Chapter 75

Are you drunk?


“Then you take a turn to the right and you should see my house.. I’ll see you in a few.” 
“Arasso.” You ended the call and took the last turn. It was against your morals to phone while driving, but you could never remember the description if you had to drive. Jiyong somehow talked you through it. You pulled over and saw the door open. You stopped the engine and got out.
“Ahnyeong.. They’re just inside.” Jiyong said with a smug smile. You knew immediately that the two boys were both drunk.
“Thanks a lot Jiyong.. I don’t want them to hurt anybody.” You said. He smiled and pulled you in a hug.
“No worries. Me either. Well mostly Taemin since I don’t really know Jaejoong, but if he’s willing to fight for your innocence he’s probably a good guy.” You hugged him back and nodded.
“Jaejoong’s a good guy.” Jiyong smirked.
“Well then I must be a great guy for keeping him out of trouble. Come inside.. It’s cold and your coat’s thin.” He said, dragging you inside before you could answer. Inside you saw Jaejoong and Taemin looking really tipsy on the couch, talking to a guy you hadn’t seen before who asked them questions about what colours they saw. Jiyong smirked at the sight and pulled you with him into a different room before any of the boys could see you.
“Aish.. It’s so unfair you didn’t come dressed as Taemin.. I was finally capable of telling you two apart..” He said while getting you a glass, “would you like something to drink? No alcohol you’re still driving!” You chuckled softly.
“Just some water please.. How do you tell me and Taemin apart?” He poured some water in the glass and put in down in front of you before answering.
“There are some small things..” He grabbed your hand, “your wrists.. Are they okay? What happened? Did anyone hurt you?” You shook your head.
“Aniyoh.. Just, I went over to SHINee’s dorm since I work for them and Key was bored.” He gave you a weirder look that made you chuckle. You explained everything to him, not leaving out the details that you would have left out if you told anybody else. While you talked he nodded slightly.
“Ah, I get that.. It still sounds really odd. But it’s easy to misunderstand.” He said, “I mean, if I were to receive a message that said let’s say Jaejoong had been on top of you all day, I would have misunderstood that too.” You blushed slightly.
“Aniyoh.. It’s nothing like that..” Jiyong cupped your chin and stared at you.
“You do know how to defend yourself against molesters, right?” You coughed.
“If I did, I wouldn’t have gotten handcuffed to the couch.. But Key would never have taken advantage of me.. Not in that way, but he does like to mess with my face and my hair. He’s responsible for this haircolour..” Jiyong smirked.
“What a weird kid.. Just out of curiousity.. Do you know what ual is? I mean, Taemin doesn’t seem like the guy to explain any of it.. And he said you two were always together..” You blushed and stared at the ground.
“We were always together until umma and appa divorced, but we spend most time together after that until Taemin became a trainee. Umma never really explained.. ual ..” It sounded really embarrassing, “and I didn’t really see appa.” Jiyong coughed.
“Right.” He said in a voice that really meant ‘I shouldn’t have started this conversation’. You glanced at him while sipping your water.
“So.. What is it?” He coughed and almost choked.
“I’m not sure if I should be the one to tell you this..” He muttered, he was blushing slightly. You nodded and sipped your water again.
“Mianhae.. It’s just.. Girls in my school used to talk about it like it was a really big deal.. But Taemin would never let any guy near me.. No girls either actually. So I never really.. This is embarrassing.” Jiyong softly pinched your cheeks.
“You’re cute when you’re blushing. Let’s not talk about ual anymore..”
“Yah! Jiyong! What the hell?!” You turned and noticed the guy you hadn’t met before now standing in the doorpost. He did seem familiar. Must be an idol too.
“It’s not what it seems like!” Jiyong exclaimed.
“Did oppa fall asleep?” You asked, trying to get to a different subject because you were sure the guy heard you. He nodded.
“You must be Ae.. Taemin just passed out along with the other guy. Choi Seung-hyun imnida, but you can call me TOP.” You nodded slowly, positive that you would never call him TOP, just like you would never call Jiyong G-Dragon. It didn’t sound right.
“I’ll just take them home then.. Jiyong, could you maybe.. Drive Jaejoong’s car home? I’ll drive you back after that..-” Jiyong nodded.
“Sure. Let’s go. Bye hyung!” He walked past Seung-hyun and you followed him after gulping down your water, bowing to him on the way out.
“Ahnyeong Seung-hyun.” You said as Jiyong grabbed your hand and dragged you off. You somehow managed to drag Jaejoong to the car. You held on to his arm while supporting him with you other arm. Even though he was asleep, he wasn’t that heavy. You sat him down on the front seat and buckled him up. You closed the car door and glanced at Jiyong. He was half carrying Taemin and sat him down in Jaejoong’s car.
“Can you get me his keys?” Jiyong asked, moving his head towards Jaejoong. You nodded and reopened the car door. Jaejoong blinked.
“Ae.. Is it you? Am I dreaming?” You felt your heart flutter as he smiled and grabbed your hands, “I can feel your hands.. They’re so soft. It’s really you..” He pulled you closer and nuzzled your neck.
“Jaejoong, we kind of, have to drive home oppa.” You muttered, feeling slightly awkward in this position. He pouted while embracing you.
“Why? I have you, that’s all that matters..” You laughed nervously.
“But I don’t want him to wake up here.. He has to get to bed.” He smiled softly.
“You’re so sweet and caring.. I knew you’re the one..” You blushed.
“Euhm, Jiyong needs your carkeys to drive your car home.” He blinked.
“Why does he have to? I can drive my own car..” You shook your head.
“No, you’re drunk.. You can’t drive like this.” He sighed and gave you the car keys.
“Fine.. Only because you asked me.. And you’re driving me.” He pulled you closer for a second and kissed you softly. He smiled and your cheek softly. You quickly got up and handed Jiyong the carkeys. He smiled and patted your shoulder before starting the car. After all, he knew best how to drive to Taemin’s place. You sighed as you sat down in Taemin’s car and started the engine.
“Are you close to Jiyong?” Jaejoong asked. You gulped, remembering he was still awake.
“We met a few days ago. And he says he can tell me and oppa apart.” You said. You always liked people who could tell you two apart. It felt nice.
“I’m trying very hard to learn it aswell you know?” Jaejoong pouted, “and I think it’s going the right direction.. Ae.. Will you please like me. If only tonight. Just now.” You blushed and turned the steering wheel.
“It’s best not to talk about that while I’m driving.” You muttered and he laughed softly.
“Are you nervous? You’re so cute when you’re nervous.” Your thins formed a thin line as you concentrated on the road, which was rather hard to do because Jaejoong leaned against your shoulder and whispered sweet things into your ear. You sighed in relief as you reached home.
“I’m never doing this again.” You said, letting yourself drop against the seat. Jaejoong somehow managed to wrap his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Ae.. Please say it..” You turned to him and felt your heart skip a beat when you looked into his eyes that seemed so warm and inviting. You didn’t know where you got the courage. You only said it.
“Just for tonight.. I like you..” He smiled and kissed your cheek softly before falling asleep again. You wondered if he’d been using all of his energy just to hear you say that. It was really sweet of him. You softly caressed his hair before pushing him back in his seat so you could carry him out through the other door.
“I’ll do that.. You can take Taemin, he tried to hit me.” Jiyong whined, quickly catching Jaejoong before you accidently dropped him. You nodded, but you were sure he just said that because Taemin was lighter than Jaejoong was, since Jaejoong was taller. Taemin was sleeping soundly as you carried him into the house.
“Aigoo.. I never thought he could look so cute.” Junsu squeeled. You laughed softly, hoping it wouldn’t wake him up. You put him on his bed and when you returned to the living room you found Jiyong and Junsu talking to one another.
“I swear, Taemin was super cute in his trainee days! Really!” Jiyong said, smiling widely. You chuckled and they both looked up.
“Ah, I put Jaejoong in your bed, is that okay?” Jiyong asked. You nodded. As far as you knew, there were no other beds and since it didn’t look like Junsu was going home anytime soon he could definitely not sleep on the couch. Jiyong put an arm around your neck.
“Ae, would you to go see Taemin’s cute pictures? You have to drive me back to my house anyway.” You chuckled and nodded. Cute Taemin? That was something you hadn’t seen over ten years. There was no way you could reject that.
“Where are Yui, Changmin and Yunho anyway?” You asked. Junsu smirked.
“They went home.. I’ll stay here and watch the house for you while you’re out. Remember you’re mine tomorrow afternoon.” You chuckled. It just couldn’t sound scary when he made a cute face like that. Jiyong pulled you along and luckily he drove the car. You smiled in relief and made sure to pay attention to the road as you’d have to drive back home.
“We’re here! Only this time there’s no drunk guys on my couch! I hope.” Jiyong said, his happy smile suddenly turning into a frown as he realized he had left Seung-hyun alone with some leftover soju. He quickly dashed inside to find a note from Seung-hyun that he had gone home. Jiyong sighed relieved and sat you down on the couch with some tea while he went to get a picture book he had from his and Taemin’s days as trainee’s.
“Look at this one! Look! He’s posing like batman.. Isn’t it cute?!” You laughed softly at the photo’s. Han Taemin and cute were two phrases you never thought would combine into one sentence unless ‘is not’ was inbetween them. But Taemin looked really cute. There were even some photo’s with Taemin in a lamb costume. You smiled, Taemin seemed really careless on these photo’s.
“It looks really nice on him..” You said, Jiyong nodded.
“I know! Look, that’s me! That’s us together!” You glanced at another photo that was like the photo strip you and Jiyong had gotten taken together.
“I can differentiate the two of you because he looks guyish when he’s cute. You just look like you.” Jiyong said happily, “can I pinch your cheeks? So adorable!” You chuckled.
“Only once.. It hurts.” He smiled and softly pinched your cheeks.
“Aigoo.. Did that hurt you too much?” You shook your head. He smiled.
“Good. Taemin always whined when I did that.. He won’t let me do it anymore.. What a baby.” He sulked. You patted his head, cheering him up again.
“Oh well, I still have you.” He said, “you’ll never lose your cuteness.. Even if.. I’m not going there again.” You laughed, slightly embarassed he brought it up again.
“Mianhae.. It would be easier talking to a guy, wouldn’t it?” You asked. He shook his head.
“No, I’d know it was you all along. You’re too pretty to be a guy.” He brushed some strands of your hair behind your ear and your cheek with his thumb. You felt slightly uncomfortable, it felt more awkward than being around Jaejoong. The way he smiled at you was different and made your heart flutter. Jiyong cupped your chin slowly and pulled you closer. You gulped as he softly pressed his lips against yours. It felt weird. His lips weren’t as soft as Jaejoong’s, and you felt really awkward. Jiyong sat back and gave you a sad look.
“I’m sorry, that was really awkward right?” You nodded, looking down.
“Mianhae..” He softly punched your shoulder.
“Nah, it’s okay.. It feels weird for me too.. Taemin’s like my brother.. My annoying little brother, but I couldn’t do that to him.. Once they find out you’re not really his twin because you’re way too different, give me a call okay?” You laughed, feeling more comfortable.
“I think I’ll go home now.. Bye Jiyong.” He nodded.
“You will stay in touch with me, right? Don’t just ditch me because of this awkwardness.” You smiled.
“I wouldn’t. I’m too much like my oppa.” Jiyong laughed and stuck out his tongue while walking you to the door. You gave him a hug before starting the engine and driving home. Not surprising at all, the lights were still on inside and Junsu was still gaming when you closed the door behind you and hung your coat in the wardrobe.
“Yah, Junsu, shouldn’t you be going home?” You asked. He sighed and shut down the game console.
“You’re right.. Good night Ae! I’ll see you tomorrow!” You smiled and entered your room. You remembered Jaejoong was in it just in time so you changed in the bathroom. When you entered your room again you felt your heart skip a beat as you saw him sleep peacefully. You knew you couldn’t, and wouldn’t, wake him up. So you got a spare blanket and pillow from the closet and settled yourself on the couch in the living room. ‘Good night oppa, good night Jaejoong..’ You smiled at the thought of him and fell into a peaceful sleep.
Author's note: Don't hit me!! At least Ae found out how she really feels? And I updated!
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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P