
Tracing To You.



Min Jae started jumping on the spot again and again as we made out of Incheon International Airport. My eyes were sleepy and I kept yawning, feeling the jetlag. I sighed and rest my chin on the trolley handle as Min Jae start to spin on the spot and jumped again in joy. 


"Unnie!" She jumped on me, making me groaned in annoyance, "WE ARE HERE !" 


I sighed and muttered something low that she couldn't hear. She made a leap and start to flag a taxi down. Just like that, a taxi arrived in front of her and she helped to open the bunk of the taxi and load her things inside along with mine. I got in to the passenger seat and leaned my heavy and throbbing head on the window of the taxi. She came in a few minutes later, conversing in Korean to the ahjusshi to the place of stay we will be staying for a week. 


She hummed to a happy tune as she looked out of the window. I couldn't be bothered at first, since I was pretty much jetlag, but I made a point to look out when possible and caught on the beautiful sight of Korea. From the buldings, to the streets, the people and the mountains that was in the background all together. I smiled slightly and the reality hit me. 


I'm in Korea and this is the final phase of completing my family tree. 


I smiled and closed my eyes just as we came into the expressway, catching a glimpse of Min Jae checking something on her iPhone before sleeping again. 




"Unnie~~" She poked me with her finger and I stirred awake. 


The first thing I saw was the lobby of the hotel we were staying at. The bell boy opened the door for us and I stepped out, almost tripping but caught myself at the side of the taxi. The guy gave me a weird look but I brushed him off and shook my head. I grabbed for my backpack and helped Min Jae unload the things on the the curb. The bell boy immediately came with a trolley and load the luggage onto them before pushing them in. 


"Komawo, Ahjusshi," Min Jae thanked the ahjusshi who beamed at us and nodded before he got into his taxi and drove off. 


Min Jae linked her arms with mine and pulled me in. She sighed and kept her grin on her face as she dragged me into the lobby. I was pretty much looking like a drugged person, depending on the stares given to me along the way. She set me down on the lobby couch and walked to the counter to get our hotel room. I zoned out a little more before she came back and poked my cheek again. 


"Unnie," She whispered, "Kaja!" 


I nodded and followed her, my hands on the strap of my backpack and tugging on them as she lead us to the hotel room. 


After the clicking sound of the hotel room lock being unlocked, I pushed the door and immediately ran to the bed. I crashed on to the bed, just as the bell boy entered and helped to put our luggage by the door. Min Jae tipped him and shut the door, leaning against the wall and looking at me. 


"Unnie!" She whined, "Your shoes!" 


"Later...." I groaned, throwing them off my feet and curling up in the sheets. 


She was saying something to me but I was beginning to fall asleep again. 




When I woke up, I found a small note right in front of my face. 


'Be back soon, off shopping a little.... -Min Jae' 


I groaned and rolled off the bed. I was feeling refreshed now, after getting enough sleep. But the stickiness of my skin.... 


I undressed myself along the way to the bathroom and shut the door, slipping into the bathtub and getting a relaxing bath treatment. I rested my head on the end of the bathtub, staring at the ceiling. 


After finding my roots, I will be home. The faster I find them, the faster I get home. I sighed, thinking about my family back at home and the responsibilities I left there. I sighed again, sinking myself into the water before coming out again for air. I blinked and my sense of hearing came back just as I heard Min Jae making noises about me leaving my mess all around. I rubbed the excess water off my face with my hand and retrieved the towel from the shelf above the bathtub, wrapping myself around it. 


My long hair needed to dry so I used the hotel dryer to do so. I opened the door a little, letting some of the cold air-con seeped through and the hairs on my limbs began to sprang up to life as I shivered slightly. Min Jae appeared at the small open space that I left opened and smiled. 


She lifted a piece of plastic with something round inside. 


"Ramen..." She beamed, "I got it at the local convienience store," 


I thanked her just as my stomach began to grumble and protest. I straightened up and patted the noisy organ, just as Min Jae giggled and disappeared into the room. 


After dressing into some clean clothes, I found Min Jae sitting on the other bed, eating her ramen and the television was on. She was watching some drama and was laughing at it. I ignored her for the moment, making my way to my backpack and taking out the small bag of diaries. I grabbed the bowl of ramen she left for me and sat on my bed, spreading the diaries around me in a semi circle and began to match them together, making sense. 


"Unnie...." Min Jae cleared and met my eyes when I looked at hers,


"Neh?" I asked, taking a slurp off the ramen noddles. 


"Are we going to get the whole family roots thing of your family done?" She asked, tilting her head to the side and wiping her lips with the back of her hand. It was a cute gesture but I was more interested in answering her question which lef me to asking her. 




"I was just asking.... I have a feeling we are going to stay here longer and moreover, if we do, we going to have to go shopping." She suggested and making a very good point there. 


I groaned the moment I heard the word shopping. 


Oh, how I despise the word and the action itself so much. 


"Unnie, lets go shopping!" She began to blurt out, jumping on her crossed legs on the bed. 


"I have no time..." I made a point, "Besides, the faster I'm done, the faster we will return," 


She frowned and muttered, "I don't wanna leave..." 


I laughed and reached over to pat her head as she pouts cutely and continued watching the show on the glass screen. 

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Ahh... cheongsul hamnida... Aigoo. I have loads of things to do and reports and writings to hand in. Mian hamnida... I will try update as much as I can, arasso?


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Chapter 91: .... Thats the end:(
Poor Taemin, awwwws I love this story!!!^^
minho-yeobo #2
Kekeke reminds me of what happened when I had cream pasta that day~
minho-yeobo #3
Minho ah~ hold onto MinJae and you'll find out why~^^
minho-yeobo #4
you still love him~
nice! update soon :)
minho-yeobo #6
Unni ah....your heart knows best,not your mind
Yay Onew is da bomb! He helped the maknae~~
mishelly13 #8
ohhhh myy goodness :O
im sooo excited for the next update!!
minho-yeobo #9
Minho stole lots of kisses from me~ ehehehe
* hides my face behind my hands and peek through between my fingers*
Miraclepaint #10
Aiyaaaaa!! Please update soon! This story is soo good!! Wahh. I hate those girls... XD if they were real...I would beat them up for hurting hye rim O___O