Chapter 90

Are you drunk?


“Filming starts in three, two, one, go! We’re live!” You glanced at Key who was sitting beside you and he gave you a warm smile. You wondered how he managed to act so calmly as if nothing was wrong. As if it was normal for you to be like this. ‘He must really be good..’ You thought.


“Ahnyeonghaseyo! Your beloved host is here! And we have special guests today!” The hostess told the audience that was cheering happily, “would you mind introducing yourself to the public?” That was your cue. Key took your hand and you followed behind him, trying to smile confidently but it was hard for you.


“Ahnyeonghaseyo! I’m SHINee’s Key, and this is my girlfriend Hyun Ae.” Key said cheerfully. The crowd cheered happily and you waved at them.


“So cute, where did you find a girl like this?” The male host asked. Key laughed in a relaxed manner.


“Don’t flirt with my girlfriend please.” The audience laughed at that and you felt slightly uneasy so you pretended to be flustered and stared at the ground. ‘Think about Jaejoong, think about Jaejoong..’


“So, Hyun Ae-shi, can you tell us how the two of you came to be?” The hostess asked, “aigoo, you’re all happy because of his sweet words aren’t you?” You gave her the sweetest smile you could manage and she fell for it with eyes wide open.


“Ne.. Everything he says sounds like he was told by an angel.. It’s so warm.” You told her. She smiled and the crowd made sounds that made apparent that they thought what you said was cute.


“Hyun Ae saranghae!” Someone called in the crowd. You smiled shyly and looked at Key who ignored that comment.


“So how did you meet?” The hostess asked. You sat down on a pillow that was meant for that kind of thing. The studio was designed like a teenagers room for a sleepover. The other guests, you only knew two of them besides Key by face, and the hosts followed your lead.


“Oppa introduced us.. He says he regrets it deeply.” The crowd laughed.


“Waeyo? Is he really that protective of you?” The host asked. You sensed an attempt to put Taemin in a bad light and reacted to it like your heart told you to.


“Oppa wants to protect me from getting hurt, everyone gets their heart broken at least once in a lifetime. Oppa says he doesn’t ever want to see me hurt.” The crowd thought it was cute.


“Sounds like you have some serious competition Key, how do you feel about this?” Key smiled.


“I know that Taemin hyung is really unhappy about me dating his sister.. I think I would feel the same if she was my sister. She’s so kind and gentle that you never wish for her to get hurt. So I think it really depends on which side of the story you’re on.” The crowd applauded for this clever retort.


“So how long have you been together?” The hostess asked, she really seemed like some curious high school girl. You smiled softly.


“Since the end of October..” You answered after doing some math in your head. That was nearly twenty days after breaking up with Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk.. Would he see this? You felt the urge to call him and explain this to him. ‘Please don’t think bad of me Eunhyuk…’ Even if you two weren’t meant to be you still liked him as a friend.


“Aww, then you’re almost one month together right?” The hostess continued. You nodded.


“Ne..” She smiled and moved a little closer.


“So, what day are you celebrating?” You had never appointed a day with Key but since he wasn’t answering you decided to make something up.


“The 27th.” You said softly.


“That’s really soon! Please enjoy it, ne?” You nodded and moved a little closer to Key who was sitting on the other side of you. You hoped the show would be over soon. You disliked it a lot. ‘I’d rather be stuck as Taemin in 40 photoshoots than being here right now..’ You thought sadly and felt something warm on your hand. Key had placed his hand over yours. He smiled warmly but you could feel from the way he squeezed your hand that he didn’t feel that way. The show went on without mercy and many questions were asked. You let Key answer the most of them and just smiled and said short sentences. The hosts said they understood because you weren’t used to being on TV and that it looked really cute when you did. That made you feel worse.


“We have to leave already.. How sad..” The hostess said and did a crying motion. You got up and waved and smiled at everyone while Key held your hand. The lights went off and you could finally leave the stage. Your knees were shaking when you got off and you sighed deeply. You weren’t the only one.


“I don’t know how you can act like that..” Key muttered, he had returned to his gloomy self that you had seen before. You blinked.


“You did really well too.. Mianhae..” He shook his head.


“You’re not the one that should be apologising.” You nodded and he leaned back against the wall. Within another second the rest of SHINee barged in and while Jonghyun clung to Key immediately, little Taemin clung to you.


“Noona gwenchana? You did really well. If I didn’t know I wouldn’t have believed it’s not like this.” You gave him a tired smile. You weren’t sure whether that was a good thing or not.


“Well at least we can become actors if this doesn’t work out.” Key said in a grumpy voice.


“Hyung is really gloomy..” Little Taemin muttered and glanced at Key, “hyung are you tired? Is there anything you need?” Key sighed and smiled softly.


“Mianhae.. I didn’t mean to be so grumpy with you all.. I just wish we didn’t have to do this..” You nodded.


“Mianhae Key.. How long do you think we need to last?” You asked, “it’s common for couples to break up due to pressure right?” You were sure Taemin had told you something about that. Key nodded.


“At least not yet! You two are amazingly popular! There’s so many blogs about the two of you and so many photo’s.. And most of the comments are really positive! You should wait with breaking up until the popularity drops.” The manager said, walking into the room all of the sudden. You frowned.


“I know that much. I was just wondering when that might be.” The manager frowned.


“I don’t know.. It could be a month, it could be half a year.. But I don’t think it’ll be longer than that.” Half a year?! You were sure you wouldn’t be able to cope with that. You phone buzzed. You glanced took it out of your pocket and opened the text message while turning so that no nosy boys could read it over your shoulder.


From: Jiyong


‘Hey there ^^ Are you done yet? Doesn’t matter if it is, I’m coming to get you right now, so don’t even think of going anywhere!’You smiled softly at it. That sounded perfectly like Jiyong. You texted him back quickly.


From: Ae


‘I’m done already! Where are you now? And why are you picking me up?’You send it and glanced at the others who were now staring at you.


“What?” You asked.


“Did Jaejoong hyung text you?” Jonghyun asked. You shook your head.


“Aniyoh.. Someone’s picking me up from here. He’ll be here soon.” Jonghyun frowned.


“Who is it? If it’s not Jaejoong.. It must be Taemin hyung right?” You shook your head and smiled victouriously. It felt good that they didn’t know.


“Then who is it? Tell me!” He let go of Key and walked closer, “who is it?” You smiled and shook your head. This was fun somewhere. Must be what Taemin feels when he plays tricks on people.


“A friend of mine.” Jonghyun pouted.


“But a friend of yours is a friend of ours too! Who is it? It’s someone famous right? Who is it? Who is it?!” You put your phone away and smiled calmly at Jonghyun who was giving you sad looks in the hope that it would work.


“It doesn’t really matter to you.” You said calmly. Jonghyun pulled your arm and tugged it.


“Why aren’t you telling me? Am I not special to you?” You smiled softly and petted his head.


“Of course you are, but I need my privacy as well.” He blinked.


“But, please?” You shook your head. He leaned close and thanks to his height the towered over you. He flashed a smirk that gave you a bad feeling.


“Jonghyun I am not going to tell you.” He smirked and blew hot air into your ear.


“Then I’m not going to let you go.” He whispered. You pushed him away rather harshly. He smirked and held up an electronic device. Your phone!


“You thief! Give me that!” He shook his head and held the phone above his head so you couldn’t reach it.


“It’s your own fault for not telling me.. Let’s see, Inbox.. The latest message.. Ah, it’s Jiyong hyung! Wait he’s from another company! How is it that you’re allowed to hang out with him?!” You jumped to reach your phone and triumphantically grabbed it out of his hand.


“I don’t work for SM Entertainment and I’m allowed to be friends with whoever I want as long as oppa approves of them. And Jiyong was his closest friend when he was a trainee so I’m pretty sure he’s okay with that.” You said while switching your phone off. Jonghyun glanced at you.


“Can I have you phone again?” You blinked.


“What? No you can’t! I need it!” He pouted and sighed.


“But I’m so bored.. Key! Will you help me get her phone?” Key shook his head.


“Aniyoh! It’s bad manners to steal a lady’s possession. You’re not getting dinner tonight.”


“That’s no fair you didn’t even warn me!” He turned to Minho, “will you help me?” Minho glanced at you and smirked.


“Yes.” You glared at him, “she still deserves punishment..” He got up which immediately showed how tall he was. You cocked your head back and changed your attitude to Taemin’s. ‘It’s for selfprotection. It’s necessary.’ You thought before sending them an icy look.


“What’s up with that you brat? What’s wrong with treating Tae a little? It’s not like you won’t do it if I’m not around so don’t play saint with me.”


“Yah! I came here to pick up Ae not her grumpy twin brother!” You switched back as you heard that voice and smiled.


“Jiyong!” He smiled.


“Now there’s a good girl. Come here, we’re leaving!” You smiled and walked up to him. As soon as you were within an arm’s distance he pulled you into a tight hug.


“Today we’re catching up on that amusement park. But inside, I heard it was going to freeze..” Jiyong told you. You nodded and tried to escape from his hug.


“Yah! How did you get in here?” Jonghyun exclaimed, glancing at his hyung who was smiling happily.


“Through the door. I just have to flash a smile and say ‘I’m here to meet a friend’ and they’ll let me in.” He said, he sounded awfully proud of himself.


“You’re so random Jiyong.. Let’s just go arasso? I still need to get that coat.” Jiyong let up and smiled at you in a way that showed you he had obviously taken care of it.


“No need. Your oppa has completed the quest of finding you a fashionable coat.” He held smiled and snapped his fingers. Someone walked in holding a beautiful coat that looked like it had been designed personally for you.


“Ah.. Gomawo..” You mumbled. He smiled and nudged you softly.


“Try it on! I want to see the results of my hard work!” You chuckled and put on the coat. It fit you surprisingly well and was very comfortable.


“It’s nice Jiyong..” He smiled and nodded.


“Yup. This definitely fits you. I think I did a good job. Praise me!” You laughed at his dorkiness.


“I already did! I said it was nice didn’t I? You’re such a poseur Jiyong..”


“If you’re done, could you save this kind of talk for outside? People might think there’s something between you.” Key said calmly, “and we all remember how well that went last time.” You bit your lip. At that moment you fully realised how hard it must be for Key to be dropped into this position.


“Mianhae..-” You started but Jiyong cut you short by placing a finger over your lips.


“I’m sorry Key. We’ll just leave now.” He said calmly and pulled you with him out of the room. There he stopped and turned to smile mischievously at the SHINee members.


“But you should all know that there really is something between me and Ae.. Bye now!” He ran off, dragging you with him.


“Yah what was that about?” You asked him, “they’re going to think bad things!” Jiyong laughed and stopped running. He opened a door that led to a small parking lot behind the building.


“There’s something between us. Friendship. These guys really need to relax a little more. Life’s no fun like this. Even if you are stuck in a bad position you shouldn’t give up on life! Have fun! And now you and me are going to live a little in the biggest amusement park that has a roof.” You smiled.


“Are you ready for roller coasters?” He grinned and pushed you inside the car.


“Of course I am! Do you even know what Taemin and I did in our spare time?” Your lips curved into a smile and you shook your head. You knew you were going to find out.


“Off to the roller coasters!” Jiyong started the car and smoothly drove past the fans waiting outside.


“Hurray for a commonlooking car!” He said happily and took a sharp turn. You yelped and clung to the seat. Jiyong smiled cheerfully but didn’t slow down. Instead he sped up and took a road you weren’t familiar with. After a nervewrecking drive you ended up in front of an indoors amusement park. Jiyong got out and helped you get out.


“We’re there! Let’s take a picture!” You smiled softly.


“Really? We’re not even inside yet!” Jiyong shrugged and pulled you closer while holding a camera in front of you.


“Smile!” You smiled and he snapped a picture.


“Jiyong you’re really addicted to photo’s aren’t you?” He shrugged and nodded.


“I’m addicted to being with friends. And I like to make memories of that. Another one for the album?” You chuckled and let him take a second picture on which you pouted in the cute manner you had seen Girls Generation do it. Jiyong patted your head.


“Are you going to get pictures from the rollercoasters too?” You asked curiously. He nodded.


“Yup. Did you know they can make mugs with those pictures? I want one!” You laughed and entered the amusement park. To your surprise there were very few people around, but then you realised the midterms were coming up so students and scholars were probably busy studying. ‘Good timing Jiyong.’ Jiyong dragged you through the entire amusement park and you had to go on every ride at least twice.


“I see oppa has had an effect on you?” You asked, trying to get your hair back the way it was supposed to be looking. Jiyong laughed and shook his head.


“I’m the one that affected him! Oh wait.. You’re his dongsaeng you know him too well to fall for that.” You laughed and he smiled.


“You’re really weird sometimes.. But in a good way. I’m happy we could do this.” Jiyong pouted.


“Yah! Don’t go all serious on me.. I was having fun!” He put his hands on your face and pulled it so you looked like you were smiling. That made you laugh.


“Arasso.. But I’m really thankful towards you.” He smiled.


“That’s fine by me. Let’s hang out a lot.. I really didn’t want to say it but if Taemin isn’t home, you can always come to me if you need a brother.. I promise I won’t be as overprotective! It’s just.. I hate being deep I can’t talk normally like this!” You chuckled and smiled.


“Gomawo. Mianhae but I think you’re going to have to put up with me a lot.. I really dislike having to keep up that stupid act. It’s because their manager threathened to end SHINee.. I can’t do that to someone with the same dream as oppa.” Jiyong sighed and patted your head.


“I knew there was something like that behind it. SM Entertainment really is the worst.. Join us! YG Entertainment is cool and takes good care of their idols!” You laughed and softly punched his shoulder.


“Aniyoh! What do I do if they try to stop me from hanging out with my brother?” Jiyong laughed.


“You didn’t even say boyfriend.. You’re more attached to Taemin than to Jaejoong, how cute.” You blushed and looked down. You had wanted to say that but it sounded too embarrassing.


“Anyway, it’s time to go home I’m afraid.. Taemin has been calling me.” You glanced at him, smiling innocently while he showed you 34 missed calls from Taemin. You gasped and checked your own phone. 58 missed calls. All from Taemin. You coughed and made a highpitched sound.


“He loves you more than me.. Meanie..” Jiyong said with a smirk, “as punishment, I’ll take you out for dinner. He’ll have to cook for himself!” You smiled softly.


“How many photo’s do you have from today?” He thought for a moment.


“I don’t know really. I think a little over thirthy. I’m hungry! It’s time for food!” You laughed as he dragged you along. You hoped you could see him more often when Taemin went on tour. Jiyong had the same warm feeling to him that Taemin had, only he was harder to anger and easier to calm down. ‘All in all Taemin but less trouble.’ Jiyong took you to a rather busy restaurant. You were curious about that and he explained that if it was crowded it would be easier to get away if something happened and the chance of someone recognising you was smaller as well. You nodded to that but couldn’t help and look around to see if people were staring at you.


“Ae, stop it.” You looked at Jiyong who had grabbed your hand, “no one’s watching. I promise. And if they are, I’ll protect you. So don’t worry.. I think it’s time for another photo.” You chuckled as he got up and asked someone to take a picture of the two of you. You smiled at him the moment the picture was taken. Jiyong thanked the man and put his camera away.


“See? He didn’t recognise you. I think Super Junior could eat dinner here without being recognised.” You chuckled and let it pass.


“Arasso. Jiyong, thanks for today. It was fun.”


“Of course it was. It’s always fun to be with me.” He said jokingly, “I’ll take you home after dinner, so stop worrying about things.” You smiled and a few minutes later dinner arrived. It tasted great and you enjoyed it very much. Every now and then Jiyong switched your plates because he wanted to taste what you were eating, but a few minutes later he was curious about ‘your new dish’ so he took back his old dish. You smiled at it and let him do as he pleased. It suited him perfectly.


Author's note: I reached chapter 90! And also 300 pages. I'm happy :)

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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P