arms. He was trembling and Chinji lowered her head in shame. Everything was a mess, you tried to eat again but Chinji pushed it further.

"I didn't mean to......." There was a long pause until she asked another question that was sure to break you, "Were you friends with his sister?"

You dropped your chopsticks onto your plate with a loud CLANG. Chinji flinched.

"My friend? She was my Best Friend. My sister."

Xiumin, Tao, and Chen were debating on whether or not they should follow their hyungs, or stay and listen to you talk. They reluctantly got up out of their seats but you stopped them from retreating.

"Wait, you need to hear this too."

They turned back around and sat down.

"I should rephrase my story with Luhan. I met him and his sister back in America. She was my first friend there. I met Luhan because of her. And when I saw them at the airport that day, I just... I was so happy she was there." You stopped to take a breath, and you just stared at the table, your gaze unwavering. You were about to reopen the deep scar that never healed.

"When we got to Korea, we all enrolled in high school and we were so excited to be able to keep on going to school together. We were already planning college and everything. She would've been living with us if she was still here." You looked up to face Chinji and tried to smile.

"You would've liked her, you know? I'm sure of it."

"What was her name?"

"Luxia..." You smiled hearing yourself say her name again. The name you had almost forgotten as it slipped through your mind.

"It was the middle of Freshmen year. April 20 to be exact. It was Luhan's birthday and she wanted to find the perfect present for him. Back then, I was a slacker, never really did try that much and my grades were only average. She was a top student, and we were complete opposites, but we were best friends. I used to hang out with the wrong crowd too. I actually had a boyfriend, but he was 2 years older than me. He didn't exactly treat me 'properly' I guess, but I put up with it for some time." You paused and heaved a sigh. Chinji's eyebrows furrowed after your last sentence. There was one name that swirled around in her head, and it didn't bring up any good memories either.

"That day was also the day I broke it off with him, I was feeling in a really good mood that day, so we both kinda ran away to a different city to find Luhan's present. I was the rebel, and she was the goody-two-shoes. Somehow I convinced her to come with me. It took us 4 bus stops and a train ride there."

"Bwohh?! Wait a minute! April 20... 4 bus stops, and a train ride... different city... Is it?!"

"Our cherry blossom city? Yup, that's the one."

Xiumin, Chen, and Tao looked utterly confused.

"Sorry, I forgot you guys don't know... I take Chinji out on an annual picnic in a city I used to call Cherry Blossom City on April 20, every year."

"Is this why?" Chinji squinted.

You solemnly lowered your head and nodded.


"Yah! Luxia! What do you even plan on getting him?"

"Ehh? I don't know! But he sure does like mind games and stuff that requires your brain." She sighed.

"Do you have anything in mind?"

"I did see something in a magazine before... I think the store is right around the corne— there it is!"

Luxia eagerly grabbed your arm, and yelped in glee, as she made a dash for it. And that was how you ended up leaving the store with a bag containing a cube-like object with multi-colored stickers that plastered each side of the cube. She had just bought— a rubix cube.

"Are you sure this is what you want to get him?" You looked at her uneasily.

"Yes, definitely."

"Well, the sun's almost down. We should grab a snack before we go home. The party is starting in 2 hours, and it takes an hour to get back. I'm sure we'll make it in time." You smiled heading for a ddukbokki stand.

"Ahjumma, 2 orders of ddukbokki please."

"Extra side dishes too!" Luxia yelled from behind you.

"Arraso, young miss." The ahjumma smiled with her wrinkles bunched up beside her eyes. 

The two of you quickly took your ddukbokki and walked towards a small bridge that overlooked a small river that ran through the middle of the town. Cherry blossoms lined the sides of the river. Since no one seemed to be crossing the bridge, the two of you settled yourselves in the middle of the bridge and sat down comfortably.

"Jalmukesumneda!" Luxia clapped her hands together .

You giggled in response, "You don't have to do all that if you're with me."

"But I want to!" She pouted.

"Okay, okay! Don't have to make such a fuss!"

"You know? I feel like such a rebel for coming here.!" She beamed proudly.

"Wow, have I finally broken miss goody-goody over here?! Have you finally cracked?!" You gasped sarcastically.

"Shut up." She lightly punched you.

"Just kidding.! But you know, we could do a lot worse than this..." You gave her a slight smirk.

"Worse than running away from home to a different city an hour away?" She gaped in disbelief.

"Wayyy worse. This is like nothing!"

"Alright, alright."




"We were eating the ddukbokki on that bridge. You know the one I refuse to cross?"

"Mhmm..... Is that why?"

"Yeah..." You stared out into space, your eyes distant and unreadable.




The two of you continued to finish your ddukbokki and you were picking up after yourselves.

"The train comes in 30 minutes, let's clean up here and head to the station."

Luxia nodded in agreement. But it was at that very second that everything escalated for the worst. You bent over for a second to pick up your backpack and when you stood back up to Luxia's eye level, her eyes were as round as saucers. She seemed to be looking somewhere past your head, and she was frozen midway of holding her water bottle. It was like she forgot how to breath. You squinted at her in confusion, but she continued to look behind you.

"What are you looking at?" You were about to turn around to check, until she screamed.


Luxia briskly grasped your shoulders and turned around so that you switched places. She hugged your entire body with so much force it seemed like she was trying to protect your from something... or someone. 

From behind you, someone had been holding a gun pointed straight at your very head, ready to shoot. You heard a crack in the air, and the sound of a gun being shot resounded through the air. 

Everything went in slow motion all of a sudden. You slowly pushed yourself away from her, only to find Luxia staring at you wide-eyed. Her breaths grew shallow and sharp. She dropped the bag containing the rubix cube while still grasping onto your shoulders like she was clinging onto her life. Suddenly her grip began to loosen, and she began to tremble. Your eyes widened in utter horror. Her face grew paler by the second. She opened to try and say something but she choked on her own breath. Her eyes began to flutter close, but she was fighting the severe urge to pass out. It wasn't until she collapsed to the ground did you realize what had happened. You clutched her back to support her weight, but when you removed your hands, they were stained with a red and sticky substance that generously coated the palms of your hands . You looked back at Luxia who was blankly staring at the sky as if she was taking the last glimpse of a beautiful sunset she would never be able to see again. She smiled a little with a tear that slipped from the corner of her eye.

"It's so pretty..." She whispered. She was paler than before and her breaths were even shallower, if that were even possible.

"No......No......NO! Please NO!" You frantically screamed, panic escaping your lips. You heart clenched as tears welled up in your eyes, blurring out your vision. You desperately wiped them away. You looked at her wound and a bullet was lodged near her rib-cage and punctured through her lung

"! How am I supposed to do this?!?!"

You grew frantic and began to dig out your backpack for your P.E. clothes. You placed them over her wound and applied a little pressure but it quickly soaked in her blood and all of a sudden, you remembered her condition.

", , !!! How do I do this?!?" You couldn't quite remember how to treat her type of wound.

"Why now do I forget?! NOO!" You punched the floor beside you. There was no stopping your tears now. You sobbed into her shoulder, but her voice soothed your aching body, or at least what was left of her voice.

"Yejin-ah. Stop it." She tried her best to smile despite the agony and piercing pain she felt every time she said a word or even breathed.

"Why?! Why did you move?!" You screamed.

"Because you would've been shot."

"So?! I'm fine with that!"

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you were shot, knowing I could've done something to save you." Her weak smile still warmed your heart.

"And you think that I could?"

"I know you can." She gave your hand a weak squeeze.

"You promised we would go to college together! You said we would dorm together!"

"I know, and I'm sorry for breaking that promise. But if I don't make it...—"

"No, you'll make it, you'll be fine!" You shook your head furiously, refusing to face the harsh reality.

"But IF I don't make it... Promise me you'll give it to Luhan." She tried her best to look at the rubix cube, craning her neck to the side with much effort. "And tell him I'm sorry for spoiling his birthday, and that I love him." She blinked back the tears knowing she'd never be able to see her brother again. The one family she didn't want to leave behind.

"Yejin-ah... Never let the sun set without a smile mm?"  Her eyes welled up with tears.

She let out a sharp breath as her eyes began to flutter close, a tear slowly trickled down her cheek. She let out one sharp breath after another until she let out a final gasp, inhaling as much of the fresh air as she could just to remember how it felt to breath, but it was no use. Her grip loosened from your hand as it lightly dropped to the ground, limp and lifeless.

"No... NO! Someone please help me! HELP!"

Your hands were trembling with intensity as you screamed for help. It was like you yourself had no idea how to function. The bystanders who saw the entire scene had called the medics previously, as the ambulance came speeding down the streets with sirens blaring. Your mind fogged with thought of the worst. The sound of every beat of your heart muted out all the outside noise. It hurt like hell and you grabbed fistfuls of your hair in frantic panic. You were balling out to the world in frustration. Your entire world came crashing down in seconds. Pain overtook your actions as you screamed in anguish. Your body went numb and cold and you had every wish to simply jump off the bridge and die with her. But the rubix cube that lay beside you had somehow convinced you to stay put.

"Please... don't leave me here alone... Please..."

You begged, your entire face now drenched and soaked with your tears. The medics took her away with you tightly grasping her lifeless hands, you followed them into the ambulance.




They were all in Luhan's house awaiting for your arrival. You were supposed to arrive 30 minutes ago, but you never appeared. Kris grew worried and decided to try your cell, but you didn't answer. It was then that Luhan finally received the call.

The call that would make his life a living hell.



You, yourself were already pouring out tears just by simply retelling the story.

"The nearest hospital to us was an hour away from Luhan's house. He got the call at 5, and she died... at 5:30." You buried your face into you palms and sobbed it all out.

"Luhan never got to see his sister alive on his own birthday. And it's all my fault.!"

"How is it your fault?!" Chinji screamed.

You took a moment to calm down. You looked up at her staring blankly.

"Because you see... she didn't die..."


















"I killed her."





OOOOOOOOOH! SCARYYY .__________. anyways hope you liked the chapter xD


I'm super sorry if it's really hard to read and stuff cuz it goes back and forth from present to past. just know the gray italicized is the flashbacks. And as for the ending, the explanation will come later on.<3 (next chapter) so stick around!

More to come later on<3




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danger093 #1
Chapter 75: Same here:((( other than cover up for his underage drinking, it's also to subside any news from Kris's situation. Honestly, it's very disrespectful to use someone's relationship like that. I find that totally absurd.... I am very disappointed.
Dirty SM playing dirty tricks...
ichigo-chan #2
Chapter 75: It's okay.. I was upset over Baek and Taeyeon too.. and I don't even stan him yet I teared up.. lol
It was to cover up his underage drinking and it seems to be doing well at that.
serafina91 #3
Chapter 75: chill authornim~~ for me it just a few picture.... only them know and ONLY GOD knows behind their story.... its feels kinda weird... so sudden goes public... with group under JYP comeback... seems not right... hey! no offences ok... just my opinion...

P/S: i love your story, so keep update & fighting!!! ^_^
onewpillow #4
Chapter 73: You're back :D
Chapter 72: update soon :)
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danger093 #7
Chapter 70: Oh gosh.... the mushiness between Chaeri and Kai. This was sooo expected.
asdeary #8
Update soon^^
Chapter 69: Waeyo?! I feel so bad for the loner club/:
Omo I don't know whether I like KlassiQ with their EXO dates or the loner club! TT-TT