Chapter 21

Are you drunk?

To everyone who reads my stories and/or subsrcibed to me, thank you very much! I wish you all the best in 2011!


"It’s really amazing to see how great you work together!" Yunho said, he was catching his breath while you and Jaejoong were still dancing.

"Yeah, much improvement there." Junsu said, who had currently joined Yunho and was leaning against the wall. Changmin was still trying to keep up with you, and Yoochun was sitting in a corner, drinking some water. He was exhausted. You glanced at them and sighed.

"Alright, we’ll have a short break. Jaejoong what do you think, can we do a jump right here?" You asked him. You had wanted, you both had wanted, to make the show a bit more spectabular. You had arranged fireworks, but you wanted more.

"Yeah it sounds like a great plan.. Let’s do a trick after we pull out of the circle." You nodded, in the dance there was a part where you all gathered in a small circle. Two persons could launche another one into the sky.

"But we need someone else.. Changmin come here would you?" You asked. Jaejoong laughed and you told him about your plan.

"I can help you, butI’m not jumping!" He said in a very childlike way.

"Then who?" You looked at Jaejoong, "would you..-?"

"It was your plan, and I know you want to do it. Let’s go practice, assistant!" Changmin sighed.

"I guess breaktime is over." You and Jaejoong smirked at him and called for professional help. You had to practice it for nearly two hours, but you managed to get lifted up, and do a back flip. You had a little trouble with the jumping at first, but you trusted Jaejoong completely, and you knew he wouldn’t let you fall. You both smiled contently when you were finished, and the others gazed in awe.

"You guys, just don’t know where to stop.. Do you?" Yunho said, he was completely caught off guard you knew.

"Well, not really." You said, "it’s not like you have to top this. We’re doing this at the end of the show, just before the song ends. I’m not singing ánd jumping at the same time. So Yoochun, can you sing my part there?" Yoochun coughed up the water he’d been drinking. You knew he liked your songs, and you thought he’d be the best to sing that part instead of you.

"But I can’t..-" He started but you cut his off by throwing a towel in his face.

"You can, trust me, you’ve got it. I know you can do it, and Jaejoong is throwing me so he can’t do it." You said. Jaejoong punched your shoulder playfully. You knew he was the best for that part, but Yoochun was the second best, and you would get him to do it. Then you heard Yoochun’s stomache growl.

"Say, Yoochun, are you hungry?" You asked him innocently. He nodded and you added, "if I get you something really really delicious, will you sing that part?" He sighed.

"Fine I’ll do it! But it’d better be good." You laughed and pulled Jaejoong along.

"Let’s cook!" You told him. He nodded, it was almost six, and you were also getting hungry. You decided to let him decide what to cook and just help him. He knew Yoochun better than you did, and he would know just what to make to get Yoochun to do it.

"Let’s make him Edamame.. He likes it." Jaejoong said after a short time of searching through the pantry. You nodded in agreement and waited for him to tell you what to do.

"I never made those." You told him, "but if you want me to, I will help you." He smiled.

"It’s not really a lot of work.. You just have to cook and salt them. But Yoochun doesn’t really like salt that much. Oh, but could you get me some soy sauce?" You nodded and said you’d go get it. You ran past the manager who actually wanted to ask how you were doing, but you were is a rush so you just smiled and waved at him.

"I think it’s him! Do you think it is him?"

"Yeah it’s definately him!"

"He’s so cool! Let’s go ask for a picture." You sighed, you could hear everything the girls said, and they were starting to get on your nerves. You had tried to ask an employee where the soy sauce was, but she’d only giggled and you’d continued your way. And everywhere you’d heard people talk about you, or rather, Taemin. It was so bothering. You spotted the soy sauce and grabbed a bottle.

"Excuse me, are you.. You’re him right?" You turned and saw three girls with bright faces, and three phones with camera’s ready to take action., somehow, they seemed really scary.

"Who’s ‘him’?" You said, playing innocent. They smiled wider.

"Taemin! It’s really you! We love you so much, can we take a picture with you?" They squeeled. You thought for a bit.

"Well, it’s against my producer’s policy.. But, are you coming to our show?" You asked. They nodded.

"Yeah, we’re looking forward to it!" You smirked as you saw their tickets.

"Then I guess one photo isn’t that bad, but you have to hurry because I need to get back to practice to give you all a great show." They giggled and blushed happily when you said that. ‘Why are they so shallow?’ You thought to yourself as you let them take a picture. You then payed for the soy sauce, and ran back to the studio.

"Yah Taemin, you’re late!" Jaejoong yelled. You tossed him the soy sauce which he caught with no trouble.

"Mianhae, I tried to ask for this, but the employee only giggled at me, and then when I found it I was held back by some fans.. And since they already had the tickets I let them take a picture, I think they would have killed me if I hadn’t let them." You told him. He chuckled and playfully hit your shoulder.

"It’s alright, they tend to do that. Now let’s go tempt Yoochun, he waited long enough." You laughed at it and you offered Yoochun the rather large amount of Edamame, and he promised to sing your part. Changmin tried to steal some of Yoochun’s Edamame, but Yoochun tried to stab him when he did, so you just gave him a snack you had gotten from your stylist. He thankfully chewed on it.

"It’s getting late.. Shall we continue practice until nine?" You said calmly. Jaejoong immediately agreed, but all the others weren’t as enthusiastic about that.

"Can’t we make it eight? Please? We’ll need some relaxation in order to preform good." Junsu begged.

"Junsu is right, and as the leader of our group I demand that we get enough rest! If we injure ourselves this short before the show, we won’t be able to preform at all." Yunho said. You gave him a stubborn look.

"Well you’re not the leader of my group, but I guess I can’t practice on my own. Eight it is. But not a second earlier!" You said, and leaned back. ‘I’m hungry too..’ Jaejoong glared at you.

"How much have you eaten today Taemin?" He asked, shooting you a suspicious look. You closed your eyes and tried to remember, today had been a busy day.

"I’m not sure actually.. I think I had some breakfast, and.. Well that’s about it actually." You told him, you weren’t sure what it had been that you had eaten for breakfast, but you were sure you had eaten something.

"In that case, while they take a break, let’s go eat something. We have more to discuss." Jaejoong said, while getting up. You nodded and followed him, you had some more ideas about the show that you wanted to talk over with him.

"So what are you going to eat?" Jaejoong asked. You were still looking at the menu. ‘Right, guys don’t take too long on decisions. At least Taemin doesn’t.’ You smirked at him.

"What are you having?"

"Steak." That’s so plain. You chuckled and closed the menu. "Is it that funny?" Jaejoong added, a bit annoyed.

"No, just, I was thinking of having steak too.. Such a coincidence right?" You improvised, you didn’t really like steak, or at least, not the way you had always eaten them before. Your brother liked them medium rare, while you liked meat well done. You didn’t want to taste the actual meat. Jaejoong smiled.

"Yeah, must be coincidence, didn’t know we had that much in common, so rare or medium rare?" He asked. ‘Damn those guys.. No I’m not doing it!’

"Actually, well done. I don’t want to upset my stomache before the concert." You said, he nodded.

"You’re smart Taemin.. I should get mine well done as well." You both ordered and the waitress giggled at you. ‘What is it with girls here! Why do they have to get this obsessed about idols?!’ You promised yourself that you would never ever have a bias. Jaejoong chuckled as he noticed your frown.

"What’s with that face Taemin? I thought we were cool now?" You blushed vaguely from surprise and embarassment.

"Yah! It’s not that.. We are cool. I just don’t like it when girls are this obsessed with, me.." Jaejoong chuckled, but more friendly than before.

"Isn’t that what you became an idol for? But seriously.. I don’t even think that was the matter. You see, we’re in a restaurant, just the two of us. She probably thinks we’re a couple. Girls these days." He said dramatically, and you laughed.

"That’s disgusting.. No offence, but I’m still straight. But you have a point." You said, then you gazed at the ceiling for a while, "is that really why you wanted to become famous? Girls?" You asked him. He shrugged.

"Actually, I just like to sing.. I mean, it’s fun that the girls came along with it, but if I wanted girls I could also be modeling." He said, "and what about you?" ‘ he wasn’t supposed to ask that.. Oppa made me promise..’

"It’s a secret.. I know that we’re friends, but.. You’ll think I’m soft if I tell you." You said, a bit uncomfortable with the glares you got.

"Yah Taemin.. I know you’re a good guy. You’re putting yourself through torture to help Moon.. I won’t laugh at you, I promise. Kamsahamnida." The food had arrived. You hadn’t noticed how quickly time had passed by.

"Well, I’m smart you know.. And so is Ae.. We already finished highschool when we were sixteen. And I wanted her to go to college. So I started doing this work so that we could pay for it.. It’s not like our family was poor though.. I mean, our parents divorced when we were fifteen. It cost a lot of money. So I auditioned for SM entertainment. And they liked me." Jaejoong blinked.

"Honestly, this is all for her?!" You felt guilty. You hadn’t wanted Taemin to do this for you, you had begged him not to leave, saying that you would find a way to pay for your study. But he had said this was easier, and that he really wanted to help you.

"Now who’s not laughing at me? Well, at first it all went okay. I was me, sort of. But for over 30 million people. And then it went bad. I have a contract, and thus I have to keep going. I don’t hate this job really.. It has it’s benefits. But sometimes I wish I could just be with my twin. He’s normal."

"You just said he." You blushed. ‘Crap! How come I did that! I hate myself.’

"Mianhae, I must be tired. I’m going to eat now." You started copping your steak in pieces and ate it, chewing harshly on it. You were really mad about your error. ‘How could I?! I’m such a pabo! Pabo Pabo Pabo!’ You felt like hitting yourself in the head, but it would only make you more suspicious, so you just finished your meal as quickly as you could.

"So.. Any more ideas?" Jaejoong asked after an awkward silence.

"Well, I thought we could put a seat in the middle of the stage, that we hide until our last song. Then we invite Moon on the stage, and she can sit there while we preform. We will have to find her ear plugs." You said. Jaejoong nodded.

"That’s a good idea. I think.. We could also have her take a bow with us." Jaejoong said after a short silence. You nodded, you wanted Moon involved as much as possible, but only at the end. You thought it might be too tiring for her. Jaejoong agreed on this, and after he’d paid, he insisted on that, you went back to the studio, where you discovered a note from Yunho and the other, stating that they had practiced, but were too tired to stay.

"Great! Sheekee’s! Now what?!" Jaejoong said, while kicking the note he’d crumbled to a ball. You grabbed his arm before he could punch the wall.

"Don’t injure yourself." He spun around and gazed at you. ‘Why is he this close to me?! I didn’t realize.. Crap!’ You moved back a bit but he grabbed your shoulders.

"You’re right. So what do we do now?" You sighed, you weren’t sure.

"I don’t know. Want to practice singing?" You asked. He nodded. You found a microphone which you both sung in, and continued this for an hour. Then you noticed your throat getting sore. You couldn’t risk losing your voice, or rather Taemin’s voice, so you told Jaejoong that you had to stop.

"So. I guess dancing is out of the question now.. I guess we should go home.." You nodded and leaned back against one of the walls. You were to tired to speak, and feared that your voice might crack if you tried it anyway. You waited for something, not even sure what is was. You observed Jaejoong while he paced through the room, thinking to himself.

"I guess it’s no use going home and kick my dongsaengs.. Should I drive you home?" He suddenly said, while turning to you. You nodded. ‘That’d be great.’ He smirked.

"Too tired to speak? You should leave some energy for talking later on you know? Ah well. Keys please?" You smirked and tossed the keys at him. He caught them with his left hand, and reached his right hand out to you. You gratefully took it, and he pulled you up. You managed to maintain your balance, and followed him.

"You know it’s a bit creepy when you’re not speaking with me.. It’s not like you have to! But it’s still weird." Jaejoong sighed while you got in the car. You just fastened your seatbelt and waited for him to drive away. He glanced at you.

"Are you sure you are okay?" You smiled and nodded, then turned your face back to the road. Jaejoong started the engine and drove off. You leaned back and closed your eyes for a bit. You could vaguely hear the engine, and occasionally Jaejoong would say something. After a while the engine stopped, you blinked and rubbed your eyes.

"Are we there yet?" You asked. Jaejoong turned his head to you in surprise.

"Yah! Taemin you scared me.. At least you’re talking again. So, you wouldn’t happen to have one of our house keys would you?" You blinked. ‘Those guys wouldn’t actually let him stay out all night would they?’ You shook your head.

"No, but I can try calling Yunho for you..-" Jaejoong chuckled.

"Nevermind that, they’re probably playing some game.. So they wouldn’t notice. I tried calling Changmin and Yoochun already, but they’re not answering." You sighed.

"I guess you could crash at my place.." You said in defeat. You didn’t really want him to, but he had stayed over before, and then nothing had gone wrong, right?

"Really? Thanks!" He suddenly made a sad face, "you’re probably too tired, right? We’ve been working hard.." You punched him softly in the shoulder.

"Yah! Don’t say that hyung!I have a guestroom you know? You can just sleep there." You told him, after he’d agreed to that, you managed to carry yourself to Taemin’s house, and opened the door. You were vaguely aware that Jaejoong had followed you, but after you’d locked the door behind you, you just stumbled to Taemin’s room, and fell asleep on the bed.

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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P