Forty Nine.

Tracing To You.



They didn't expect the instant change the moment I came back home from the hospital.


I didn't want to eat. I didn't even want to head out of my room.


Everytime the rest of them tried to get in, I'll screamed and told them to get lost.


Min Jae would come in after that, with bowl of ramyeon noodles and feeding me. I sighed and would just eat.


"Unnie...." Min Jae would say after each bowl of ramyeon noodles finished, "Please at least forgive them?"


I would just ignore her and then she would look at me a while longer before she quietly stepped out.


It was a monday when she came back in and dragged me out of the bed to get ready for school. It was already the end of the month, wow, I thought, looking at the calendar. Its been a month since I ignored them.


The 31st of May was screaming into my face the moment I walked into the classroom. I breathed in and out, sitting on my seat and sulking. Min Jae was in another class.


We were split among our talents. Those who can sing, were in a different class than those dancing. I was a dancer. I suppose, I thought, heading in.


Everyone ignored each other as the teacher walked in. We dumped our bags to the side as the class started with stretches and warm ups. I was right at the back, my eyes staring on the wooden floor, too distracted to follow. Though I was a few seconds late, the teacher didn't care much. He just got on with the stretches just as someone walked in.


Everyone looked up the moment the Principal came in. He had a paper in his hand and from the looks of it, it was thick. There were several papers in one hand, his hand crumpled a part of where he was holding, putting the paper into creases.


He looked up and stared at our songsaenim who got up and straightened himself.


"These are the names of those going into SM Entertainment," He announced, looking pale and uncertain.


Everyone suddenly stopped and stared. I noticed that some faces whom I've seen that day when I was going to audition were here. They were the most alert ones now, ears perked up to hear for their names. The rest of them fell into small murmurs. I looked at the girl beside her and asked her whats up.


She pulled me closer and whispered fiercely.


"SM Entertainment is the biggest agency ever... Whoever that gets in are the luckiest. SM only choose those with very good talents and they are very picky."


I looked at her and muttered an O. She smiled and then grabbed my hand, unexpectedly.


"I hope I got in!" She squealed quietly, "Did you audition?"


I nodded,staring at her weirdly. She smiled and muttered, "You're a great dancer, lets just hope yeah?"


I smiled and nodded, "Whats your name? I'm sorry but I feel at lost here in school and dont make much friends,"


"Su Ji imnida!" She smiled and bowed slightly.


"Hye Rim..." I smiled just as I heard the names being called.


"Hwa Su Ji..... Song Hye Rim...." The principal read from the list.


I looked up and stared at the principal in shock.


Su Ji suddenly hugged me and pulled away, "We got picked!"


I nodded, still a bit lost in registering at what just happened. She clapped her hands just as the Principal excused himself and walked out. I sat in a class full of cheers and excitement, as everyone hugged each other and congratulate each other. No one came up to congratulate me and I just smiled silently to myself.


At least I did something good.


For the first time, I felt like I have accomplished something.


Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked up to see my songsaenim smiling at me. He pulled me up and shook my hand.


"Congratulations," He said, "Chukaihae!"


I bowed and thanked him.


It wasn't long till the whole news didn't only got to me. While walking down the corridor which was now so chatting and noisy with those lucky ones getting into the agencies that they auditioned for, someone pounced on me and squealed.


I screamed.


Min Jae climbed off me and spun me around. She jumped up and down and hugged me again. A death hug. I couldn't breathe. I was choking on my windpipe from the arms that hugged around my neck. I tried to push her away and when she finally did, I blinked and breathed.


"I got in!" She jumped up and down.


I smiled and grabbed her hands as she did a little jumping around me. Everyone was in their own worlds now, some crying, others were simply too shocked to say anything. School was dismissed early due to the release of results and everyone was heading home to spread the news.


"Lets go!" She said, grabbing my hand as we exited the doors and climbed down the stairs.


She was too excited to even ask me if I did got in. I simply smile, not wanting to break the moment for her.


She was the first one to break into the residence, screaming.


The boys ran out, thinking what the hell happened.


Onew had a drumstick stuck in his mouth, running out. The rest of them looked tired and haggard to even respond that fast but they did come out. I stood in front of the guest house and watched as she threw herself into Key's arms and told them the news.


"WOAH!" They all responded the same, staring and patting her back, congratulating her.


Jonghyun beamed and stared at her, "I'll take you in then! As my student!"


She clapped elatedly and jumped up and down on her feet. She hugged Minho, which was kind of shocking. I watched the both of them with great interest, forgetting about myself still expose right there.


"Unnie!" She squealed and ran to me, grabbing my hand and then pulled me up in front of them. "What about you?! I was too excited to even ask you whether you got in!"


"I got in too," I said plainly.


She squealed and jumped on her feet again. I smiled and looked at her before the guys hugged me tight. I was choking again, couldn't breathe. My eyes widen as the strength of all of them was literally killing me.


They let go then, my breathing finally at ease.


"Wait," Key stopped all of us and then stared at me, "What did you audition for?"


I was about to tell them to find out when Min Jae blurted out, "DANCE!"


Taemin's ears perked up and then stared at me. I gulped and tried not to look at him. Jonghyun frowned.


"I thought maybe you might do singing as well," Jonghyun said, "You're good,"


I shook my head, "Min Jae's better, her dance too."


Min Jae made a tsk sound and then glared at me, "You're a better dancer." 


I laughed and ruffled her hair. But I can't deny the fact Min Jae is more talented than me.


"I'll head in," I said, ignoring them again,


"Wait," Onew shouted, "Let's go celebrate!"

I shook my head, "I don't celebrate...."


Min Jae pouted, "Unnie!"


I shrugged, "You know me, Min Jae.... I'm not a fun person," I said, turning away, "Don't get drunk, ara..."


I was almost reach the door knob when someone grabbed me and pulled me back.


Taemin looked at me and then said, "You're still going," He said, "Whether you like it or not,"


I wanted to argue but we were already heading out. The rest of them were already dressing in disguises and I looked at Taemin as he did so. He wore his beanie but something was off. Before we followed behind them, I stopped him and the rearranged his beanie for him. He paused, looking at me from under his shades.


"You wore it wrongly," I said, looking at him, "Mian."


He shook his head and pressed a surprise kiss on my lips. I kissed him back but my heart sank when he pulled away. He smiled.


"You can't say no to me," He said, "Ever.... I know you're not mad at me,"


I sighed and turned to look away but he tugged me to look at him.


"Don't ignore me," He said, pulling me out of the residence and curling our fingers together.

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Ahh... cheongsul hamnida... Aigoo. I have loads of things to do and reports and writings to hand in. Mian hamnida... I will try update as much as I can, arasso?


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Chapter 91: .... Thats the end:(
Poor Taemin, awwwws I love this story!!!^^
minho-yeobo #2
Kekeke reminds me of what happened when I had cream pasta that day~
minho-yeobo #3
Minho ah~ hold onto MinJae and you'll find out why~^^
minho-yeobo #4
you still love him~
nice! update soon :)
minho-yeobo #6
Unni ah....your heart knows best,not your mind
Yay Onew is da bomb! He helped the maknae~~
mishelly13 #8
ohhhh myy goodness :O
im sooo excited for the next update!!
minho-yeobo #9
Minho stole lots of kisses from me~ ehehehe
* hides my face behind my hands and peek through between my fingers*
Miraclepaint #10
Aiyaaaaa!! Please update soon! This story is soo good!! Wahh. I hate those girls... XD if they were real...I would beat them up for hurting hye rim O___O