Chapter 57

Are you drunk?


“Are we there yet?”
“No!! Shut up!” Taemin growled. You had trouble stopping yourself from laughing at him. The drive to the park was 30 minutes, you were now halfway there and every minute Junsu had asked at least once if you were there yet. Changmin beside you was also containing his laughter.
“Really Junsu you’d say you’re the manknae.” He said. He sounded really serious, but you could see he was joking. Junsu pouted at him and you smiled because this actually proved Changmin’s point. You then remembered Taemin’s contend face when he came back from chasing Yoochun.
“Oppa, what happened to Yoochun?” You asked curiously, a little worried he might have gone too far.
“Nothing too bad.. He hid in the house and locked the door before I could get to him.. But I think I gave him a good scare. He won’t come close to you for a while now.” Taemin said contendly.
“I doubt that, but today he’ll stay away I think.” Changmin said, “Yoochun’s an idiot, he’ll have forgotten about it tomorrow. Good thing he doesn’t know where we’re heading.” You nodded.
“Are we there yet?”
“No!!” Both Taemin and Changmin yelled. You giggled.
“Junsu let’s play rock-paper-scissors until we get there.” You offered.
“What are we playing for?” Junsu asked with a grin.
“Who gets to drag Changmin to the first rollercoaster of their choice.” Changmin coughed beside you, obviously not agreeing with you, but Junsu ignored him and you played happily. At the end you have won 23 rounds where Junsu had won 22 rounds. He pouted sadly as you got out of the car.
“We’re here. You’re going to like my first pick.” You said happily while dragging Changmin along who seemed to be feeling a little ill. He couldn’t help it, you and Junsu had been talking about the rides you wanted to take and most of them were higher than twenty feet. After paying the entrance you skipped to the first ride. It was rather quiet here, the amusement park had only opened a few months ago so it wasn’t as populair, but it was fine for you. You noticed there were mostly young children, and that was fine because they wouldn’t recognize you.
“That one!” You pointed at a ride and Changmin blinked as he stared at you.
“Really? You get to pick the most horrifying kick-in-the-stomache-ride and you pick this one? The Pink Princess Parade?” You laughed at his face and a smile formed on Junsu’s face.
“Yup! Junsu, make a picture of us please?” You asked while handing him the camera. Junsu nodded, trying not to laugh at Changmin’s suffering. Changmin glanced at his shoes and you got the two of you in line.
“You two really want to go in?” The operator asked while raising his eyebrow. You happily glomped Changmin’s arm and nodded.
“Yup! Please ahjusshi?” He nodded.
“It’s just a little weird.. But have fun!” You nodded. ‘We will.’ You thought while sitting on one of the horses of the pink merry-go-round. Changmin sat down next to you on the purple horse beside your pink horse.
“Do you really hate me?” He asked, absolutely embarassed. You shook your head.
“I thought it would be fun to see you loose up a little. So loose up. We’re here for fun, not obligations. And besides, after this you’ll be fine with any ride.” He nodded.
“I guess.. Please hold my hand, I’m scared.” He said jokingly. You laughed and reached out. He entwined his fingers with yours and you sat like that the whole ride, smiling all the way through. Junsu snapped a picture of you and Changmin smiling happily at each other.
“Yoochun wouldn’t dare laugh at you since I’m here too.” You said.
“I’m not worried about being laughed at by a guy who runs for his life when Taemin looks at him.” Changmin said and stuck out his tongue. You laughed and got off the merry-go-round.
“That was fun!” You said, “do you want to go too oppa?” You asked. Taemin shook his head.
“Mianhae Ae.. I have a reputation to keep up.” You turned to Junsu and gave him the most pleading look you could.
“Junsu oppa, please go on the ride with me?” He squeeked. 
“But I have to.. I can’t just..” he sighed when you didn’t stop giving him begging looks, “fine.”
“Yaay!” You secretly gave Changmin the camera while getting back in line. The operater just smirked at you when he saw you again.
“Enjoy!” He said happily. You nodded and sat down in a swan that could fit two persons. You dragged Junsu with you and he unhappily sat down in the swan.
“Taemin will kill me.” He muttered, “and they’ll all laugh at me.” You shook your head.
“Nope, I’m with you, they wouldn’t dare laugh at me.” You said happily, “because Taemin would kill them.” You waved at Changmin, who happily waved back. Junsu smiled softly and waved too.
“Yoochun is going to be really jealous.. I’m sure he would have wanted to go here with you too. Hug me! I want to make him even more jealous!” You smiled and hugged him happily. You knew Changmin took a picture. 
“Yah! Ae why are you so close to him?” Taemin called unhappily.
“It’s Yoochun’s punishment! And you’re being punished too because you didn’t go on the ride with me!” You yelled at him and stuck out your tongue.Taemin smirked and you knew you were going on the largest rollercoaster of the park when you got out.
“Let’s go!” Taemin said, almost skipping to the rollercoaster which had been named Death Ride. With a name like that, you imagined it to be really big, really high and thrilling. You were right. Changmin shivered almost invisibly behind you and even you were taken aback by the enormous track.
(since I can’t describe it, here’s a video so you can see what Changmin’s so extremely afraid of: (ignore the talking people) )You gulped, but ignored the feeling in your stomache.
“Last one in had to do the dishes!” You yelled and raced Taemin for the entrance. Some time later you noticed Junsu behind you.
“Changmin didn’t come?” You asked. Junsu shook his head. You sighed.
“But I really wanted him to.. After this one, you’re never going to be scared of any other roller coaster.” Junsu shrugged.
“Well it is the tallest roller coaster in the world.” He said. You pouted at Changmin who was standing outside.
“Please?” You begged. He shook his head and pointed at the track above you.
“Please??” You tried again, “I’ll love you forever oppa!” Taemin raised an eyebrow and you nudged him. Changmin sighed and followed you. You smiled and took his hand.
“I really don’t like this..” He said. He repeated that about ten times before you actually got in. Taemin wanted to sit in the front row, and you wanted to sit with him, but you didn’t want to leave Changmin alone.
“Mianhae oppa, I’ll sit with you next time.” You said and gave him a hug before sitting down behind him with Changmin next to you. He looked ready to cry. You rubbed his hand.
“Gokjonghajima, I’m here.” You said, but you were sure it wasn’t very convincing. The roller coaster was 456 feet tall. 
“Squeeze my hand if you get scared.” Changmin immediately squeezed your hand and shut his eyes tightly when the countdown started. You felt a rush when you started and squeezed Changmin back. The cart slowed down a little before reaching the top, you could see the depth below you. Changmin squeezed your hand, he had opened his eyes and was looking rather pale. Then the cart dropped. In front of you Taemin screamed in excitement, not the least bit scared. You laughed happily while the cart slowed down.
“That was awesome! I want to go again!” Taemin yelled in front of you. You glanced at Changmin and patted his head.
“See, you’re fine.” He nodded and smiled.
“Thanks, it’s really exciting.. I just had to get over myself.” You smiled and got out. You grabbed Taemin’s hand and ran back to the line for the front row. Taemin smiled happily as you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Oppa we’re going to have a blast today!” He nodded and you both sat down in the front seat.
“I’m so scared..” You heard someone say behind you. You turned half (as good as possible since you were strapped to your seat as tight as possible) and saw a girl aged around 14 behind you. You smiled at her.
“It’s going to be a lot of fun!” You whispered. She smiled at you, still scared. Then you had no more time to talk. As on cue you an Taemin raised your arms while being launched. You screamed as hard as you could when the drop came and was still catching your breath when you got out.
“I love this!” You yelled happily and skipped to find Junsu and Changmin drinking some coffee.
“I want to pick the next one!” Junsu exclaimed. Taemin nodded, he knew Junsu would pick a good one. He did, he chose the roller coaster with the sharpest turns. Changmin hid his face while going up, but ended up enjoying the ride like you and Taemin did. After that the park started getting more crowded and you had to wait longer. After ten more rollercoasters Changmin called a stop because he was hungry.
“I’m hungry too.. Let’s go eat!” Taemin cheered happily. The park had it’s own restaurant where you all sat down, talking about which ride had been the best. Taemin and you agreed it was a ride called Death’s Gate, a long ride that started with a drop into a dark tunnel with lots of sharp turns to which a few loops followed when you suddenly left the tunnel so it seemed like you were tossed in the air and after a last short turn downwards it ended. Junsu thought it was the ride he first picked which was also the longest ride in the park.
“Changmin you agree with me right?” Junsu asked cutely but Changmin was too busy devouring his food to pay attention.
“Therefore I declare Death’s Gate the winner. Better luck next time.” Taemin said happily and sipped his soda, “I love this place!” You nodded and leaned back. Today was so relaxing!
“Taemin hyung is that you?” Or not? You turned to the direction of the sound and saw little Taemin at a near table. He smiled when he noticed you.
“Hi there hyung!” He said happily and you smiled.
“Ahnyeong Taemin-ah. You came here too?” He nodded.
“I came with Jonghyun and Minho, but Jonghyun is still trying to convince Key to come too. Key doesn’t like roller coasters, they mess up his hair.” You chuckled at that, of course.
“He deserves it! Where’s Jonghyun I want to help him!” You said, Taemin beside you noticed the evil undertone in your voice.
“Dongsaeng what did Key do to deserve torture?” You blushed.
“He put make up on me! While I was pretending to be a guy!” You said. Taemin smirked behind you.
“Now where’s that Key you speak of, little me?”
Author's note: I wouldn't want to be the combined Taemin's victim if he's smiling like that :P
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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P