Chapter 7 REDONE

Are you drunk?

Author's note: Here too are two chapters fused into one. I have a feeling that once I'm done rewriting it there won't be 100 chapters left. 

"Taeminnie~ Wake up." As soft at that voice was, your head hurt. You groaned and tried to push the suspected owner away. The only result was a soft chuckle from him when you jerked your hand back at feeling a rather toned male chest. Yunho.

"Go away.." You mumbled, opening one eye to glare at him. It was difficult enough to get up with a headache and pretending to be Taemin. Having a bunch of guys in the house whilst you needed to get dressed made things very difficult for you.

"Don’t be like that to your hyung. I am hungry, so cook for me." He simply chuckled and tugged on the sheets. Panicking slightly you pulled them up harder and snarled at him.

"Go home if you’re hungry. No need to bother me.."

"I am your hyung. You have to listen to me when I ask you something." Yunho continued with a more stern voice, nudging you through the blanket.

"I didn’t let you stay over because I’m applying to be your servant. Stop nudging me, I was in a car accident you idiot." You repeated, trying to protect your body. Though it might not be visible, cold sweat was on your back. Yunho couldn’t find out that you were a girl. That was too much. You swallowed and nudged him slightly to move him away from you.

"No need to be so rude about it.. Why won’t you at least get up?" It didn’t suit him that he was acting cutesy. You glanced over him and confirmed to yourself that it definitely beyond any doubt did not suit him in the slightest.

"Because I want to sleep." You mumbled and turned away from him in the hope that he might somehow leave you. That revealed itself to be a bad idea when Yunho climbed onto the bed and leaned down, whispering into your ear.

"Either you get up now Taemin, or I’ll stick my tongue into your ear." At this news your eyes widened and you turned, trying to stay under the blankets as you shoved him.

"Get out! I’ll be up in five minutes!" You yelled. Surprisingly your voice was rather low and so it still sounded like Taemin. Yunho just laughed and moved away.

"Five minutes, Taemin." He repeated, wagging a finger back and forth as if he was lecturing you. Then he turned to walk out of the room.

"What is wrong with you?! Stay away from me you creep!" You snarled and threw a pillow after him that unfortunately only ended up hitting the door. Frustrated and still scared you quickly pulled yourself into your disguise, making sure to bandage your chest well. Who would have thought that Yunho would be such a ert?

When you walked into the room you noticed that Changmin was also there, sipping a cup of coffee. He raised one hand to greet you and then went back to sipping his coffee on Taemin’s couch. Mentally you warned him not to spill anything but physically you did your best not to encourage creepy behaviour from him as well.

"Are all of you going to make use of my provisions?" You groaned as you walked into the kitchen, deciding to give Yunho the poorest kind of breakfast that you could cook up. For one because Taemin didn’t usually cook and for seconds because Yunho was a ert.

"I thought you’d say that, so I brought our own coffee. I even made you a cup, too. It’s on the table." Changmin replied to you from the kitchen. You raised an eyebrow but decided not to question it. After handing Yunho a small bowl of the porridge you took the cup of coffee made for you and sniffed it before sitting across from Changmin. It seemed to be okay, nor did Changmin snicker when you sipped it. It must not have been spit in. Now that was someone you could live along with, except for the fact that he was still a danger.

"Changmin hyung." You started once you realized you had no way of getting to the company. "Will you drive me today? My back isn’t in great shape."

"Sure. We work in the same place after all." He replied and finished his coffee. "Sure I’ll drive you."

The manager informed you that instead of just doing some activities together with DBSK, he intended for you to do a show together with them. The news was frustrating for you but you didn’t get a say in the matter. The manager found it easy to threaten you with Taemin, saying that you put a heavy burden on him. And if you couldn’t do it, he said, you should have never come. Thus you agreed to it and started working. For days you practiced from early mornings to late evenings, growing more tired every day.

"Ah I’m so tired.." You sighed deeply as you dragged yourself to Taemin’s couch. Your body was sore but now it was sore from practicing instead of the accident. Right now you couldn’t be bothered to even make your way to the bedroom. Just as you were about to fall asleep you heard a knock on the door. Rubbing your eyes to stay awake you made your way to the door where you found Yunho. He looked strangely antsy at the moment.

"Mind telling me what’s going on?" You mumbled, still sleepy.

"Hide me!" Yunho begged, he seemed to be in distress. Surprised you raised an eyebrow, starting to wake up more and more.

"From what exactly? Are you leading anyone to my home?" You groaned, fairly suspicious of his behaviour. He grabbed hold of your arm and squeezed it gently.

"Can you just please hide me? I’ll explain it all. Just hide me!" Just because he sounded so sincere in his worry, you stepped aside to let him enter. As soon as he had entered he slammed the door shut behind him and locked it. He was acting weird but you shrugged it off for now and pulled him with you to the kitchen to have him explain what was going on.

Yunho sighed as he sipped a cup of tea that you’d made for him and leaned his head on his hand. Now that you looked at him he seemed to be feeling really bad. As he raised his head again he started talking. As you listened to his story your cheeks started to flare up slightly.

"I was preparing to leave when suddenly someone knocked on our door. I opened it and found Jaejoong’s girlfriend. She said that Jaejoong had told her to meet up with her there and asked if she could wait inside. So I let her in. I was just finishing off packing when she came up to me and started rubbing my arms like this," Yunho demonstrated by rubbing your arm rather slowly, "so I naturally asked her to stop. Then when I just walked away from her she grabbed me and said she liked me. Taemin-ah.. Even though Jaejoong’s my friend, she told me that if I didn’t listen to her she’d tell him that I hurt her."

As Yunho stopped talking and looked at you hopefully you clenched your hands to fists. Taemin didn’t like Jaejoong and you didn’t know how to feel about him either, but it was a bad thing of her to treat him and Yunho like this. Finally you nodded and squeezed his hand.

"I’ll hide you here and I’ll make sure you won’t be alone with her." You told him. The both of you froze when the doorbell rang. You both knew it was her. After giving Yunho the chance to run and hide in the bathroom you got up and headed to the door.

"Why are you here?" You asked in the coldest tone you could manage. Jaejoong’s girlfriend, Lin, tried immediately to enter the house, but you pushed the door further closed and repeated your question louder. She looked up at you surprised.

"Taemin oppa, Yunho oppa is here too isn’t he? He just ran out on me!" She called out and hit your chest lightly. It stung and you bit your tongue, making yourself taller.

"What’s it to you where he is right now? I have nothing to do with whatever mess you make with him. Where’s Jaejoong hyung by the way?" You made sure to make your voice sound as accusing as you could. She deserved that. Her thin eyebrows pushed together to make a frown, making her face almost scary.

"Now listen to me oppa.. Yunho oppa and I were talking when he bolted out and I deserve that he gives me an apology. So just let me come in." What a strange, strange girl. You bit your lip and narrowed your eyes.

"Don’t you think you’re being too much now? Why are you dating Jaejoong hyung if you’re going to treat him like this?" You felt strange after bringing that up. You wanted to convince yourself that Jaejoong didn’t matter to you, but you felt strongly that this wasn’t the right way for her to treat him. Suddenly Lin’s expression changed again.

"Taemin oppa, you’re so strange! I still think you’re cool, too." She giggled, "and Yunho oppa too. That’s why I like him now. Now will you let me in or do I have to tell oppa to beat you up?" What the hell was wrong with her?

"Go ahead and do that, and then I’ll tell him about your cheating adventure. Yunho and Jaejoong hyungs have known each other for years. I don’t think he’ll believe you over us both." You slammed the door closed and locked it before turning to go find Yunho.

"She’s gone hyung.. You’re safe now." You called out. Yunho turned around a corner, staring at you intensely. Your stomach turned and you crossed your arms.

"Pabo, what’s wrong with you?" You tried to make yourself sound convincing, but he just walked up to you slowly, grabbing your shoulders.

"Who are you?!" He yelled and shook you lightly. You had suspected that he would react strongly when finding out you weren’t Taemin, but you didn’t think he’d become violent. Your heart pounded and you bit your tongue harshly.

"What are you talking about?! You know who I am!" You said it but it was in vain. Yunho frowned and stepped back.

"Who are you? You’re not Taemin, you’re not even a guy!" You tried to step back but found your back hitting against the wall.

"I’ll explain everything to you. Please don’t tell anyone.." You muttered in your own voice and dropped you head. It was over. You had been found out. Taemin..

"Let’s hear it then? Who are you?" His voice remained cold. You sighed and turned away from him slightly, glancing at a picture of Taemin in the corner.

"For the most part, I haven’t lied to you. I am the one who should have been in the hospital. Taemin is my oppa. We are twins, that’s why we look alike." You sat down on the couch and kept your eyes away from Yunho. "Taemin and I haven’t seen each other for a long time. A week ago he came home suddenly. I was happy to see him. We were driving home together when another car hit us. Oppa always protected me and even when his own life was at risk, he didn’t hesitate for even a moment and shielded me from the blow."

You stopped talking for a moment as you became overwhelmed with your emotions. To repress the tears you pressed your hands over your eyes. Your shoulders shook in a silent sob. As the weight on the couch shifted you could tell that Yunho sat down beside you.

"Taemin.. Oppa is in the hospital right now. Five of his ribs are broken. I knew that if he stayed there he wouldn’t have a moment of rest. So I said that I would take his place." You swallowed to try and remove the lump in your throat before looking for your passport, handing it to Yunho. "He protested at first but he trusted me to do this. My oppa worked hard to protect me all my life. Please just let me stay here and repay him, until he is better. Taemin deserves this time.. He shouldn’t have to always be strong."

With that your story finished. You raised your head to look at Yunho, wiping the few tears that had escaped you by accident. For a few painful moments Yunho stared at you. Then he reached out and brushed a hand over your cheek, his thumb brushing away your tears.

"I don’t see lies in your eyes. You’re kind of cute like that.. When you’re not pretending to be that of a brother of yours." He smiled and patted your shoulder softly. You pouted, offended at his words. It only made him laugh.

"I love my oppa, that’s why I’m here." You muttered and crossed your arms. Much to your surprise Yunho pulled you towards him and wrapped his arms around you.

"It’s alright, I understand now.." He muttered, "I said it before.. I also have a sister. I know what I would do to protect her. I can understand you."

After a few dazed moments you sat up again, rubbing your face. It was weird of him to hug you like that, but for now it was okay. He was strong, like Taemin was, and that comforted you a little. Sighing you rested your head on your hands, asking Yunho to confirm that he would help you protect your secret and not tell anyone else. Though he made it clear it wasn’t the best idea for you to be here in place of Taemin he did promise to keep your secret and help you guard it.

"But if you aren’t him, what have you been doing these days?" He asked, "I have seen you train after all. It isn’t any of my business of course. I’m just curious why you look so exhausted these days." You chuckled at that and rubbed your neck.

"The manager was upset with me because I’m not breaking character, so he told me he wants me to do activities. You guys are involved in that. I guess he wants to use me to establish a publicly good relationship between Dong Bang Shin Ki and Taemin." You muttered. It had appeared plausible to you that it was the reason why they had to be involved. Taemin would never let anyone manipulate him into making peace with Jaejoong. Taemin was a fighter.

"You must be under some pressure then." Yunho eyed you, "I can’t believe I didn’t notice from the start. You’re actually beautiful." His compliments made your stomach turn. Could anyone see it then? You bit your tongue. Why was he treating you so differently upon realizing you were a girl? It made things more complicated and you couldn’t use more complication.


"You weren’t supposed to know. Why did you notice anyway?" You prioritized. Nobody else could find out, or you would be in for a huge disaster. Yunho shrugged his shoulders and pointed at the bathroom.

"The laundry. You should make sure that nobody else sees it." You nodded and made a notion before walking to the bathroom to hide your laundry. You would definitely have to stop wearing any kind of girly clothing. You shuddered as you thought of Taemin’s underwear. No matter how close you were, you did not want to wear his underpants. You would have to buy some. With a sigh you stuffed your laundry in a plastic bag and hid it under your bed. As you moved around you noticed Yunho following you around. He had a bit of a strange look in his eyes.

"Pabo.. What is it?" You scoffed at him in Taemin’s voice. He shook, visibly unpleased by the contrast of your gender and Taemin’s voice.

"Could you not do that while we’re alone? It’s..- It confuses me. And.. Can I stay here for the night? I know it’s really awkward..-" Annoyed you rolled your eyes. For someone as famous as he was, he needed to learn some acting skills.

"You’ve stayed over before! It wasn’t awkward then, it won’t be awkward now as long as you don’t climb into my bed tomorrow." You lectured him before smiling, "Would you like some tea?" Yunho seemed awestruck and nodded slowly, following you again to the kitchen. He kept mumbling about telling you apart but silenced himself whenever you turned to him.


"It’s because of Lin, I just remembered she’s staying in our place." Yunho said, becoming more serious. That you could understand. Lin was scary to you. In fact you would be surprised if she wasn’t featured in a nightmare anytime soon. After a short debate you convinced Yunho to keep up the act with you and even pretend that you were Taemin when you were alone, you decided to play another game. Somehow it felt as if he was letting you win now. The doorbell disturbed your focus and the car you had been racing with pummeled into a cliff. Yunho looked just as worried as you felt.

"What if it’s her?" He spoke your thoughts. After a few moments you smirked like Taemin would, gathering the courage that spread a warm feeling inside you. You were Taemin.


"Don’t worry. Girls are not allowed in my home." You spoke with Taemin’s voice before getting up.  

"And you, keep your act up!" You warned Yunho before unlocking the door to open it in Taemins fashion. On the other side stood the other guys and Lin, who smiled at you when Jaejoong started speaking. You repressed a flinch and concentrated on Jaejoong.

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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P