Chapter 10 REDONE

Are you drunk?

"What are you doing today?" He asked after a few moments of awkward silence. You shrugged as you sipped your tea and crossed your legs, glancing at your reflection in the window. The dye in your hair was starting to grow out whilst you were also getting pretty tired of this colour.

"I don’t know. I have to get a haircut so maybe that." You muttered, leaning your head on the sofa. Your body felt sore from all the training you had been doing. It would not surprise you at all if you had lost weight during these weeks. Cautiously you glanced down over your body and praised the heavens that Taemin had strong chest muscles so your heavily bandaged chest didn’t stand out as much. Your stomach was flatter than it had ever been in your memory. You were definitely losing weight.


Your thoughts were disturbed by a small black device that was waved in front of your face. You glanced up with faked annoyance at Jaejoong who held your phone in front of you. He had a bit of a cocky grin on his face as he dropped it on your lap. As if he contributed in some way.


"I don’t remember giving you permission to touch my things." You smirked at him before dialing the hair stylist. She was on speed dial, which almost made you snicker. Poor Taemin, his most called girl was a stylist.

"It’s me. I need my hair redone today.." You spoke, trying not to lower your voice too much under Jaejoong’s gaze. Why did he need to stare in the first place, huh? Luckily for you the stylist didn’t pick up on anything and chuckled as she replied to you.

"Ah I can do that today Taemin-ah.. Do you and your sister want to be done simultaneously?" How many people were there that knew? You sighed and mumbled a yes as Jaejoong left the room. Over the phone you discussed that you would meet up with her and then head to your siblings house together. Even if Jaejoong wasn’t in the room, you were very cautious of him. You then hung up to make sure he didn’t blow up Taemin’s kitchen.

Jaejoong was, oddly enough, facing the stove as a wonderful smell spread through the air. You decided not to wonder why he could cook this well and poked his shoulder, placing your empty teacup on the table. He spun around a little too fast not to be surprised.

"Yah, don’t sneak up on me! Do you want your breakfast burned?" He then cringed slightly and placed a hand on his temple. You might have felt bad for him if it wasn’t his own fault for drinking too much. Though he was going through something ty. You pressed the thought away and shrugged once.

"I figured you were planning to poison me." Your collected reply seemed to hit something and Jaejoong chuckled. He actually chuckled without being drunk. Finally things were looking up. He playfully punched you in the shoulder and stepped aside so you could see what he was doing.

"I’m an amazing cook. Even if we’re not that close, I’ll make sure to show you that I’m superior at cooking." He sounded serious but his grin made you smile a little.

"In that case I’ll just have to one up you next time you decide to crash!" The interaction felt strangely normal, as if his hatred for you didn’t burn with the intensity of a thousand suns. Maybe Taemin could be friends with him? Just as you wondered what your brother’s thoughts on the matter were, your front door was opened and a very upset Yunho ran inside.

"Hey, have you seen Jaejoong? I can’t find him since..-" He stopped, seemingly frozen solid when he saw Jaejoong behind you. He had better not break your character. You shrugged and smirked at him.

"Taeminnie and I had some special bonding time last night Yunnie." Jaejoong taunted and placed a hand on your shoulder. Internally you were both laughing at Yunho’s expression and telling him to act normal.

"Jaejoong you idiot!! What did you..-" You crossed your arms and tilted your head, trying to stare Yunho out of Taemin’s house. He closed his mouth halfway through his sentence and sighed, fidgeting with his hair.

"Calm down Yun. We are adults and we didn’t murder each other." Jaejoong grunted at Yunho before turning back to his stove. Yunho tried desperately to have a telepathic conversation with you to which you replied by following Jaejoong to the kitchen.

"You’re not mad with the guy, are you? You know he didn’t ask for her attention." You remarked. Jaejoong shrugged and stirred in Taemin’s pots that he used for cooking before filling up two bowls with kimchi fried rice. Maybe you were really hungry and that was why it smelled like the finest chefs in Korea had gathered to make it. That had to be it.

"Yunho, I know you don’t like Lin." Jaejoong said, calling both you and Yunho out of your thoughts. "It’s just that I really didn’t want to look at you last night. Even if it wasn’t your fault. I think I might have done  something I would regret later on." Yunho gave you a cautious glance before agreeing and following Jaejoong who went back to sit on the couch. You plopped down in a chair across him and started eating.

"I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist my delicious breakfast. Admit it Taeminnie." Jaejoong smirked, obviously very proud of himself. You couldn’t let that slide. What would Taemin think if Jaejoong called him that, even if he did it jokingly?

"I just thought of my mom’s cooking, hers is better!" You stuck out your tongue, trying to but the atmosphere remained oddly comfortable. Which oddly enough made you a tad uncomfortable.

Jaejoong made a remark about you being a mommies boy, to which you replied by asking him if that made him a mother. Jaejoong quieted down for a while which allowed you both to finish your meals. Yunho seemed to be feeling extraordinarily awkward and glanced at you every five seconds, trying to ask if  you were okay. You got his worry. It was nice of him to take your secret so seriously, if only he wasn’t so obvious about keeping one. Luckily Jaejoong wondered if the two of you had fought.

"Hyung, please have some tea." In name it was an offer but you stated it like an order, hoping you were clear. Yunho nodded and proceeded to change the subject to a show you had to appear on soon. It didn’t help you feeling at ease but the situation became more natural.

"So our Taemin is getting his hair cut, what an exciting life you lead."Changmin remarked as he dropped himself on the couch beside you. You hadn’t seen him come in and frowned at him.


"No doubt not as exciting as burglarizing your neighbours house." You scolded, swatting at his leg to try and get him to move away. Changmin didn’t budge. All he did was scoot a little closer. You tried to glare holes in his head, to which he didn’t react other than by smiling as brightly as he could. Now you couldn’t even ask Yunho for help. It’d be too suspicious.


"We’re not burglarizing, we’re familiarizing ourselves with your house and furniture." Yoochun, who had followed along with Junsu, stated with a bright smile.


"You’re familiarizing yourselves with my food." You said as you cast a glance at Junsu who stopped halfway taking a bite of the fried Jaejoong cooked. "You can go ahead and eat that though. Jaejoong cooked it so I expect to be dead in five to ten minutes." Junsu made a face and put the spoon back in the bowl. It made you grin.


"Score, I get to eat dinner.." You mumbled, loud enough for Jaejoong to hear. He nodded his head and smiled faintly. Maybe it’d been too rude to make a joke like that. You sighed and stretched out when you heard a familiar ringtone playing. As you looked around in search of your phone you were late realizing Changmin had picked it up and answered it.


"Taemin’s house." He said as if it was normal. You reached up to try and grab the phone back.


"You mean Taemin’s phone, give me that!" You hissed, worried who was on the other line. If it was Taemin, you were in trouble. If it was the manager, you would be in even more trouble. Hopefully it would be the stylist again.


"Yeah he’s here. No we’re not fooling around we’re only visiting. Yeah that’s me and Yunho.. Why?" A frown formed on Changmin’s face but you grabbed the phone back before he could pry further. It sounded like he had the manager on the phone.


"Yoboseyo?" You said after what felt like an eternity. Maybe you would get punished for this. What if this had bad consequences for Taemin? The manager wanted you to become better acquainted with them on stage, but not in real life probably. It was too risky.

"Taemin, you have to practice now. Due to circumstances, you’ll have to train an extra three hours. I hope that you don’t mind. I’m sending a car to pick you up." It sounded quite cold. You bit your tongue and tried to keep your calm.


"I made an appointment to get my hair cut. You can’t extend my hours like that, it’ll throw everyone off schedule." Yunho threw you a cautious glance. Everyone in the room seemed to have tensed up at the tone of your voice.


"I don’t care. You are supposed to be careful! Maybe this will teach you something about that. If you thought this was just going to be a fun time where you get to hang out with all the stars, you are sorely mistaken. If I’m satisfied with your training, you and your brother can get your hair cut at the end of the day. Be ready for a car arriving in ten minutes." After that the manager hung up. You bit your tongue, feeling the stares of everyone else directed at you.

"Are you going home at all?" You asked them a bit hesitantly, "I don’t want to get in more trouble." Yunho nodded, motioning for the others to get going.

"I have your house key, I can come by tonight and give you some tips." Yunho said, obviously trying to say something else. You appreciated it but Jaejoong apparently did not. He turned to Yunho and looked over him as if he expected to see your – Taemin’s – key on him somewhere.

"Why do you even have that?" He asked and you could hear the frustration. Yunho didn’t answer him but instead stared at you, waiting for you to say something. This caused another outburst of Jaejoong’s, now directed towards you. "Why does he have your house keys?"

"So that he can get in, what else are keys for?" You replied, shrugging slightly. Your shoulder stung, probably from overexertion, and you reached out to rub it. Jaejoong frowned and crossed his arms.

"I get that! I’m not stupid. I’m asking why does he have your key? We all come here often!" He scolded, "why don’t we all have a key?" Was he jealous about house keys? You glanced at Yunho for help, but he wasn’t talking. How helpful.

"Yunho has a key because he’s the leader. He has it for emergencies, though he hasn’t been using it for emergencies. You don’t have one each because then it’d be useless to lock my door." You tried to explain as calmly as you could. There was a car pulling up. Nervously you bit your tongue before getting up and grabbing a jacket of Taemin’s that lay nearby.

"Yunho, lock up after me. I don’t have time anymore.." You let out an exasperated sigh which made them all at least grin. Yunho tipped his head as if signaling he would take care of that.

"We’ll drop in on you during our work!" Changmin smirked at you, clearly enjoying teasing his dongsaeng. It didn’t seem to be meant in a mean way. You rolled your eyes and yelled "No you won’t!" before slamming the door shut behind you. Now to face your fears, he didn’t look happy.

The manager simply tapped his foot as he waited for you to get in the car. With your back straightened as much as you could physically bear, you got into the car. You were determined to be as Taemin-like as you could be. After you the manager got in. Then the car started moving.


"Well, Taemin," he put extra pressure on that word, "I’m glad you and your neighbours are getting on so well. I’m sure it’ll be a great help for the show we’re planning." Show? You bit your tongue and leaned your head back.


"Please explain.." You muttered. The manager nodded and handed you a file. You flipped through it slowly. The idea was for a show to reveal the life of DBSK and Taemin backstage. In the description is said that it was a show about Taemin to give his fans a look into his behind the stage life, but there were a lot of mentions to DBSK. It convinced you that it was there to show that you, Taemin, and DBSK were the best of friends.


The manager explained to you that he wanted Taemin to start keeping a video diary, including seemingly random parts of his life whilst at the company. Since you were Taemin, it of course meant you had to keep the diary. Then later it would be added into the show. The manager assured you that he would give you clues on the video diary. More work, exactly what you needed.

"Well enough about that! Get to work!" The manager said as the car pulled to a halt. You gave him a playful salute before rushing out of the car before he could scold you. Taemin’s free spirit was never broken so you couldn’t let the manager break you. No matter how many ridiculous ideas he had. Still, today would be a tough day.

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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P