My Boy

Crimson Infinity [EDITING]

Kai was not any closer to being pleased currently.Neither the rest of the family except Kyungsoo,who's been crying for a while by now.In all honesty,her cry was the main reason why the other was so gloomy.For the nth times,the tanned male let out a deep sigh.

"Kyungie?"He called out carefully while placing a hand on her shoulder."Come on,sweetheart.Please don't cry anymore."

No reply.Instead,Kyungsoo only buried her face deeper in response.Kai instantly cringed once he witnessed that.If there's anything that he hated the most,that would be his beloved one crying and this time,it's not an exception either.

Abruptly,Luhan walked in with an unreadable expression.The male instantly cocked a brow,questioning in silence.Luhan though,only merely glanced at him before waving her hands in the air to brush him off.Instead,she headed straight to the wide eyed girl and tapped her shoulder to attract her attention.

Kyungsoo looked up with swollen eyes."What is it?"She questioned with a deadly voice.

"He's waking up soon."The bambi girl informed nonchalantly while taking a quick glance to the said boy,who's lying like a statue on the bed.Kyungsoo's eyes immediately lit up but still,a hint of sorrow is still there despite the recent good news.

"I still can't believe we just turned a boy this young into a vampire."Suho nervously commented.Tao and Xiumin nodded in agreement while Luhan glared at them.

"It's not anybody fault especially you,Kyungsoo.He's the one who stabbed himself."Luhan firmly stated.The other didn't responded but instead,just locked her gaze on the said boy.

Moments later as expected,the boy slowly regained his consciousness as he began to flutter opened his eyes.Upon his eyes were wide opened,a satisfied smirk found their way to his face.He quickly hopped off the bed with not much difficulties while the rest of them eyed every single movement that he made.

"That happy,huh?"Chen was the first one to snap as he harshly commented while throwing daggers through his eyes.In a flash,the boy froze completely while bitting his bottom lip in despair.

"Sorry.."A few seconds later,he finally mumbled an apology under his breath.Kyungsoo made her way to the boy before cupping his cheeks,forcing him to look up.

"Why did you do so?"She asked softly.

The boy stared directly into her eyes."I'm sorry.."

"I don't need an apology.Just tell me."

"Life is meaningless to me."The boy simply answered but his watery eyes proved otherwise as the tears threatened to stroll down his cheeks.He rubbed his eyes repeatedly,trying hard to dismiss the tears before Kyungsoo quickly stopped him.

"Okay then."For now,the wide eyed girl decided it's better to leave it at that."What's your name?"

"J-Jongsoo.."He managed to choke out as he was still trying hard to prevent the tears from spilling out.Kyungsoo threw a hidden look towards her husband,in which the latter immediately received the message.

"Kris.."He called out.Kris instantly nodded and took all of the family members out of the room.Lastly,the three were left all alone.Kai reached next to them in a flash right after the door was been closed.

"Cry if you want."He assuringly said while patting Jongsoo's arm awkwardly.He also forced out an awkward smile,being clueless on how to assure the younger.

Unable to hold his emotion any longer,he finally bursted into tears.Kyungsoo quickly pulled him into a tight hug while patting his back soothingly.

"Shh..Don't worry,you have us now."

"Yeah."Kai agreed while nodding in agreement.

Jongsoo pulled away slightly from the wide eyed girl and rubbed his eyes with his fist while still sniffling a bit."Why did you guys are so nice to me?"

"We are always nice to everybody."Kai joked lamely,trying to light up the surrounding.Nevertheless,the boy did emitted a soft chuckle.

"Ignore him."Kyungsoo interrupted with a warm smile etched on her face."How old are you though?"

"Officially 14."

With that,a loud gasp immediately slipped off from Kyungsoo's lips.The young boy confusedly questioned her through his eyes.

"So young!But yet,you are already this tall?"Kyungsoo said,a pout followed right after as she observed her own body.Kai laughed hysterically in an instant,catching her meaning.

"Yeah.W-Why?"Jongsoo worriedly asked while scratching his head in a confuse manner.

Kai waved his hands in the air,still trying to stop his laughter."No worries.She's just a little bit jealous since she's not that tall."

"Oh.."That was the only word that escaped Jongsoo's lips as he carved a slight grin.Meanwhile that,Kyungsoo pouted even more and punched her husband's arm playfully.

"But I'm not that short,okay!"She argued defensively.

"I know.I know,sweetheart."Kai quickly spoke as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

On the other side,Jongsoo quietly watched them."You two look great together."

"Well thanks."Kyungsoo replied with a wide grin.

"I miss my parents.."He added sadly,his voice was barely audible but the couple obviously was able to catch it.

"Do you want to go meet them?We won't hold you back."Kai offered kindly with a concern look.

Jongsoo bitterly smiled before shaking his head."I can't even if I want.They were dead when I was a little boy."

The couple gasped in reply before exchanging a quick look with each other.Somehow,they were communicating through their eyes just like how Suho and Lay always did.

"You can be our son!"Suddenly,Kyungsoo blurted out of nowhere.Kai hesitantly nodded in agreement but when he turned to face the younger boy,he instantly changed his mind and confidently agreed with his wife.Jongsoo blinked his eyes a few times,unable to process the sudden proposal.

"M-Me?Are you being..serious right now?"He questioned,a hint of doubts in his voice as he eyed the married couple.

"Of course!But that,only if you want.After all believe it or not,I might be young but my husband here apparently is not as young as he looks like."Kyungsoo voiced out eagerly,teasing her own husband in the process.

"Really?I can be your son?"

"Sure!"This time,Kai was the one who spoke and that made the younger one felt even more sure.

"O-Okay then.."

The wide eyed girl unable to restrain herself,quickly hugged the boy in delight.Once she pulled away,she squealed excitedly.

"Your mummy is feeling a little bit giddy here now that she has a son of her own."Kai explained,ruffling Jongsoo's hair playfully while Jongsoo only chuckled in response,still not believing now he would have a family of his own.

"Now,let's go and meet your uncles and aunts and also your cousins!"Kyungsoo excitedly announced while pulling Jongsoo along.Kai just shook his head in disbelief but eventually,trailed after them with pure happiness displayed on his features.


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For your information, I marked the newly edited chapters by adding Chapter __ on the title. For example, Chapter 1 : Brief Encounter. So, keep that in mind, especially for my old subscribers, if you prefer to wait for the edited one.


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Chapter 1: ohh... I thought both of them where going to be girls, cause that's pretty much how "genderbend" works-- but I'll guess I'll end it since I'm already attached to the story :/
Chapter 95: Wow such a beautiful story i luv all the pairs
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 95: Yay for Happy ending :3
Chapter 95: This story was so cute from the beginning to end. I obviously loved the moments between the couples and how they resolved their problems. Applause for the amazing story you have gifted us readers.
I come back at least twice every year since this story came out and i just love reading this over and over again. Its truly an amazing story you did such a great job writing it<3333
beneathdresses #6
Hi, just wanted to say that this is one of my favorite stories and now I cant wait to re-read it again. Fighting!
unicesawmhal #7
Chapter 1: It would be a great story if they stayed the same gender but great job on the story
Chapter 96: I usually hate gender benders but ur story totally turned me
Greyson #9
Chapter 73: I think Tao is a lil bit of a spoiled brat. Haha Kris, u better take the risk of loving this panda. Haha