
Tracing To You.

SORRY PEEPS ! I know its been a long time since I last updated and many things have happened! 

Im attending Korean classes now so yeah, my songsaenim said I'm improving well and gone the extra mile to learn Korean.

And I have camps too. I was voted dance queen and now I'm practicing for a school dance off this coming thursday.

I'm the only B-Girl in the B-Boy group, so yeah. KEKE. they are thinking of giving me a solo dance. Aish, there's no need too.

(though, I have to admit from many that told me, I'm a pretty good dancer.)





After walking into a few shops, I grew almost tired of it.


I sighed, looking at the clothes in a boring manner, staring at how weird some patterns look and how people would want to wear them outside.


Gosh, mentally, I know Min Jae would but a guy like Key?


I shivered at the thought and groaned as we walked out of the 4th shop we went into.


Already, Key and Min Jae are becoming the best of friends, linking arms and walking and chatting animatedl, going into every shop and buying bit and pieces, here and there. Minho was growing a fair interest in the fashion but he wasn't the type like Key's. I still like Minho's fashion sense though, only disapproving Key's sense. Taemin was following us like a buzzing bee, taking interest in the weirdest things.


Like the ceiling lights or the size of the clothes hangers in the shop.


I rolled my eyes and stared at him, only to get caught by him. He smiled innocently and tilted his head in a cute manner, making me blushed in embarassment and wished I didn't rolled my eyes at him earlier. I gulped and walked another way when Minho grabbed my collar and pulled me back.


I glared at him, struggling off his grip which he let me go and almost made me fall if not for Taemin who caught me and joined us like a lost mushroom.


Seriously, Taemin's hair is like a mushroom. And there's no parting !


"What?!" I hissed back, glaring at him.


Minho moved his finger, signalling me to come closer and I did. He whispered in my ear on his plan and the frown on my face stretched into a huge grin.


It was a better plan than having to stay shopping all day long.


Taemin kept pestering us to listen into the plan of ours. I glared at him as Minho sighed and told Taemin the same plan. Taemin's face lit up and he nodded enthusiastically. I sighed and slowly told them that I would be heading to the toilet for a while before our plan is launch. Minho already began texting someone, just nodding at me when I exit the shop to the ladies.


When I reached back the shop, Minho and Taemin were already waiting for me outside, leaning against the shop window and looking bored. Taemin was bouncing on his heels while Minho was busy with his phone again. I sighed and heaved my bag on my shoulder higher again and walked towards them. At the same time, Min Jae and Key were coming out with another load of bags again.


Minho looked up and gave a signal to Taemin who grinned knowingly. He looked at me and nodded his head, making me look like a blur at first until...




Minho burst into a sprint, hands out to grab my hand but missed. Taemin ran as well, just as Key looked up and began shouting at us. I widened my eyes just as Taemin grabbed my hand and pulled me away, forcing me to run along as well. I gasped and held on to my bag, running away just as I heard Min Jae shouting me to come back.


I was too much in a blur to process anything now but halfway through, I realised that we were making a run from the two of them. I breathed in and out, catching my breath of oxygen as we continued running out of the shopping mall and to the streets. After darting into a few streets, Minho slowed and came to a stop.


Taemin stoppe, making me stopped as well. I realised I was holding his hand when I came back to my senses after a few seconds of breathing in some oxygen into my brain. Taemin had gripped my hand pretty tight, ensuring that I was following him. I let go of his hand, avoiding the look in his eyes when he felt me tugging back my hand. He wiped his hands on his tight skinny jeans and leaned down to catch some air.


"What....the....hell...was...THAT!" I shoved Minho a little and panted again, leaning against the nearest brick wall.


He chuckled at me, looking at me like I'm such a weakling. I glared at him which made him stop chuckling but he still shared that teasing smile.


"A getaway.... You don't want to know when Key knows we are heading off somewhere better without him," He smirked, and then tilted his head to the other direction, "Ka ja... We are close by...."


"Close by...where?!" I asked again, just as Taemin came over and offered to carry my bag. I shook my head and told him I was fine, walking blindly behind Minho who began texting again and walking off the other direction.


I walked straight in front of him and turned to look at him, walking backwards. I crossed my arms and stared at him.


"Where are we going?" I demanded for an answer straightaway, so I know my distant cousin wouldn't kidnap me and sell me to the cannibals.


He smiled, staring at the frustration on my face, "Somewhere...."




I bumped into someone then, falling backwards. Strong pair of arms caught me and held me as I balanced myself and blinked at the sudden fall. Taemin widened his eyes at me, reaching out to pull me back up again. I grabbed Taemin's sleeve and let him pull me up, not knowing the stranger that I bumped into might sudden grab for something else other than my arms.


"Hyung!" Taemin blurted, "I thought you were at-"


I turned around, still grabbing on to Taemin's arms to see who he was calling upon.


Finds out to be a short guy with huge arms and toned body. I could see those veins under those skin. He looked up and smiled at me, the most cutest and friendliest smile. He smiled at me at first, coming closer. I gripped on Taemin's arm tighter and felt him pulling me closer. The stranger must have thought something was going on between me and Taemin because he gave a look of confusion at first, staring between Taemin and I. Minho cleared his throat then, making me release the hold on Taemin's forearm and took a step back.


"Apologies," The stranger said, "I couldn't wait for you guys. You were killing me, having to wait so long...."


Suddenly his head shot up and he looked around in alarmed.


"Where's Kibum?"


"Shopping...." Minho replied curtly, "We had to run here."


The stranger chuckled and motioned for us to follow him. I watched as Taemin and Minho followed him a few steps forward before Minho stopped and turned to look at me.


"Are you coming or not?" He asked, his question was so cold and icy.


I nodded and quickly stayed by his side, catching up as we head to a place nearby.




"Kyaaa~ Its so noisy!" I shut my ears as some random song came blasting into my ears the moment we entered the glass doors.


Minho shook his head in humor at me whereas Taemin smiled apologetically.


"Get used to it, cousin..." He muttered, "We are going to have more time here..."


"What?" I was about to reply back when we came to the counter. The stranger that I bumped into talked to the woman behind the counter, before she nodded and told him something and leading the way. I followed them as we walked passed so many rooms with people singing their lungs out horribly.


I winced hearing a piercing scream or a cat wailing in different rooms. I took a deep breath and sighed until we were led into a similar room that was empty. I was pretty clueless still until I saw the microphones in the middle of the table.


"We are going to karoake?!" I blurted out , just as the woman closed the door behind her and left us alone.


Taemin and the stranger began searching for songs, chatting animatedly. Minho just directed me to the nearby sofa seats and made me sit while he scooted beside me and leaned against the backrest. He sighed and smiled, folding his arms across his chest and smirked.


"You never been to one before?" He asked me, hoping to provoke and tease me again.


I slapped his thigh and glared at him. He winced a little but kept his cool. "I have been to one a few times, pabo!"


He smirked and chuckled, checking his phone again.


Just then, someone picked up the microphone and began to take my atttention away from Minho.


"Welcome...welcome." The stranger said, "Annyeong haseyo, Kim Jonghyun imnida and here with me is Lee Taemin!"


He was about to say something else when Minho silenced him with a glare and a firm shake of his head. Jonghyun, whom I finally got a name from, choked on his words and nodded before continuing.


"Let's sing some songs!" He started pressing some buttons on the remote.


The lights in the room dimmed and the whole room turned into a mini concert. I watched as the colourful lights bounced off the walls, dancing everywhere around the room. Steam start coming out from under the television, making the whole dreamy concert-like effect. I watched in awe as the song started playing and Jonghyun began singing.


I was amazed by his vocals, seeing him as a singer instead of someone ordinary. I smiled and swayed slight to the music, clapping my hands to the beat. He sang some Korean song that I couldn't understand but a few words told me it was some sort of breakup song. Also by how ballad the song felt, it was a sad breakup song.


Next Taemin sang and his vocals were surprisingly just as similar as Jonghyun. His was more gentle and softer but slightly weaker. But their vocals sounded much the same. Reminded me of how the little brother would follow pretty much of the big brother actions. From how they both were reacting towards each other, they were pretty close. But Minho were more closer to Taemin so...


Minho nudged me and shoved me out of my seat. I blinked and turned to him just as another hand reached out and grabbed mine.


"Ilrona, ilrona~" Jonghyun smiled and pulled me closer, "An english song for our dear?"


"Hye Rim..." I said, blinking at him blurly. He shoved the microphone into my hand and clicked on the song to play. I gulped and watched as the three guys stared at me, clapping happily as the song began. I looked at Minho blurly, beginning to sing the song. I took a deep breath and watched as a Taylor Swift music video started playing in front of my eyes and I watched that instead of the three pair of eyes.


I didn't know how long I sang but after that few minutes, I stopped and took a deep breath. I stared back at them just as all of them stood up and clapped for me. I gulped and blushed, staring at them.




Minho chuckled and shook his head, enjoying my embarassment. I glared at him and almost threw the microphone on his head. Taemin came up and smiled, patting my shoulder a little and taking the microphone from me.


"That was great." He simply said,


"err...komawo?" I gulped and looked away, not wanting to meet his eyes. I breathed in and walked around him, avoiding his eyes as I made my way slowly to my seat. Just then a pair of arms hugged me, shocking me slightly. I jumped and then looked wide-eyed at Jonghyun who smirked.


"Ahh..." He said, "You have a nice voice to begin with... need more working out with it though."


"M-m-mwoh?!" I stuttered just as Taemin and Minho came and pulled him and me apart.


"Nuh-uh," Minho held him back, "No skinship with my cousin, Dino..."


I blinked and looked at Taemin who looked at Jonghyun with pouting lips. I looked at Taemin and Minho was glaring at Jonghyun.


"Skinship?!" I asked, staring at them in confusion.


"Will explain later," Minho said, "Now, is it my turn to sing?"


"Yah!" Jonghyun smacked Minho, who didn't budge at all, "Why can't I?!"


"Taemin," Minho patted the younger boy's shoulder, "Look after her while I sing would you?"


Taemin nodded and sat me down beside me, being the barrier between Jonghyun and I. I was still in a blur but Taemin was very well alert. He kept watched his hyung's actions whenever his hyung leaned forward to drink or laid back to rest. I was beginning to think they were going crazy.


That includes my cousin as well.


I must have been meeting up with mental people.


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Ahh... cheongsul hamnida... Aigoo. I have loads of things to do and reports and writings to hand in. Mian hamnida... I will try update as much as I can, arasso?


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Chapter 91: .... Thats the end:(
Poor Taemin, awwwws I love this story!!!^^
minho-yeobo #2
Kekeke reminds me of what happened when I had cream pasta that day~
minho-yeobo #3
Minho ah~ hold onto MinJae and you'll find out why~^^
minho-yeobo #4
you still love him~
nice! update soon :)
minho-yeobo #6
Unni ah....your heart knows best,not your mind
Yay Onew is da bomb! He helped the maknae~~
mishelly13 #8
ohhhh myy goodness :O
im sooo excited for the next update!!
minho-yeobo #9
Minho stole lots of kisses from me~ ehehehe
* hides my face behind my hands and peek through between my fingers*
Miraclepaint #10
Aiyaaaaa!! Please update soon! This story is soo good!! Wahh. I hate those girls... XD if they were real...I would beat them up for hurting hye rim O___O