Chapter 60

Are you drunk?


You felt your limbs shiver as you climbed out of the cart. It didn’t help that Jaejoong took your hand so you wouldn’t fall. You blushed and looked at the ground. His words resonated through your mind. He liked you. Even if Taemin forbid him from seeing you. He liked you. You tried to get your hand back but he held it and pulled you closer.
“I know you can’t tell me your answer right now.. I’ll wait for it.” He said softly. You didn’t say anything but just looked at the ground.
“Yah! Let go of my dongsaeng! I don’t remember allowing you to come near her!” Taemin yelled. Jaejoong glanced at him and let go of your hand.
“Don’t be such a baby, she’s a grown up and can take care of herself!” He said. Taemin pretended not to hear that last bit and dragged you with him.
“Did he hurt you? I swear I’ll kill him if he has.. Are you okay Ae?” You nodded.
“I’m fine oppa, he didn’t hurt me.” Taemin shrugged.
“I’ll still kill him. He hurt you, he won’t live to do it again.” You weren’t really sure if he was exagerating or not. You decided to play safe.
“Don’t do that oppa, he was only helping me.” Taemin shrugged again and gave a small smile when little Taemin appeared next to him. You smiled too, you couldn’t help it with him around.
“What are you talking about? Noona tomorrow we’re going on a tv show! Isn’t it exciting? I hope Noon force isn’t there.. They’re so scary. I don’t like them.. You don’t like them either right? You told me!” You chuckled and nodded.
“Taemin oppa doesn’t like them either.” You said. Taemin nodded slightly at that. After hearing they’d stalked you before he had become agitated with them and stayed as far away from them as possible.
“Why would they be there?” Taemin asked, unhappy about the mention of his least favourite girl group.
“They have a new CD that they’re promoting I believe.. I don’t really care about them.” Little Taemin said. You blinked at how calmly he’d just said it. 
“Taemin-ah, you’re a really good actor you know? They all believe you like them.” You said. He shrugged.
“Just because they’re noona’s? They’re still meanies. That’s why you should be disguised as a guy tomorrow too.” He said, “mianhae hyung, I don’t know if I can protect her from them if she’s a girl.” Taemin nodded.
“Fans could just assume.. Something.. I think it’s a good plan.” He said, obviously reluctant about something.
“It’ll cheer Key up I suppose.” You said. Taemin glanced at you and sighed.
“You pity him because I let out my wrath on him?” You nodded.
“I feel sorry for Jonghyun and Minho too. Did you spare Yunho?” He nodded.
“I have no business with him.. He’s the most acceptable guy in his group. But Minho deserved it for choosing Key’s side, and Jonghyun deserved it because he’s known to be a ladies man.” Little Taemin chuckled at that and smiled happily.
“Do you want me to keep Jonghyun away from Ae too?” He asked curiously. Taemin nodded.
“I don’t want to read about my dongsaeng in a gossip colum.” You softly hit his head.
“Yah! Those are all prejudices. Don’t judge people so easily!” Taemin raised an eyebrow.
“I was kidding.. Do you like him?” You shook your head.
“Aniyoh..” You bit your lip since you didn’t know what more to say, “I’m going to talk to Key.” You muttered and walked away from them. You sighed shortly before walking up to Key who was in a discussion with Jonghyun. You bowed slightly at him.
“I’m sorry about Taemin’s wrath being released on you.” You said.
“That sounds weird.. And don’t be, it’s not your fault.” You smiled uneasily as it was partially your fault. But mostly Taemin’s for being overprotective.
“Taemin, your Taemin, said you’d be on a tv show tomorrow.. And possibly Noon force will be there too..” You said while looking at the floor. This was embarassing to do.
“You want me to make you look like a guy?” You nodded softly. Key smirked evilly.
“Arasso.. I will. Be sure to be at our dorm at seven in the morning tomorrow..” You gulped and nodded. You wondered if this had been a smart thing to do, but there was no backing out now. Tomorrow was going to be hell. Even if Key was better than every make up artist you had ever had as Taemin. You were the one driving Taemin’s car home surprisingly, as he insisted you would practice it more often. Changmin was sitting next to you to calm your nerves and this left Taemin and Junsu in the back. Junsu wasn’t as hyperactive as he’d been on the way to the park. Not because he was tired, but more because Taemin was sitting next to him an he didn’t want to risk his life.
“You’re doing really well for someone who didn’t know how to drive three months ago.” Changmin said calmly, “when did you pass your test?”
“Three weeks ago.” You said, concentrating more on the steering than on answering him. Changmin chuckled.
“Don’t be tense. You’re doing fine.” You sighed and took a turn. Driving was still hard for you to do.
“So tomorrow you’re with SHINee too? You work way too much.” Changmin complained.
“I don’t.. It’s just a rather busy job.” You said shortly. You weren’t mad with him, you were afraid of hitting a tree. You sighed when you finally arrived back home and you’d managed to park the car without damaging it or anything near it. You quickly jumped out and walked towards the house.
“That didn’t go too bad, you should drive more often!” Taemin told you, causing you to punch him softly.
“I am not driving that thing anytime soon!” You said and entered the house. You dropped on the couch and closed your eyes. You felt something heavy sit down next to you.
“Ae gwenchana?” You opened your eyes and noded at Junsu.
“Just tired.. I have to be at SHINee’s dorm at seven in the morning tomorrow..” You sighed.
“Aww.. We have work at seven too.. I dislike it..” He perked up and smiled, “if you don’t want to drive tomorrow, why not sleep over at our place? It’ll be fun!” You frowned.
“You live about thirty feet away.. Sleeping over isn’t really necessary.” You said, but the actual reason was that you didn’t want to see Jaejoong again. You wanted to see him, but you also wanted to stay away. You didn’t really know why you felt this way. Being with him gave you a weird feeling in your stomache, though it was a good feeling. But you didn’t know if you could give him your answer. You thoughts were disturbed by Junsu tugging your shirt.
“It’ll be fun! I promise! We stay over here all the time.. You should stay over at our place too! It’s not fair otherwise. And what if you got urn over tomorrow and never had a chance to see my room?” He pouted.
“What if I get run over on the way to your house?” You retorted. He pouted again and leaned closer.
“Please?! Please please please?!” You shook your head.
“Taemin wouldn’t like it.” You said, the world’s best excuse.
“Taemin wouldn’t like what?” Changmin asked, he just walked into the room and seemed to think the composition was weird. Junsu turned to him and probably pouted.
“Ae won’t agree to sleep over at our place.. It’s mean!” Changmin chuckled and came closer.
“She’s right you know? We’re only thirty feet away from her so it’s really unnecessary.” He said. You smiled.
“Kamsahamnida!” He smiled and opened his arms for a hug. You gladly hugged him, but noticed something was wrong as you were swung over his shoulder.
“But it’s going to be fun. Let’s go!” 
“Yah! Put me down!!” Changmin ignored your screaming and you called Taemin for help.
“Gokjonghajima Taemin, nothing will happen to her.” Changmin said, and then ran for it with you still on his shoulder.
“Yah! What am I supposed to do about clothes?!” You yelled at him, you could feel him shrug, it was weird.
“We have clothes.”
“I’m a girl!! I need girl clothes!!” 
“We have those too.” You hit his back but he didn’t seem to feel it and you wished you’d taken taekwando with Taemin like he’d asked you. ‘If only I hadn’t picked skating over taekwando..’ You sighed and rested your chin on your hand, as odd as it looked.
“What are you going to do when Taemin comes to his senses?” You asked.
“Say it was Yoochun’s idea.” Even though it was really mean of him, you laughed at that. Poor Yoochun, he was already scared to death by Taemin. Wouldn’t this be too much for him?
“Is that fair to do?” Changmin shook his head which you also felt. It was odd.
“Ahnyeong hyungs! We’re home!” Changmin yelled while opening the door. You assumed Yunho had gotten home a lot faster than you since he was a better driver. You sighed as the door was locked behind you and Junsu hid the key somewhere. You were put down so you glared at Changmin.
“Don’t be like that.. I know you’ll like it! Have you ever slept over at a friend’s place?” You shook your head. Unless Taemin’s house counted, you hadn’t.
“Then be happy! You missed out on a lot of things.. Even if we’re not girls who can do your hair or anything, it’ll still be fun.” Key was a guy and he could do your hair! You giggled at that and smiled proudly.
“Key can do that.. He’s a guy.”
“You don’t like him better than us.” You frowned.
“How did you know?” He smirked and pinched your cheeks.
“Because it’s me.. You can’t hid things from your best friend.” You sighed and pouted. He dragged you into the living room and sat you down on the couch.
“Ahnyeong hyung.. I brought a friend over.” You heard him say cheerfully. ‘Please be Yunho, please be Yunho!’ You prayed. Luck wasn’t with you.
“Ae? Changmin isn’t Taemin out to kill you now?” Changmin shrugged.
“Mollayo.. But it’s worth it!” You nudged him.
“I beg to differ.” Changmin patted your head.
“Gokjonghajima, we’ll keep the scary Taemin outside.” He said as if he was talking to a small child.
“Yah! I’m not afraid of oppa!” You snapped at him. He continued to pat your head.
“Ssh, I know.. Changmin will protect you!” You crossed your arms and pouted. Jaejoong sat down next to you, and you immediately felt awkward.
“So.. They kidnapped you?” You nodded.
“More or less..” An awkward silence fell.
“Would you like to see my room?” You felt nervous, but nodded. Refusing was rude and you couldn’t do it. He got up and you followed him. His room was really organized and it was clean too. Your eyes widened in amazement.
“How is it?” Jaejoong asked. You gave him a small smile.
“It’s nice.. It’s really organized.. Oppa’s room is always messy..” It was a bit weird comparing his room to oppa’s, but it was the only thing you could think off.
“I can’t work in a messy place.. Your room is nice too.. I mean it’s not messy and all.” You nodded and stared at his desk on which you could see a paper with some writing on it.
“That’s just a song.. I was working on it..” He said when he noticed you staring at it.
“I see.. It’s nice that you’re dedicated to your job..” He nodded and put his hands in his pockets. Things were really awkward between the two of you.
“So.. How’s working for the five of them?” He asked. The five of them meaning SHINee.
“It’s not that bad.. Tomorrow I have to dress up as a guy.. Because of some tv show.” He nodded.
“And that’s why your hair was changed?” You nodded.
“Key did it.. He’s very skilled with those things..”
“Ah I see..”
“It’s not really fun though.. I don’t like make up on my face. Especially when I’m pretending to be a guy.. It makes it harder.. Not that there’s anything wrong with make up! I just.. Feel more like a girl when I wear it?” It all sounded strange. Jaejoong laughed nervously at that.
“Too bad.. So, which one of them do you like the best?” You could tell he was trying to make conversation.
“I guess as a person, Onew.. Key’s always trying to put stuff on my face, Taemin encourages him to do so, Jonghyun laughes at me when it happens and Minho never tries to stop Key.. So that leaves Onew?” Jaejoong laughed.
“So he’s actually the one you dislike the least.”
“I do like them.. It’s just.. They can be really odd at times.” He nodded.
“I see..” The silence came back. You glanced at him and he looked back. He reached out his hand and touched your cheek. You felt your heart thump and wanted to take a step back when the door was blasted open. Against the back of your head.
“Aish!” You sank through your knees, holding the back of your head. It felt as if it was going to break open.
“Ae! Minhae.. Gwenchana?!” You nodded slightly, fighting your tears. You saw Junsu vaguely in front of you, your head ached and at times it seemed as if there were two of him.
“How many fingers am I holding up Ae?” He asked.
“Which one of you is asking?” You muttered. He panicked.
“What do I do!! I hurt Ae! Please be okay Ae!! I’m calling a doctor! Taemin will kill me! What do I do??!” You covered your ears, every word he said resonated painfully in your ears.
“Please stop yelling..” He didn’t hear you and continued shouting. Jaejoong moved in front of you and pushed Junsu away.
“Be quiet!” He said shortly before closing the door, “Can you sit straight? Do you feel sick?” He asked softly. You bit your lip.
“A little.. My head hurts..” He helped you sit down against the wall.
“Stay here okay? I’ll get you some water..” You nodded and he left the room. When he came back he handed you a glass of water. It felt slightly warm.
“I thought I shouldn’t give you cold water.. Do you remember what happened?” You nodded slightly.
“Can you speak? Are you feeling tired at all?”
“I can speak.. I’m not more tired than I was before.. I just have a bad headache..” He sighed in relief.
“Good.. Then I don’t think you have a concussion, but just to be sure I’ll call a doctor..” You sipped the water thankfully. Some time later a doctor arrived and you heard some yelling at the front door.
“Ahnyeonghaseyo.. Can you look up please?” You looked up at a man in his early fourties. He turned a flashlight on and you blinked.
“Pupil refelx is fine.. How are you feeling?”
“As if my head it going to split..”
“Not sick? I hear speaking is going well.. I don’t think you have a concussion. As for the pain, I advise you to take these painkillers, one every three hours, and two before going to bed. Don’t try to move your head around as much the next couple of days.” You nodded and took the painkillers he was holding out.
“Ae gwenchana?! Changmin is going to pay for this!” You shut your eyes tightly when you heard Taemin yell.
“Taemin.. Please don’t yell.. It wasn’t Changmin’s fault.. If anything it was my fault for standing too close to the door.. Just let it go okay?” You muttered. He sighed and sat down in front of you.
“I’ll bring you to bed okay? You have to rest.” You shook your head.
“I don’t.. I’m fine oppa.”
“I’m calling Taemin to let him know you’re not working tomorrow.” You squeeked.
“I am working tomorrow!” 
“You’re not. You’re staying home!” You glanced at Yunho behind Taemin and tried to send him a telepathic message. ‘Help me!’ Yunho put a hand on Taemin’s shoulder.
“Just leave her here for the moment.. I don’t think you should move her.” He said calmly. Taemin nodded and you wondered why Yunho’s logic worked so well on him when yours didn’t work at all. Yunho sent Taemin away and helped you in the bed.
“I’m not tired.. I don’t have to sleep!” You complained.
“I know.. But your head needs some rest.. So sleep tight.” He said and kissed your forehead like a parent would do. 
“Kamsahamnida.. Good night appa.” You said childishly and he smiled warmly.
“Good night my little princess.” He said and left the room. You pulled the blanket up and closed your eyes. The blanket had Jaejoong’s scent. It was nice and soothing. You quickly fell asleep even though you weren’t tired at all. 
The next morning you woke up really early because there was some noise going on outside the room. You sat up and crawled out of bed. Even though your head still ached a little, it was a lot better and you felt ready to take on a new day. Outside the room you found Yunho arguing with Yoochun. Yunho noticed you and stopped in the middle of his sentence.
“Ahnyeonghaseyo.” You said softly. Yoochun turned and gasped when he saw you.
“Mianhae.. Did we wake you up?” 
“I had to wake up anyway.. Changmin said you had girlclothes here somewhere.. Could I maybe take a shower and borrow something?” Yunho nodded.
“You really shouldn’t go to work, you know that.”
“I know appa.. But I promised.” You said stubbornly. Yoochun blinked.
“Since when is he your father?! Ae are you staying with us today?” You shook your head.
“I have to work! I can’t let oppa do everything for me.” You said proudly. Yunho smiled warmly and showed you where they had spare clothes for girls. In response as to why they had them, he explained that it was for the convenience of Yoochun’s girlfriends when they stayed over. Yoochun, he said, hadn’t had a girlfriend in some time, but the clothes were still there because he was sure Yoochun would find a girl someday soon. You giggled at that and entered the bathroom. After a refreshing shower you quickly dressed and glanced at the clock. It was half past six.
“Changmin, I have to get to work now.. How do I get there without Taemin noticing?” You asked Changmin who just sat down to eat breakfast.
“You shouldn’t go to work today.” Jaejoong said behind you. You jumped in surprise. He looked rather tired.
“I have too..” You complained. He sighed and handed you your painkillers.
“You have to take these first.. I’ll drive you there after you eat breakfast.” You swallowed a painkiller and ended up eating a bowl of cereal. You weren’t really hungry.
“I’m done eating.. Can you take me to work now?”
Author's note: Chapter 60! :)
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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P