Chapter 35

Are you drunk?


“Hyun Ae! You’re back!” Junsu said happily, “and that’s good because now Taemin won’t kill us! Unless Jaejoong did something to you, which means he’ll double kill us.. Waah I’m scared I want to live!” You chuckled softly at Junsu, it was really adorable how he acted, but you knew how scary Taemin could be.
“I’m fine, and he didn’t do anything to me. You’ll live.” You said, “but I’m going home, remember than I promised to cook tonight?” Changmin nodded, the rest was dumbfounded.
“You guys are horrible, not even you Yunho?” He said, then he shrugged, “I remembered, I love food! But don’t think you can trick me into eating something nasty!” He said, while tickling you. You laughed and duck behind Yunho.
“I promise! I won’t do that, especially not to you since you remembered.” You said, and Changmin smiled.
“You’re the best! Do I get a hug now?” You chuckled and hugged him. You spotted Jaejoong staring at you again. 
“Now what?” You wanted to say, but you just mouthed “what’s wrong?” He shrugged, and when Changmin let you go you slowly moved closer to him, which went unseen by the others.
“Jaejoong-shi.. What’s wrong?” You whispered, he flinched and turned to you.
“If we’re going to be friends, you can’t adress me like that.” He said, “just call me..” He was silent for a while, he seemed to be thinking about something.
“Call you what?” You asked, tilting your head, trying to see what he was thinking about.
“Call me oppa.” You jumped slightly.
“But.. I can’t.. I only..-” He smirked and softly hit your forehead.
“Just do it.” You nodded and looked at the ground. He sure had a lot of confidence. You tried to shuffle back to Changmin but when you were halfway there, Jaejoong grabbed your hand, and pulled you back.
“I’m going to keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn’t poison us.” He said, only to hear loud protest from the rest.
“No way! The last time we left you two alone in the kitchen something bad happened!” Junsu said, and Changmin stepped closer.
“I’ll just stick with Hyun Ae, I don’t have a schedule this afternoon!”
“None of us have one.” Yoochun said, and you chuckled.
“But you do! You’re going clubbing with Taemin oppa.” You told him, and he grinned.
“That’s right.. Oh well, when is he done with filming?” You frowned, trying to think of it.
“I believe around seven. Can you tell me where I can find a bus home?” You asked, and they all laughed.
“I’ll drive you home.” Changmin said, “and the rest of you, stick with Taemin.” He stuck out his tongue to the other and you went along with him. You skipped for a while when you got outside but stopped in front of the car.
“Are you sure you want to do this? Because I can..-” He turned to you and put a finger on your lips.
“Why not? And besides, I’m a little jealous. You spend really little time with me!” He whined, and you smiled softly. This guy was a real friend, maybe it was because he was younger than the others were? He opened the car door for you and made a strict face.
“If you would get in the car madam.” He said in english with a horrible accent. You laughed and got in. He closed the door and got in on the driver’s side.
“I figured you wouldn’t want to drive.. How long do you have a driving license now?” He asked, tilting his head, you blinked and thought about it for a moment.
“A month.. It was really hard for me to do that.. It’s still a bit scary.” He chuckled and softly punched your shoulder.
“Gokjonghajima, I’ll drive you carefully. I always do, remember?” You nodded, you’d been with him in the car before.. Now that you thought of it, he had saved you some times, but without noticing probably. You looked at him and noticed he was thinking about the same thing.
“Well, I think I can handle going a little faster.” You joked, he chuckled, and you shot forwards. You quickly closed your eyes, it had been a bad idea. But a few seconds later the car slowed down to a for your liking  pleasant speed. You opened your eyes and saw him smiling.
“Mianhae, I had to do that.. I won’t do it again.” You nodded, he seemed to get that. How did he? He was driving! He laughed as if he’d read your mind.
“You get used to it.. I learned how to drive a long time ago, when I was a kid I even went to amusement parks where there were minature cars. I liked them.” You laughed, Changmin was really warm. You felt your phone ringing, and got answered it.
“Yoboseyo?” You said, you hadn’t recognized the number, so you expected it to be Taemin calling with a different phone, to check if you were doing okay.
“Yoboseyo noona! It’s really your number!” You blinked. Little Taemin? Well, at least the guess wasn’t half bad.
“Taemin-ah, aren’t you filming right now?” You asked, and Changmin shot you a confused look, you signaled ‘small’ and he nodded. He was really smart, you were happy you didn’t have to hide things from him. He would find out anyway.
“We’re on a break.. It’s not as much fun as I thought it would be.” He whined, and you laughed.
“Mianhae, what do they want you to do?” You asked, wondering what it was that upset him like this, because to you it had seemed he was unable to get depressed in even the slightest form.
“Taemin is really distant.. Well he has to be.. But it’s really no fun!” You chuckled when you thought of your own protest against this attitude. Then you thought up a small plan which you had used earlier and it had worked just fine for you.
“Can you ask him for me when exactly he became obedient to any script? Doesn’t he complain about how it doesn’t suit his image?” You asked, smiling happily, Changmin laughed too while taking a turn left. You heard little Taemin snicker on the other side, and apparently he left the phone, so you hung up.
“I wish we could see this.” You told Changmin, he nodded.
 “Your oppa, obedient? I think you’re pushing him over the edge.. He won’t be able to handle it.” He joked, and you smirked. He would definately change his attitude, just to make sure he didn’t have to do things according to the script, Han Taemin always got things his way. You realized you were already home, and got out of the car.
“Thank you very much for driving me.” You told Changmin, and he smiled warmly.
“No trouble, if you need anything, just call me, we’re friends after all.” You stopped smiling for a bit.
“I can’t, oppa won’t allow boy phone numbers in my phone.” He pouted, and then smirked evilly.
“Then put it under a girl’s name! He said himself he didn’t know the names of your friends.” You gave him your phone and let him put it in. He smiled and tossed a phone at you.
“This isn’t mine..” You said, confused, and he stuck out his tongue.
“Nope, it’s mine. Put your number in there.” You chuckled and tried to think of a fun name for your contact. In the end you just put it under Ae, and gave him his phone back. He smiled and gave you your own phone.
“I might call you tonight.. In case clubbing gets boring. Scratch that I will call you tonight because clubbing is boring.” He said jokingly, and you smirked.
“Well maybe you shouldn’t go in the first place if you don’t like it.” You teased, and quickly ran away because he came after you. Right in front of the door he caught you, he ran really fast, considering you had a headstart.
“Really, I’m sure I’ll get bored easily tonight, so leave  your phone on!” He whispered before letting you go. You nodded and entered the house. It wasn’t that much of a mess. And you wouldn’t enter Taemin’s room because he had to learn to do that himself. So after you’d gathered your and Taemin’s dirty clothes and put them in the washing machine, you started preparing dinner. Well they did say to cook alot. You were quite content with the results of cooking and looked at the clock. It was already half past seven! No wonder you were hungry. You took your part of the meal, put the rest in the refridgerator and sat down near the table, when you had just taken your first bite, your phone rang again. You quickly swallowed the hot food and answered it.
“Yoboseyo?” You thought it might be Changmin, but he wouldn’t be bored this soon, right?
“Yoboseyo again, noona, are you watching tv right now?” Little Taemin’s voice sang through the phone, and you smiled.
“Should I be?” You asked, not really sure why he asked that, would they really broadcast the filmings already? You hadn’t done a lot of filmings as Taemin, so you weren’t sure. Apparantly, they were already broadcasting it. On little Taemin’s request, you the tv and smiled at the ruckus you had caused.
Taemin was walking through the corridor, smiling as his manager tried to keep up with him, and when he’d almost reached him, he paced up again. You laughed at it, that was a lot like him. 
“Taemin-ah! Please come with me, we have to meet SHINee, remember? They’re probably waiting for you!” Taemin laughed at him, and by taking more steps in the opposite direction. The manager obviously wasn’t used to acting, he looked unhappy with his part.
“Alright, I’ll do it.” Taemin suddenly said, and brushed past the manager, who chased him again.
“Yah Taemin! Don’t decide that so suddenly!” Taemin didn’t answer him but opened the door to SHINee’s room, and walked in with the straightest spine in history.
“Han Taemin-ah! Thank you for coming.” The coördinator of SHINee said, and Taemin smirked, he was up to something. Little Taemin got up and smiled innocently before pushing the door closed. Outside the manager was heard knocking on it, begging Taemin to let him in.
“Nice to meet you hyung, I think it locked.” Little Taemin said in what was obviously fake wonder.  Taemin smirked and walked to the small sink.
“You wouldn’t happen to have a bucket here, would you?” He asked, and the SHINee members smiled. They filled up a bucket and placed it on the iron bendpiece above the door, so that if the door was opened, the bucket would be dropped.
“Isn’t your manager here?” Taemin then asked SHINee. Onew shook his head.
“Isn’t this a little immature, only pranking your manager?” He asked, obviously, he had gotten bored with the filming before.
“You read my mind.” Taemin said jokingly, with his killer smile. His eyes were set to evil, but that was the writer’s fault. They shouldn’t have let him get bored, because if he got bored or got the feeling someone was ordering him around, he’d mess things up. Mess things up really big!
“Say, where are we meeting him?” Taemin asked, winking coolly. Jonghyun and Onew frowned, thinking of the time, but luckily Key knew it.
“We’re supposed to meet him downstairs.. I think I see a prank in that.” The six boys gathered in a small group and spoke about something that was unaudiable. Then they unlocked the door. The manager stormed in, and the water drenched him.
“Yah Taemin-ah!” He whined, trying to rinse the water out of his jacket. 
“How did you know it was me? Oh well, it doesn’t matter..” Taemin said, a mischevous smirk crawled up on his face, “but dont’ worry, we have far worse things planned.” The manager turned pale.
“Taemin-ah, please don’t..” But there was no helping it. The group walked out and down the stairs. On the last step Taemin let himself slip, and screamed in agony.
“My foot hurts.. I think it broke! I may not be able to dance again!” He cried, and SHINee’s manager turned pale too. 
“Manager, this is all your fault! Didn’t you say not to risk anything?” Jonghyun yelled, while the others crowded around Taemin.
“I know you wanted us to get more popular than Taemin, but isn’t this a little low?” Minho said, holding up a small cord. The manager took steps back.
“I swear I don’t know what’s going on!” He yelped, and Taemin looked up at him.
“Honestly, I came to give you my precious time, and you trick me like this? Can’t I trust anyone?!” The manager looked like he was about to cry, when suddenly all angry faces turned into evil ones.
“Manager, we tricked you.” Little Taemin said, and they all laughed at him, while Taemin’s manager stormed after them.
“What did they do to you?” SHINee’s manager asked, looking at his soaked clothes. 
“Don’t just assume we did it! He was just careless is all.” Taemin said, and turned to the camera, “we hope you enjoyed our playtime, please watch us again!” The six boys took a bow and the show ended.
“Taemin-ah, this is great!” You said, laughing loudly at the managers’ unhappy faces.
“And we owe it all to you!” Little Taemin sang, “because Minho only agreed to it when Taemin-hyung said you’d be watching it!” You laughed and turned the tv off.
“Well it was nice he agreed, but doesn’t this ruin your image?” You asked, a bit concerned. You knew Taemin could handle it, since he was very popular, fans loved every side of him, and had actually begged him(you) to act mischevous. But what about SHINee? They were a new band, did they even have an image yet?
“Noona gokjonghajima, we’ll be fine. I think people would like us worse if we didn’t agree with the great Taemin.” Little Taemin said in a joking voice, “also, we had fun! What are you doing?”
“Not too much, I just finished cooking. Oppa is out with friends, so I’m alone now.”
“Aren’t you scared of being all alone?” He was really cute, thinking about that. You shook your head, you had been alone here before, admitted, most of the time DBSK had slept over, lazy bums, to lazy to walk to the other side of the street.
“I’ve been alone before Taemin-ah.” You could almost hear him pout.
“But hyung said we could visit you if you were scared. Why didn’t you come with him?”
“Because going out is scary.. But you can come over if you want, but I’m not sure if you’re busy..” There was a silence on the other side of the line. Thirty seconds later he answered.
“I totally want to, I already left, but I remembered I don’t have your adress.” You laughed and walked back to the kitchen where you had written the adress down on a paper. You told him the adress and after saying he’d be there soon, he hung up. You sat down on the couch, and suddenly remembered Jaejoong. He didn’t want you to hang out with that kind of boys. Really what did he mean? And why were you even thinking of that now? You mentally hit yourself and started one of oppa’s games.
Author's note: A little less Jaejoong.. Sorry, but at least little Taemin is back :)
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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P