Eighty Seven.

Tracing To You.





"Come in, Min Jae ahh...." She said with a sigh. 


Halmonim called me in the next morning, her voice sounded sad and hurt. Like she knew something before me. I bit my lip, comtemplating to wake Hye unnie who was still asleep after the whole night she had been crying. She figured no one could hear her but I could from the opposite. I sighed heavily and heard her sobbing softly until I fell asleep. 


That was around midnight. 


I know that Hye unnie was in a heartbreak, confusion and everything. It must have been hard for her since. I sighed, feeling bad not to help her at all. She keep telling me not to bother about her since she knew I had exams the following week and would probably distract me from it. 


I sat in front of Halmonim, putting my hands together. I was getting nervous, for God know what, but yeah... 


Halmonim's presence is intimidating at times when happiness was not in her voice or her expression. 


I gulped and looked on the ground. 


"Why are you looking at the ground?" Halmonim injected, "I'm not going to scold you, and since when did I ever?" 


I giggled embarassingly and looked at her. Halmonim smiled a little before she sighed. 


"Hye Rim is still sleeping?" 


"Neh, Halmonim," I nodded and looked out the window that was facing the guest house. Hye unnie's curtains is still draped over the windows. 


"I need you to do a favour... for me," Halmonim said. 


The seriousness in her tone of voice made me turned back to her. I took a deep breath and looked at her. 


"What is it?" I asked, hoping it was not too hard or too intimidating. 


She took a deep breath and looked over to the table beside her. There were frames of recent photos of us with Halmonim. In the blue frame was of Halmonim and all of us surrounding her, our faces brightly smiling. The green frame was just Minho and Hye unnie together, their arms wrapped around each other's shoulders in a friendly gesture. The pink frame was of Minho, Halmonim and I. The purple frame was of Taemin, Hye unnie and Halmonim. It was all of different days and we gave them to Halmonim as a gift. 


I in a huge air of breath when she reached for the photoframe of Taemin and Hye unnie together with her and the frame of all of us. I looked at her, wondering if I should ask her what she was thinking. She kept quiet, looking at the photos in her own world. She brushed her thumb on both photos. I could not tell who it was she was thinking of but I could guess and it was pretty obvious who. 


Hye unnie. 


She sighed and put the frames on the floor beside her, before she reached under the table in front of her and took out a pen and paper. 


She pushed the stationary to me and I looked at the blank paper and pen blankly. 


"Halmonim?" I called upon her, scratching my head cluelessly, "What is it you want me to do?" 


She sighed first before a small sincere grin stretched across her face. 


"Write down my will. As I say it, you write it down." 






By the time I woke up, it was noon. 


I almost wasted the whole morning sleeping. I felt like a lazy bum today, finding it hard to get up from bed. I looked at the digital clock before reaching for my phone and looking at the blank screen. There was nothing on my wallpaper except a blue screen and I looked at it once more, too used to seeing Taemin's text in the morning. But he didn't text me. 


I felt a pang of heartache then and then I remembered what happened. At the corner of my eye, near the door used to be a box of my memories with Taemin. 


Now its gone. 


I sighed and rubbed my face, pushing myself out of the bed lazily, before stumbling to gain my balance. 


I stretched my hands and stood up, looking around. The sun rays were shining through the small spaces between both curtains. 


I needed fresh air. I needed something new to do now. Something to take away the thoughts of what happened last night and everything. 


I pull the curtains away and tied them to the side of the window. I opened the window and pushed out the window to let the air ventilate the room. I leaned forward against the window frame and closed my eyes, welcoming the breeze that was passing by. 


I smiled softly, though I know I shouldn't be. 


I backed into the room and grab my clothes to change and everything, heading to the bathroom down the corridor and quickly had a quick bathe and change. I came out, drying my hair. My feet was heavy and dragged along the wood flooring. I stopped before entering my room. 


"Min Jae?" I peeped in but she was gone. 


I wondered where she was gone to... Library? I wondered. 


I shrugged and continued drying my hair and everything, grabbing my bag and stuffing some things inside. 


I needed to head out and walk around. To clear my mind. I needed to explore. Once I was done, I made the bed and head over to the main house. I was about to cook when Min Jae stopped me. 




"Oh, Min Jae!" I jumped slightly in shock, "I thought you were at the library... " 


She shook her head and smiled a little, "Aniyo..." 


"Kencanah?" I asked her, looking at her. 


"Neh..." She nodded, "Just stressed for the exams." 


I smiled and rubbed her shoulders, "Hey, you are going to do well.... I know that, trust me, arasso?" 


She nodded and smiled. "Komawo..." 


She looked at my bag. 


"I'll be heading out for a little... I need to clear my mind..." 


She nodded, "I'll make lunch...." 


She read my mind. I smiled sincerely and ruffled her hair. 


"Neh... komawo..." I said, before grabbing my bag and headed for the main gate. 
















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Ahh... cheongsul hamnida... Aigoo. I have loads of things to do and reports and writings to hand in. Mian hamnida... I will try update as much as I can, arasso?


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Chapter 91: .... Thats the end:(
Poor Taemin, awwwws I love this story!!!^^
minho-yeobo #2
Kekeke reminds me of what happened when I had cream pasta that day~
minho-yeobo #3
Minho ah~ hold onto MinJae and you'll find out why~^^
minho-yeobo #4
you still love him~
nice! update soon :)
minho-yeobo #6
Unni ah....your heart knows best,not your mind
Yay Onew is da bomb! He helped the maknae~~
mishelly13 #8
ohhhh myy goodness :O
im sooo excited for the next update!!
minho-yeobo #9
Minho stole lots of kisses from me~ ehehehe
* hides my face behind my hands and peek through between my fingers*
Miraclepaint #10
Aiyaaaaa!! Please update soon! This story is soo good!! Wahh. I hate those girls... XD if they were real...I would beat them up for hurting hye rim O___O