
Tracing To You.

I had to move Min Jae's luggages out of the way when I heard Halmonim complaining about it blocking the hallway. Min Jae, on the other hand, was checking out the whole house and the place. 


The whole residence was huge. 


There was the main house where the kitchen, the main hall and the dining rooms were. There were another 2 more houses surrounding the main house, one is the main family residence place where their rooms were and the other house were filled of rooms for guests. 


I sighed and moved all the luggages by myself to the guest house. 




I yelled the moment I arrived at the door of the guest house, panting after carrying both her luggages. 


She came out of a room, ears plugged. She unplugged her ears and smiled at me, looking at her luggages




I glared at her but she simply ignored it and did some aegyo in front of me, pulling her luggages into the room. I groaned and gritted my teeth in annoyance and walked back to the main house to collect my luggage. I was about to pull my luggage out when I bumped into Taemin again. 


This time, I made sure none of my limbs were hitting him. 


"Mian!" I blurted out instantly, putting my hands out in surrender. 


He replied back with a sorry and smiled. "I didn't see you there." 


"Huh," I made a scoffing noise in my throat and put my hands on my hips. This guy really is a blur. I looked at him, "You are really a blur, I noticed." 


"Mwoh?" He blurted out, just as I dragged my luggage along to the guest house. 


"Do you need help?" He asked, trailing after me. 


"Ani...." I pulled the luggage up the stairs and huffed out. "Naega kencanah..." 


He was about to ask me whether I needed any more help but Minho's head popped out from the main house and found Taemin and I at the entrance of guest house. I didn't miss his glare when he finally found Taemin. 


"Taemin," He called out, "I need your help!" 


Taemin looked at his hyung and then at me. I looked away, pulling my luggage into the guest house. He hesitated a little before he left to the opposite direction and into the main house. I sighed and pulled it into one of the rooms that was clean and done up before we came here. 


I heard Min Jae putting her music to the loudest and blasting it through the guest house. I sighed and slide the door close, still hearing some of her music through the thin walls. I dumped my bag on the floor, laying it down gently and popping the top open. 


Suddenly I forgot for a moment why there was shopping bags in my bag. 




She came to my room, leaning her body on the door frame and looking at something on her phone. 


"Wae?" She asked innocently, not looking up from her phone still. 


I dumped the bags in front of her and she blinked, looking away from her phone. Once, twice and then she finally remembers.


"Oh," She giggled innocently and took the bags, "Komawo, Unnie!"


I narrowed my eyes at her as she walked away innocently, a little of swagger in her walk. I sighed and let the door open a little, as the air ventilate. I began to unload my clothes into the small cupboard nearby. I put my toiletries on the dressing table, and that was all I needed to do. 


I was sweating after the whole unpacking and didn't know someone was standing there watching me. 


I jumped in fright to find Minho standing and leaning against my doorframe. 


"Yah, pabo-" 


"QUIT CALLING ME PABO, CHOI MINHO!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, throwing a pillow at his direction. 


He didn't dodge it nor did he catch it. He shut his eyes and let the pillow hit his face. He gritted his teeth and glared at me. 


"Yah, Hye Rim-sshi!" He said my name with poison, making me wince when he walked towards me with his iced cold eyes stabbing me, "Tell your friend not to wear what she wore today. Not ever around the house. EVER!" 




We both turned to see Min Jae standing there, her face washed in pure anger and digust. She stared at Minho with her iced-cold glare that was more scarier than Minho's and went straight to him. 


"If you wanna say something about my fashion sense, say it to my face!" She spat, taking my hand and pulling me out of my room. 


Min Jae felt hurt and angry the moment she pulled me to her room and slide the door close. I turned to her and wanted to say something but she put a hand in front of my face and shook her head. 


She started talking all her anger out, letting me sit on her bed and watched her at work as she fumed over and over again. The moment she was done fuming, she wore something more decent, jeans and a printed tee. She looked over herself and started giving herself second judgements about her dressing when someone knocked on the door and the door slide open. 


"Erm," Taemin began, looking slightly embarassed to interrupt our session, "Dinner's ready." 


I smiled and grabbed Min Jae's hand, pulling her out. We followed Taemin closely behind as we made it out of the guest house and to the main house where the whole house was filled with delicious smells of food. 


"Behave," I whispered to her as we reached the door of the dining area. 


She nodded and sat beside me as we entered the dinner area. 


Halmonim was at the head of the table, along with Minho and Taemin on opposite sides of us. Minho didn't meet any of our eyes, staring at his plate like it would explode anytime. I cleared my throat and it made his eyes moved slightly to meet mine. I looked away, making sure he felt guilty for what happened just now. Min Jae simply ignored him. 


The feast began, with starters and then main courses. No one talked at all, too hungry to even make a small conversation. 


"What are you going to do after this?" Halmonim asked the question directly to me, looking up from her empty plate. 


I chewed on my rice and swallowed the last bit down my throat, "Erm... We'll be heading home..." 


"Home?" Halmonim repeated, "Why not stay for a while more?" 


I met Minho's and Min Jae's eyes for a bit. From Minho's eyes, I could see that he didn't want me here. Min Jae's eyes told me she wanted to stay and wanted so badly to explore more. I sighed and my lips, thinking over my doubts. 


"I'll think about it, Halmonim...." I muttered, meeting her eyes, 


She seem to understand what I meant and smiled. "Arasso...but please, stay longer." 


"Will try..." I smiled.


I felt another pair of eyes staring at me through the whole conversation. I looked up to see Taemin's eyes staring at me. I could very well tell what it was in his eyes and I looked away. I didn't want anything to do with anyone here. 


Personally, I want to hurry up and get home. 


Because I know, once I get used to a place, I will grow so deeply attached to it that I wouldn't dare to leave it, not even a day. 


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Ahh... cheongsul hamnida... Aigoo. I have loads of things to do and reports and writings to hand in. Mian hamnida... I will try update as much as I can, arasso?


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Chapter 91: .... Thats the end:(
Poor Taemin, awwwws I love this story!!!^^
minho-yeobo #2
Kekeke reminds me of what happened when I had cream pasta that day~
minho-yeobo #3
Minho ah~ hold onto MinJae and you'll find out why~^^
minho-yeobo #4
you still love him~
nice! update soon :)
minho-yeobo #6
Unni ah....your heart knows best,not your mind
Yay Onew is da bomb! He helped the maknae~~
mishelly13 #8
ohhhh myy goodness :O
im sooo excited for the next update!!
minho-yeobo #9
Minho stole lots of kisses from me~ ehehehe
* hides my face behind my hands and peek through between my fingers*
Miraclepaint #10
Aiyaaaaa!! Please update soon! This story is soo good!! Wahh. I hate those girls... XD if they were real...I would beat them up for hurting hye rim O___O