
Tracing To You.

"So you came from Singapore?" 


Halmonim asked me after interrogating me about my visit here. I smiled and nodded, just as I heard the door slide and Minho, which I found out to be my distant cousin, came in with drinks. He didn't looked at me while pouring the tea in front of us and putting it in front of us. 


And of course, he was wearing a tshirt. 


I tried not to get distracted as Halmonim nodded and sighed heavily. She looked slightly like my grandmother, maybe a younger sister or an older sister to my grandmother? I don't know. There are a lot I want to know. 


Oh yeah, I'm so curious... 


I rubbed my palms on my jeans as I kneeled on the cushion. It was something I need to get used to, having to always sit on the floor in a frog-like way. I gulped and moved slightly when my legs were out of blood flow. Halmonim smiled when she saw my discomfort and muttered, 


"You can sit cross-legged," She said, embarassing me in front of Minho. 


Minho smirked and gave a short snort from his throat, looking at me with an arrogant expression. I glared at him but Halmonim stopped him and told him to stay. He was about to argue but Halmonim put a hand up to his face, a sign to tell him to shut it and just listen. He sat back down, on the other side of the table, hands on his knees. 


"Hows your grandmother doing now?" She asked me, gaining back my attention. 


I took a sip from the tea and cleared my throat. Minho simply stared at me, with a look like he was seeing how much of a resemblance is there to me and him. I ignored his stare and looked at Halmonim. 


"She's well. Taking care of my grandfather," I replied, "She was adopted by a Muslim family during the Japanese Occupation that happened. So, she is-"


"Muslim," Halmonim nodded her head and sighed, "I understand. There are a few neighbours here who are muslim and I respect their beliefs and culture." 


I nodded and can't help but give a small smile. 


Halmonim smiled and said, "Well, I'm glad that you have found us," 


I smiled and couldn't help it, "Neh... I've been meaning to but I couldn't find the time. I just decided to stop everything I was doing and earn some cash and come here to find the roots." 


Halmonim looked at Minho and gave a snort sound. I looked at him to see him hanging his head low. 


"My grandchildren here are also very busy, especially Minho here," She smiled, 


I nodded and smiled wider, enjoying the few minutes of bask glory that I have and Minho doesn't. I could practically feel him glaring me down now. 


Mentally laughing to myself and enjoying the moment, Halmonim stopped me and asked me. 


"Just how long are you planning to stay here?" 


"Neh?" I was still in doubt. I found them and I was planning to head back to report back to my relatives and family that I've found them. 


"Stay here?" Halmonim smiled, "You can stay longer if you want. Just tell me the address and I'll get someone to pick you up at the hotel and send you here." 


"Erm, Halmonim," I managed to choke out the words, "Naega kencanah... My friend and I-" 


"Chingu?" Halmonim face lit up a little more, "Bring her here then, stay with us... I don't mind." 


I wanted to argue somemore but given the fact that she seems happy with the fact that she found her lost descendants, I didn't want to leave her with a short lived happiness so soon. I gulped and my lips, trying to make an instant decision at first. I sighed and looked up to meet Halmonim's eyes which were glazed with hope and pure joy. 


"Arasso," I said, "I'll stay here with you," 






"Arasso," She hesitated, "I'll stay here with you," 




I swear my mind was going to burst out anytime soon hearing those words. 


Its not that I didn't approve of her staying here but.... We just got to know her and everything. What if the documents she brought were actually fake or something? What if she was here to take away Halmonim's money and jewels and get all the money for herself. 


I know I shouldn't have said this because she doesn't seem that smart when I first saw her at the front door. We almost argued over her being a sasaeng fan because first, she looks like one. Two, she is a foreigner with a tanned skin and definitely not Korean look on her face and last, she looked like she's not used to the freaking cold weather here. 


I have went to Singapore before and yes, its a hot country that is always sunny. I have gotten used to that in the summer. 


Its her who needs to get used to. 


I mentally cursed myself when I heard her decision and waited for Halmonim's next order. 


I'm a man of manners and I respect my Halmonim's decision. 


However, this is just-


"Minho-ah," Halmonim placed her hand over mine, "Make the two guests rooms available. They will be moving in tonight." 


I nodded, "Arasso, Halmonim," 


I got up and left the room, without looking at the girl who claim to be my distant cousin from Singapore. She is a Muslim and I'm Christian. But what is the difference between both religions?! Both revolves around the same thing but different ways. 


I got up and slid my feet into my slippers, heading towards the guest house that was on the left of the main house. I opened the door and prepare everything that needs to prepare for their moving in. 


Then another thought hits me. 


Sasaeng fan... 


She knows about sasaeng fan means that... 


Could she know that I am...


But she looked at me without even giving a blush or a giggle like how my other fans reacted when they saw me. She looked at me with pure digust at my cold attitude to her and looked pretty normal... 


Maybe she doesn't know what I am yet. 


I sighed and flicked the switch light on, getting the two guests room ready for two girls. 


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Ahh... cheongsul hamnida... Aigoo. I have loads of things to do and reports and writings to hand in. Mian hamnida... I will try update as much as I can, arasso?


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Chapter 91: .... Thats the end:(
Poor Taemin, awwwws I love this story!!!^^
minho-yeobo #2
Kekeke reminds me of what happened when I had cream pasta that day~
minho-yeobo #3
Minho ah~ hold onto MinJae and you'll find out why~^^
minho-yeobo #4
you still love him~
nice! update soon :)
minho-yeobo #6
Unni ah....your heart knows best,not your mind
Yay Onew is da bomb! He helped the maknae~~
mishelly13 #8
ohhhh myy goodness :O
im sooo excited for the next update!!
minho-yeobo #9
Minho stole lots of kisses from me~ ehehehe
* hides my face behind my hands and peek through between my fingers*
Miraclepaint #10
Aiyaaaaa!! Please update soon! This story is soo good!! Wahh. I hate those girls... XD if they were real...I would beat them up for hurting hye rim O___O