Chapter 89

Are you drunk?


“So..” You were sitting silently on the side of the couch next to little Taemin who was obviously trying to look very protective and scary. He didn’t do too well but it was nice that he did it. Minho coughed.

“I know that I encouraged you to debute and all.. But this of course makes things a lot harder..” Key glared at him.

“Oh please, I already feel bad! Stop making it worse.” You smiled softly.

“Minho, I don’t want to debute. The only reason I might consider it is to make people forget me. Changmin and I talked about it and he thinks that once someone tries to keep the attention of the public they will easily forget them.” Jonghyun who hadn’t said anything since you had arrived that morning shook his head.

“It’s not like that.. I mean, granted people will pay less attention to you but you will definitely stay in the spot light.. Just verifying, you two really aren’t dating right?” Key glared at him but said nothing.

“We’re not. Jonghyun, please don’t think bad of me. I’m just helping out for now.” You said softly. You couldn’t help but feel as if you were disliked for some reason. Jonghyun shook his head. 

“I won’t think bad of you.. It’s just.. It seems so freaky that you and Key would.. I don’t see how anyone can believe it, I mean, if you had to choose anyone from SHINee it would be me right?” He smirked and winked jokingly.

 “Yah! It’s not helping!” Key shouted. He sounded like he had a panicattack.

“Jonghyun, you know that I wouldn’t choose.” You said calmly. He nodded.

“Besides, noona is our noona! It’s bad to think about that hyung!” Little Taemin shot up from his seat to toss a newspaper at Jonghyun before sitting down again. Jonghyun glared at him.

“Why are you disrespecting your hyung? You know that’s bad too, right?” Little Taemin didn’t seem impressed at all by Jonghyun’s threathening glare and shrugged.

“It’s an even worse idea to disrespect Taemin hyung.. Also he’s more fun.” Jonghyun got up.

“Yah.. Don’t pick him over us you ungrateful kid!” Little Taemin stuck out his tongue and ran away, challenging Jonghyun to follow him.

“Minho hyung, please make sure no one comes near Ae noona!” He shouted before he got chased out of the room by Jonghyun. Minho nodded and sat down on little Taemin’s former spot. Key sighed and leaned back.

“I’m really not going to harm her or anything.” He groaned.

“I never said you were. I’m just helping our maknae fulfilling his quest of protecting noona.” You raised an eyebrow.

“Am I going to burst into flames the moment one of you looks away?” You asked sarcastically. Minho ignored the sarcasm and smirked as he glanced at you.

“It’s possible.” You rolled your eyes and got up.

“I’m going to see if Jonghyun will let him live..” You mumbled while getting up.

“Hyun Ae-shi.. If you please.. There’s something important that I need you and Key to think about.” You glanced at the manager who had been sitting in the corner awkwardly. You nodded slightly and glanced at Key who looked unhappy.

“What is it?” He asked.

“You’ll be on a show together this afternoon, so I’d like it if you got your stories straight.. And please act like a sweet couple together.” You and Key nodded and sighed softly.

“Arasso.. Would you mind leaving us to talk about that alone?” You asked. The manager shrugged and walked out. Minho and Onew exchanged a few glances before leaving as well. You sat down in front of Key and tried to make eyecontact with him. He stared past you instead.

“Key.. Please.. Try a little.” He nodded vaguely.

“Arasso.. So. We met because of Taemin hyung. He brought you along some time.” Key started and looked at you expectingly, “go. Make something up.” You nodded and closed your eyes. Jaejoong came to mind. You quickly opened your eyes and focused.

“We never talked much that time because I was shy and you were really tired.” Key nodded.

“So, a few days later you received a phone call from me, requesting to meet you. That confused you but you showed up anyway. We hung out that day and it was fun. I let you borrow my jacket but it took really long for me to get it back because of my schedule. When you finally managed to return it I said you could keep it. So you kept it. After that we ended up meeting each other often around the building.” He stopped and you tried to pick it up from there.

“Taemin was really mad with you because he thought there was something between us that he didn’t know about. Even though there wasn’t, him suggesting it made us both think about that.. So near the end of October I confessed.”

“No, I want to confess first.” Key said jokingly, for the first time that day showing that he was alive, “should we write this down somewhere?” You nodded, grabbed a paper and a pencil and started writing the story down.

“Okay, so you confessed first.. Before letting me answer you took me on a date. We went into the ferris wheel and when we got out I returned the feelings. But then Taemin oppa interrupted us and I had to go home.” Key nodded.

“Sounds okay.. Since then we haven’t seen each other that often.. But we will now because Taemin hyung is going on tour soon.” He stuck out his tongue and you smiled.

“That’s it then.. So..”

“One more thing.. Of course I know that I shouldn’t be that close to you and all, but what are the limitations for me when we’re in sight of the media or the public?” You bit your tongue softly. You hadn’t wanted to think about it.

“I guess, hugs are the closest. Remember you’re mostly affectionate of my hair.” You joked. He smirked.

“Right. I remember that.. Did you even wash it this morning?” You shook your head.

“I didn’t have time for that.” He raised an eyebrow.

“How is there no time for that? You should be washing it immediately!” You laughed and jumped back when he took threathening steps towards you.

“Shiro! Taemin! Help me!” You yelled while running around the couch being chased by Key. Immediately the door burst open and little Taemin stepped in between the two of you.

“What are you doing to noona?!” He demanded. Key pouted.

“She didn’t wash her hair! And I’m pretty sure she didn’t brush it either! Now move so that I can do that for her!” Little Taemin gave you a questioning look.

“Noona.. Mianhae, it’s too funny to watch!” He jumped out of Key’s way who continued chasing you.

“You’re so mean! How come no one’s helping me?!” You asked while skipping over the couch when Key came a little too close for your liking.

“You should have said you liked me the best. My pride is injured.” Jonghyun joked while barging in, “ned any help Key?” You gasped and duck behind little Taemin.

“Tae if you help me now I’ll get you lots of candy.” He seemed to think for a bit.

“Arasso! Let’s go noona!” You smiled and dashed out. Minho glanced at you and then started chasing after you. He quickly caught up because his legs were long.

“Don’t stuff our maknae with candy! I would have helped you but you deserve to be punished now.” You jumped up the stairs.

“You’re too scared of Key to help me anyway! Don’t make excuses like that!” You told him before dashing up the stairs.

“Noona! Chakkaeman!” You quickened your pace until someone grabbed your arm and pulled you into an embrace. You looked up.

“Jiyong.” You whispered, catching your breath. He smiled cheerfully.

“Ahnyeong dongsaeng.. What brings you here this fast?” You coughed.

“Key.. Trying to attack my hair..” You mumbled. Jiyong nodded and pulled you inside a room. Not a second too soon because a few seconds later you heard footsteps dash past the room. You quickly duck behind a closet when the doorhandle turned. Jiyong quickly picked up some papers and looked up ‘surprised’ when the door opened.

“Have you seen Ae?” Onew asked. Jiyong frowned.

“Not since yesterday.. Wae? Is something wrong?” Onew shook his head.

“Aniyoh.. It’s just Key who wants to vent his inspiration on her hair.. I feel kind of sorry for her but I wouldn’t want to take her place.” Jiyong nodded understandingly.

“Me either.. I didn’t see her but I’ll tell you if I do. Good luck.”

“Kamsahamnida hyung.” Onew bowed to him and left. Jiyong closed the door behind him and turned to you with a proud smile on his face.

“I make a pretty good actor don’t I?” He asked. You nodded.

“You’re amazing.” He smirked.

“You’re not too bad yourself.. Pretending to be Key’s girlfriend.. It must be very stressful for you.. Feel free to ask me for help if you need anything or if you need a day off. That guy seems like a handful.” You smiled.

“Kamsahamnida.” He shrugged.

“It’s also me being selfish you know? Because I want to learn to tell you and Taemin apart even better.. I’m going to practice rapping now, do you mind?” You shook your head.

“Aniyoh.. I’ve wanted to hear it.” Jiyong smirked and started. He was really good. Words that wouldn’t have made sense to you suddenly sounded like completely understandable sentences in the way he rapped them. When he music the song seemed to fit perfectly.

“Do you want to try it?” He asked, holding a piece of paper in front of you.

“Won’t people hear my voice outside?” You asked. He shook his head.

“Soundproof room. I can lock it if you want.” You nodded and he went to lock the door while you studied the lyrics. You restarted the music before trying something. It sounded awkward and you stopped immediately. You had rapped as Taemin before because he did it every once in a while. ‘I can try that..’ You thought and concentrated on Taemin. You altered your voice like his and started rapping again. It worked a little better like this but it was clear that this kind of rap was only fit for Jiyong’s voice. Suddenly you noticed a flash and saw Jiyong smiling innocently with a camera in his hands.

“Why did you stop? You were doing really good.” You shook your head.

“Aniyoh.. It’s only fit for your voice.. Why did you take a picture?” He smiled and walked closer.

“I want to make memories with you like I made memories with Taemin. That idiot is going on tour and leaving me here like this. So I figured I might as well take advantage of that. It’s not like he allows that many guys around you. Especially when this just happened. Let’s take a picture together arasso?” You nodded and posed together with him. He smiled and put the camera on the table.

“We could have our own photoalbum! I’ll call it ‘my best friend’s cute sister and me’.. No that sounds dull and as if I’m hitting on you. Can you think of a name for me?” You chuckled.

“I don’t know? Ae and Jiyong?” He smirked.

“That’s just.. I guess it really tells me the contends of the album.. But then we should at least draw and write in it! Let’s take at least five pictures a week okay? I like photo albums.. I like making memories with friends!” You smiled.

“Me too.. It’s too bad you didn’t come to the amusement park with us.. Oppa and I went not too long ago..” You noticed him smiling as innocent as the time he took a picture. He was up to something.

“Are you planning something?”

“Maybe? What time do you get off?” You chuckled.

“I’m not sure.. Depends on how long I hide in here.. I think the show I had to go to was supposed to end at four.” Jiyong nodded.

“Arasso.. Do you have something warm with you? It’s really getting cold! You have to take better care of yourself.” You shrugged.

“I have a coat..” He raised an eyebrow.


“I left it at home.” He flicked your forehead softly.

“Idiot.. Oh well. So you get off at four, and where is that?” You peeked in your schedule but couldn’t recall where the location of the filming was even if you read the address so you just handed Jiyong the paper. He nodded.

“So you get paid to do this..” You shook your head.

“Aniyoh.. I’m assistant manager but I keep up the act while doing that.” Jiyong shrugged.

“Can I keep this?” You shook your head.

“It’s my schedule!” He shrugged again.

“Remember it yourself. I’m keeping this.” You tried to grab the paper from his hand but he held it above his head so you wouldn’t be able to reach it.

“I think it’s time to go! According to your schedule you have to leave here in five minutes to go to the set.” He said with a smile while reading from the paper. You grabbed the key from a chair on which Jiyong had left it and unlocked the door.

“Ae?” Jiyong asked when you were about to twist the handle.

“What is it?” You asked while turning. He was holding the camera again.

“Smile!” You giggled and he snapped a photo.

“It’s really cute.. Taemin’s going to be jealous when he sees this.. If he sees this. Take good care of yourself okay?” You nodded.

“Kamsahamnida.” You said and left. You walked around for a little before heading back to the dressing room of SHINee. You knocked the door calmly.

“Is anybody in here?” You asked. The door opened and you were pulled in quickly.

“Why did you just leave? How can you just disappear like that?! Do you know how much stress it caused us?” Key asked while shaking you. You nodded.

“About as much stress as you caused me. It’s time to leave, right?” He pouted.

“I didn’t even get to brush your hair.. It’s so mean.” You sighed and followed SHINee into their van. ‘It felt a lot better when I got to drive them to places.. Stupid manager.’ You leaned back and stared through the darkened window.

“Noona, as soon as we get out we have to start acting.. There will be lots of fans around.” Key warned you. You nodded and tried to mentally prepare. The drive ended far too quickly. ‘How am I supposed to pretend when I don’t have that kind of feelings towards Key?’ You glanced at him and saw his attitude change 180 degrees when the door opened. He smiled and took your hand as you stepped out. The crowd surrounding the path to the door screamed.

“Smile, people are watching.” He whispered into your ear. You blushed because of the close contact and smiled softly. The people seemed to think he told you something very romantic. If only they knew.. You quickly went inside where the manager discretely told you to keep the act up because the host couldn’t know that this was fake. You felt uneasy about it but agreed. Key held your hand tightly as you wandered through the building.

“It’s really bright inside here.. I thought it’d be darker.” You said, in an attempt to start a normal conversation. Key turned his head and smiled at you. Not a normal smile but a really charming and warm smile. ‘This guy is an amazing actor..’ You thought.

“It’s because you’re here that the room lightens up.” He said, loud enough for people around to here but not loud enough to shove it into their faces. You felt a sting in your head but kept smiling.

“That’s so sweet of you to say.” He kept smiling and didn’t say anything else.


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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P