Eighty Six.

Tracing To You.



I curled up on the sheets, clearing out the things that were of our memories. 


I sniffled and hug the sheets around me, not wanting to see anyone. 


I heard the door opened and closed, few footsteps walking to my bed and finally, with pretty much the person's hesitation and contemplating, the bed sank a little as the person sat on the edge. 




I turned and looked at Jonghyun, who gave me a small smile before brushing my hair back. I sighed and turned back around, not wanting to see anyone but not even him. But his presence was welcoming, his aura was friendly. He was like a brother to me, an oppa... 


"Oppa..." I sighed and hid my face in my pillow, "I don't want to see anyone..." 


"Jeongmal?" He asked me, sitting properly on the bed and looked at me. 


His fingers brushed away my fringe and made me look at him. He smiled a little, his eyes sincere and worried. 


"Have you eaten?" He asked me, brushing my hair away and tucked it behind my ear. 


I shook my head, looking away. 


"Shall I get something for you?" He asked me, "There are still leftovers...." 


I sighed and shrugged. He smiled and leaned forward, kissing the top of my head and then he got off the bed. 


"Don't go anywhere..." He teased a little, making me smile a bit and I threw a small pillow at him by the door. 


"I'm not a dog!" 


He closed the door but I could hear him chuckling down the hallway. I sighed and picked myself up, brushing my hair back and tied it into a bun. I looked at the bedside lamp that was the only thing that was lighting my room and the digital clock at the side. 


It was only 8pm. 


I sighed, and bit my lip, wondering if I should just pack up my things and go.... disappear forever. 


But Halmonim is going to be discharged soon and Min Jae... 


I sighed and hugged myself, the sudden gust of wind blew in from the window and sending eerie shivers down my spine. 


A moment later, I heard Jonghyun's footsteps by the door but it was accompanied by another. 


I could hear Taemin's voice following him, trying to reason out with Jonghyun. I could hear my name being heard so many times over his reasons and I felt a pang in my heart. 


The last conversation was right in front of my door. 


"Hyung, please... Let me see her...." Taemin was pleading. 


I heard Jonghyun sighed and I could picture them in front of my room door. His legs shuffled, I could picture his body moving towards Taemin and he looked at Taemin regardly. 


"Do what's best, Taemin...." He said, "Give her a break...." 


Taemin didn't reply. 


That was when Jonghyun opened the door, big enough for him to enter with a tray of food. 


I looked up, catching sight of Taemin looking down and staying stiff right outside my door, like he just been stabbed in the heart and is still trying to stay alive in the fight. 


But I knew... I knew right then, he would still try. 


"Here's the food..." Jonghyun distracted me, setting it down on my study table, "Eat up, arasso?" 


He closed the door then, knowing that the one who made me this way was outside my door. I blinked and brush away the tears from my eyes before sitting at the table and ate up. 






Did...did hyung just said?




I fell on the ground in front of her door, where Jonghyun last stood before he went in. I could feel her eyes on me when I was standing there, getting the words to absorb in my head. 


The moment the door closed on me, the sound broke my stance and I blinked in reality, hearing those words hurting my heart. 


Its true... Its true... But...But...But why? 


I didn't know how long I was sitting like that. All I could hear was the shifting of feet in her room, their whisperings and all. 




Onew came over and pulled me up slowly, "Ka ja... we have a schedule and practice tomorrow... we need sleep..." 


"Can't we sleep here?" 


Onew looked at me. "Aniyo.... Our manager is debriefing at our dorm...." 


I nodded, couldn't disobey him and followed him to the van. 


Everyone was boarding the van, taking their sweet time to talk and share a laughter or two. 


I looked at Min Jae and Minho and suddenly have a gush of envy through my heart. I looked away, not wanting to remember the heartache. 


"Oppa... take this..." Min Jae said to Key as he board in the van. 


"Whats this?" 


Min Jae bit her lip and said with a sigh, "Unnie intially wanted to cook for you all... but she burned her hand and spilled everything on the floor. But I managed  to save some and these-" She pointed at the containers, "Are whats left.... Unnie's cooking is delicious though.... But its a pity..." 


"She burned her hand?!" I panicked, looking at Min Jae. 


Min Jae gave a small nod and sighed. 


Minho sighed and rub her shoulders, talking to her as a form of distraction. I bit my lip and looked away, turning to the guest house where just in time, Jonghyun came out. Hye Rim was standing by the main door of the guest house, and just as true as Min Jae's words, her hand was bandaged. I bit my lip and let guilt ate up though I was wondering why she was pushing herself away from me. 


I waited till Jonghyun came in and the van started moving. 




Jonghyun gave me a box. 


"What is it?" 


He sighed and looked at me with frustrated eyes. "Take a look for yourself, Taemin...." 


I bit my lip and turned away from him. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I opened the box. 


My heart fell the moment I saw the things that I bought for her, the photos that we took together, the gifts that cherish the memory of us and the place we find interesting... Everything was here... In the box. 


"Hyung!" I panicked, "What is this?!" 


"You should know..." Jonghyun simply replied, not looking at me but at his phone. 


The whole van kept quiet after that. The silence was disturbing and my anger began to flare. 


What wrong did I do?! I kept asking myself, my hands together before putting the box to the side and grabbed Jonghyun by his collar and threw him on the ground. 


"TAEMIN!" Onew, Key and Minho shouted, stunned at my sudden gesture. 


The van came to a jerk, stopping at the side. 


I couldn't hold it longer. 


I tried to punch Jonghyun but he was stronger than me. He was holding me back, though I was struggling to get to him. 


"TAEMIN!" He blurted out during the struggles, "YOU STILL DON'T GET IT?!" 


"Why...WHY HYUNG?! WHY ISN'T ANYONE TELLING ME!!!" I shouted back, tears welling up my eyes as I found enough strength to punch him but missed. 


"THAT DAY WHEN YOU CAME IN THE HOSPITAL.... WHO WERE YOU WITH BEFORE?!" Jonghyun shouted, just as someone pulled me back. 


Onew and Key was struggling to hold me back as I kicked my legs angrily in the air, trying to get to Jonghyun. 


Minho pulled Jonghyun back but Jonghyun shrugged out of his grip and looked at me with defensive eyes. 


"WHO!" He shouted, holding back his anger to pound on me, "WHO WERE YOU WITH?!" 


I struggled in Onew's and Key's arms, sobbing in anger. 








Onew and Key let me go in an instant the moment they heard the truth. I fell to the ground, panting and crying, not daring to stare at the box. 


"Mwoh?" Minho muttered, coming towards me, "Yah... don't lie to me, Taemin-ah.... This is my cousin we are talking about...." 


I nodded and cried harder, "Why not you call her and ask!"

Key was already on the phone, talking to my mother. 


Key ended the called quickly before looking at us, stunned. 


"Its... Its true..." Key muttered, "Umma just bought a new perfume with Taemin that day...." 


Onew rubbed his face, "Dammit..." 


Jonghyun crashed to the ground, realising his mistake, "How...How are we going to-" 


Onew shook his head, "Not tonight... we still have schedules and practice tomorrow.... Maybe tomorrow.... We are coming over for dinner..." 


"Taemin...." Jonghyun came to me, "I'm so sorry... I didn't... I was...." 


I shook my head and curled up on my seat, putting the box on the other seat. 


I continued crying, realising that Hye Rim's reason to break up with me was probably because of something I didn't explain. 


It was my fault. 


















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Ahh... cheongsul hamnida... Aigoo. I have loads of things to do and reports and writings to hand in. Mian hamnida... I will try update as much as I can, arasso?


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Chapter 91: .... Thats the end:(
Poor Taemin, awwwws I love this story!!!^^
minho-yeobo #2
Kekeke reminds me of what happened when I had cream pasta that day~
minho-yeobo #3
Minho ah~ hold onto MinJae and you'll find out why~^^
minho-yeobo #4
you still love him~
nice! update soon :)
minho-yeobo #6
Unni ah....your heart knows best,not your mind
Yay Onew is da bomb! He helped the maknae~~
mishelly13 #8
ohhhh myy goodness :O
im sooo excited for the next update!!
minho-yeobo #9
Minho stole lots of kisses from me~ ehehehe
* hides my face behind my hands and peek through between my fingers*
Miraclepaint #10
Aiyaaaaa!! Please update soon! This story is soo good!! Wahh. I hate those girls... XD if they were real...I would beat them up for hurting hye rim O___O