Chapter 61

Are you drunk?


“Are you okay?” You nodded.
“I’m fine.. Just a bit stressed..” Jaejoong sighed and started the car.
“You have to be careful.. Taemin told them what happened to you. They may want you to return home.”
“Taemin probably exagerated, so they’ll believe me when I say I feel better. Which I do.”
“Still, you have to be careful. Don’t get hurt.” You nodded and glanced at the houses passing by.
“You have your phone with you right? Call me when you’re done.. I’ll come get you.” 
“Kamsahamnida.” You felt slightly less awkward than you had the night before. Jaejoong stopped and softly touched your hair for a moment.
“I’ll see you later.” You nodded and got out of the car. You glanced at the time, two past seven. You were a goner and you knew it. You took a breath and pressed the doorbell. Some time later it opened.
“Noona? You came? But you were horribly injured!” You chuckled and shook your head.
“Taemin told you nonsense.. I only hit my head..-” You started but the maknae interupted you.
“He said you were taking medication!” You showed him the painkillers.
“They’re painkillers. It’s not the same.. I’m going to be just fine!” He smiled, grabbed your hand and pulled you inside.
“Key! Noona is here!” Little Taemin sang happily while closing the door, “I’m happy you’re here! Now today is going to be so much fun!” You were pulled along and noticed Key at the top of the stairs. He smiled and dashed down the stairs.
“You’re here!! I thought you wouldn’t be!” He pulled you into a tight hug.
“I promised I’d be here.. So I’m here..” You managed to say without coughing. He let up.
“How’s your head? Does it hurt?” He asked, still holding your shoulders. You shook your head.
“She has painkillers.” Little Taemin said, “so she doesn’t feel it.” You glared at him. What was he trying to accomplish? Key pulled you in another hug and softly your hair.
“I’m going to take good care of you okay?” You nodded. This wasn’t even weird anymore, it was plain freaky. Key was supposed to be upset about you being late or how you hadn’t brushed your hair in the morning.
“Taemin, I’m borrowing some of your clothes for her, you’re the closest to her size.. Ae can you sit down?” You nodded and he carefully sat you down on the couch.
“I’m honestly fine..” You muttered in protest.
“Except for your head. I’ll start brushing your hair now, tell me if it hurts.” You felt unhappy being treated like a baby. What had oppa told them? That you had fallen down twenty stairs hitting your head in the proces?
“What did oppa tell you? Nothing serious happened..” You muttered.
“He told me someone hit your head with a door.. I can see it.. Looks painful.” He gave you a sad look and continued to brush your hair. Every now and then he’d stop and ask if it hurted. This bothered you because it didn’t hurt at all.
“Key! You have hands as soft as a kitten’s fur! Stop thinking you could hurt me!” You shouted at last. He smiled patiently and put the last strand of hair in order.
“There! All done! Let’s go to Taemin’s room! I want to pick some clothes for you!” You raised an eyebrow.
“Wouldn’t it be best if I didn’t stand out?” Key copied your action.
“Why would that be a good thing?” He took your hand, insisting you held his hand in case you got dizzy, and took you to Taemin’s room. You protested against the first set of clothes, since they were too tight.
“I can do something about that! Please?” You shook your head. Key froze.
“Don’t move your head! You might get injured! How about this?” You glanced at the black sweater that looked like the sweater little Taemin wore in Hello. You wanted to nod but decided not to freak Key out any further.
“That seems good..” Key smiled and put it on little Taemin’s bed.
“Good.. Pants pants pants.. There they are!” He handed you a pair of dark jeans which you assumed were skinny jeans.
“Aren’t these too tight?” Key shook his head.
“Not if you wear it with the sweater. Go and put it on! I’ll be just outside in case you feel bad or anything.” You sighed and he left, closing the door behind him. You first tried putting the sweater on, but the shirt you were wearing made it feel weird. You decided to take it off when the door opened.
“Mianhae.. I didn’t know you were.. Changing.” You glanced at Key who was covering his eyes.
“Key, I only raised my shirt a little, it’s not like I’m .. Do you think you have a shirt I could wear under the sweater? This one feels weird..” Key nodded and opened the closet once more. He tossed out a few shirts which he didn’t like, you put them all on the bed. Poor little Taemin, his closet was getting trashed. Finally Key seemed to have found a shirt he liked. It was pink and had strawberries on it.
“Ah, it’s so cute.. Doesn’t Taemin wear it?” You asked. Key chuckled.
“He’s always hiding it.. But this is his favourite shirt.” You gasped.
“Is it okay for me to wear it? If it’s his favourite..-”
“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if it was you. I’ll see you in a few.” Key left the room once again and you heard a thud against the door, probably Key sitting down against it. You quickly changed into the strawberry shirt, it smelled like little Taemin, and put on the sweater. You then put on the jeans. They were tight, but the sweater was long enough to cover your shape. You folded your own clothes and put little Taemin’s other clothes back in the closet.
“Key I’m done!” You said. Key opened the door and smiled.
“Aigoo.. You’re just like Taemin now.. Ah your hair is messy again!” You took a step back when he raised his comb in threat.
“Taemin-ah! Do I look manly?!” You shouted. Instead of the maknae a sleepy face with sharp features turned around the corner.
“Noona is here so early in the morning? I thought you were injured?”
“She is.” Key said without looking at Jonghyun who gave you a confused look. You shrugged and mouthed ‘just go with it, it’ll be over sooner.’ He smirked and eyed you.
“You look male enough.. It’s not like Taemin never looks girly.”
“Yah hyung!” Little Taemin yelled while hitting Jonghyun on his head. Then he turned to you.
“Noona is me! I should say hyung.. I want a hug!” You laughed softly while Key was trying to push him away shouting things like “not until I’m finished with the make up!” You smiled and opened your arms for a hug, making it harder for Key to restrain little Taemin as he became more enthusiastic.
“You were going to do it again anyway, so just let him.” You told Key, who sighed and let the source of bouncy energy go. Little Taemin immediately dived in a hug with you, causing you to fall backwards on the bed. You rubbed your head as you felt a small sting.
“Omo.. Did I hurt you? I didn’t mean to!” Little Taemin squeeled, “you’re just so much like me now! I like me! Even if it isn’t really me, but you. I like you too! Like me!” You blinked at his sudden exclamation of random words.
“Get off her! You’re making her headache worse!” Key shouted. You flinched at that.
“I’m fine! Taemin, can you let go so I can get up?” The boy nodded and got up. You got up too and pulled the sweater straight.
“Won’t the Noon force noona’s think it’s weird if I’m wearing his clothes?” You asked, glancing down at your attire. Little Taemin shook his head.
“No! We’re dating remember?” Jonghyun, Key and you coughed in shock at the mention of that.
“Taemin! Don’t say those things so carelessly. Especially this early in the morning.. I think my heart just skipped a beat.” Jonghyun said, putting his left hand on his chest. Key glared at the small boy and stepped inbetween the two of you and started combing your hair.
“I’m ignoring that ever happened.. Don’t ever mention it like that, we don’t want to get judged by the press before our fanbase is stable.” He said, “you can just be Taemin’s older cousin.. That’ll work!” He smiled, and you knew it was make up time. Sometimes you wondered if Key ever had a make up doll when he was little. He seemed so skilled at it, it was rediculous.
“Why do you even have make up noona’s when he’s this good?” You asked slightly uncomfortable with Key putting eyeliner on your eyes again. 
“Because Key only does it when he feels like it.. And he doesn’t want to waste time on us.” Jonghyun said calmly. He was sitting across you while little Taemin had gone to the kitchen to get some milk. Onew was now awake too, and Minho had apparently been showering since you arrived and was sitting at the table with a towel drapped over his shoulders.
“Wouldn’t it be weird for Taemin’s supposed boyfriend to suddenly be his cousin?” You asked, thinking about what Noon force would say, “and I’m not sure i want them to think I’m not gay.. As creepy as that sounds.. I don’t want them all over me.”
“We never actually said the two of you were dating. They just assumed it since the two of you were close. Suppose Taemin hadn’t seen his favourite cousin in years? Of course he’d be happy to see him.” Jonghyun said, “but that doesn’t mean you can’t be gay..”
“Jonghyun be quiet! I can’t work like this!” Key snapped at him. Jonghyun immediately sat up straight with his mouth shut tightly. You chuckled and looked back at Key who was now applying stuff on your face.
“Does this have to be there? It feels yucky... Oh look it’s my favourite cousin!” Little Taemin smiled sadly when he heard that.
“I’ve been degraded!” He said and pouted.
“Mianhae Taemin, but you know you can’t be considered gay.. It would cause trouble for your fan base since you’d be less within reach for the girls..” You explained calm while getting up. Key was done, whether he thought so or not!
“Anyway, we should probably get going.” Minho said, dropping his towel on the seat next to him. Key frowned and walked up to move the towel to the place where it should be, the laundry.
“So unofficial boyfriend, are you ready?” Jonghyun asked with a smirk.
“I would prefer to be referred to as ‘hyung’ thank you very much. Also since Taemin’s my cousin, he has the right to preform skinship. You wouldn’t want to make him jealous?” You said warmly. Jonghyun pouted and little Taemin cheered. You got in the car and little Taemin sat down next to you.
“Hyung we’re going to have so much fun! I want another hug! You’ve been away for so long!” He said teasingly before hugging you tightly. You gave Jonghyun an apologetic look. He smirked and winked at you, causing you to hug little Taemin tightly.
“I missed you too my dearest dongsaeng! We should have more time to hang out together like we used to!” You said in a warm gentle voice which you mimicked from Yunho. You heard the boy chuckle and Key softly hit him on his arm.
“Don’t exargerate. You’re cousins, not lovers.” You smiled softly.
“Mianhae Key.. We’ll control ourself at the show.” You felt little Taemin smile and hug you tighter.
“Well we’re almost there. How about a practice round?” You laughed softly and patted little Taemin’s head. He looked up and gave you a sad look.
“Hyung.. Are you choosing his side over mine?” He asked in a quiet almost fearful voice.
“How could I? We’ve been through so much together..”
“Wrong!! Again!” Key shouted. You sighed, being a cold hyung wasn’t something you were good at.
“Taemin.. I have to choose the side that sounds most logic to me. Mianhae.” You said. Minho, Onew and Jonghyun burst out in laughter and Key facepalmed.
“That sounded so much like a drama! You should consider being an actor.. Actress.. Damn you’re good!”
“Language!” Key shouted and tried to hit Jonghyun but he was out of his reach.
“Fine, you’re so good you could fool me even though I know the truth.” Jonghyun said in a bored monotone voice. You chuckled at him and leaned back.
“Taemin.. You have to get off me now, we’re here.” You said. Little Taemin pouted but did as you asked and skipped out of the car. You were blinded by flashes as you got out of the car.
“Omo! They brought someone! Who is that?” A man shouted. The SHINee members all waved at the press and little Taemin pulled you inbetween them.
“This is my dearest cousin Lee Hyun Jong! I haven’t seen him for so long so I took him with me! He also works with us!” He shouted happily. You bit your cheek. ‘Couldn’t he just have said that last bit?’ Many people took pictures of you and it took long to get inside. Once inside you entered SHINee’s dressing room.
“You could have said I was your schedule help. It would have saved the trouble.” You said.
“Nope, because then people would wonder why you’re wearing my clothes.” Little Taemin said cheerfully and the other members nodded in agreement. You felt slightly frustrated with that.
“I’m wondering why I’m wearing your clothes too! I should have taken something from oppa..-”
“No! Then you’d look too much like him! No one has ever seen him in something as fluffy as your current outfit, so they’ll be less likely to think you two look alike.. Also it was a lot of fun to do.” Key said happily, looking over his work again, “your hair is out of place! Let me fix it again!” 
“Aniyoh!” You sighed as Key completely ignored your will and started relocating hair strands. You rubbed your temples in unhappiness and he immediately stopped.
“Does your head hurt? Did I hurt you?” You shook your head.
“It’s fine.. I’m just a little tired..” You said and sat down.
“Hello everyone! We’re interviewing you beforehand about your thoughts off the show! Who’s the guy you brought?” An enthusiastic man said, he was trying to get a better look at you, “he seems familiar..” You jumped up and wrapped an arm around little Taemin’s neck.
“We’re family! Can you tell?” He shouted happily, “Hyun Jong is my cousin.. But he also manages our schedules so he has to come with us.. He’s thrilled to be here too.. I’m sad he can’t play, but he got injured last night so he isn’t capable of running around.” He ended with a cute pout. The interviewer smiled and got out a tape recorder.
“So, are you all excited to be here?” He asked, pretending you weren’t there, which you were thankful off.
“Yeah! We’re really looking forward to all the challanges!” Jonghyun said.
“Do you have any kind of challange you’d like the best?” The interviewer asked.
“Well singing of course! It’s what I’m best at!” Jonghyun said jokingly.
“For me that’d be a sport of some kind.” Minho said, “preferably basketball.”
“I’d like dancing! I love dancing!” Little Taemin cheered. ‘And he wonders why people think he’s cute.’
“Eating competition!” Onew said jokingly, “I’m not really sure, I guess cooking would be fine?” 
“I wanted to pick cooking!” Key pouted, “but I’m okay with any kind of challange actually! I’m the almighty Key so I can do it, no matter what it is!” You smiled at their enthusiasm.
“And the cousin? Anything special?” You gulped, but no one saw it.
“I’m not even playing.. I’d like to see if my famous cousin is as good at dancing as he is at bragging about it.” You said, little Taemin was your excuse for being here, so he’d be the special thing you wanted to see, right? It made sense in your head. Little Taemin happily hugged you.
“Hyung you’re so nice!” Key glared at him but didn’t say anything because the interviewer was still there.
“I think your wished might come true.. We’ll see you in a bit, thanks for talking to us!” And with that he left the room. You sighed and brushed little Taemin off you.
“You have to be a little less suspicious my dear cousin.” You said, emphasizing the last bit.
“Cousin?!!” You head a yell from behind the door. It opened and behind it were the Noon force members. You forced a smile on your face.
“It’s nice to see you again.” ‘It’s not! Please stop making things more awkward!’
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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P