Chapter 41

Are you drunk?

Author's note: I'm a liar because I said I wouldn't update for a week. But the story kept bugging me!


“Oppa, you’re choking me.” He quickly let up.
“Mianhae.. I was so worried..” 
“I’m fine oppa, and I’m home now.” He pulled you inside and locked the door.
“I’m glad. I’m really looking forward to Sunday. I’m already tired of work!” He stuck out his tongue.
“Oppa, don’t complain about living the dream of many teenagers!” You said but giggled at the face he made. You sat down on the couch as Taemin put a movie in the dvd player. He then jumped next to you on the couch.
“Dongsaeng, I put in a nice one without monsters, ain’t I the best oppa ever?” You hugged him.
“Thank you oppa!” You said and tried to think of a good way to put this. There was none. “I’m going to get a job oppa.”
“What kind of job?” He immediately asked, sitting up straight as if stung by a bee.
“I don’t know yet.. I thought I could be a waitress?”
“What? With all the erts visiting restaurants?? Why do you want a job? I can pay everything for you!” He was getting over protective again, and you noticed this was going the wrong way.
“Oppa.. I’m old enough to take care of myself.”
“But I’ll miss you too much.. You can’t work when I’m not working! But if I’m working.. I still want to look over you! So you have to contact me if something happens! You have to contact me.. Even if nothing happens because..-“
“Calm down..” You said, brushing the hair that had moved in his face behind his ears, “I know you’re just being kind oppa.. But..-” He grabbed your shoulder and looked into your eyes, you could see the sorrow and worry. It hurt you to tell him all this, but if you were going to live here, you would have to become a little more independant.
“I just don’t want anything to happen to you..”
“Nothing will happen to me, as long as you don’t shout out to the world that I live with you, because then your fans will kill me.”
“But..-” He tried, then sighed, “fine. As long as it’s a decent job! And you can’t work in the weekends, or when I’m off work. And only three days in a week. And always keep your phone on! Call me if something happens!” You smiled, he was the best oppa in the world. Happily you hugged him.
“I promise, saranghae oppa.” You then watched the movie for a while.
“Whose is that thing actually?” Taemin suddenly asked, he sounded casual. Of course he wouldn’t suspect Jaejoong, but you still felt you shouldn’t tell him.
“It’s Jonghyun’s.. He let me borrow it since I didn’t bring anything warm.” You said, making up and excuse and trying to make a mental note to yourself to tell Jonghyun about this. But then you’d have to explain..
“Nice of him, he has good taste.” You smiled, a little relieved, it was funny how Taemin had given Jaejoong a compliment without knowing it. You then remembered Changmin’s text which you still hadn’t replied to.
“Dangyunhaji, I still want you to come along! He wasn’t all bad.” You texted him back, and ten to twenty seconds later came the reply.
“I’m happy ^^ I know he can be bothersome at times. But he’s my hyung and his cooking is good so I should forgive him.” You giggled softly at it, and then decided to go to sleep.
“Oppa, I’m going to sleep now.. Tomorrow I’ll come to the company with you.” You said. Taemin jumped from the couch and hugged you.
“Kamsahamnida dongsaeng.. I can always count on you, can’t I?” You hugged him back, but then went to bed. After brushing your teeth, you prepared clothes for the next day that would cover arms. You smiled as you put Jaejoongs jacket over the chair in your chamber. You would return it to him the next day.
“Ahnyeong Ae!” You quickly got dressed when you heard Taemin.
“Ahnyeong oppa.” You opened the door and he smiled at your choice of clothes.
“I like your clothes.. You didn’t catch a cold did you?” You shook your head.
“It’s just a bit cold outside.” He patted your head.
“Good, take good care of yourself dongsaeng.” You had breakfast together and chatted like you had always done before the divorce of your parents. After cleaning yourself up, you and Taemin left for “work”. His work. Taemin drove you there, and he was a far better driver than Junsu. Despite of Taemin’s image, he did follow traffic rules neatly. He said he didn’t want to endanger you. ‘I’m lucky to have an oppa like this.’ You thought.
“Hyun Ae-shi! I’m glad to see you.” You smiled at the assistant manager, he was a decent guy. He worked really hard to make things work out. You liked him, because he was very dedicated to his job and had always helped you. He really looked out for Taemin too, which made you happy.
“I’m happy to see you again to Cheon-shi. Have you been taking good care of oppa?” You said, but it was only making conversation. You knew he did. He wasn’t in this for the money, he truly cared.
“Of course he has dongsaeng.. Otherwise I would have been here all night practicing.” Taemin said, “she’s with me today, how’s that?” He then asked. Cheon laughed softly.
“Since when do you need my permission? According to your schedule, you’re in for a round of picking clothes for the MV’s. Then they’re rolling you on a game show,” Taemin sighed at that, “and then there’s singing practice.” 
“That doesn’t sound too bad.” Taemin admitted. He usually had a lot more to do. You bowed to Cheon.
“Thank you Cheon-shi.” 
“If it’s okay with Taemin, you can help me out today. That way you’ll be with Taemin, but the manager can’t send you away. It’ll only be work during the game show.” Cheon offered.
“That sounds great.” You said before Taemin could respond. Taemin thanked him, and said it was fine by him. After Cheon had promised Taemin to look after you, you followed them to a room in which you saw the largest amount of clothes you had ever come across. You bowed to the manager.
“Ahnyeonhaseyo Hyun Ae-shi. Taemin, Cheon, it’s good you’re here.” You quickly stepped beside Cheon. For the first half hour, they only talked and tried to get Taemin into something fluffy. This frustrated Taemin greatly, and finally he turned to you.
“Dongsaeng! What do you think?” He asked. Everyone became silent and waited for you to speak.
“I think..” You started, “that Taemin represents freedom, individuality and independance. He always looks strong. I think it would be nice to show the tragic that’s the other side of that.. Taemin sings a song about letting go. But even if he doesn’t say it, couldn’t he be unhappy?” For a moment, there was some more silence. Then the people started clapping.
“Yes! That’s perfect! An all new side to the hero!” Taemin smirked at you, and you knew he was happy.
“Then it’s decided, I’ll go with tragic.” He said. Cheon smiled slightly at that. Once again Taemin had defeated the forces that were trying to make him look cute. And he seemed very proud.
“Hyun Ae-shi.. Could you get me some coffee? I’m sure Taemin is safe now, but now they’ll start discussing the fabrics which is really boring..” Chean whispered and you nodded.
“Just coffee right? No sugar or milk.” He smiled and nodded, and you decided you’d get Taemin some coffee too. He looked sleepy already. You walked out and took a deep breath. It was much cooler outside. You heard voices from the stairs around the corner, and you could destinguish Changmin’s voice. As soon as he came around the corner, he noticed you and smiled.
“Ahnyeonghaseyo.” He said politely.
“Ahnyeonghaseyo.” You answered, smiling brightly while walking closer. You saw the rest of DBSK with him, and bowed in a greet.
“You’re here today?” Changmin asked, it was more of a statement really.
“Are you working?” Yoochun asked, and you could clearly hear the suggestion.
“Aniyoh, I’m just helping out.” You said, after a short time of talking, they had to get going.
“It was fun talking with you Hyun Ae, let’s see each other more often.” Yunho said, smiling warmly. 
“Ne.” You both continued walking and you entered the cantine. But before you could order anything, an arm moved in front of your neck.
“Could I.. Check something?” You turned to face Jaejoong, you knew it was him. Without waiting for an answer, he took your hand and slowly started pushing up your sleeve. You tried to pull your hand away but he gave you a sad look.
“Please.” He said, then continued to push up your sleeve. The large bruise was revealed. He stared at it in shock, and then slowly put his hand over it. You whinced in pain. It made a perfect match. He looked up and stared at your face.
“It’s true.” He whispered and you pulled your hand away.
“So what?” You said, “it’s not a big deal.”
“It is! This made you mad at me.”
“Mostly you not remembering it made me upset.” You admitted. He made a face like he just realized something.
“I’ll make it up to you! I promise!” He said and hugged you. You felt your heart beat faster, what’s with the sudden movement?
“You don’t have to.” You muttered in his chest.
“You didn’t tell Taemin.” You shook your head, it felt weird.
“It would have upset him..”
“But you saved me a lot of trouble.” You sighed and decided to wait for him to let you go. Struggling was no use, you had found that out earlier on.
“I promise to make it up to you.. Is there something I can do? Anything?”
“Let go? I was getting coffee for Cheon and Taemin-oppa.” 
“I’ll help you!” Despite of you repeatedly telling him not to, he followed you while ordering the coffee, paid for it, and carried it for you.
“It’s alright, we’re here already! I’m sure the others miss you, and Taemin would flip if he saw you with me.” You told him, while taking the coffee from him. He opened the door for you.
“Don’t worry too much about otehrs.” It felt really wrong for him to be like this. Now he was even more like oppa! And you had been lying to him. You couldn’t bare it.
“Goodbye.” You said and entered the room.
Author's note: He found out!! Of course he would, but still!
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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P