Bonus Chapter

Are you drunk?


Because I'm addicted to writing about Ae ^^

You glanced shortly at the two rings on your finger. Taemin made a face.


“Yah! I should really have killed that guy when I had the chance.. Stealing my dongsaeng like this.” He glanced at Jaejoong who was preparing for the performance, “I’ll get you for this!” IU smiled and winked at you before sitting down beside Taemin.


“Oppa, aren’t you happy for Ae unnie that she gets to experience such nice things? Or do you really hate weddings? I always thought they were nice..” Taemin paled.


“I didn’t mean that.. I just didn’t want my baby sister to get married yet..” You chuckled slightly and patted his head.


“I know that oppa but I am happy.” He sighed and nodded.


“Besides, I had no choice.” Jaejoong said while turning to face you. Apparently he had heard everything. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.


“I had to make sure no one would ever try to steal my sweet Ae from me again.” He smiled and you and caressed your cheeks. You blushed slightly and hugged him gently.


“I wouldn’t have let them.” He chuckled and his chest moved. It felt warm. This was truly the man you wanted to marry and you realized it more with every second that passed.


“You have to watch closely arasso? This time I’ll beat Yunho to it.” He touched your face and you knew that to him it wasn’t about that. He just said it like that as a joke but more than anything he wanted you to stay with him. You took his hands in yours and smiled at him.


“Arasso. Ah, that reminds me, I should ask Yui aout her Christmas eve.” Jaejoong pulled you into a tight hug and laughed.


“You should. But not now, I’ll miss you too much.” Taemin made a gagging sound behind you and flipped his hair. You giggled and turned back to Jaejoong.


“Don’t worry oppa, I’ll be sure to watch your performance closely.” He smiled and kissed your forehead.


“Kamsahamnida.” Yunho made a face.


“Yah, hyung! Just because you’re getting married doesn’t give you the right to act like newly weds!” Jaejoong smiled and stuck out his tongue. You hadn’t seen him act this childish since, well ever. He seemed so happy and full of joy that it almost made him glow. And that was enough to make your heart skip a beat.


“In fact it does. And where is Yui anyway? Aren’t you two supposed to stick together like glue?” Yunho shrugged and smiled at you.


“Well thank you a lot for taking this burden of our shoulders Ae, we really, honestly thank you for it.” He walked closer and kneeled in front of you and took your hand.


“Right in this moment, I thank you from the bottom of our hearts and give you every permission you’ll ever need to take him out of our hair and care for him. I trust that you’ll keep him close and watch out for him because he’s an idiot. Thank you!” You chuckled and Jaejoong merely raised an eyebrow.


“Is that the best you got?” Yunho snickered and got up.


“No,” he said while dusting his jeans, “but when I first let my interest in Yui slip Ae made an entire speech about it and made me swear to protect her always.. So I figured I’d do something similar.” You smiled and touched Jaejoong’s hand.


“So now that we have your blessings we can act like a newly wed couple right?” He asked while taking your hand in his gently. Yunho chuckled.


“You’re horrible.. But go ahead. If Taemin doesn’t kill you for it.” Taemin smiled brightly.


“I will.” Jaejoong shrugged.


“I don’t care. She’s my bride to be.” Then he turned his attention back to you. You sat down on a couch and cuddled for a while, completely ignoring the comments exchanged between Taemin and the other DBSK members.


“Leave them alone!” Yui walked into the room with a huge smile on her face.


“Yui!” You smiled at her and got up to give her a hug. She seemed to be shining with happiness.


“I heard the big news, Yunho told me.” You smiled softly but then blinked.


“When? I only just..” You turned to Jaejoong, “did you tell them before me?” He slowly nodded.


“I had to get them out of the house..” You smiled softly and touched his hand that reached out to you.


“That’s why Jessica unnie wanted me to call her.” Jaejoong coughed.


“I’m really sorry, I just really wanted to propose.. So everyone kind of knew before you.” You sat down next to him and smiled at him.


“I forgive you.” He cupped your face and drew you nearer. His spicy yet sweet odour widened your smile.


“Do you still love me a bit?” You blushed slightly and nodded. He smiled and pulled you closer.


“How much?” Something made out of paper hit his head.


“Yah! Stop acting like that with my sister while I’m sitting next to her!” Taemin yelled. You could now see that he threw a newspaper at Jaejoong. Surprisingly well aimed seeing as that you were really close to Jaejoong and he didn’t hit you. You blushed slightly at the distance.


“Don’t mingle in other people’s business.” Jaejoong spoke calmly without averting his eyes from you. He really had changed from the person you had first met. He would attack Taemin over the smallest things yet now he couldn’t be bothered. He wrapped his arms around your waist.


“So tell me, how much do you love me?”


“This is over thirteen!! Stop it you two!” Yui called out. Jaejoong gave her a slightly annoyed look.


“We’re all over thirteen here. Don’t complain.” He turned his attention back to you and smiled. You couldn’t help but smile back.


“I still love you a lot..” He softly kissed you and moved you calmly so all Taemins attacks were aimed at him and you wouldn’t get hurt even if Taemin slipped for a little bit. Unfortunately for Taemin a camera crew entered the room just as he was about to attack Jaejoong so you all had to behave normally. Both you and Jaejoong had agreed not to talk about the engagement in public before you had picked a date and sorted everything out.


“Hello everyone! So glad to meet you all! Hyun Ae-shi, I see a new ring around your finger.. Oh two actually..  Has anything happened?” You smiled politely and shook your head. Out of the camera’s view Jaejoong squeezed your other hand softly and you squeezed back. It felt warm inside to keep a secret like this. You felt happy and would have looked at Jaejoong if you hadn’t been sure that you wouldn’t be able to stop staring at him.


“Okay then, just pretty rings. Anything else happened?” Taemin, IU, Yunho and Yui all ignored the question. Jaejoong just blinked and ignored it further on.


“Nothing that really matters. We’ve been preparing for our performance and we hope it’ll pay off.” Yunho said calmly with his mature voice. The interviewer laughed nervously and continued asking questions he shouldn’t be asking.


“So, any developments between you and Yui?” He asked feverishly. He was definitely fishing for something, anything. Yunho shook his head.


“No not really. As far as I know we’re still happily dating.” The man nodded and turned to Yui, hoping she’d be easier to intimidate.


“Is Yunho a good boyfriend? Does he spend a lot of time with you?” He pried. Yui didn’t fall for it and smiled calmly.


“Our relationship is not something that the public needs to know about.” She spoke professionally. The camera turned to you. The man seemed desperate.


“What about you, Hyun Ae-shi? Not too long ago you were in a relationship with Key..-” You shook your head calmly.


“I believe it has been announced on TV that it was actually set up by his manager. I respect Key as a friend and as an idol but I don’t have intimate feelings towards him.” You spoke calmly. Jaejoong squeezed your hand slightly as if to say ‘you’re doing great’.


“Ah yes.. Just wanted to clarify that.. So you really don’t have any feelings for him?” You smiled.


“Indeed not.  We’re only friends.” He smiled warily.


“Then is there anyone else?” Taemin stepped in between and stopped the man.


“I think that’ll be enough. Don’t tell me you came here with the purpose to question my sister?” He let a threat sound clearly through his words and the man backed off.


“Ah right. The performance. Are you all excited?” Changmin smiled and gave him thumbs up.


“Yup! We’re all looking forward to it!” Yoochun and Changmin high fived. The camera seemed to like these kind of shots so they made sure to take a lot of shots from the guys cheering for themselves.

Jaejoong held your hand tightly but didn’t show anything to the camera’s.


“Let’s get going, there are other groups that are preparing too, good luck guys! But I don’t think you need it.” The crew left and Jaejoong hugged you tightly.


“Don’t let them get to you arasso?” You smiled and nodded.


“I won’t. I promise oppa.” He pulled you closer.


“Care to seal that with a kiss?”


“Yah!” Taemin screamed. You chuckled and everyone in the room laughed with you. Taemin sighed and IU patted his head.


“It’s not that bad is it?” She pecked his cheek. He froze and blushed.


“I guess not..” He muttered and everyone laughed at his reaction except for IU and you tried to muffle your laughter. IU smiled and sat down next to him.


“Never mind them oppa.” You turned to Jaejoong.


“Does the manager know as well?” He nodded slowly.


“He does. He agreed to our decision.. But he does want me to wait until the rumours about you and Key have calmed down.” You blinked.


“They haven’t?” Jaejoong shrugged.


“I guess he just wants to be sure.” You nodded slowly. It was for the best.


“I wish they could have said that your relationship with Key was just to cover this up, but that’d really make the fans pissed off.” Yui said. Yunho flicked her forehead.


“What’s with your language girly?” She stuck out her tongue and he tickled her. You turned back to Jaejoong.


“I believe it’s showtime.” He nodded and hugged you tightly.


“Please give me a kiss for good luck.” You smiled.


“That’s the one thing I agree on with that guy.. You don’t need good luck.” You leaned closer and kissed him softly, “but that doesn’t mean I won’t give you a kiss.” He smiled and kissed you softly.


“Jaejoong stop that! We’re up in a minute!!” Yunho called out. Jaejoong sighed and pulled you close one more time before walking off. You sat down near the edge of the stage and watched them along with Taemin, IU and Yui.


“They’re good aren’t they?” IU asked. Taemin eyed her.


“You’re only supposed to like me, you know?” She giggled and touched his cheek.


“I only like you, oppa, but that doesn’t mean I can’t think others are great performers.” You smiled at her.


“Ne.. They’re really good..” Taemin made a face that clearly said ‘traitor’ on it but said nothing as the show started.


“Good evening everyone! We’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!” Yunho spoke first. The audience cheered and applauded. Jaejoong adjusted his mic.


“We were originally going to start with a different song, but there’s a song I want to tribute to someone who is very special to me..” He took a short break and glanced at you shortly without turning his head, “yesterday, I asked that person to marry me.” The audience reacted very confused. You gasped. He wasn’t supposed to say any of this! But no one could stop him any longer.


“And she said yes.” Jaejoong said. The audience cheered for the largest part. Jaejoong smiled the sweet, handsome smile he usually showed you.


“We’re of course very happy for him, so we’d like to start with a song dedicated to the girl in question. It’s called You’re my melody.” Yunho said. The music started and Jaejoong started. Soon the others joined him.



Nunul gamumyon dulyeo onun soridul                        The sounds I hear when I close my eyes
Gudae ui mamul                                                                Your feelings
Gudae ui jakgun saeggak durul                                    your little thoughts
Nae mamui maneun jabum taemune                          Because of the many unnecessary noises in my heart
Dutji motae sonnahbwa                                                   I was unable to hear them
Mianhae, mianhae                                                            I'm sorry, I'm sorry

Nunmurui shigani, ijen history                                       The time of shedding tears is now history
Gokjong hajima, because                                               Don't worry, because

You’re my melody                                                             You're my melody 
Norul pyonjulhage on and on                                         I'll perform you on and on
Non naui norae nae salmae soundtrack                     You are my life's soundtrack
Insaenge muldae                                                              I love you, who lights up my life's stage
Balkejunun norul saranghae                                        
(Inorul jullae)                                                                     (Will you sing again?)
Non naui norae                                                                  You are my song 

I’m sorry nan marul hagi shirotdon                              Me, who hated saying the words, "I'm sorry..."
Chajumshi manhatdon                                                    Me, with a lot of pride, left my heart empty...
Nomudo mami galma naetdon                                      When my soul is drying up
Nae yongohni mallaghago isulltae                               When everything is falling apart, will you come to
Modunge munoljitae naege wachullae                        me? 

Saramui shigando, norul chorom go                            Like a song, the days and time of sadness always has 
Guche inungol, because                                                  an end, because

It’s your love, your love                                                   It's your love, your love
Naege sarangul dulyeo judon                                        You, who let me hear love
Gudae naui rhythm                                                           You are my rhythm
Nae salmae sonmul                                                         my life's gift
Nae hangseng gyeoltaeso                                              Always by my side, become a wonderful dream
Harum daum kunmi tae ocho
(Mulachullae)                                                                     (Will you sing again?)
Non naui norae                                                                  You are my song 

Suopshido manu, sad love songs                                  The countless sad love songs
Uril norae hanun got gatado                                          Although it feels like they're singing about us
No… Ohh… No… no… no…
I sungan nae gyotul jikyo junun                                     At this moment, you who supports me
Gudae muotboda soju hangollyeo                You're more precious to me than anything else.

Nunul gamumyon dulyeo onun soridul                        The sounds I hear when I close my eyes
Gudae ui mamul, ijen bulloyeo                                      I will now sing your feelings

You’re my melody                                                             You're my melody 
Norul pyonjulhage on and on                                         I'll perform you on and on
Non naui norae nae salmae soundtrack                     You are my life's soundtrack
Insaenge muldae                                                              I love you, who lights up my life's stage
Balkejunun norul saranghae
(Inorul jullae)                                                                     (Will you sing again?)
Non naui norae                                                                  You are my song 

It’s your love, your love                                                   It's your love, your love
Naege sarangul dulyeo judon                                        You, who let me hear love
Gudae naui rhythm                                                           You are my rhythm
Nae salmae sonmul                                                         my life's gift
Nae hangseng gyeoltaeso                                              Always by my side, become a wonderful dream
Harum daum kunmi tae ocho
(Mulachullae)                                                                     (Will you sing again?)
Non naui norae                                                                  You are my song 

It’s your love, your love                                                   It's your love, your love
Naege sarangul dulyeo judon                                        You, who let me hear love
Gudae naui rhythm                                                           You are my rhythm
Nae salmae sonmul                                                         my life's gift
Nae hangseng gyeoltaeso                                              Always by my side, become a wonderful dream
Harum daum kunmi tae ocho
(Mulachullae)                                                                     (Will you sing again?)
Non naui norae                                                                  You are my song 

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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P