Silent Cry

Crimson Infinity [EDITING]

What the ?His mind baulked at the implication.Everything just magically stopped.The whole world suddenly closed in around him until there was nothing but the piece of information that just slowly engraved in his mind.Chanyeol stifled a gasp as he fell apart,felt his heart falter,felt himself break.

Very slowly,he sunk to the floor as his hands let go of the tight grip on the phone.He stared at the floor until they blurred too much for him to see.When he finally looked up,confused and stunned and broken,the first thing he saw was his family,staring back,a look of concern apprehension on their face.His eyes darted back to the phone,that had brought him the new and then,it went over to each one of his family members until it finally ended with Kris before widening in dismayed understanding.His breath began to hitch uncontrollably without his consent.

"Yeol..are you okay?"Kyungsoo's hands blurred before him as the rest bombarded him with the same question but one particular words cutting into him,finally falling into place,making heartbreak sense,slicing his heart to pieces.

"NO!"The word was ripped from him,loud and terrified and devastated before Chanyeol could stop it.His hands trembled as his gut wrenched,his mind refused to work properly.He glanced dazedly around the room,the accusing silence confusing and terrifying him.Kris turned a concerned step towards him.The remaining of them looked just as worried.Chanyeol shook his head,glaring intensely as his face held a warning,deadly serious but also almost pleading.Chanyeol swallowed past the fear choking his throat as his eyes flicked to the front door.Mindlessly,his eyes focused on the door as he forced his body to stand up before turning on his heels to make his way towards the door.The last thing that he was able to register was the sounds of their loud shouting,calling for his name.


"Should we go after him?"The youngest girl questioned,her voice hinted a massive amounts of concern.

"No,we can't do that.We need to let him be alone for now."Her husband replied while assuringly patting her hands.The other just nodded in agreement as she slumped herself onto the couch.

Abruptly,Luhan began to sob uncontrollably and eventually Suho also joined the mess.Soon enough,they were both bawling their eyes with their husbands trying to calm the down.Tao,feeling completely dumbstruck as ever,just confusedly eyed them.

"What's..wrong?"Xiumin tilted her head before her blank gaze bored into Tao's deep soul.

"Don't you get it,Tao?"She asked back,her voice was thick with deep emotion.Tao hesitantly shook her head in response.Confusion was plastered all over her face,resulting Xiumin to heave a long sigh.

"Baekhyun,she's dead,Tao."Xiumin said.Her eyes darkened as she mentioned the uncomfortable truth.An uneasy look painted across her pale face.

"W-What..?"Tao said,her voice coming out as a whisper while her eyes widened in total horror.She tightened her grip on Kris's hands before turning her head to him,asking for his confirmation.Kris unwillingly nodded in response."No..No..It can't be--"

"Babe,calm down."Kris in his failed attempt to calm his wife,tried to engulf the younger in his embrace but ended up of her pushing him away.He started to panic as her eyes glistened with tears.He flailed his arms frantically while turning to the other,silently begging them to help especially Sehun.Too bad,Sehun was too occupied with an extremely bawling bambi girl.Kris sighed before he scooted closer again,forcefully pulling the other into his tight embrace."Shh..shh..It's gonna be alright."

Meanwhile that,Chen seems to be in a deep thought as he nibbled his bottom lip and kept his gaze locked on the floor.Xiumin was not any better either.The pair just silently sit next to each other without any words.

"I wonder.."Chen silently thought to himself.


Tears trickled down his cheeks as he absentmindedly stared ahead.His hand balled into a fist while his back rested against the wall.His head was urging him to scream out loud,releasing his inner feelings but there he is,just painfully clenching his heart while he weakly whimpered.

One drop.Two drop.The tears just won't stop any sooner.Her name continuously danced across his lips as he cried out for her in despair.His ears constantly hearing it again and again,annoying him even more.

As he slowly shut his eyes,the image of her lovely features emerged almost in an instant,bringing even more fresh tears into his eyes.He clenched his fist tightly as her eyes,her lips,her nose and every single part of her appeared in the string of memories in his head.

"B-Byun Baekhyun.."


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For your information, I marked the newly edited chapters by adding Chapter __ on the title. For example, Chapter 1 : Brief Encounter. So, keep that in mind, especially for my old subscribers, if you prefer to wait for the edited one.


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Chapter 1: ohh... I thought both of them where going to be girls, cause that's pretty much how "genderbend" works-- but I'll guess I'll end it since I'm already attached to the story :/
Chapter 95: Wow such a beautiful story i luv all the pairs
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 95: Yay for Happy ending :3
Chapter 95: This story was so cute from the beginning to end. I obviously loved the moments between the couples and how they resolved their problems. Applause for the amazing story you have gifted us readers.
I come back at least twice every year since this story came out and i just love reading this over and over again. Its truly an amazing story you did such a great job writing it<3333
beneathdresses #6
Hi, just wanted to say that this is one of my favorite stories and now I cant wait to re-read it again. Fighting!
unicesawmhal #7
Chapter 1: It would be a great story if they stayed the same gender but great job on the story
Chapter 96: I usually hate gender benders but ur story totally turned me
Greyson #9
Chapter 73: I think Tao is a lil bit of a spoiled brat. Haha Kris, u better take the risk of loving this panda. Haha