Chapter 34

Are you drunk?


“If you’re done, can we go?” Jaejoong said, sounding rather annoyed, but something told you he wasn’t really annoyed. Taemin let you go and smirked.
“Yeah sure. Ae, we’re going out tonight. Are you coming too?” You shook your head.
“Oppa, I really don’t like clubs.. And you can’t be seen with me..-”
“Why is that?” Jaejoong butted in, you looked down.
“Because people don’t know he has a twin.. So it will only be a bother.” You said softly, that and you really disliked clubs. The lightings were scary, the music was too loud, and there were so many people. It scared you to think off it so you shrugged it off.
“We can just go see a movie if you like that better?” Taemin offered, but you saw Jaejoong flinch a little.
“No it’s fine.. I’ll just, go home and cook.” You told him. Even thought you wanted to spend time with him, he should spend time with his friends too. Taemin gave you a concerned look.
“Fine.. I’ll be home at nine okay?” You wanted to nod, but saw Jaejoong flinch again. Apparently he wanted to spend more time with him.
“Just take your time okay? I can use some sleep.” You told him, and leaned back a little. Jaejoong was still looking a bit unhappy, but there wasn’t anything you could do more. But now what? The night was going to be a little boring. Oh well. You walked with Taemin and Jaejoong, who met up with the rest of DBSK and Junsu and Taemin talked enthusiasticly about the clubs they could visit. Was it really such a great place to be? Taemin had to do his recordings with SHINee, so he sent you with DBSK. 
“So you’re not coming tonight?” Yunho asked, while sitting down in front of you. You nodded, and tried not to look at Jaejoong.
“I don’t really like clubs.. So I figured I’d stay home.” You said, and he smiled and patted your head.
“You could have said so. We can always go somewhere else..” You quickly moved your hands.
“No you don’t have to! And besides, Taemin’s house is a mess, so I should..-” He your cheek and smiled warmly. You moved your head back, and tried to covor your blushing.
“Stop worrying about that, and about us too. Let’s hang out soon okay?” You nodded and Changmin pushed him aside.
“Yah! Yunho stop that! Hyun Ae, let’s go hang out later okay?” You smiled and nodded. In the short time Changmin had learned your secret, he had grown to be one of your best friends.
“Now look who’s flirting.” Jaejoong sneered, and Changmin stuck out his tongue.
“I don’t care.. If anything she’s mine.”
“As long as Taemin isn’t here.” You leaned back and closed your eyes for a bit.
“Are you tired Hyun Ae?” Yoochun asked, somewhere behind you. You nodded, and felt two arms wrap around you from behind.
“If you want to go to sleep, I can sing you a lullaby.” You opened your eyes and dispite the signals of Yunho Changmin and Junsu nodded.
“If you would do that..” He smirked behind you, and you were lifted off your chair, and carried off.
“What’s happening?” You asked Yoochun while trying to see past him if anyone could explain to you what was happening. He smiled at you.
“You don’t sleep in a chair, you sleep in a bed, so I have to find you one.” He said.
“You don’t have to.. I’ll be fine..” You squeeked, and he smiled at you. Your stomache felt a little weird, and you looked down.
“Yoochun-shi..” He shook you a little and winked at you.
“Don’t call me that, just call me Yoochun.” You nodded and felt the urge to crawl into a ball. He pulled you closer.
“They’re probably jealous right now.” He said proudly as if he had been planning all of this long ago. You chuckled at him and relaxed a little since he wasn’t going to let you go anytime soon. You felt a short sting in your chest.
“Except for Jaejoong of course.” You said, and the smile left your face.
“Yah! Don’t think that! He likes you, he just hasn’t found out yet.. He came looking for you this afternoon right?” You nodded, which was strange since you were moving.
“Well, no one sent him. He just went as soon as he found out you were with those guys.” You felt happy about that, even though he had been a jerk. The you looked back at Yoochun.
“You’re really strong, you can put me down now..” He shook his head.
“That’s not going to happen. And thanks, Jaejoong thinks he’s the only one who works out.. pabo.” You smiled, and thought of Taemin, he worked out too. In fact, he had a closet with special training gear next to his bed practiacally stuffed. You were let down and noticed you were on a couch.
“This will have to do, because I’m afraid we don’t have many beds around here.” You smiled and watched Yoochun sit down on the table in front of it. You tried to ge tup but he pushed you back.
“I said I’d sing you a lullaby and I’ll do it alright.” You nodded weakly and watched him get up. He sat back down behind a piano. (I don’t know the name of the song, so I say he plays the song from Golden Fishery)
You smiled as he sang, and somehow dozed off a little.
“I was succesfull I see.” He said softly, you hadn’t heard him walking back, so you opened your eyes and saw him very near you. You smiled, and sat up.
“It was really beautiful..” He smiled softly, and you noticed the door was opened behind you. Yoochun winked at you and kissed your forehead.
“Just to shock them.” He whispered in your ear, and you nodded.
“Yah! Yoochun what are you doing? Taemin will kill you!” Junsu screamed behind you, and you chuckled softly. You played with Key’s jacket which you still had. Maybe you could visit them tonight? Well, after cooking, you still had to compete with Jaejoong, you remembered. ‘But it would be so much fun.. Maybe I can..-’ Your thoughts were disturbed by someone grabbing your arm and dragging you off again.
“Can’t you just not be around guys like that?” You looked and saw the back of Jaejoong in front of you, walking a lot faster than what would be pleasant for you, it was currently in between walking fast and running slow.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked, trying to stop him from walking but he just dragged you along anyway. Yoochun had been right, “Yoochun was only kidding you know.” Jaejoong turned and you stopped walking in time this time. He had a really overconfident look on his face.
“Well I’m not. Don’t hang out with guys like that. Won’t your oppa be upset?” You tried to retract your hand but he only pulled you closer.
“Really, would you be like that with me too? I’m curious..” SMACK. Your free hand had slapped his face, rather hard too. You felt sorry, but you weren’t going to tell him that.
“I’m not just a copy of oppa.. I’m a person too. Either accept that or leave me alone..” You said, your voice was shaking, and Jaejoong clenched your arm in his hand. He pushed you against the wall and leaned closer, with the darkest look you had ever seen.
“You hit me..” He said slowly, it was near growling. You moved further back against the wall.
“You hit me, and then you yelled at me..” He said, “do you know how many girls have done that? No one.. And do you know why?” You shook your head.
“Because I’m the most charming member of DBSK. Everyone likes me.. I’m also the strongest and the oldest, I’m respected and loved.” You tried to move away from him but he wouldn’t let you.
“So? I’m an individual.. And everyone has an opinion of their own. How can I respect you if you treat me like a small child? Oppa already does that.. But with him I can handle it. He’s always done it, you only just met me, why do you reproject oppa’s feelings on me?!” 
“Because you’re an idiotic child that doesn’t know how to take care of herself! You’re contantly being near guys who obviously want you and you act  like you don’t notice! Do you know how much your oppa worries about you? How much he thinks about you? Because I do..” You remembered talking about this with him before.
“Are you in love with him or something?” You asked, only to be pushed harder. ‘Ouch.. What’s with him?’
“Don’t you even suggest that, I hate him! I hate him more than ever..-!”
“Homophobe.” You cut him short, it was funny because it had been only weeks since he’d called you that, you smiled at his ignorance of that and he blinked.
“Why is that funny? Are you mocking me again?” You moved your chin up.
“Pabo.. You just are.” He flinched at gave you slightly more space to breathe.
“How did you even do that? His voice I mean, this afternoon.” You were suddenly afraid to face him and looked past him.
“I don’t want to tell you..” You said, and decided to try a little trick oppa had taught you. You focused on ‘something’ behind Jaejoong, even though he kept focused on you.
“Seriously.. What is he doing..?” You muttered softly, while supposedly trying to see something over his shoulder. You trick worked, Jaejoong turned his head shortly, and you ran for it. You knew you had to stay ahead, this trick only works once, and you didn’t want to tell him, but you didn’t want to lie either. 
“Yah! Come back here!” You heard him chase after you, so you turned around the first corner you could find, and kept running. Outside the sun was setting, but you couldn’t stop to admire it. You dove into a closet when you thought Jaejoong couldn’t see you. Some time later he caught on.
“Excuse me miss, did you see a girl, about this height, wearing a black jacket and with hair like Han Taemin?” You heard him say, and you supposed the lady he was adressing nodded.
“Great, can you tell me where she went? I really have to talk to her.” ‘Please don’t tell him miss, whoever you are..’ You prayed, and sighed when you heard her say the following:
“She seemed really upset, I think you should give her some time..” ‘Thank you!’ You smiled and exhaled, but quietly so you wouldn’t be heard.
“Please? It’s really important..” He was using a charming voice. What a cheater. You tried to think of a way to lock the closet from the inside, and if you couldn’t, find a possible weapon.
“I feel that I’ve hurt her, and I really want to apoligize. I’ll give her some time after that..” What a liar.. You sighed and continued to search a weapon. There were a lot of buckets, old brooms, some boxes and a lot of paper. Only the brooms could make some kind of weapon.. But maybe you could ytrap him with the buckets? Well you wouldn’t have to if the lady helped you out.
“Well, she hid.. So you should give her some time..” There was a knock on the door, and you decided you really wanted the lady around, you didn’t want to be alone with him.
“Go away, I don’t want to talk to you!” You yelled, and hoped it would be enough to get her to stay.
“Ae, open the door please.. Just let me tell you my feelings, then I’ll leave you alone..” He was really an actor to make a voice like that. You opened the door, and he immediately hugged you, with his head on the opposite side of that of the lady.
“You’re dead.” He whispered, “no one runs away from me.” 
“Oppa, I really don’t think I can handle this right now.” You said, forcing up some tears, “please let me go home now..” You could feel him stress, his muscles tensed up, he was trying to find a way out of this. You mentally sighed, knowing you couldn’t do this to him. You braced yourself and hugged him back.
“Oppa, let’s just go back to the way we used to be.. Arasso?” You said, blinking the fake tears away. He nodded, and pulled you closer to him.
“Arasso.” He said softly, and let you go. You felt relieved and faced him. He just looked at you, the anger had left his face, and there was wonder in his face. He held out his hand.
“Uljima(don’t cry), I won’t say things like that anymore.” You placed your hand in his, still doubting the whole thing. He was probably planning on getting even with you when you were out of the lady’s sight.
“Ne oppa.” You said, and he smiled.
“Let’s go home then.” You nodded, and followed him. You kept your head down at all time while walking, surprisingly, he didn’t say anything, nor did he squeeze your hand. It was strange because he hadn’t ever held you in any relaxed way. Well, maybe that one time, during the photoshoot. You shook your head softly, trying to make the memory go away.
“I still want to taste your cooking, so cook a lot, arasso?” He asked, you knew he was still facing the opposite direction.
“I will.” You said, and he chuckled.
“I thought it was too good to be true.” You looked up.
“What was?” You asked, he shook his head, still looking ahead.
“It’s nothing.” He said, and softly squeezed your hand, but it felt warm. You smiled and realized his pace in which he’d been walking before was perfect for skipping.
Author's note: I really like Yoochun's piano! Yeah, that and Jaejoong is really back!
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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P