Chapter 27

Are you drunk?


“Yah, why did you call me that?” You shouted, while turning, Jaejoong was leaning against the wall with an expressionless face.
“It seems like a good nickname.. You are the child here after all.” You shrugged.
“So you’re telling me that Junsu is more grown up than I am?” He smirked and came closer, which made you nervous, he seemed evil, somehow..
“Not necessary, but you are still the only girl in a house with approximately five guys.. And you’re the youngest, that makes you eolin-I, or rather ‘daughter’. Do you like that better?” You felt like punching him, he was so full of himself, but you didn’t. Instead you just brushed past him.
“Yah, where are you going daughter?” You turned around and smiled at him.
“Didn’t you just ask me to play? I’m going to play..”
“Sure.. But I am not going easy on you like your oppa, or those pabo’s.” You chuckled, ‘as if I need them to.’ You returned to the room and sat down in front of Changmin, who didn’t dare complain, since Taemin was sitting next to him. Yunho tossed his controller at you and you entered the game. To the surprise of the guys, except the ones that knew about your secret, you were good at the game.
“You’re almost as good as Taemin!” Junsu exclaimed, when your car passed his in the last second before the finish line. ‘Almost?’ You thought, but you didn’t say anything. Guys and their pride..
“Tsk, you’re exaggerating.. She’s not that good.” Jaejoong said, while glancing at you. You frowned and leaned back.
“Afraid to lose to a girl?” You asked teasingly. He shrugged and you both entered a new field. The machine counted down and you started racing. You were aware that people were speaking around you, but you weren’t aware what they were saying. After the first two laps, you noticed Jaejoong catching up, so you entered the special cheat oppa had taught you. Up, Up, Down, Left, Up, A (random buttons on the controller) and your car got a boost, and within a second you passed the finish line.
“Yah! You cheated!” He yelled, throwing his controller on the ground in frustration. You felt offended, why did he have to be such a poor loser? You shrugged and tossed the controller back at Yunho.
“If you’re going to be that way, it’s no surprise girls don’t want to play with you.” You told him, before leaning back against Changmin’s legs. Oppa had a controller, so he wouldn’t notice it anytime soon. Changmin laughed at Jaejoong, who glared at you, he seemed unhappy about something.
“That’s true you know.. Girls don’t like to play with you Jaejoong.” He said teasingly. Jaejoong ‘hmpf-ed’ him and concentrated back on the game. You felt a tiny bit sorry for him, because everyone was teasing him now, but you knew that if you made eye contact with him again, you would forget it. So you did nothing. The games continued, and occasionally, Junsu, Yoochun and oppa would beat Jaejoong, and mock him. You, Yunho and Changmin didn’t play. After being mocked for five minutes in a row, Jaejoong got up, and tossed his controller at Yunho.
“You do it for me.. I’m going to cook something, that is, if this pabo has anything edible in his house.” He said, while pointing at Taemin, who was too absorbed in his game to notice he was badmouthed. You wanted to help him, but it didn’t seem like a very bright idea, so you just gazed at him while he left. You couldn’t really concentrate on the game, so you talked with Changmin for a bit, you found out that he was in fact the youngest of them, and that he was two years older then you were.
“That makes Yunho and Jaejoong four years older than you are.. now that’s creepy.” He said, while glancing at Yunho, who shrugged at this. His car had fallen of the track about four times, and he had given up on the game.
“Yah, can someone help me here?” Jaejoong yelled from the kitchen, and Changmin nudged you.
“You go, we won’t live if anyone else cooks.” He whispered, you looked at Taemin for help, but he was still absorbed in his game. ‘Pabo oppa.’ You thought to yourself, then you got up, braced yourself, and entered the kitchen.
“How can I help?” You asked, he glanced at you with an expression that made you even more sorry you had come there. When he hadn’t said anything for another three minutes, you decided to go back.
“Can you stir this for me?" His voice was soft, and rough, but not really mean, so you did as he asked, stirring some sort of sauce which seemed rather spicy to you. But that was okay, you liked spice. Jaejoong mixed other ingredients in quiet. Every once in a while you would glance at him, but he never looked at you.
“So, is Yunho losing?” He asked after a long silence, filled with chopping, stirring, heating and other cooking actions.
“He gave up after falling in the abyss four times.” You said, trying not to look at him. It would only make things more awkward.
“Dangyunhaji.. He’s bad at games.” Another silence came, and you turned down the heat.
“I think it’s good like this.. You should try it.” You said, focusing on the sauce. He took it from you and put it on the table. He handed you a spoon.
“You try it first.” He said, you wondered if he was trying to bully you again, without actually wanting to, but you figured it would be best not to argue with him. You tasted a bit, and handed him the spoon.
“It’s good.” You told him, and surprisingly, he nodded in response. ‘Dangyunhaji, he wouldn’t say a bad word about something he made.’ You thought.
“You don’t think it’s too spicy?” he asked, you blinked.
“Why would it be too spicy? I like spice.” You told him, and regretted that immediately. First because you didn’t think you should tell him things about yourself, since they wouldn’t interest him, and second because he was staring at you like you were crazy. You sighed, ‘I will never be able to befriend him, I guess.’ But then he laughed.
“Jinja? Spice is the best!” You smiled, finally you had something you agreed on.
“Would you like to play a trick on them?” He said, his eyes sparkling devilishly, like Taemin’s would when he was up to something. You nodded happily. ‘I’ll take any chance to make him less mad with me, for whatever reason he was mad with me.’ You thought, and while he explained, a large grin grew on your face.
“Oppa! Dinner’s ready!” You called out, and they all entered the room after a short time of complaining about not being able to finish their game. When they sat down at the table, you handed everyone a plate, and some chopsticks, while Jaejoong put the pans on the table.
“Eolin-I, why don’t you try it first?” Jaejoong asked you teasingly. He was a really great actor, because you couldn’t tell the difference with the Jaejoong that had first met Hyun Ae. But you were a good actress, and unbeknownst to them, they all agreed with you. You took the spoon and tasted. You thought it was great, and very spicy, but you flinched.
“Yah, it’s tasteless!” You complained, and Jaejoong’s face changed into a frown. He grabbed the spoon and tasted too.
“You’re right..” He muttered, “I think you should all take some extra seasoning in it.. How stupid.. I forgot..” He sighed, and poured some sauce with extra seasoning on his plate. Of course, they fell for it, well, Changmin leaned back and waited for the others to try, obviously he thought there was something fishy about this. 
“Yah! It’s too spicy!” Four guys yelled and ran for any source of water, while you and Jaejoong laughed at them.
“You fooled us.” Taemin said, while glaring at you, “and you didn’t involve me in it? I’m disappointed in you.” You shrugged at him.
“We never said you had to add seasoning, he just recommended it, and I think I’ll add some seasoning.” You told him, while eating happily.
“I should have known.. You like spicy food..” Changmin smirked, “Jaejoong, I can’t believe I fell for your acting though..” He sighed. Jaejoong blinked.
“And you fell for her acting?” Changmin chuckled, and you narrowed your eyes shortly, warning him.
“I never saw her act before.. We’re together all the time.. I should have seen through it.. Well at least I wasn’t as dumb as to add seasoning when YOU recommended it. I know you like spicy food.” Jaejoong shrugged, and leaned back.
“It was funny.. Taemin, didn’t you say your sister can cook once?” He asked, not really bothering to look at you. You decided to ignore it and continue eating.
“I might have.. At least she’s far better than I am..” You gave him a grateful look, and he smiled at you.
“We’ll see about it.. Why don’t you cook tomorrow? I’d like to try it.” He told you, still not facing you. You nodded, even though he wasn’t the nicest, at least he didn’t hate you anymore. Yunho sat down on a chair next to Changmin.
“Why did you have to do this Hyun Ae?” He asked, and you blinked.
“Why not? You were all way to absorbed in your game to help out. If you had helped out, you might have noticed we like spicy food?” You asked innocently. Yunho shrugged, and drank some more water.
“In that case, I’ll see to the cooking tomorrow. I don’t want to get poisoned again.. And you two aren’t allowed in the kitchen alone anymore!” He said, with a fake angry glare. He wasn’t really mad, and neither were Junsu and Yoochun, who actually thought it was a good prank.
“But then where do we make our pacts to poison you?” You said playfully, not really knowing why you were suddenly as outgoing. You were usually very composed, and you didn’t like hurting others. Taemin gave you a look and you felt it all sink. Maybe it was because the two of you had been apart this long, you had missed the old times. But getting tricked was his own fault!
“How about the living room since they’ll all be in the kitchen watching the cooking?” Jaejoong joked, and everyone laughed at him.
“You two are now also not allowed to shop together.” Yunho said, and Taemin coughed.
“None of you are allowed to go shopping with her.. Jaejoong and Yoochun because I think you are a bad influence on her, and the others since you’re not allowed to hit on her.” This earned him multiple reactions. The first one was yours, complaining about having to do everything yourself, the second was Yunho, stating that he wouldn’t hit on you, third Junsu, claiming that he was capable of making up plans too, and last Yoochun, since Taemin made it sound like he wouldn’t hit on you if he got the chance.
“Aren’t you going to complain too?” You asked Changmin, he shrugged.
“If I go against him, I won’t be able to hang out with you. Besides, I can think of more fun ways to trick him than by over-seasoning him.” He said calmly. ‘He’s cool, sort of..’ You thought when you observed him, and mentally slapped yourself.
“Well, we should go home.. See you all tomorrow.” Jaejoong told Taemin and the others, before getting up and leaving. Yunho nodded and told you he and the others would leave too. You saw them off, it seemed ridiculous that they only had to cross the street to get home.
“Please visit our home when you’re in the mood for a party.” Yoochun whispered at you, and ran for it before oppa could hit him.
“They’re gone..” Taemin sighed after closing the door, “now I won’t have to share you anymore.”
“You do.. They’ll be back.” You said calmly, he nodded.
“Dongsaeng, are you going to sleep in the guestroom?” You nodded, and he seemed sad.
“Guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
“Good night oppa.” After brushing your teeth, you went to the guestroom. Inside you stumbled against your bag. You were finally able to put on a comfortable PJ, you had missed it very much. You lay down on your bed, and gazed at the ceiling. Today had been a tiresome day, so many things had happened. Performing as Taemin for the last time, it made you a little sad. You your side, and kept turning around again and again, unable to sleep. After half an hour, you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Oppa, can I sleep with you tonight?”
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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P