
Crimson Infinity [EDITING]

"I can't believe you are doing this to me,Wu ing Yi Fan!"The male angrily shouted as he glared at the said male in annoyance.

"Sorry,dude."Kris casually said while bitting his lip to prevent any laughter from coming out.The other groaned in disapproval before slumping himself onto the couch.At the same time,Kai walked in into the scene while fixing his hair.

"Hey,guys."All of them instantly looked up with a questioning look once he called out."I'm taking Kyungsoo out for now.She needs a break from all of this."

"Oh,that's great.I agree.She really does need a break."Luhan replied,nodding her head in agreement.

Kai shrugged in response."I know."

On cue,Kyungsoo arrived next to her husband,already fully dressed in a white floral dress.She raised a brow as if questioning them in silence what are they talking about.However,Luhan quickly brushed her off and ushered them.No need for a second time,Kai immediately led her towards the front door before they both were off to somewhere.

"My poor baby."Suho muttered as she eyed the two dashed off.She sighed in content while resting her chin on top of Joonxing's head.

"Technically,Kyungsoo is older than you now,you know."Luhan suddenly blurted while tapping her chin with her long fingers repeatedly.Suho snorted in an instant as a reply.

"What?I'm stating the fact."The bambi girl insisted with a serious look and widened eyes.

Suho rolled her eyes."Whatever."

Meanwhile that,Kai had took Kyungsoo to a nice cafe in the town.They were just about to take a seat when the waiter came and served them with the best treatment.They chatted with each other about some pointless stuff for a while before their foods finally arrived.As they were in the middle of eating and having a pointless conversation again,Kyungsoo excused herself when she felt the nature's call coming on.Finishing it rather quickly,she was about to head back to her seat when she suddenly heard the faint sound of a boy's silent cry.

"Oh my!"She can felt her jaws slackened while her eyes were about to pop out as she witnessed a boy covered in a pool of blood at a hidden corner in the cafe.She immediately rushed to the boy but not before holding her breath just in case she would lost control.She carefully lifted the boy's head and placed it on her lap,ignoring the fact that her white dress was heavily stained by blood by now.Using her vampire sense,she was able to hear the boy's current heartbeat.However,it was beating impossibly slow to her liking.

"Kai!"She called out softly,knowing well the other was able to hear it just perfectly fine.In a flash,the tanned male appeared right in front of her with a worried look on his face.He scooted closer and eyed the boy while furrowing his brows.

"What happened?And who is this?"He asked as he inspected the boy's wound.

"I don't know.I found him here in this condition just now."Kyungsoo said nervously.

"He's badly injured from what I see."

"Is it that serious?Can we save him?"

"I'm not sure yet.Let's bring him back and ask Lay.We would go through the back door."The wide eyed girl just nodded in agreement before standing up and assisted her husband to carry the boy.Just like how Kai suggested,they went through the back door to avoid any unnecessary attention and raced back to the house.They were immediately welcomed by the family who wore a confused look.

"We would explain later."Kyungsoo briefly said and proceed to follow after Kai.The boy was placed in the couple's shared bedroom before they rushed Lay to check on the boy.It took a couple of minutes for the unicorn before he finally faced the worried couple.

"You are right.He's severely injured and barely survived.I can't do much unfortunately."Lay explained with a sympathetical look as Kyungsoo's vision got blurry with the freshly pooled tears.

Kai shook his head in denial."There must be something that we can do."

"Oh,there is.Our blood is the only way apparently."

Kai and Kyungsoo immediately shared a knowing look with each other."Let's do it then."They both said almost in unison with a determined look.

"But--"Lay hesitantly said.However,it wasn't able to stop the two as they stormed towards the boy and pushed the poor unicorn the process.

"I would do it."The wide eyed girl announced.Kai was about to argue but seeing the look that Kyungsoo gave to him,he let out a sigh before motioning her to continue.No need to be told twice,Kyungsoo instantly bit her own wrist and positioned it on the boy's lips.The blood dropped one by one right into the boy's mouth with Kai helping to open his mouth.

"I hope that's enough."Kyungsoo muttered while Lay helped to heal her wound.Subconciously,a smile tugged the corner of her lips as her gaze locked on the boy.



Kyungsoo's ears perked up upon she witnessed the boy finally stirred in his sleep.As if on cue,Kai rushed into the room before joining her to anticipate him waking up.They both waited in silence as the boy peeked through an eye before popping open both of it.He held his head while attempting to sit.

"Where am I?"

"Our house!"Kyungsoo answered cheerfully.

The boy tilted his head to the side."And who are you?"

"I'm Kyungsoo and this is my husband,Kim Jongin but he prefer to be call Kai."

"Why am I here?"The boy confusedly questioned while scanning his whole surrounding.Kyungsoo hesitated for a moment but eventually,she revealed everything.The moment she concluded all of it,the boy stared at her in disbelief before clearing his throat.

"So,what?Am I a vampire now?"The boy casually asked but the other two missed the hint of excitement in his eyes. 

Kai chuckled in response."Of course not.You need to die first with vampire's blood in your system before you can become one."

"Oh.."This time,the dissapointment in his voice was very obvious but yet,the couple still failed to notice that."Well then.."



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For your information, I marked the newly edited chapters by adding Chapter __ on the title. For example, Chapter 1 : Brief Encounter. So, keep that in mind, especially for my old subscribers, if you prefer to wait for the edited one.


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Chapter 1: ohh... I thought both of them where going to be girls, cause that's pretty much how "genderbend" works-- but I'll guess I'll end it since I'm already attached to the story :/
Chapter 95: Wow such a beautiful story i luv all the pairs
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 95: Yay for Happy ending :3
Chapter 95: This story was so cute from the beginning to end. I obviously loved the moments between the couples and how they resolved their problems. Applause for the amazing story you have gifted us readers.
I come back at least twice every year since this story came out and i just love reading this over and over again. Its truly an amazing story you did such a great job writing it<3333
beneathdresses #6
Hi, just wanted to say that this is one of my favorite stories and now I cant wait to re-read it again. Fighting!
unicesawmhal #7
Chapter 1: It would be a great story if they stayed the same gender but great job on the story
Chapter 96: I usually hate gender benders but ur story totally turned me
Greyson #9
Chapter 73: I think Tao is a lil bit of a spoiled brat. Haha Kris, u better take the risk of loving this panda. Haha