So Much for A Peaceful Break

Crimson Infinity [EDITING]

Luhan suddenly was awaken,her eyes fluttered opened in confusion.Her bright red eyes were clearly showing too.

"Xiao Lu?What's wrong?"

"Something's going to happen."


Baekhyun was peacefully resting on Chanyeol's lap,her body leaning back to him.They were both quietly enjoying the night when all of a sudden,everything got out of control.It was all too fast for Baekhyun's mind to register.All she ever knew,suddenly Chanyeol was been pinned down harshly on the ground by some unfamiliar men while she was been held back by another man.Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as it seemed like Chanyeol was totally unable to use his vampire ability or whatsoever.He was just lying there on the ground helplessly.

Baekhyun immediately knew something was wrong.She quickly pleaded in her mind desperately for someone to come and save him for her.It was suffocating for her as they began to tie his arms with a rope.It was a normal one but seems like they had soaked it in something as it instantly burned his skin once it came in contact with his skin.Baekhyun widened her eyes upon seeing Chanyeol winced in pain and she struggled to be free but the grip was so strong that she ended up of failing miserably.She whimpered softly and cringed at the same time as Chanyeol shrieked once in a while.Tears slowly streaming down her face.


All of them rushed back to the house in an instant once Luhan and Sehun panically informed them about the bambi girl's new vision.

"What is it?"Kris was the first one to pop out the question while staring intensely towards Luhan.Luhan immediately flashed back the vision in her mind,letting the other one to see it by himself.


"They took Chanyeol.They knew it."Kris informed with a hint of annoyance in his voice.He looked completely irritated by the fact.

Tao and Xiumin huffed almost in unison."Excuse me,full detail please."

"Oh right,sorry.It's the council.Kind of a secret organization.They hated vampires because of some past event and now they had found out about Chanyeol.He probably was already been taken back to Korea by now and locked up somewhere."

"And Baekhyun?"Suho concernly asked.She was returning back to herself little by little now but so far,as long as Lay was right next to her.

"She's fine I guess.The council only aim to the supernatural being.Vampires,witches and else."The girls formed a circle with their mouth.

Meanwhile that,Tao arched a brow."How did they captured him?They are humans,right?"

"Yes,they are humans but they have a surprisingly large amount of vervain suplies.Did we never told you vervain could make us weak?"The girls instantly shook their head except Kyungsoo.

"We should really go back now and save him.Vervain is totally not cool."Sehun said,cringing slightly as he recalled back the pain caused by the vervain.

"We really should be."


Chanyeol felt groggy once he came to his sense.Everything was disoriented and it made him sick to keep his eyes open for too long.His body felt numb and weightless all at the same time.He tried to lift his hands only to discover that they wouldn't budge.Chanyeol tried again,tugging just a little harder but ended up of wincing as the pain caused by the vervain strikes him.He gave a groan of defeat and forced his eyes open.

"Nice to meet you again,Chanyeol."Suddenly,came a cold and calculating voice.A tall shadow appeared,staring at him in disgust while his lips forming a victorious smirk.



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For your information, I marked the newly edited chapters by adding Chapter __ on the title. For example, Chapter 1 : Brief Encounter. So, keep that in mind, especially for my old subscribers, if you prefer to wait for the edited one.


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Chapter 1: ohh... I thought both of them where going to be girls, cause that's pretty much how "genderbend" works-- but I'll guess I'll end it since I'm already attached to the story :/
Chapter 95: Wow such a beautiful story i luv all the pairs
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 95: Yay for Happy ending :3
Chapter 95: This story was so cute from the beginning to end. I obviously loved the moments between the couples and how they resolved their problems. Applause for the amazing story you have gifted us readers.
I come back at least twice every year since this story came out and i just love reading this over and over again. Its truly an amazing story you did such a great job writing it<3333
beneathdresses #6
Hi, just wanted to say that this is one of my favorite stories and now I cant wait to re-read it again. Fighting!
unicesawmhal #7
Chapter 1: It would be a great story if they stayed the same gender but great job on the story
Chapter 96: I usually hate gender benders but ur story totally turned me
Greyson #9
Chapter 73: I think Tao is a lil bit of a spoiled brat. Haha Kris, u better take the risk of loving this panda. Haha