Chapter 91

Are you drunk?



A week passed by like this. You had to spend time with Key who acted really good while the act lasted which made you feel guilty and try harder. But as you tried harder you felt worse towards Jaejoong. Jaejoong kept smiling and spend some time with you in the weekend. Though he always acted cheerful and at ease you knew it bothered him and felt sorry for it. When it became too hard you called Jiyong and he took you out to spend a day in peace. It made you feel better but the next morning more bad news came.


“No I don’t want to go! I said next week so it’ll be next week! I don’t care if you.. You what?! But how am I supposed to.. Fine! But this does mean that I’ll be back earlier, keep that in mind!” Taemin ended the phonecall and you grabbed his hand to stop him from throwing the phone out of the window.


“Taemin, gwenchana?” Taemin sighed and dropped on the couch, pulling you with him.


“No! I hate my life!” You pouted and hit his head.


“Oppa! Don’t be like that! You’re living the dream of teenagers!”


“The dream of teenagers ! I have to go on tour tomorrow. Because the manager thought it’d be a good idea to add an extra concert in Singapore tomorrow evening! How can they just do that!” You patted his shoulder and he pulled you into a tight hug.


“I don’t want to leave.. What about you? I’m going to miss you. Who’s going to protect you from guys when I’m not around? Especially that Key brat. He needs a weekly reminder to stay away from you.” You sighed and leaned against him.


“Oppa.. I’m going to be fine. I don’t want you to leave either but there’s millions of fans that are waiting for you. I know that you don’t like the manager, but do it for them arasso? Jiyong will keep guys at a safe distance for me.” You knew that mentioning his best friend was a good idea. Taemin trusted Jiyong above all others.


“I’ll have him confirm that. Hyun Ae, saranghae. If anything happens call me and I’ll fly back immediately.” You smiled and shook your head.


“Pabo oppa. Nothing’s going to happen. Nado saranghae.” Taemin smiled and sat down to dial Jiyongs number. You walked out and entered your bedroom. Not too much later your phone rang.




“Noona! Is hyung really going on tour already? I thought it would be next week!”Little Taemin shrieked through the phone so loud that you were tempted to throw it away.


“Ne.. I thought so too but his manager didn’t.” You heard little Taemin sigh. Poor kid, he really looked up to your brother and you knew for a fact that oppa was very fond of Tae.


“It’s sad.. Noona, will you come over here even if he’s away?”You nodded before realising he couldn’t see that.


“I will. Taemin aren’t you going on a tour soon too?” You asked, trying to change the subject to something less painful.


“We will be.. Noona are you going to be okay without us? Promise you won’t forget me!”The words sounded so childish that they made you laugh.


“How can I forget about you? I won’t forget Taemin.. Are you looking forward to it?”


“I’m a little nervous.. Can you tell?”


“I can’t. Taemin you’re good at hiding it.” He laughed.


“Noona is good at acting too. Noona, you won’t fall for Key right?”You bit your lip.


“Taemin-ah, Key is just a friend to me. I don’t think I can fall for him.” You heard a sigh.


“That’s good. Noona, please don’t become awkward with me once this is over.. I don’t really care how you’re going to react to the others.. You’re still my noona and as Hyun Jong you’re my cousin. So you must always stay friends with me!”You laughed at his childishness.


“Ne, we’ll stay friends. I’m going to see oppa now and spend the last day together with him arasso?” You received some kind of confirmation and ended the phone call. You went back into the living room and found Taemin with a bowl of ice cream in front of him. As soon as he saw you he shoved the bowl towards you and demanded that you’d sit down next to him.


“Oppa.. Are you going to be okay?” You asked while taking a spoonful of ice cream. It tasted good.


“Mollayo.. Can’t you just come with me? I dislike having to do what I’m told to so much..” You smiled sadly and held his hand tightly.


“Mianhae oppa.” He sighed.


“Arasso.. Take good care of yourself while I’m away.. I know you’re more responsible than I am.. And you have Yui.. I just wish I didn’t have to go away. You’re my sister. I can’t even put in words what you mean to me.. Maybe I should tell my fans to lynch Key..” You shook your head.


“Aniyoh oppa! That’ll cause trouble.” Taemin smirked.


“I was kidding.. I’m going to see IU now.. I won’t be able to see her either since I’m going on this stupid tour.” You smiled happily at that. IU had listened patiently when you had called her and understood the pain you were going through. She said she’d always support you. You were happy Taemin had a girlfriend like her. Taemin got up and left the house. You waved at him and closed the door behind him.


“Now what do I do?” You wondered out loud. You glanced at your phone and put it back in your pocket. Yui was going on a date with Yunho and IU was occupied with Taemin because he had just left to see her. Then you remembered IU had put more girl numbers in your phone so you took it out and called Sunny.


“Yoboseyo?”You smiled when she answered.


“Yoboseyo unnie.. It’s Ae.”


“Ae! It’s been so long! How are you? You need to explain something, I thought you were dating Jaejoong? What’s the fuss with Key?”You sighed and walked into the living room.


“It’s not like that.. Unnie, their manager was going to end SHINee if I didn’t act as his girlfriend.” There fell a silence.


“Mianhae.. I didn’t know that.. Managers can be a little pushy.. Gosh that’s so horrible.. So, what about Jaejoong then?”You smiled sadly.


“He doesn’t like it.”


“But you’re still together right? It must be horrible for you.. I heard Taemin’s going on tour soon, what are you doing in that time?”You laughed.


“Oppa’s actually leaving tomorrow.. It’s fine for me though. I can handle it. I just hope Key and I can end things soon.. It’s really painful, he doesn’t like it, I don’t like it and Jaejoong hates it. And I believe Taemin wants to strangle him.” Sunny laughed softly.


“It’s a good thing you’re there to stop him.. Would you like to go shopping with me Yoona and Jessica tomorrow? I saw a really cute shirt that I want to get.. It’ll be fun! Please say yes dongsaengie!”You smiled softly, no one had ever called you that before. At least no girl. Yui was younger than you were so it was logic that she wouldn’t do that. Aside from her you never had many girl friends.


“Ne that’s okay.. Where do I meet you tomorrow?”


“Just wait in the central hall of the company building around two? We’ll pick you up. I have to go now, bye dongsaengie! Fighting!”You smiled and ended the phone call. Two seconds later it started buzzing vividly.


From: Changmin


‘Ae! I heard Taemin has to go on tour tomorrow already! Gwenchana? I’m coming over right now.. Don’t tell Jaejoong! I’m sure he wants to come to but I don’t want it! You’re my best friend and I’ll spend quality time with you if I have to lock him in a closet.. Better not do that, he’s really strong.’You smiled and dropped on the couch. You closed your eyes and it seemed a moment later that the doorbell rung. You blinked. You had fallen asleep. You got up and stretched your back. You walked towards the door and opened it while yawning.


“Are you tired? Come here.” Changmin pulled you into a hug. You smiled softly.


“Just a little.. How have you been?” You mumbled, trying not to fall asleep. He felt really warm and comfortable right now. ‘Don’t sleep Ae!’ You tried to keep yourself awake.


“I’ve been good.. Aww.. You’re really done for.. Come I’ll help you.” He lifted you off the ground and kicked the door closed behind him. You leaned against him and smiled.


“Kamsahamnida.. I’m so tired.. Mianhae.” Changmin pushed the door to your room open and carried you inside and laid you down on the bed.


“That’s okay.. You’ve done a lot these weeks. You don’t feel hurt do you?” You smiled and pushed the thoughts of your head hurting every now and then away. ‘It’ll only worry him.’ You shook your head. Unappropreatly enough it stung.


“Liar.. Is your head hurting? Ae you can’t just walk around with an injury!” You shook your head again.


“It’ll be fine. Don’t worry I’ll take a painkiller.” Changmin shook his head and pointed at you.


“You. How many painkillers have you taken this week?” You shrugged. You weren’t sure but you knew that it was more than ten. And Changmin would not be happy to hear it. How could you hide that from him when he seemed to know anything that you didn’t want anyone to find out.


“Aish.. That many? Ae it’s really unhealthy you know? You should see a doctor. Tomorrow I’m taking you to a doctor first thing!” You shook your head.


“Andwae.. I have to.. I agreed to go shopping with Sunny unnie.” Changmin flicked your forehead.


“Don’t be like that. She’ll understand. Phone?” You frowned.


“What phone?” Changmin smirked.


“Your phone, give it to me.” You shook your head.


“No. What do you need it for?” Changmin tilted his head.


“Do I really have to do this? You’re in no condition to go out tomorrow. Just take a day off. Now give me the phone I don’t have Sunny’s number myself.” You held the phone against your chest where you knew he wouldn’t reach for it.


“No!” Changmin sighed.


“You sound like a teenager that’s addicted to her phone you know? Oh well, I gave you a fair chance.” He sat down on your stomach and started tickling you. You laughed and shook to get rid of the feeling.


“Changmin stop it!” You managed to say.


“Going to give me the phone?” You shook your head stubbornly and held it tightly. He sighed.


“You give me no choice..” He leaned next to your head and blew air in your ear. It tickled even worse and you squirmed and struggled to get away but he held you in place firmly and blew again.


“Stop it!” You shrieked.


“I don’t have a choice..” He whispered before blowing again, “and this is fun!” You struggled until he suddenly sat up.


“Thanks. I’ll call her now.” You blinked when you saw your phone in his hands.


“Yah! How did you get that? Give it back!” You tried to reach for it but Changmin was the tallest member from DBSK and you couldn’t even reach it when you jumped for it. Changmin gave you and amused look before dialing the number.


“Yoboseyo? Changmin here.. Yes, that’s me.. Ae can’t go out tomorrow because she needs to go to the doctor. No she can’t say that herself. Her head is injured.. Yeah I understand.. Yeah I’ll tell her that. Have fun tomorrow! I will, bye!” Changmin smirked and tossed the phone over your hands on the bed.


“She says that you have to take good care of yourself and make sure to rest enough.. And she told me to look after you. So I’ll do that.” He smirked at his succeeded attempt at bullying you.


“You’re taking advantage of oppa’s absence.” You hissed. He shrugged.


“I’m enjoying the time I can spend alone with you now, that’s not really taking advantage.”


“How is locking me in my own house not taking advantage?”


“Do you want me to lock you in here?” You gulped and shook your head. He smirked and ruffled your hair.


“As if I’d do that.. Yoochun would though, so stay clear of him.. And I don’t trust that Yui either..-”


“Changmin! Yui is my best friend! And I think I know Yoochun well enough to know that he wouldn’t do that.” Changmin shrugged.


“Your choice. I want to watch a movie, let’s go.” You protested slightly as he dragged you out of your room and sat you down on the couch.


“Now stay seated or do I have to handcuff you to the couch?” You shook your head.


“That’s okay my wrists barely healed from the last time that happened.” He smirked and picked out a random movie. Of course it had to be a horror movie, Taemin didn’t have too many other genres. You had a flashback of the time you watched a horror movie with little Taemin and shivered. That hadn’t ended too well.


“Changmin, did you know that Jaejoong got a copy of the house key?” You asked. Changmin smiled innocently at you.


“Did he now?” You noticed something shiny and metal in his hand. Your jaw dropped.


“Did you steal his key?” He shrugged.


“He stole it first. And I needed it, what if you tried to lock me out?”


“Until you stole my phone I had no intentions to do that.”


“Exactly! What could I have done.. Ooh a monster!” Changmin smiled at the movie while you almost jumped.


“Yah! This isn’t exactly helping with my head.” You muttered. Changmin shrugged and pulled you close.


“I’m here so there’s nothing to be afraid of! Don’t you trust me?”


“No!” Changmin laughed and ruffled your hair again, “if you’re tired you can sleep arasso? I’m here to help you, don’t worry.” You nodded and even though the movie frightened you, you slowly drifted off and fell asleep on Changmin’s shoulder.


After Taemin went on tour days became harder for you. You struggled through every day as another week passed. And another. The doctor told you that you had to rest more because your head injury had only become worse and it wouldn’t get better without enough rest. Despite this you had to continue. Work was hard because every moment of pretending was horrid. Key actually really great and Jaejoong would get upset easily. You hated it. There were days when the pain was lessened when Jiyong took you out. Those were the only days when you could genuinely smile. Soon DBSK got busy too and they had to start preparing for their next tour which resulted in you seeing even less of them than you had before. Yui had somehow gotten a job to help them on tour and would leave with them. You had smiled at her and told her you thought it’d be great for her and Yunho. You wished you could go too. But instead you were stuck in this horrible place that seemed so empty and cold without Taemin. Though one day a bright spot showed up.


“Ahnyeong, how are you doing?” You smiled softly as someone dropped next to you on the couch.


“Ahnyeong Eunhyuk.. I’m fine..” He raised an eyebrow.


“You don’t look ‘fine’. Have you been resting enough?” You sighed and leaned back. Something wet dropped on your forehead. Eunhyuk had put a wet towel on your forehead.


“Take a break. You should really sign some kind of contract. That way they won’t be able to call you out any time of the day.” You shook your head.


“That didn’t work for oppa either.” Eunhyuk laughed softly.


“Didn’t work for me either.. Okay then, find a better company than we did and sign there.. I’m sure Hyunseung and Jiyong will be happy to welcome you there.” You shook your head.


“Andwae.. Then I won’t even be able to hang out with oppa.”


“Well it’s not like that’s going too well like this either.. Let’s go. Right now. You need to unstress.” You blinked at him and took the wet towel off your head.


“Go where?” He smiled.


“Skate rink. You love to skate.. And I can skate with you today.” You smiled softly. Back then things were so much easier. You half wished you could go back to that time. But you couldn’t.


“I don’t think I can do that.. I need to appear somewhere today..”


“No you don’t.” Eunhyuk smiled and pulled you off the couch, “and even if you do, I’m kidnapping you. It’s not like you have a choice.”


“Yah! Go steal some other girl hyung. Ae, we’re needed backstage.” You looked at Key who was glaring coldly at Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk glanced from you to Key.


“It’s okay.. You can go.” You mouthed. He shrugged and patted your shoulder before walking off. Key glanced at you and his expression softened.


“Mianhae.. Kaja noona.” You took the hand he extended to you and followed him. The silence between you two was awkward as always. You wondered why people thought you two were so compatible. It made no sense at all. Suddenly Key stopped walked and pulled your hand. You stopped and looked at him with confusement written over your face.


“What is it?” He sighed and looked at you.


“It’s really unfair.. Noona.. Did you know I never dated a girl before? I never wanted my first relationship to be a fake one..” You sighed sadly and felt sorry for him.


“Mianhae Key.. I’m so sorry..” Why did it feel like you were responsible for that? He shook his head.


“Aniyoh.. It’s fine since it’s you..” You blinked.


“Bwoh?” You asked. He smiled in a way that made your stomach protest. ‘This is no good, this is no good! Alarmcode red!’ Your brain chanted and you felt as if some kind of fire alarm was going off in your head.


“I said that it’s fine since it’s you. Noona, can’t we make this real?” You felt tears come to your eyes. All this time Jaejoong had been saying this. He had been right. You shook your head.


“Aniyoh Key.. We can’t do that..-” He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you against the wall harshly.


“Noona.. I really like you a lot..” He crashed his lips on yours. You shivered and tried to move away.


“Noona, I’m sorry but this is the only way for me..” He whispered. You bit your tongue and shook your head.


“Andwaeyo.. Key I like..-” He cut you short by kissing you again. You struggled as hard as you could but your head started throbbing. Key bit your lip and pushed his body against yours. You managed to turn your head and tears streamed over your cheeks. You pushed him off you and ran through the glass door. Your breath stopped. Jaejoong.


Author's note: Yeah, I know.. I promised not to hurt her anymore.. But I said I was heading towards the end so it's necessary!

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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P