Chapter 5 REDONE

Are you drunk?

"Is that all clear?" The manager asked. You nodded but inside your head you were still dizzy from all the information you had just recieved. Taemin was working on a new album but he was also going to be in a movie which would start filming only shortly after Taemin’s tour after he released his new album. In other words, you were really, really busy. Almost too busy to be on the show even. As agreed your body was still sore from the accident and it would make a proper excuse to almost anything from hugs to waving to bowing to anything you weren’t sure on how to act properly.

"So, what do I say if they ask me to sing?" You asked while talking you tried to adapt your voice to sound like that of Taemin. It was never truly perfect so you had to keep working on it. You knew you could sing Taemin’s songs but you doubted you could sing with your brothers voice. Singing wasn’t like talking.

"Decline. Say you have to save your voice for the recording session." Came the rather blunt reply from Taemin’s manager. His expression seemed a little sour.

"Which is inexistent?" You asked, just to be sure. The look on his face darkened a little as he crossed his arms.

"Indeed." Such a cold answer. It was said in a very informal manner too. You felt bad for Taemin having to deal with this. Then again Taemin wasn’t someone who let anyone get to him. You should become like him in that way, too.

"Got it, sir." You felt a little sick agreeing to this. Everyone who had paid money to be there and see you was actually only shown a replica. You were conning people into this and that felt horrible. Taemin needed his rest, you convinced yourself. The image flashed by your eyes again.  Poor thing.

"Don’t be so stiff. Taemin is a confident guy who makes a lot of jokes without caring too much if he hurts someone’s feelings!” But you did care if you hurt anyone’s feelings. You nodded while trying not to sigh and turned your attention to the stage from where you could hear a sound. The announcer was talking about Taemin. You felt sick with nerves.

"Welcome! Hello listeners and viewers! We have our first guest of the day!" A rather large man got of his chair as you walked onto the stage as confidently as you could. You felt so nervous that you didn’t even remember to bow to him until he made a joke about it. With a grin you made a slight bow.

"It’s that I know fans would be unhappy if I said anything about you.. Please say hello to everyone!" He smiled as he subtly showed you where the cameras were. The people in here worried you. The manager had never told you that this would be a live show. With a short glance in his direction you could see him grin. ‘Well then.. I’ll show you what I’m made of.’

"Annyeonghaseyo, Taemin imnida." You greeted the audience. There was a slight smirk that had crawled up on your face just like you’d seen it on Taemin’s. The fans cheered loudly and you felt a hint of joy.

"This guy, really! It’s sending chills down my spine." The host laughed, "my name is Park Chun, I’m the host of this show!" ‘As if they don’t know that.’ You smirked and waved at the crowd as you sat down.

"Now, Taemin. I can call you Taemin can’t I? We’re so really close after all!" He paused to look at you with a still nervous grin on his face. Oh? You straightened your back.

"Go on?” You grinned, having trouble not to laugh. You were starting to enjoy this act a little more. Being careless about greeting people felt great. That must be why Taemin did it.

"All of us are really glad to see you. There were some rumors that you wouldn’t be visiting us at first! Because of your accident recently. You seem to be doing good, how are you feeling?" Your stomach almost turned. Taemin. The grin on your face turned to a grimace for a  split second, which the audience seemed to confuse with agony.

"Fine." Came your one worded reply. “I’m fine.” You added when you noticed how stiff that sounded. The audience cheered again and you swore you could hear some “Oppa hwaiting!”s.

"This is the first time you’re on this show, right?" What basic questions. Was there really anything to be nervous about in the first place? You covered your mouth as a chuckle came out. You tried to make it sound as Taemin-like as you could. Everyone seemed to buy it.


"Are you nervous?" About what really? You shrugged before replying to him.

"Not at all." This caused the audience to laugh. Then you shot them a wink which resulted in them cheering. Fanservice was easy. Taemin didn’t do a lot of it though, so you should try and tone it down.

"You’re more of a crowd pleaser today. How’s everyone enjoying themselves?" Chun asked the crowded audience. Laughter erupted from the fans who waved their lightsticks and held up signs with Taemin’s name on it. It was surprising you how easy it was to think of them as your own. In a way that was pretty terrifying.

"The question we all want an answer to. You had a bit of a fall out with DBSK’s Jaejoong a while ago. How are the two of you getting along?" Chun continued, facing you again. You bit your lip for a second, realized there was make up on it and let go. Chun seemed really like a shark who smelled blood, to jump on your reaction. Media. Poor Taemin.

"Why are all of you so obsessed with that? I’ve been asked this question a lot of times." You spoke as you took the microphone close to your mouth, “I really want to clarify this. Jaejoong and I get along fine, but neither of us are really physical people.” That might have been one of the biggest lies you ever told anyone. Jaejoong seemed to dislike Taemin with the intensity of the sun. Then again, he did show you a nicer side the day before. And talking bad about him in front of whole Korea was a terrible idea.

"So, now we are calling a fan of yours up here." Chun interrupted your thoughts. A fan?! Your eyes widened for a second. No! How were you supposed to deal with that? It was hard enough talking to a crowd full of people. Your exterior seemed to have been frozen in place as you tried hard to calm yourself.

"So, Yuri, how long have you been a fan of Taemin?" Chun asked. You had hardly noticed the fan coming up stage. She wore a bracelet around her neck with Taemin’s name spelled out on it and couldn’t stop laughing.

"Ever since his first single came out. I still love it!" Her voice cracked a little as she spoke. You couldn’t help but smile a little. Taemin’s fans weren’t only like the crazy people who stole phones. There were cute ones amongst them, too.

"I believe that the first album was called ‘First adventure’, but your first single appeared almost six months before that. It was called ‘Break free’ if I remember correctly. Would you sing a part of it for her?" Chun asked you, summarizing a little for the newer fans. Oddly enough you actually wanted to sing this song. It was a song that had been written when Taemin had more time to spend with you. This song in particular had shocked the nation because of the message, but you adored it. Singing it in Taemin’s voice was possible for you. You’d heard Taemin sing it many times. You had even sung it before. You could do this.

"He can’t, he has a recording session." Taemin’s manager interjected quickly from the side of the stage. When you noticed the fan’s expression drop a little you only felt more fired up to do it. First they were given a fake Taemin and now no performance? That really wouldn’t do.

"Don’t frown Yuri-ah," You spoke as you rose from your chair, "I can sing for my fans no matter how many recording sessions I have." And the manager should be understanding of that. He didn’t seem to like your decision but he couldn’t do anything in the middle of recording a live. Scoldings would have to wait, you smirked.

"It seems like Taemin is overruling his manager’s decision. You’re much more of a fan pleaser than I thought." Chun laughed. You could see the nervous exchange between him and the manager who was making rather violent ‘no’ signs towards you.

"If it’s for my fans, I have to do it." You spoke in your phone. Through the excitement you could scarcely feel your nerves. Fans deserve a performance. With that you opened your mouth and started singing. As much as you could you poured your everything into the song whilst still trying to sound masculine. While the song progressed it became easier. You were Taemin’s sister after all. There had to be a rebel inside you even if it was buried under years and years of rules and restrictions.

"Break free." You took a deep breath when you finished the song. Everyone’s eyes were on you as it remained silent for a second that lasted eternity. Had you messed up? Did you sound too much like a girl? No. A loud cheer came from the audience and the fan who was still on stage was just staring at you with shimmering eyes. A grin spread over your face. You’d done it.

"Thank you so much oppa." She whispered as she was handed a microphone again by Chun. He looked at you expectantly. "Can I have a hug?" Oh no. You frowned as she seemed to shy away a little after your rejection.

"Taemin, you rejected a hug from your fan just now. Can you tell us why you did that?" Chun asked you with a grave expression like it was a crime you didn’t want to hug a total stranger. You raised an eyebrow as you tried to think of something logical. A light pain in your back provided a good answer for you.

"Did you forget what we talking about when I just walked in here?" You questioned him as you moved your hand over your chest and lower stomach. "I was in a car accident not too long ago. I’m sorry but my body is still healing too much." And it’s female. Chun nodded gravely as he realized his mistake and made an apologetic bow to the fans who seemed unpleased with his insinuations.

"I’m sorry Taemin. Yuri-ah do you have anything else you want to say to Taemin?"

"I have your album with me that I’ve had for a few years. Could I have your sign?" A sign. You glanced over at her hopeful face, then glanced at the manager who seemed to think this was justice for you disobedience before. What a jerk. You couldn’t sign anything pretending to be Taemin. That poor girl.

"I will sign it for you." You couldn’t help but choke out as she stared at you hopefully, "If you bring it to the fan meet of my next concert. I’ll be able to give you a prettier sign because my arm right now is not good." At least it would buy you some time. Sneaking a glance over at the manager you took a step closer to the girl. "Come to my concert, okay?"

"You’re acting like a bad boy again. It’s really your type." Chun half laughed. You just hoped that he wouldn’t try to manipulate anything more, these live shows were really hard to handle just as that. The fan seemed to be understanding and was still smiling as you had practically invited her personally. Maybe you could get people to give her a ticket to the next concert Taemin would be given. Would Taemin be watching this show?

"There is another question that we’re all thinking about right now. Recently you were close to IU. Is there anything between the two of you?" That question wasn’t one you were prepared for in the least. How would you know anything about Taemin’s private life? He never had time to talk to you about it. Right now all you could do was deny it. It would keep both Taemin and IU out of trouble.

"Ah that.." You tried hard not to sneak a glance at the manager for a hint. It would be taken badly. "I have a lot of things happening right now. I think everyone knows that I’ll be doing a movie soon and I’m also working on a new album. Besides that my loyalty lies with my fans.” With that last sentence you gave the audience a wink which got them to cheer again.

"Of course. We wish you good luck with your movie and everyone will be looking forward to your acting." At last the interview was ending. You said goodbye to the audience and tried not to hurry off stage too fast. It was the most exhausting thing you’d ever done but you had a feeling things were about to get worse. The manager was currently talking to Chun and exchanged some words with the fan that had been up stage. When he was done he marched up to you looking very angry.

"Why can’t you even take the simplest of orders?! You’re really lucky that..- Do you even have any idea how much that scared me? We would have been in a lot of trouble if your voice," He glanced around nervously to see if anyone was listening, "if your voice failed us?! Why didn’t you tell me that your voice was like this? I would appreciate it if you tell me these sort of things up front Taemin!"

"Well you kind of dumped me in the deep there too! You never mentioned IU to me! I wasn’t prepared for that! So that makes us even." You sighed, too tired to fight over this. "Besides, wouldn’t it have been stranger if Taemin..- If I refused to sing rather than if my voice was strange? I was in a car accident. Things happen." The manager didn’t look convinced but he seemed to be about as tired as you and nodded.

"I know. But there is something that’s becoming more of a problem now. You can sing, so clearly the car accident didn’t affect you. It means that you have no excuse not to sing. I was trying to protect you like this." The managed sighed as he motioned for you to follow him. "You’re going to have to do more if you seem to have recovered this well."

He had a very excellent point there. You sighed and brushed a hand through your hair. You would probably end up doing a lot more than just making sure people thought Taemin was walking around. Before you got a chance to think it over any further your phone rang. Taemin.

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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P