Thirty Seven.

Tracing To You.



The skies gave out a mild midnight blue as the clouds cleared and spaced out, showing the vast night sky above us. I smiled and squeezed her hand, looking out into the night sky like never before. 


First time in my life, I'm in love. 


In love with someone who seem so perfect to me. 


I turned to look at her, who happened to look at the sky as well. She smiled silently to herself, watching as the sky change from a bright yellow to a midnight blue within an hour. I watched her a little more, satisfied. 


Satisfied and pleased to experience something I honestly thought I couldn't have. Something that everyone has been finding for. Something I have been too curious about. Something that have been in my heart all along when I saw her the first time at the hotel. 


The way she flipped her hair. The way she smile. The way she just looks at people and then give a little thought before she say something. The way she thinks about things. 




I still need her to call me oppa though, does she know I'm a year older? 


I looked at her and smiled the moment she smiled at me. She tilted her head slight and looked away. 


"Shall we head home?" She asked me, hugging my arm a little as she stumbled a little. 


I caught her and steadied her before putting my arm around her waist and then letting go, holding her hand. She still jerked a little when I touched her. Maybe it takes some time for her to get used to the touches. I stayed a little away, hoping to give her some space. 


"Why are you so far?" She pouted, "Come closer." 


I smiled and my heart fluttered hearing her whine and seeing her pout. 


She pulled me closer and sighed, as we stood in front of the residence gates. She rubbed her face in my chest and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her as my heart was overwhelmed with a feeling that I have never experienced before. The way she was close to me, just made things more beautiful than it already is. 


Hearing all those rumors about me dating other idols.... I was just pretty much close and friendly with anyone. Though I have heard a few of them confessed that they do like me but I never really gave the same thought back. 


I never thought that I would see someone and just fall like that. 


With Hye Rim.... 


"Hey...." She looked up and smiled when I looked at her, "Whats wrong?" 


I shook my head, "Just thinking...." 


She brushed her thumb on my cheek and I took her fingers and kissed them. She shivered a little and blushed. I smiled and wrapped my arms tighten around her. 


"Cold?" I asked her, rubbing her arms. 


She shook her head and gave a shaky laugh, "Just that... your touches are... sending shivers down my spine." 


I smiled, caressing her cheek. She sighed and turned to look at the gates. 


"I should really go," She frowned, 


I took her hand, "Lets go together." 


She was stunned at first but I explained to her then. "Everyone's here to eat dinner.... " 


"Oh...." She looked dumbfounded. 


I chuckled, "Come, jagiya~ ka~" 


She nodded and led me lead her through the gates that creaked and whispered to the others that we were home. 






I held his hand as we reached the main house. I could smell the food from where we were as I untied my shoelaces and slipped my shoes off my feet. Taemin waited for me, getting up on the platform. He reached for my hand which I took without regret or embarassment and was ready for all of them to look at us. 


I was somewhat mentally prepared but I know I will screw up somehow. I stared at the door hard and only break away from the door to look at Taemin. He squeezed my hand and smiled slightly. 


"Hey...." He tucked my hair behind my ear, "Its going to be okay..." 


I nodded and sighed, only to respond quick enough when he swooped in and kissed me once more. I returned the kiss but bit my lower lip in frustration when he pull away. 


He laughed and pinched my cheeks. 


"I'll give more poppos in future, I promise." He kissed my hand and finally slide the door open. 




I looked up and see a long banner above the dinner table. 


Before I could make out the words, loud popping sounds shocked me and I hid behind Taemin. Taemin laughed a little, though by the way he held me, he was also scared by the loud poppers. He smiled and laughed again, a little stronger this time and shook his head. 


"YAY!" Min Jae clapped happily, "Cukaii~" 




Taemin smiled and then looked at me. I simply stared at him, wondering if he was involve in this. He frowned a little and muttered, "I.... I... I don't know about this," 


I crossed my arms and stared at him. Though I wanted to believe him, I feel like a fool not having to know. 


Minho saw the way I reacted and stopped Min Jae from coming to me. I shook my head, just as my head finally realised what the words were on the banner. 


"You plan all this..." I looked at Taemin, "I should have known...." 


Taemin immediately rebutted, "Aniyo... I honestly didn't know..." 


I shook my head and stepped away from him. 


"Hye Rim...." Taemin stepped towards me, "I really didn't know..." 


I just couldn't take it. I hated surprises. I really didn't like people knowing something that I don't and then surprising me. 


Before I knew it, I ran out of the house and straight to the guest house.


"Hye Rim!" 


I heard footsteps followed me and I turned, sharply and glared at Taemin. I noticed the rest of them were already following him behind but paused at the moment they saw me. 


"STOP!" I cried, "Just quit following me!" 


I threw the door opened and slammed it shut. I ran through the hallway and stepped into my room, locking the door behind me. 


Then I sank to the ground, regretting the fact that I made a mistake. 


I really hated surprises. 


I really hated it when things are not as they said. 


I sank to the floor, thinking maybe I have overreacted in some way but .... 


I glanced at the corner of the room where a picture of my family was there. 


Without hesitation at all, with or without Min Jae... 


I should just head home. 


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Ahh... cheongsul hamnida... Aigoo. I have loads of things to do and reports and writings to hand in. Mian hamnida... I will try update as much as I can, arasso?


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Chapter 91: .... Thats the end:(
Poor Taemin, awwwws I love this story!!!^^
minho-yeobo #2
Kekeke reminds me of what happened when I had cream pasta that day~
minho-yeobo #3
Minho ah~ hold onto MinJae and you'll find out why~^^
minho-yeobo #4
you still love him~
nice! update soon :)
minho-yeobo #6
Unni ah....your heart knows best,not your mind
Yay Onew is da bomb! He helped the maknae~~
mishelly13 #8
ohhhh myy goodness :O
im sooo excited for the next update!!
minho-yeobo #9
Minho stole lots of kisses from me~ ehehehe
* hides my face behind my hands and peek through between my fingers*
Miraclepaint #10
Aiyaaaaa!! Please update soon! This story is soo good!! Wahh. I hate those girls... XD if they were real...I would beat them up for hurting hye rim O___O