Just Another Day At School

Jealousy Overload



A/N: Sorry if this ends up being a boring chapter, I just have some explaining to do. xP SORRY!

You were speeding and changing lanes like a beast, while cutting other people off. Often times getting a honk, once or twice. Chinji did the same. Both of you were pciking up speed. 50...60...70...80... then you hit 90. It was an exhilarating feeling. Just seeing everything blur out of perpective. It was intense. The feeling of it all, fantastic. You hadn't driven like this in years. It was like reopening a book you had forgotten to finish.


Both of you sped past cars with flying colors. You had on your sunglasses and so did she. It just felt complete when you did. You were now side by side, racing through the streets of Seoul, when you saw a familiar looking limo that was nearing up ahead. When you looked at Chinji, you saw that she noticed too. You winked at her through your sunglasses and she smirked back, knowing exactly what you were thinking. She nodded, and before you knew it, she had changed lanes and swerved to the left. You did the same, following her lead, but swerved to the right instead. You were now on the right side of the limo, and Chinji on the left. Both of you slowed down to match the pace and speed of the long black limousine. You pushed a button, and your convertible went down, Chinji did the same. Simultaneously, you blared on your music with her and sped off past the limo, as if to mock it and leave it in your dust. You laughed as you picked up speed once again, a smirk forming on your lips.



"Waaahh... I miss my car..." Lay watched in awe as the 2 cars sped ahead of them.

"We all do." Kris stared, equally amazed.

The 6 of them stared out at the 2 Lamborghinis that raced past them at amazing speeds. Speeds you defiantly should NOT be hitting, in the inside roads. But who cares? Obviously not you or Chinji.

As you drove through the city, all the buildings and cars blurred out into one huge array of mixed colors that blended out into nothing, as if they were trying to catch up with your car. You practically beat every stoplight, barely making it past the red. You finally reached your school gates— first, to be exact. Chinji pulled in a half a second later. You were now driving through campus with ALL eyes on you... or your car, more like. It was like all conversations stopped, and everyone turned their heads towards you as you drove by. Chinji was getting the same reaction. People started to gather to see the spectacle of the 2 unknown cars driving through the school. When both of you finally pushed your way through the crowd, you made your way to the V.I.P. parking lot. The man who stood guard at the lot immediately recognized you and let you in.

"Good morning, Miss Park, Miss Baek," he beckoned towards Chinji, "Your parking spots are still the same, F1 and F2, second floor." The man greeted you with a big smile, but it looked fake.

"Thank You, and have a great day sir!" You greeted back with a genuine smile and drove off to your parking spot with Chinji trailing behind.

You parked your car, and Chinji parked beside you. Before getting out, you grabbed you bag and checked yourself through the rear-view mirror. You stepped out of your car only to be greeted by Chinji's whiny pouts.

"Awww... You couldn't just let me win this time?" She stuck out her bottom lip.

"Andwaeyo! I have a record to uphold!" You winked as you walked towards the entrance with her.

"But I don't understand.! I ran 80 when we started! I was ahead of you before! And I hit 93 in 4.2 seconds!"

"And that's why you lost! You need to gradually pick up pace. You can't just bolt to high speeds. You car is meant for speed, but it can't take that much speed to start off with. You'll exhaust your engine that way."

"You PHYSICS NERD! Sometimes I wonder why you took biology in the first place."

"Hey, I'm not a physics nerd! I just happen to know a lot about cars, that's all!"

Living with mostly girls in your family, you forced yourself to hang out with more guys. You couldn't take the femininity of your family, and as a natural instinct, you found comfort in the company of the guys you grew up with. Knowing all about cars were one of the things you picked up along the way. 

You two walked into the entrance of the school campus, passing by people who murmured about the 2 mystery sports cars that drove by and who drove them. Chinji giggled as she watched the new topic of conversation spread throughout all the people.

"Do we tell them?"

"Nawh... Let's keep them guessing, It's only fun that way." You linked your arm with hers as you continued to walk through the huge campus.

The school grounds were humongous and gorgeous, everything was picture perfect. Lush green grass, tall trees with orange and brown leaves around the trunk, and many huge buildings that rimmed the perimeter of the area. It was so beautiful and gigantic to the point where it almost looked like a separate town on its own. This was only possible due to the large amounts of money that circulated through the school. Where did that money come from? The students. Which also meant the students actually had to HAVE money to be enrolled in the school. Only the 'rich' were allowed to go to your school, on the exception of the scholars with scholarships. Social status reigned through the campus grounds. It was what determined the location of your locker. There were seven dorm/locker buildings in total; buildings A-G. The less important you were, the lower the letter building you got. A-G also meant most important to least important. It was the sad fact that the principal never admitted to, always saying it was chosen by random. But you knew... and everyone knew, money always mattered. You and Chinji were in Building A, and so were most of the idols. In fact the building was no longer called 'Building A', but instead 'The Idol Building'. Most of the K-POP stars had either gone to your school, is going to your school, or will be going to you school. One way or another, Seoul University For The Arts is where most of them ended up.

So, as you walked past the groups and clicks of people, who talked about their Thanksgiving vacation, you finally saw 3 familiar looking girls that stood out from the crowd. 2 of them waved at you, while one just crossed her arms.

"Chinji-unnie, Yejin-unnie! Kaja!" Eunbae smiled widely as you walked closer. You never really understood why she called you 'unnie', you were all technically the same age, but you were the oldest by only a few months.

"Yah! Ppali!" Ahmi ushered you towards them. Once you reached them, Eunbae hugged you while Ahmi simply bumped fists with you, if anything, you and Ahmi were the least girly ones of your group, even if she didn't look like it, she had a tiny hint of tomboy in her. Just a tiny hint. The two of them smiled widely, while one looked at you in distaste.

"You're late." Chaeri tapped her foot in irritation. Chinji checked her watch.

"2 minutes? Really?" Chinji rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, let's go." Chaeri shook her head and spun around to face the door. The rest of you filed into 'formation' in a sort of 'V' shape, with Chaeri as the lead. You were on her right, and Chinji on her left. Behind you was Eunbae and across of her was Ahmi. The 5 of you always walked in that order before entering your building in the morning. As you walked through the halls, you were all greeted by many familiar faces. You guys were pretty popular as a group, people always made way for you when ever you passed. When they saw you walking the way you were now, it was their cue to move aside. It was a given.

"Guys move! The KlassiQs are coming!" Kids who were in your path parted ways to leave room for the 5 of you to walk through. You may also be wondering how you all got the nickname KlassiQ. KlassiQ stood for~ The Queens of Class.The Q obviously stood for Queens, and the rest is self-explanatory. When they say 'class', they meant class as in— style, poise, and proper. You weren't exactly sure who came up with the name, but rumor has it that the 5 of you made an impression on the entire school the minute your group walked in, and it was said that you 5, invented the word 'class'. You, Chaeri, Eunbae, Ahmi, and Chinji were apparently the definition of class, which was also the reason why the name stuck and now as you were about to debut, you used the nickname as your official group name. 

Many guys had a crush on a least 1 person in your group, if not more, since all of you were exceptionally beautiful. Girls sneered and envied the 5 of you since their boyfriends still admired you, with no shame. You felt bad, but you couldn't exactly do anything about it. The halls were strangely emptier than usual since most of the idols were out with SM Town except for Super Junior, and now EXO-M. Super Junior refused the offer to go off on tour with their company ever since Leeteuk left for army. So they were the only ones that were around, along with the other company groups that were left over. Though there were still hundreds of other students left in your building, shockingly there was a lacking amount of men on the first floor and girls were the only ones you saw. Which only meant one thing. As you climbed up the stairs to the second floor, still in your formation, just as you expected, the other half of the population was there. You were caught off guard by the amount of guys that crowded on the second floor. There were about 300 guys that surrounded your lockers.

"Uhhh! I completely forgot!" You sulked and rolled your eyes in anger.

"No worries, I got your back." Chaeri smiled...like actually smiled. Even if Chaeri bugged you sometimes, you weren't best friends for no reason, even if she was rude and obnoxious, only the 4 of you saw Chaeri's soft side. She whipped out 5 baskets and handed them out to you, Chinji, Eunbae, and Ahmi. You gladly took the basket and thanked her. You began to push and shove through the crowds of guys. When you made it to your lockers that were all side by side, the boys made a circle around the 5 lockers expecting answers. It was that time of year when 5 lucky guys get chosen to be your dates to the winter dance. The tradition started last year, your first year of college in fact. It was last year where all 5 of you were said to be the prettiest girls on campus and any guy who could take the 5 of you to the dance were also deemed the luckiest guys on campus and instantly became popular, though it never lasted long. None of you honestly thought that that many guys would try and ask you to the dance, but the turnout last year was the complete opposite, and hundreds of boys turned up. And just like last year, they were there again. There were about 300 guys, which was around 100 more than last year.

It was now time for Chaeri to give the speech she had planned for. It was times like these where it was hard to tell a guy's true feelings. Guys were either wanting popularity, utterly desperate, or truly liked you. Out of 300 guys, you had to eliminate a large amount of them, and there was only one way to do so. Chaeri cleared and it got quiet.

"If any of you have girlfriends, leave now. You should be ashamed of yourselves for even trying."

Right then and there, about 100 guys just up and left the second floor. Now only 200 were left.

"The rest of you," Chaeri continued, "We'll let you know who they will be later on this week, so you can all just leave now."

One second, 300 boys were there, and like magic, the next second, they were gone. The 5 of you braced yourselves for what was to come next. You placed the baskets beneath your lockers, and reluctantly opened them. Out, poured the several love notes that hopeful boys slipped into your lockers hoping to be chosen.

"We'll count these at lunch." Chinji said.

You all agreed and grabbed your books and headed to class.

Just at that moment, EXO-M walked up the stairs into the 2nd floor. Kris noticed the basket full of notes you were holding, along with your books. You were struggling to carry them, and he knew you would have a hard time carrying them across campus, but when he tried to help you, you gave him a warning look and nothing more before walking away, Kris backed away and headed in the opposite direction.

"Noona still won't talk to us." Tao pouted.

"Of course she won't, she never will." Kris reassuringly patted Tao on the back.

EXO-M slowly made their way to their lockers and opened them.

From across the hall, you heard Tao scream. Your eyes widened in fear and you spun around only to burst out in a fit of laughter. There, Tao was on the ground, half buried in EXO-M's love letters that spilled out of their lockers. Not only did they get this during the winter dance, they got this everyday. You'd be surprised how persistent girls can be. The many letters from girls confessing their love, and yet none of them got replies back. Luhan quickly gathered the letters and helped Tao up. He threw ALL the letters into a trash bag and threw them into the trash can. Not a single letter opened or kept.

"Silly boys..." you giggled, "MY silly boys." 

You turned around and headed for class.




Sorry again if this chapter is like, EXTREMELY boring. I just had some explaining to do, since a lot of things were still unclear...


So anyways.. How do you guys like the new group name? (: : KlassiQ.! YUP.

My friend helped me come up with this ^^ It's DAEBAK. lol

It's 4:40 am. AND I'M TIRED AF.

Anyways, theres a lot of background stories coming up so be prepared <3 Till NEXT TIME.!



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danger093 #1
Chapter 75: Same here:((( other than cover up for his underage drinking, it's also to subside any news from Kris's situation. Honestly, it's very disrespectful to use someone's relationship like that. I find that totally absurd.... I am very disappointed.
Dirty SM playing dirty tricks...
ichigo-chan #2
Chapter 75: It's okay.. I was upset over Baek and Taeyeon too.. and I don't even stan him yet I teared up.. lol
It was to cover up his underage drinking and it seems to be doing well at that.
serafina91 #3
Chapter 75: chill authornim~~ for me it just a few picture.... only them know and ONLY GOD knows behind their story.... its feels kinda weird... so sudden goes public... with group under JYP comeback... seems not right... hey! no offences ok... just my opinion...

P/S: i love your story, so keep update & fighting!!! ^_^
onewpillow #4
Chapter 73: You're back :D
Chapter 72: update soon :)
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danger093 #7
Chapter 70: Oh gosh.... the mushiness between Chaeri and Kai. This was sooo expected.
asdeary #8
Update soon^^
Chapter 69: Waeyo?! I feel so bad for the loner club/:
Omo I don't know whether I like KlassiQ with their EXO dates or the loner club! TT-TT